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File: 59 KB, 640x480, trumpcrypto-640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58455188 No.58455188 [Reply] [Original]

"Trump said U.S. crypto firms are leaving because of what he called “hostility” from Democrats and Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Gary Gensler.

“Crypto is moving out of the U.S. because of hostility towards crypto,” Trump said. “We’ll stop it because I don’t want that—if we’re going to embrace it, we have to let them be here.”


Make sure to vote for Trump so we can have mega golden bullrun when he wins. Get those scumbag democrats out of ruining this country.

>> No.58455193

Trump is gonna lose again. Definitely a bad investment

>> No.58455247

>buy my bags because [insert assumed authority figure] said so

>> No.58455344

When Trump lies and you fall for it, that makes him smart.

>> No.58455347

If one candidate is interested in pandering to you, and the other is interested in threatening you, its pretty clear which would be the more friendly President even if the former doesn't fully live up to his campaign rhetoric when he's in office. You're not clever for overthinking it, you are stupid.

>> No.58455350

It certainly sounds like you've never been accused of overthinking.

>> No.58455361

Seethe and be envious, I'm smart enough to have already retired at a young age years ago. You gave a low effort midwit take and I pointed it out. Its obvious Trump doesn't care much about the issue and wouldn't prioritize it so much that he expends political capital, but that's better than the Biden handlers active hate for and obvious desire to squash all flight to other assets.

>> No.58455372

Yes, yes, we've all retired early on here. You're not special.
The midwit take is to take anything Trump says as a signal. Take what he does as a signal instead, and you'll be a little bit closer to make useful decisions.

>> No.58455393

He is a populist he will do what is popular. And being anti crypto is not the popular view anymore.

>> No.58455403 [DELETED] 

Dey both bad


>> No.58455575

Trump is better for the economy than the Dems because we need to unironically deregulate our industries

>> No.58455585

Does this mean fucking dogshit politifi coins will finally moon? Been sitting on fucking Trump Inu and regretting getting into that pre-sale. Keeps bleeding out. I fucking hate memes.

>> No.58455737

Ther guy knew exactly if he asked that way trump will respond as he expected

>> No.58455744
File: 1.28 MB, 1024x1024, 1708439452364198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course he is, there's a literal shitcoin with his name on it. Faggot so full of himself he thinks he can scam people now using his shitcoin and come with hands clean, If he was serious about crypto he should be talking about btc, nfts on rwa, superverse and other gamefi projects or actual daily use of crypto for over the counter payments or even stop shooting at binance feet but nooo, cuz CHINA

>> No.58455865
File: 166 KB, 547x531, 1679663305779348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You niggas are falling for this guy's empty promises again? Literally how you had him for a few years as president you did notice how nearly nothing he promisedd actually came to fruition during his time?

>> No.58455866

hey, pic source?

>> No.58455868

are you an autistic schizophrenic?

>> No.58455871

To you, Trump is the reasonable man here. To others, he isn't. >>58450762

>> No.58455875

that interview was set up like 100% of all trumps interviews-

>> No.58455876
File: 294 KB, 433x718, 1680272056403613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you so defensive over a political candidate? really seems like you are eating the propaganda and drinking the kool aid really hard just because he's PANDERING to you. immediately going for the flaunt + insult combo is such a gay 'midwit' move as you call it.

>> No.58455878

how could you tell if anon is one or its just him shitposting? And if he were you think he would say something? Schizos by definition dont know they are schizos.

>> No.58455879

Snorting koolaid surely.

>> No.58455882
File: 11 KB, 200x303, cole phelps lie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58455883 [DELETED] 

leave it to use folks to vote a criminal for president.

>> No.58455885

You have to count on USA folks to vote a criminal for president.

>> No.58455916 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 512x512, 13356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is retardio, no doubts on that, how the fuck are you even considered "sane" at this point?

>> No.58456683

I don't know how this is not a sticky.
The presidential candidate is literally saying he wants crypto to be welcomed and not persecuted like the SEC does. This is the greatest news for the crypto market in months since the ETF.
If Trump wins how is not an ETH ETF not gonna get approved in December? That is literally the condition kickstart the alt season of this cycle. Trump also hold ETH in his wallet so it wouldn't be a surprise that he'd want to pump his own bags.