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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58459109 No.58459109[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

(Verse 1)
Yo, let me drop some knowledge about LINU, the crypto game-changer,
Community-owned, no scams, just major rearranger.
With the best distribution, it's like a revolution,
Locked liquidity for a century, that's the solution.

No devs, no rug pulls, just trust in the code,
Created to overthrow the scammers' abode.
LINU's the name, Luna Inu's the game,
Bringing justice to the crypto hall of fame.

LINU, the unstoppable force,
With a community-driven source.
Locked liquidity, no scams in sight,
Riding the wave of the crypto fight.

(Verse 2)
Unruggable, untouchable, that's the vibe,
The scammer's worst nightmare, they can't hide.
Luna Inu shining bright in the night,
Bringing fairness and trust, taking flight.

No centralized control, just power to the people,
With LINU, we're all equal.
Decentralized dreams, making moves in the scene,
With LINU, we're building a crypto dream team.

LINU, the unstoppable force,
With a community-driven source.
Locked liquidity, no scams in sight,
Riding the wave of the crypto fight.

From the ashes of scams, LINU rises,
With integrity and trust, it mesmerizes.
A beacon of hope in the crypto sphere,
Luna Inu, the revolution's here.

So join the movement, grab your LINU stack,
Together we'll take crypto back.
No more scams, no more deceit,
With LINU, we can't be beat.

>> No.58459112
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>> No.58459114

Shib 2.0

>> No.58459116

d0b0 2.0

>> No.58459121

Bearish, reminds me of Tosa

>> No.58459129

Yeah it’s cringe I agree. But we are launching LINU radio. Starting from the old Monero chan radio GitHub. This shit hole is dead anyway

>> No.58459137

Based, I like that reply
Keep it up

>> No.58459139

I still believe in LINU, but Ryan completely abandoned the project it seems like kek, haven't seen him around for months. Great leadership, retard. Should learn a thing or two from Vox.

>> No.58459146

I thought of making a website for that token, creating a new icon that doesn’t suck, and paying for DEXTools socials update. Easy 50x.

>> No.58459169

Yeah, there’s a lot of stuff going on desu. I think LINU will shine when it’s the due moment. Not for anything, but the willingness of the community is awesome. Will keep you posted bros, this thread will stay up for weeks anyway lmao.

>> No.58459176

>haven't seen him around for months. Great leadership, retard. Should learn a thing or two from Vox.
Actual Vox here, I don't appreciate how you are talking about Ryan.
That man is has a family to take care of, I am a lone autist in the woods that is autistically obsessed with HOKK to the point I am willing to flip shitcoins to raise funds to send it flying myself, even if it takes time.

Ryan is a good man, and he has worked very hard for LINU, and still is. I think of him highly. I can't imagine how tough it must be lead a community + a familly. Get yourself on his shoes.

>> No.58459189
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>Yeah, there’s a lot of stuff going on desu. I think LINU will shine when it’s the due moment. Not for anything, but the willingness of the community is awesome.
I look forwards to seeing the /biz/ dogs rule the board once more. Let them think we are dead for now.
>Will keep you posted bros, this thread will stay up for weeks anyway lmao.
Do it. Bring the dogs barking on /biz/ again. The more, the better.

>> No.58459221

>willingness of the community is awesome
the community has been doing fucking nothing for last month you retard. Biz is the only place where linu was shilled yet this is the first thread about linu with any posts in weeks. The only threads that get any (you)s are those that mockingly call it moron coin.
The only thing linu faggots do is waiting for someone else to do something. But all the people who were doing something already sold.

>> No.58459775

linu bump

>> No.58459918

Nah man, me, Dom, Sven, Ace, Mike ecc ecc ecc have been working non stop on this. Shit, Mike is working full time on the project.

>> No.58459944

We're making threads again.
The third rye is nigh

>> No.58459957

Double dubs, nice

>> No.58460030

Linu isn't dead per se, but there's no real community. You have a TG that has a whopping 25k messages after 6 months.

the $WENIS community has lower market cap (300k), and have 26k+ messages in their TG after literally a week. not to mention an AI image generator bot.

Linu and /biz/ pump and dump scams are over.

>> No.58460031

>Shit on another project
>To shill yours
That's the mark of a project that won't last beyond the initial pump

>> No.58460035

I was in LINU for literally months, it's just not any different than every other memecoin. There's nothing happening, there's no real memeing. It's just stale.

You need content ... without content there's no point, and the meme has no future

>> No.58460050

>You need content ... without content there's no point, and the meme has no future
You aren't wrong on that, memecoins do need memes and content

>> No.58460051
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Let me lay it out for you why LINU won't work, and $WENIS will. Yes I own it, but it's a no-brainer based on the below:
> 1. NFTs being minted regularly (1000 already released)
> 2. Whitepaper that resonates, and isn't just chatgpt generated BS
> 3. Original meme that's actually funny
> 4. a large chunk of the supply is reserved for CEX listings (i think it's 25-30%
> 5. largest holder KYCing and has a background in finance (holds supply reserved for CEX)
> 6. website/whitepaper being translated into 6 different languages by community members
> 7. Original memes and content being generated daily. over 1000 unique, original, and funny memes were generated yesterday alone. This is fully funded by some whales from other projects within the community

LINU literally just is: "Dogcoin."

Give me 1 thing that LINU actually has going for it?

Pic attached is example of some funny content "florida man wenis"

>> No.58460055

No one of this makes me want to buy desu
>7. Original memes and content being generated daily. over 1000 unique, original, and funny memes were generated yesterday alone. This is fully funded by some whales from other projects within the community
Is it all AI schlop?

>Give me 1 thing that LINU actually has going for it?
The fact other memecoins feel the need to promote themselves in their threads

>> No.58460061
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example of whats being generated.
>content is king

>> No.58460063
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>example of whats being generated.
Is this a joke?

>> No.58460068
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again, the ability to create any scenario, with a weird, but funny character is what drives memes. I personally dont care if (((you))) buy. most LINU people that post here don't even understand why they are holding.

Im not trying to change YOUR mind. Im trying to help other people understand that WENIS exists, and there's really no differentiator between LINU and every other weird dogcoin.

WENIS is unlike anything else.

>> No.58460072

>again, the ability to create any scenario, with a weird, but funny character is what drives memes.
I already know this, but when I look at an AI memes I don't feel any kind of appeal towards it
I'll rather take some little sketch that looks like a 5 year old made it than some bizarre chatgpt schlop any jeet could have made in 3 seconds

I don't see the appeal, but I suppose the market will decide that, not me.

>> No.58460073

>14 year old figuring out how to use dall-e 2 years after it goes mainstream is good
>using it to make grotesque shit no one likes is good

just make the anime titcows its not hard

>> No.58460075

Or just turn LINU into a hot furry chick, the coin already has a girl name anyway

>> No.58460077

see, that's where i think most people fail to understand. the US does have money, but so does china, russia, india, etc. The majority of money in the world is not in the US. some speak english sure. But there's no way for you to connect with other cultures/locales.

AI bridges that cap. There's nothing to keep people engaged. Each mmecoin has to have something that drives a community, drives engagement, and has people coming and STAYING.

You have to perpetuate the brand. that's not happening on any memecoin. People chase pumps. If your coin stops pumping, people leave, that;s inevitable.

So if pump chasers come and go, how is any memecoin (LINU or WENIS) engaging their community and constantly growing the brand in a fun way. If there's no money you need to have fun and laughs.

Respectfully i think you're just missing the point of how communities operate and grow and stay cohesive. You not only need a brand, but you need a GLOBAL brand to cross borders to actually get to the upper echelons

>> No.58460080

>AI bridges that cap.
Sorry, but I can't see it
AI is a double edge-sword, for one it makes content generation easier but at the same time it lowers the rarity and value of the subjects it renders

This is why when you see a some random guy that is actually passionate about the character he is working on doing sketches, its way more appealing than AI art even if the AI can give you way better quality

I am looking at Wenis, I don't see it. What is he even communicating? He's not LINU? He's a rich fat ugly bastard? I don't get it

>> No.58460084

You dont WANT to get it, you're here shilling for LINU, which is fine, it's great. You are a LINU holder, so therefore you want to pump LINU bags, and this is a LINU thread.

Im not asking you to acknowledge (because you won't) that WENIS is better ... even though it is. I won't even ask that you acknowledge that LINU has nothing going for it, and there is no fundamental difference between LINU and ANY OTHER memecoin. If you ask yourself the question you know that I'm right. I dont need yout acknowledgement.

Anyone with a brain knows im right about that. EIther way, good luck with LINU, i do hope you make it... against all odds.

>> No.58460085
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Enjoy your Solana rug, buddy

>> No.58460087

lol, hasn't rugged yet, nor will it, because the largest holder isn't selling. LINU has been pump and dumped like 4x already. So why are you saying anything at all?

>> No.58460091
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>So why are you saying anything at all?
It'll make for a funny screen cap in the near future

>> No.58460127

You remind me of Kriptocircus. Shilling sol shit in our TG. Truly disgraceful

>> No.58460131

At least you didn;t compare me to spunt.

>> No.58460160

Circus and Ryan lol, two that I just can't trust anymore, it's like they're MIA ever since the big bang. Sold?

>> No.58460229

Nah I don’t think so. I have suspects on Circus tho. Came in the secret tg group, proposed LINU partnered with a rug coin on sol, Punished told him to fuck off and then asked him to deliver us a promo video for LINU radio. He didn’t answer. Also he disappeared from the chat. Probably working full time on that rug coin since they have videos similar to the ones he delivered for LINU at the beginning.

>> No.58460256

As written.

>> No.58460390

Dare I say, Circus might not be willing to be around too much anymore anyway. Good riddance. Can go fuck himself desu.

Also, Odiin disappeared too.

As a matter of fact, Ryan is the only one of the “old” admins still touching base.

But that’s okay. Changing leads in a cyclic matter will ensure that LINU won’t ever run out of people that are willing to pour in the sweat. New generation of players are insanely talented imho.

As per the other anons in that chat, they’re big dick chads delivering dreams.

I love my LINU bros.