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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58453210 No.58453210 [Reply] [Original]

Like "social" security or the Bond market, it is a pyramid scheme that requires constant flow of new suckers. Crapto sycophants don't have access to new suckers anymore; at one hand because nobody likes the socialist and scammers that peddle crapto, second no platform wants to put up with crapto scam advertisers, forcing the crapto scammers into hiding among people that are already suckers and cant suck much more.

Its done, pack up the bags and dump em as long as you find a sucker stupid enough to buy it off you

>> No.58453211

bototm singal

>> No.58453215

your "meme words" dont work if those that read them identify the writer as a crapto advertiser
>lets thank bitc...
>10K people booooooo

>> No.58453355

W... whats the orange cat doing?

>> No.58453359

you forgot ur trip fag

>> No.58453414

>everybody that points out that your bags are doomed is one person
the circling the wagons mentality gives just more leverage to my argument

>> No.58453420

What should we buy instead?

>> No.58453528

1.5 year ago I would have said Uranium, but that got front run by the doom bulls like everything else. Learn to short and increase your fiat liquidity

>> No.58453638

Don’t tell me. You are quite new to crypto.

>> No.58453652
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the way you type is really fucking annoying so the opposite of what you said is likely true

>> No.58453758

2020/21 was cryptos coming out party to the masses, and it turned out it is a silly furfaggot and nobody likes it. Its done

>> No.58453883
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>crypto goes down 6-10%
>immediate thread of "crypto is over"
As a first cycler it is quite easy to spot people who are weaker-minded than I, and thus, are also first-cyclers. When the "crapto is over" type-of threads come up, you know we're about to hit a lower low, then a rebound.
My diagnosis is simple, really. You're not fit for investing. You're also not fit for this game. Thanks for playing.

>> No.58453888

crapto has been over since December 2022.

>> No.58453913

what's your money you're using for saving and getting free? answer

>> No.58453919

रणजीत, तुम्हारा बैग कोई नहीं खरीदता।

>> No.58453941

what's that? answer my question

>> No.58453949


>> No.58454012

youre right, and even people who have been here for years somehow still cant manage to figure this type of thing out
it really is that easy and always has been

>> No.58454070

paid shill. you're scared to tell the name of your currency because you would look like a cuck, which you are

>> No.58454104

nice try ranjeet but work on your english before posting

>> No.58454115

Email verification didn't stop this faggot, flags would've

>> No.58454140

Nigger the only currency that matters
The currency for which you dirty scammers register emails here in hope somebody exchanges that currency for some crapto scam, dollar.

>> No.58454375

so your preferred currency is the dollar, that over indebted garbage that the gayest country in history controls? my sides
gigantic cuck

>> No.58454383

I guess that is why crapto is so popular in third world shitholes like china and Nigeria and one of the many ways for those disgusting non-humans trying to escape their socialist toilet paper to get dollars.
No dollars for you changs selling crapto to Americans - go make t-shirts in a sweatshop

>> No.58454389
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You're right about crypto but I hope you're not in 100% USD cash.

>> No.58454390

What do you think is going to happen when the ecb cuts in June because else Germany goes total failed state while the Fed keeps it higher for longer because the economy roars?

>> No.58454396
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You collect more interest for now while the euro capitally appreciates (check the currency forward markets). There's no arbitrage opportunities between major currencies.
If you're in the US it makes total sense for 100% of your cash allocation to be USD because that matches your short-term liabilities, I'm saying not be to be 100% cash overall.

>> No.58454404

capitally appreciating Euro? Are you nuts? Its a failed currency, its main economy is actively des-industrializing, while the entire world has increased energy demand over the last 2 years Germanies have been down 14%.
Its not about arbitrage, its about the Euro heading straight to .75 on the dollar in the midterm.
>don't be all in dollar
5.7% apy riskless income is quite a nice offer that hardly competes with the spx average growth per year

>> No.58454405

Another faggot missed the bottom and is now seething about it. You guys said crypto was dead in 2021 and 2017 and bitcoin just ended up doing a 5x and surpassing its old ATH yet again, this year. How many times do you have to be wrong before you admit you don't have a clue?

>> No.58454413
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>Its not about arbitrage, its about the Euro heading straight to .75 on the dollar in the midterm.
What's mid-term to you? The currency forwards markets expect EUR/USD to be flat in the short term and increase in the long term. If you have a strong contrarian feeling you could make a lot of money shorting.

>5.7% apy riskless income is quite a nice offer that hardly competes with the spx average growth per year
If that's not a typo I think we agree. Capital that you won't spend in a long time should probably be in stocks. That's both a higher total top-line return and much more tax efficient.

>> No.58454418

no, in 2017 it was interesting to see where innovation enabled by the meth competition would drive the market
2020/21 was craptos coming out party presenting to the masses what it created in 13 years time. It was uncreative images hosted on centralized servers, scams from the 17th century and dogeshit.
Well the reputation is out the door and never coming back

>> No.58454423

up to 5 years.
>shorting euro
That is what I'm doing
I disagree. The front runner went all 80/20 again - 30/70 is still better between 4.8% and 5.x%

>> No.58454440
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The US economy is most likely set for more growth over any future period of time than the eurozone but the US debt situation is far more precarious especially if rates are higher for longer like you expect. The future rates reflect the expectation that Powell revs up the money printer in the next 5 years and/or inflation is allowed to be higher than 2% for a long time to inflate down the debt.
Why do you think the bid for 5 year EUR/USD forwards are around 1.17?
I think you not appreciating the full picture is more likely than you spotting an enormous misprice between major currencies, but good luck with the short.

>> No.58454449

Debt is not really a problem for the US. And rates come down, that is not the question, its the when. The fed holding it higher for longer exercises more pressure on hostile nations but also "allies", protecting its hegemonial position and coming out of the phase as the winner with its competition economically and maybe even further in shambles.
And about the Euro, Germany, and I mean that unironically and with a certain expertise in the field, on a straight path back into a socialist dictatorship, one that is going to be modelled after Cambodia. And I'm not planning to remain in europe for much longer

>> No.58454454

>Debt is not really a problem for the US
When people say this they mean that the US won't default on USD-denominated debt, not that keeping up with debt payments and a massive deficit will have no impact at all for the currency.

>Germany, and I mean that unironically and with a certain expertise in the field, on a straight path back into a socialist dictatorship, one that is going to be modelled after Cambodia
Kek interesting thesis.

>> No.58454462

currency in forex is measured against other currency, no matter how fucked the US might seem from an outside meta perspective, all the others are more fucked

A country doesn't just lose 14% of its energy demand, actively de-industrializes, enacts laws that criminalize the opposition, publicly funds torch marches against the opposition it brandishes as "fascist", calls to murder those "fascists" and lets the radicalized socialist militias off scots free when they literally kill the opposition and burn their businesses down, with the judge putting in the commentary that the violence against "fascism" is justified

>> No.58454466

We're just going around in circles now, you're against the consensus of the markets and you're more likely wrong than onto a massive secret.

>enacts laws that criminalize the opposition, publicly funds torch marches against the opposition it brandishes as "fascist", calls to murder those "fascists" and lets the radicalized socialist militias off scots free when they literally kill the opposition and burn their businesses down, with the judge putting in the commentary that the violence against "fascism" is justified
Are you talking about Germany here? You realize you have a mirror image in the US writing the same thing about America, literally word for word?

>> No.58454468

>requires constant flow
no lol
but you're welcome to never post about it again

>> No.58454475

Its not a secrete that the eurozone is not going to recover anytime soon and that its production capacities are not growing. The recent up is merely the result of expectations of the ecb cutting rates in summer
>Mirror image in the US
Energy demand in the US grew by 3.8% over the same time, and there is no active de-industrialization going on, more the opposite - and its by far not as bad as the US politically. Your unity party has no competition, the socialists in Germany are fighting for their political survival with a burned earth tactic

>> No.58454478

>Hey I have these tokens, wanne buy sucker
>How about lower
>how about lower
>now its 1 zillion rupees, you buying now

>> No.58454483

I'm not talking about recent fluctuations. Everything you're talking about industry, energy and debt has been rigorously priced into the currency's spot, debt and forwards prices and the consensus is you're wrong. Repeating 1 piece of a 10000 piece puzzle again and again isn't going to change anything.

>Your unity party has no competition
I have no idea what this means, I don't live in America or Germany. But I laughed when reading your socialist militia rant because it could have come from any US-based doomer talking about Trump's prosecution and the BLM riots.

>> No.58454488

In Germany its a reality. But, hey, its like always when Germany goes into socialist dictatorship mode; nobody knew anything, after the bodies piled up

>> No.58456184

Basel 3 August 2024
end of shadow banking
crypto become pointless
it was a dollar trading vehicle wrapped in a ponzi scheme

>> No.58456205
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There probably isn't as much money going into crypto anymore. Most of the btc and eth are probably consolidated. All the fake volume generated by wash trading with bots; making new wallets and transferring it fractionally to make it all look legit. There's probably some suckers still buying in, either to speculate/gamble or because they actually believe there will be widespread adoption when the dollar dies. They're using this price action to lure everyone in and distract them from buying hard assets for the coming dollar reset.

>> No.58456731

Guess that's when central banks, public offices, banks, parliaments and private residencies of advertising agents and other secondary free riders start to burn.

>> No.58456772 [DELETED] 

You should consider buying Peaq through Coinlist since the token sale is ongoing. If you're not selected, it's best to buy once it's listed on exchanges.