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File: 134 KB, 1600x900, chainlink-vs-xrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58455190 No.58455190 [Reply] [Original]

So I've been doing research for cryptos and initially stumbled upon XRP (Ripple) and got really interested in the idea of banks connecting to blockchains and using blockchains to reduce operating costs and create new asset classes and markets with vastly more liquidity.

But the more I researched, the more I realized their whole operation was a scam and they haven't built anything of any value and don't seem to have any made any meaningful headway towards being something banks can/will actually use.

Along the way I stumbled on Chainlink, which seems to currently be actually capturing the needs of banks and is confirmed working with SWIFT, FIX, and large asset firms like ANZ, as well as helping different governments facilitate stablecoin creation. They basically are the only crypto project I could find who actually appear to be not only building useful products but actively building alongside legacy tradfi infrastructure.

Yet, XRP sits at a $28B mcap while Chainlink is only at a $8B. If Chainlink were to capture the speculative value XRP has (which it should theoretically capture all of that, it would be sitting at minimally a $28B mcap or $49/token, making it a very attractive investment at least compared to other large cap cryptos.

Am I missing something?

>> No.58455191

yes, you're missing the part where Chainlink is the exact same scam
prime example of midwit right there

>> No.58455195

Can you read my post before replying next time? I already stated how they're different. Thanks!

>> No.58455197

yes, I've already read your post, and I'm telling you that there not different, at all
it's the same scam with slightly better marketing and minus one lawsuit (so far)
I'm beginning to think you're simply another mindless shill

>> No.58455200

they are not*

>> No.58455209

I did a LOT of reading, anon. I could send you the articles from major financial institutions confirming they're working with Chainlink actively, but you can't find the same things for XRP. Also, Chainlink is consistently releasing new products and increasing their revenue streams and usage, but XRP hasn't done anything really since shortly after their initial token launch which now was many years ago. This is what I am saying the difference is. If you can't understand that, I can't really fix idiocy.

>> No.58455214

all of them bought and paid for, thanks to Chainlink's endless dumping
>releasing new products
all of them vaporware that amount to zero utility or IRL adoption
>hurrr if you don't agree with me you're an idiot
nah, you're just a buttmad shill apparently
at least be honest instead of trying to pull off this "objective crypto research" bullshit you prick

>> No.58455217

Basically the global elite don't want to make a bunch of racist NEETs to make it, so they've been crashing bitcoin every time LINK had news for three years straight hoping that we would sell.

>> No.58455241
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well that's exactly what is going to happen. ripplets will realize sooner or later they were tricked by marketing hype and will reinvest in the other platform actually doing what ripple suggested it was aiming to achieve with their vaporware shitcoin. XRP is easily one of the biggest jokes when it comes to market cap versus actual value. A top 7 exaggerated promise undergoing litigation for illegal sales. By the end of this month consensus will probably start to change if it hasn't already once it becomes more clear of Chainlink and Swifts cooperation. Regardless if ripplets follow through or not, Chainlink is the prize.

and quit giving (yous) to literal nobodies calling link a scam or spinning whatever other platitudes they're busy conniving in a laughable attempt to fill the void in their soul created from an abject childhood.

>> No.58455261

Again, this soft fud. Nonsense that they're worried whatever the fuck anyone is holding when they control the courts and legal system. You WILL pay taxes regardless, and all your purchases WILL be monitored. It doesn't matter how much money you have, if you go against the grain they will find you and they will do whatever it takes to neutralize you.

>> No.58455266

>Chainlink is consistently releasing new products
their new product cost a billion dollars to build and churns out $2k of daily revenue

for their other "products", apparently they make some money but none of that is disclosed nor has anything to do with the fundraising token, making it irrelevant for this conversation

>financial institutions confirming they're working with
experiments are not the same as transacting business. If you have proof of a real world transaction they've done with a large bank, please share. Also please confirm whether or not the fundraising token was used

>> No.58455268

Posted this elsewhere but it fits here, too.

No crypto currency is ready for world class adoption because it all sucks ass. Cryptocurrencies by definition is unregulated and decentralized, so it'll never be adopted by any nation for any large scale uses. And if it is, it'll be to use like currency, not for utility. And just like with any transaction, you'll be taxed on those purchases which means there will be a paper trail to some extent which defeats the whole purpose of crypto. Any 'utility' based coins based off of ETH blockchain or any other shitcoin will all inevitably fail. Look how niche use cases are for these coins and yet gas fees and transaction fees already bite u in the ass.

This results in people going to coins like monero, ripple, and LTC just for the purpose of low fee / anonymous transactions. "oh, but you can get low fees in BTC if u wait long enough so u dont get charged a lot of sats" Wasn't the whole point of BTC to be fast and instantaneous? Yet you might have to wait hours or even days for confirmation. Bank wires are free in most cases. Hell, banks let u transfer internationally. AND if you transfer incorrectly whether it be the wrong amount or to the wrong account, that can be reversed. If you are scammed, that can be reversed. If you are stolen from, that can be reversed.

Literally none of that is possible for BTC, as seen in the recent fiasco where a dude lost over 1000 BTC and can not recover it whatsoever. The most people can do is mark that stolen BTC as tainted, but anyone with even a few hours of reading will tell you there are many many ways to wash and tumble the coins so it's clean.

BTC and other crypto coins will never be a store of value, they will never be more than niche use cases such as anonymous online purcashing.

The moment it becomes large enough to be useful, it will already have become 'centralized' and regulated.

>> No.58455269



JP Morgan Analyst predicts XRP price $1000 >>58455265

>> No.58455284

>Your research doesn't match my opinion so you're a shill
Into the trash you go.

I'm not sure XRP baggies will ever realize, I think more likely they just hold to zero while Chainlink eats up the mcap share

They're not experiments, they've moved to production products. You need to keep up with your news and research if you want to remain in the game, anon.

You don't understand the use cases, evidently. digital money & store of value are far from the largest potential use cases for crypto. The biggest use cases involve reducing operational burden for businesses, creating entirely new markets and product possibilities, and increasing liquidity. All of the biggest use cases involve businesses, such as banks, making more money. You posted a wall of text that shows you have zero understanding of the importance of the technology.

Not a JP Morgan analyst, it looks like. Just a CT nobody. Why are you reading fluff clickbait articles?

I thought biz would maybe have some intelligent people but the amount of retardation in my first thread is shocking. Guess I'll have to look for good discussions elsewhere. Take care, good hearted anons.

>> No.58455285

kys shill

>> No.58455294

can't say I disagree with this. It is pretty hilarious that this shit has been out 15 years and no one does anything besides gamble and scam. But I'm also willing to entertain the argument that it's still so early in the process. If you look at the internet, it was originally started in the 60s and you didn't have useful stuff like world wide web, email, etc until the 90s

>> No.58455301

I was going to actually give u a response but that last comment you made has to be the dumbest thing. ur met with a few posts of negativity and immediately u say "welp looks like i cant find an echo chamber here. time to head out"
if u genuienly believed in what you say, you'd stay and engage in discourse. and yet u dont.

>> No.58455303
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They should seriously stop fighting and just fuse with each other. Joining forces will create a lot of buzz, more so than their usual boring announcements.

>> No.58455314
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Many won't purely from sunk cost fallacy. Ripple/XRP will have some purpose, but it's apparently not close to the scale of what Chainlink is achieving.

FUD at this point is purely incendiary. I cannot understand why it benefits these people to waste their time day after day. Read a book, exercise, play some vidya. These people are literal subhumans, I cannot relate to them on any meaningful level. Literal hylics.

>> No.58455323

The people who want to make money in crypto and the people who lose money in the stock market are very closely linked: They aren't upset they are losing money, they are upset they aren't the ones rigging the market.

Even if we put aside the 10,000 new shitcoins that pop up every month and are obvious scams, rugpulls, zero-utility garbage coins and we focus on the main thing, the issue still stands. Unlike the internet which had no regulation because it was new, crypto by definition can never be truly regulated. And this is a problem if you're someone who will hold 6,7,8 figures in Crypto. When all of your money can be irreversibly stolen and lost with zero ways of insuring it, why even hold money that way? When ur coin, even something as large as BTC, can drop 10% in a single day, why hold it? It makes no sense for someone with a huge portfolio to hold crypto. That's why 99% of crypto users are in the 4-5 digit range for portfolio size, it's rare to see someone in the 6-7 figures. and for the people that are, they definitely didn't make those 6 figures from crypto, it's almost always money put in and not money grown within the account. it just makes me sad seeing people put all their money into something that can never achieve the state they keep hoping it will. reminds me of the GME craze a while back.

>> No.58455355

>Guess I'll have to look for good discussions elsewhere. Take care, good hearted anons.

The LINK fud on this board is lame at this point. To add to it, every time LINK/BTC goes up by 5%-7%, BTC shits the bed. Its very tiresome. The nice part is that chainlink continues to take steps towards fulfilling the vision that big brain anons saw long ago.

>> No.58455367

>making it a very attractive investment at least compared to other large cap cryptos.

Hit the key words there

> very attractive investment

They don't want it to be an attractive investment... to you. They want to keep this shitcoin out of the top 10 for as long as possible till everything is ready to go.

>> No.58455592

then why does chainlink do so much marketing

>> No.58455633

To whom? Not retail users.

>> No.58455650 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 243x208, E4400316-D650-41D2-94E3-1A99540848A6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All linkies going into SHRL now and you still talking link kek

>> No.58455665

nice of you to navigate to a crypto forum to tell us what a terrible investment crytpo is. Are you like this in general? Do you go to Ford enthusiast forums to tell them your theories about how you think Fords are terrible cars? It sounds like a wonderful existence you have there.
oh wait... you DO hold crypto and you were just being a dick? Ahhhh.. gotcha. Sorry, i'm a bit slow today.

>> No.58455723

I'm not here to shit on crypto, it's a word of caution to those who are willing to dump all of their money into it thinking it'll get them rich. I've seen more regretful posts on here more times than I can count.

>> No.58455763

Surely that depends on what they buy, and how paperhanded they get. Buying dogshit and trying to be a trader is likely a losing strategy, but that's the same in the stock market and in any market, for that matter.
Sounds to me like you fucked it all up and lost a load. Guess what, some of us didn't. Don't presume to be an expert on the strength of the mistakes you made. On the contrary. Maybe it wasn't for you all along.

>> No.58455799

Also, how ignorant are you? Certain projects are about to explode, particularly Chainlink. It's a matter of when, not if. Tokenisation is not a meme. It's coming soon, and it needs Link. If you don't know about this, then you have no clue about this market. If you do know about it, then why are you fudding everything? You reek of insincerity.
>inb4 I do know about it but i don't believe it
sure you don't

>> No.58455831
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hahaha, perhaps you are right that trading crypto isn't for me. I'm doing very very well for myself in stocks and options, so i From my point of view, i keep seeing people talk about the 'potential' of crypto rather than the hard facts of what it is rn. and it's pretty dookie. I've met way more people who've lost money investing in it than people who've won big. and i dont mean getting lucky and buying in on a shitcoin because that isn't reproducible long term.

>> No.58455834

>banks connecting to blockchains
ripple is a worthless blockchain
banks don't need it
and with blockchains, users don't need banks
so double kill

>> No.58455913

funny how you're NOT into crypto but you just HAPPENED to be in a Link thread writing walls of text, advising everyone that all crypto (not just Link -nice angle) is a waste of time, despite everything Swift etc themselves are saying.
>I've met way more people who've lost money investing in it than people who've won big
I disagree. Bitcoin has been the best performing asset every, afaik. Peole lose shitloads on the highly manipulated stockmarket.
I despise fudding assholes like you. It's like anon said earlier in the other thread. You're not achieving anything by doing this, yet you do it anyway, and no matter how much you ever have you'll always be unhappy. Go and hang yourself.

>> No.58455931

this whole argument about "I've met people who failed" "oh, but ive met people who have succeeded" will get us nowhere.

So my question to you is have you made significant, life changing money in crypto?

>> No.58456415

You missing the self awareness and autism to make it. You clearly are a Reddit bagholding Link and desperate to grasp a narrative. You lost. Sell and buy something that will do well.

>> No.58456417
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>Can you read my post before replying next time? I already stated how they're different. Thanks!

>> No.58456418

Link marines are buying Kns this cycle.

>> No.58456422
File: 30 KB, 491x307, sell your link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People much smarter than me figured out years ago that Chainlink would be immensely valuable. There has been a multi-year long fud/spam campaign to demoralize holders and prevent discussion of Chainlink here. When significant news drops all of the OGs come here to discuss but the rest of the time you're not going to get much discussion here, for various reasons.

>> No.58456424
File: 54 KB, 752x319, swift trilly dollar boys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know SWIFT's interoperability solution is CCIP and we know it goes live in the next 10-22 months.

>> No.58456425

in just another 22 months

>> No.58456447

>I just stumbled into crypto and found XRP and LINK

This is literally how everyone gets in and then can never get out. You are buying HEAVILY shilled bags directly from Israel and VCs.

DYOR, not what you see online, and DO NOT buy XRP or LINK. Both are has been technology and clearly no one is interested anymore.

It isn't 2019.

>> No.58456456

No. you are a stubborn bagholder posing as an inquisitive person.
He is absolutely correct. the only difference has been Chainlinks better legal stance, not saying or promoting things in a way that will get the SEC after them.

Just because Chainlink as a concept is more logical and would be more required if banks etc were to use DLT, doesn't materially change what it IS right now. The founders have dumped massively, and the chart looks identical to XRP over time as they did the same.

You need to seperate your fantasy of chainlink from the reality and investment. You are here posting some weird passive aggressive "why why why! look! XRP same why LINK so cheap why why why why" rants instead of waking up.

The answer is that LINK would be sitting where XRP is now if it was launched when XRP did. its inertia.

>> No.58456467

No it wont. XRP faggots wont buy link once that "happens" for the same reason faggots like you baghold LINK and never ever let go. you think they will actually sell and move on? lol no. XRP fags will find new weird conspiracy bagholder logic just like you do with Chainlink. there is not going to be a movement of value from XRP to LINK at any time.

>> No.58456491
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what a neurotic fucking loser

>> No.58456669

>there not different, at all

>> No.58456684

ISSA nothingburger

>> No.58456690
File: 138 KB, 1224x880, IMG_3441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must be hard being a fud c u c k

>> No.58456695

3 years ago you did the same shit with WEF.
Before that it was the 4th industrial revolution book.
through out it has been swift.
Then it was Eric Schmidt, which you never talk about any more because like the rest, it materialised to nothing.
Oh yeah the Citi report. you faggots loved to scream about that one.

$13. 7 years.
from $0.13 to $13, it took 3 years. it went to $20.

its $13 now. its half the price it was 4 years ago.

none of it means anything. you are literally just a typical bagholder who cant let go.
Even Ethereum has materialised into absolutely nothing adoption wise.

>> No.58456699

>you are literally just a typical bagholder who cant let go
just like you, though you're an asshole and he's not

>> No.58456854

Its quite the contrary. The “asshole” is pointing out the reality while the “nice guy” is trying to lure people into his dead altcoin cult so he can profit off being earlier in the pyramid scheme

If crypto were politics, the chainlink cult would be the liberals

>> No.58456889
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>hurrr they're the exact same
Link and XRP aren't even in the same universe

The closest XRP ever got to institutional adoption was buying a seat on the board of a minor bank.
Meanwhile, Chainlink:

>> No.58457236

and what difference has that made for chainlink? exactly. shut the fuck up

>> No.58457246
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It's more about the difference it made for Bitcoin.

>> No.58458783

just look at the different communities, Link is full of devs and autists, XRP is full of black middle managers calling themselves "entrepreneurs"

>> No.58458893

Ripple paypiggies had enough trouble keeping their general alive as it was, looks like email verification was enough to break the buck for good

>> No.58458895

They are in /bant/ now