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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58459314 No.58459314[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What am I to do with my free time now when wife is asleep and I enjoy the time alone in front of the computer? This board has been killed by the new email verification requirement! I miss the good days, cracked open a beer and sort by creation date and answer to all you jeets, faggots and shitposters. People moved to /bant/ because of this! Experiment has failed, please disable it and introduce flags instead or just keep jannying like you did before!

>> No.58459350

Not only that but you are only allowed to shill the Janny/Mod's bags since everything else keeps getting deleted.

>> No.58459355

Did y'all catch the few minutes admins disabled IDs on the board a few days ago? That was fun, I thought.
Anyway, don't worry about the email verification, it's the equivalent of taking only the first two pills of that antibiotics prescription your doctor told you you absolutely had to take from start to finish: It results in an immediately visible impact, but because it doesn't actually clean the problem, the low-quality posters left learn to adapt and regrow, to the point that you'll soon never notice they were ever gone.

>> No.58459380

>the low-quality posters left learn to adapt and regrow, to the point that you'll soon never notice they were ever gone.
I doubt that, if anything good came from this it's the fact that low effort phoneposters are completely gone. All tourists and casuals instantly gone.

No more low effort bot spam and 5 second easy IP hopping through airplane mode switching, only actual living human being autists remain.

>> No.58459401

the problem is censoring coins discussion that aren't in mods portfolios. that's just disgusting

>> No.58459405

we could have generals for all major chains where we could discuss any shitcoin but it would stop mods to receive bribes like they do now

>> No.58459446

I don't even care about them deleting shill threads, maybe now they have enough time to filter them out. But it has just gotten so boring here, feels like lurking on reddit desu. What is the difference to reddit now? I miss the old biz!

>> No.58459789
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Agreed. Just get more mods and delete ALL off topic shill shit. If I bring up 69Pepe69Coin in a INJ thread, just ban me.

Or just bring in the country flags. Niggas can't kill the entire board to get rid of the shillers...
I need the information. At least wait until I'm rich to do all the draconian shit.

>> No.58459951
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Literally every thread about LINK that isn’t FUD gets nuked almost immediately. I’ve been watching warosu and it’s ridiculous.

>> No.58459992
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I feel this exact same situation. Once wife and baby are asleep I want to shitpost and see random hot thots posted on biz with some funny threads and responses. Why did you guys do this to us? It's not fucking right. You are basically everything that's wrong in America. Tyrannical oversight and control on people wanting to have a good time. Fuck you

>> No.58460002

I feel so despondent now that biz is dead that I even checked out pol. It was sad to see their current state.

Most boards are so gay and boring. This website is lost

>> No.58460009
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The age of men is over, the time of the jannie has come.

>> No.58460013


the whole internet is dead. twitter is a midwit screaming contest and the rest is just braindead zoomers being hypnotized by bots

>> No.58460045

Dead board. Jannies always fuck everything up because they are too lazy to do their own jobs, so instead of doing their jobs they decided to kill the board to make it easier LOL

fucking retards

>> No.58460057
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>the board was killed by the new email verification!!1!!1
nice try, rajseed, now you'll have to search another board to post your disgusting APU and SUPER shit

>> No.58460133

the entire board is averaging LESS Than 1 post per minute

>> No.58460154

wonder why that stupid blue octopus shitcoin is being allowed here? created by mods or they got their bribe

>> No.58460203
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/pol/ is only a shadow of its former self. Half the board are either bad actors, glowies, or corporate shills of various sorts now.

Groups are useless and don’t cover anywhere near the same depth of knowledge that old school vBulletin forums geared toward a particular interest did back in the day. The whole platform in general is filled with bots and third worlders.
Just never really vibed with me, not sure why. Though this is plausibly where a lot of the old 4chan cohort have gone.
Useful for some specific subs but once again it seems to be slowly dying and I’m not sure why.

We know all the zoomers are having their brains turned into mush by Instagram and TikTok but fucked if I know where all the people our age have gone if they’re leaving here en masse.

>> No.58460215

Have you tried bitcointalk.org yet?
I hear the forum setup there cost a lot of Bitcoins to put together.

>> No.58460243

A few went to telegram, but that is ful of echo chambers
Maybe they are also not as much online as they used to be, generally younger people got offline after putin ended the flu

>> No.58460386

Nice, /bant/ has an /smg/ thread

>> No.58460413

Surely you can find another forum to spam $trumpdogepepe rugpull, rakesh?