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58454837 No.58454837[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

American elections are coming closer and both Biden and Trump have made their stance on crypto clear. Biden wants to veto a bill that let's companies elf custody crypto holdings while Trump is accepting campaign donations in crypto, has an ETH wallet and sells NFTs.

TRUMP token has already skyrocketed +30% in price after this announcement. What other political coins could see a pump?

>> No.58454840

crypto is a threat to democracy

>> No.58454842
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Accumulate Inu, most underrated Trump token right now on ETH mainnet. 99/99 dex score

>> No.58454879

Trump is such an obvious choice for people owning crypto. Trump said the loves the dollar in the past but the crypto market supports it via stable coins. It's a no brainer play politics-wise, you want a strong crypto market to asset the dollar's dominance internationally, now more than ever since BRICS wants to sabotage the dollar.

This and Tucker have good devs but both tokens dumped hard after Super Tuesday. Trump dumped hard too so I guess it was just a polifi mini run that ended. I guess they will recover once the elections come closer. Definitely good plays.

>> No.58454881

assert* the dollar

>> No.58454887

I'm still voting for Biden. He's more qualified for the position.

>> No.58454945

My fucking vote is always for Trump. He's in for crypto and everyone in crypto should be in for him. Imagine if I can fully restake in peace on platforms like EigenLayer and YieldNest in the US without getting blacklisted. It would be fun.

>> No.58454951

$100 by November

>> No.58454967

Fuck you. Biden is a cunt no sensible person votes for that faggot. Trump more solid and has the potential to protect your crypto bag including mine in ynETH which is going to be wild.

>> No.58454969

I can't make sense of it as a simple form of political calculus.
Biden's intense anti-crypto stance is a full percentage point loser when it comes to votes. Smug idiotic lefties might nod along to dystopian anti-crypto regulation, but it's not going to win votes from undecideds who hate crypto.
Anyone seriously "anti-crypto" was voting for Biden anyway. And now you have a whole cohort of single issue voters who will vote Trump just to protect their bags.
Who decided that this move was worth pulling in an election year? Seems like political suicide from the Biden camp.

>> No.58454973

Don't reply to obvious bait. Even democrats know Biden is a puppet and can't barely walk on his own.

Biden represents old politics. He pays tribute to the current systems that propped him up and old institutions are really slow to make changes and have a phobia to them. Moreso when one of the biggest aspects of crypto is just transparency which is very detrimental to corruption from politicians and lobbyists. Imagine seeing what you'll think when you track your stablecoin paid in taxes to the pockets of some random faggot in Ukraine.

>> No.58454978

I understand that, what I don't get is why you'd go all-in on anti-crypto posturing in the lead-up to the election.
Their previous approach was to stay silent and let the SEC take all the heat, maybe even lean in to the narrative that the SEC was a "rogue agency" going wild without explicit executive support.
But coming out and explicitly saying that the President's office would veto HJ109 is throwing your cap in the ring and saying "The President wants to shut down crypto in the USA" which is an instant loss of millions of votes with almost no benefit.
I know WHY they're against it I'm just trying to make sense of the incomprehensible strategic blunder of vetoing this bill. 21 dems even crossed the floor to support it after the veto order was announced. They must see the writing on the wall.

>> No.58454982

>Biden represents old politics
trump does too, dont forget hes a boomer and they dont call him zion don for nothing. I just want him to pump my bags so i can fuck off

>> No.58454987

Pressure from the anti-crypto lobby must be doing it. In the end, politicians end up favoring their investors and not the public. Also Biden is doing stuff to get votes too, he is illegally pardoning student debt.
You are drunk if you think Trump is old politics. He is a populist. No old-politic candidate would ever have an anti-immigration stance as hard as Trump's. Old-politics needs more immigrants because you are replaceable goy and should shut up and die.

>> No.58454990

>Pressure from the anti-crypto lobby
Sure, but the anti-crypto lobby needs him to win. He could have just STFU about crypto for the next 9 months and at least left it ambiguous. Now he's taken his position and it could cost him the election.

>> No.58454995

trump is a fucking boomer. He still sucks uncut dick. There are clips of him begging for zip support. Seeing as zionists controlled burgerland since the 70's he is in fact old politics.

>> No.58455005

theres truly no choice now
you might as well sell everything and go back to working until your 70s if you vote for the side trying to destroy all aspects of this market

the authoritarians desperately need everyone to rely on the government

>> No.58455006
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Trump himself holds the Trump token and it is his largest asset lmao.


Do you expect everyone owning or being pro-crypto to hold expert knowledge about it? If your largest gripe is Israel then go back to /pol/.

>> No.58455008

>If your largest gripe is Israel then go back to /pol/.
they are forcing ww3 right now because they cant chill out. So if they are not your top priority at this very moment then you are part of the tribe

>> No.58455042
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Bought some of this. What am i in for?

>> No.58455063

>senile diaper-filling man is pro-shitcoins
how fitting