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58452943 No.58452943 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58452950


I was disabled in an accident, if they ask any further, sue them for discrimination

>> No.58453089


>> No.58453102
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>> No.58453219

It's personal, you don't have to explain anything. Nosy employers can go fuck themselves, privacy is a thing.

>> No.58453352

"Digital asset manager"

>> No.58453363

irritable bowels syndrome

>> No.58453450

I can tell you that at least in Burgerland this doesn't do jack shit for you. They can make up any reason for not hiring you and having a gap due to medical reasons is still a red flag. People with big gaps are considered unemployable to a lot of companies.

>> No.58453481

(Meth and masturbation)

>> No.58453487

The OG investor of Sharkroll has 1000 like this one

>> No.58453862

what if your "gap" was filled with a McWage job? does that count? or do big boy jobs only count big buy jobs on the resume. as long as you were "working" and have a consistent history of reporting to work, shouldn't that be all that matters? could i change jobs from a McWagie to something in IT for exmaple, if I've never worked in IT and only have "McWagie" on my resume?

generally curious on how this works.

>> No.58453993

I can only really speak to my experience, which is currently unemployed due to medical issues now additionally impossible to find anything related to my work history. I guess having a mcwagie job is better than nothing though. At least it demonstrates a consistent work history. An actual gap gets you labeled as a liability. No one wants to hire someone who doesn't seem stable

>> No.58454000
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lie, like everybody elses.

If all fails I don't know how will I explain mine.
I'm almost a full neet. I live with my folks, no wagie job besides some doordash here and then, mainly hopping from game to game in web3, trying to find what works best for the season, now on superverse testing everything. Nice games but cant talk much about profits, and there no way I could put that in a resume or if I would dare to go back to wagie.

>> No.58454007 [DELETED] 
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It's easy. Look at Stacey from HR straight in the eye and be honest.
>About my gaps, it's simple really. I spent months daytrading crypto and gooning to AI generated pornography on rule34 websites. You know whatt "rule34" is? Anyways, I held to my $SUPER and my $DOGE and my $BBCOCK and other refined assets -some may call them 'the thinking man's shitcoins'- but alas, the Bears ruined my plans and forced me to wageslave a bit more.
Surprised by your honesty, Stacey will know you are a trustworthy individual. Then you go for the kill.
>Anyways, hire me and then we can fuck after work. You know you want it, I know you want it, so let's make it happen.

>> No.58454011

then for all intent and purposes I'm unemployable.
My cs degree is useless and been working as a cook the last 8 years. FML

>> No.58454015

>as long as you were "working" and have a consistent history of reporting to work,
That's what I would care about if I was HR manager or something like that, but in fact that doesn't assure you shit.

>> No.58454018

>lie, like everybody elses.
we all do.
Just try not to bite more than you can chew, no wonder that some fuckers make it to CEO and not actually capable people.

>> No.58454021
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>job besides some doordash here and then, mainly hopping from game to game in web3
No shame there anon, dont let the trolling in biz fool you
most folks around here dont have a roof or even do honest hard work. Not that honest hard work will get you anywhere but still, nothing to me shamed about.

>> No.58454025

I'm actually trying to break into software. I gave up on finding a job in my field (manufacturing) and decided that I fucking hated that kind of work anyway. So I just started building stuff. I know people in the Ethereum space though so I have references for when I actually get good enough to get a job. I don't want to work a regular job ever again. I'd rather kill myself

>> No.58454033
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>I was an independent Digital Asset Manager :)
>Oh really? For whom?
>Er, emm... F-For, um...

>> No.58454036

>superverse testing everything.
there plenty of options, I'm positive you'll find what you need. Unlike other shitcoins I think they are built to stand the test of time.

Also fuck Axie

>> No.58454039

>>I was an independent Digital Asset Manager :)
>>Oh really? For whom?
>>Er, emm... F-For, um..
this shit gives me anxiety just thinking about it.

>> No.58454041

tell them you were overseas living your best life as a beggar in Thailand.

>> No.58454042

>I was disabled in an accident, if they ask any further, sue them for discrimination

It's not discrimination if you actually cant do the job you are applying for.

>> No.58454043

>Suffer an accident-
>Down on your luck thanks to shitty AI not accepting your curriculum anywhere-
>Went on a short vacation or decided to take a month or two to relax for a while-

Why do businesses in burgerland operate as if they were mega corporations and conglomerates lmfao. Bunch of mentally ill money addicted niggers, Americans are truly despicable individuals.

>> No.58454044

Better to just move outta murica then

>> No.58454047

just look up on twitter some dead beat tech companies or businesses nobody gives a flying fuck about and use them as a proxy.

>> No.58454046
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>> No.58454048

chud that will only raise redflags. "i dont want to explain, it's personal". there, you are done for as far as that company is concerned, you may as well take a shit on the interviewer's desk before you leave.

>> No.58454057

I'm sure not everyone who has shit happen falls into this unemployment loop, but it's very common. If a hiring manger has hundreds of resumes to go through the first thing they need to do is start filtering out undesirables. Now I've gotten to the interview stage several times and the gap always comes up. Maybe I'm just a cuck who doesn't sound confident when answering this (very possible) or it raises eyebrows no matter what. or maybe it's both

>> No.58454065

I'll also add that employers are worried about this because they'll get the idea that you won't have retained the information that you used at your last position, so training you is going to be more of a hassle

>> No.58454066
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>> No.58454072


There are IT consulting company that you can pay, they will give issue work references for you, search for it.

>> No.58454073


doctor told me to take time to recover after my transgender surgery, if they ask any further, sue them for discrimination

>> No.58454100

Why the fuck would anyone have any gaps? Just lie to extend the time you were at your other jobs until there is no gap.

Problem solved

>> No.58454268

The obvious point of failure with that tactic is that employers routinely collude against the workers.
They will eagerly share with one another whether a potential worker was previously employed with them, their start and end date, their job title/role, and whether the "separation was regrettable", to use HR Stacey-speak.

>> No.58454696

Not every employer does this, and if they do then you were never going to get a job there anyway.

The point is why argue against yourself on your own fucking resume? Lie about what you can get away with, and give those employers who -don't- do extensive prior employment checks the opportunity to actually hire you.

>> No.58454698

>People with big gaps are considered unemployable
but why? what does it indicate about you?

>> No.58454846


it indicates you are not an obedient slave

>> No.58454864

Just lie. Say you were employed under a family business

>> No.58454874

For a private family firm.

>> No.58454991

I'd say it's a shitty strategy because you'd have to wait until the trial is over for that, and it can take months, but then I remember that I have to wait months too for my maga to have a fat pump, yikes

>> No.58455082

Say you ran a startup that failed. You could even put up a fake website for it. Say you learned a lot from it and it was a great experience even though it didn't work out.

>> No.58455091

stocks/shares trading from home?
>made good money but is mentally unrewarding so please give me a job

>> No.58455446 [DELETED] 
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Have to chose a career path. Should I become an customs broker's assistant or underwriter's assistant?

>> No.58456007
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Just don't tell them you're a cryptobro, specially don't tell them about your MUMU bags

>> No.58456190

say you did expend those years gambling on dog shitcoins.

>> No.58456204

>Oh really? For whom?
for myself