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58459781 No.58459781 [Reply] [Original]

They are pushing the prices higher and higher each year by squeezing working Americans, with no actual increase in productivity. But there's only so much you can squeeze before nobody can afford anything. You can only lower wages so much. You can only raise prices so much.

>> No.58459783

SPX has no ceiling because USD has no floor. They're going to print themselves out of any recession at your expense.

>> No.58459860

why would anyone buy cabbage?

>> No.58459910

it's lettuce

>> No.58460071

>But there's only so much you can squeeze before nobody can afford anything. You can only lower wages so much. You can only raise prices so much.
If this is true then why would it crash?

>> No.58460083

you are thinking about this as if there's a limit to how bad things can get.

>> No.58460102
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Eventually if people can't afford to pay cash, use a bunch of debt and start defaulting on that debt the system will collapse. If the standard of living slips too far the US and Canada are going to become Brazil and never recover. When this happens other countries will stop seeing USD as a stable currency (it's already slowly happening) and it will be a further death spiral. The US is going to fall from the world stage, it seems inevitable at this point. The stock market will go with it. It won't completely die, but it won't rally as hard either.

Remember the US killed Saddam (wanted to sell barrels of oil denominated in Euro instead of USD) and Qaddafi (wanted to create a gold-backed Pan-African currency) to protect the integrity of the USD because even the golems running this place realize how fragile we are, but they really overdid it printing money during Coof-19.

IMO the only thing that would help the US is to drastically remove themselves from world conflicts, lean out the US budget, focus on strong internal defense, audit corrupt in the government and for average Americans to become more financially independent (entrepreneurs, etc.) and let these giant monoliths rot and die. That won't happen though, it has never ever happened in history. Empires rise, rot, fall and die. Humans just can't help themselves, see pic related.

>> No.58460115
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Maybe you should skip the onions latte and be mad at the people who gave you the participation medals, ye brat

>> No.58460117

You're right, the hard part is trying to time this. I'm a leaf and I panicked after all the extreme printing and transfered all my wealth into btc. I'm betting against the USD hegemony but I'm aware this loss of reserve currency status could take a decade to play out.

>> No.58460163

the S&P goes up because those are high growth companies.

>> No.58460171

Worst part is crypto was supposed to keep you safe during these times but it will dump the hardest because people will rush to the exit to buy essentials. Would be a great time to scoop it all up but with what, fiat lol?

>> No.58460176

Wrong logic, inequality means forever rising stock markets and losing dollar value

>> No.58460178

>prices will go higher
>wages will stagnate
>inflation will rise
>bills will be passed that devastate the middle class
>you will spend your life in indentured servitude to a system that hates you
>you will rent until you die
>you will own nothing and be happy about it or risk getting cut off
This is your future and you wont do shit to change it.

>> No.58460181
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>you wont do shit to change it.
I read this line a lot, is it a glownigger line?

>> No.58460211

>is it a glownigger line?
No. It's a wakeup call. A glownigger line would be "...and thats why you should shoot up a school/walmart/starbucks"

>> No.58460257

you can keep waiting all your life for a crash that never will happen, modern state economies can keep going for decades longer than anyone thinks possible, sure eventually it may collapse in 40 years but who really wants to wait that long?

>> No.58461582 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 1125x1380, 163444632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See i used to think the same thing but then i remembered slavery was and still is a real thing and the people with power will forever enforce it when they can. We passed 100 years of "prosperity" and now its back to the trenches, if you think the mossad will have any qualms leaving you chained and working without food well you better think twice senpai. It's now or never, either you make it with $PAJAMAS or you're forevermore in the trenches
>Pic completely unrelated im just horny as FUCK

>> No.58461704

iceberg lettuce should cost less than a dollar. It has zero nutritional value

>> No.58461777

It won't collapse in the sense the economy won't exist. It will collapse in the sense that life becomes utterly terrible for average people, nobody wants to hold the USD and capital with the means to do so will divest from the US and go abroad. The US Government will then enact harsher controls to keep capital in the system. A "collapse" doesn't end with people shooting each other for food in the modern world, usually.