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58453230 No.58453230 [Reply] [Original]

We all saw how memes did majority of the big moves in the recent rally, although 99% of memes launched are scam, but then the few good ones still did great numbers which altcoins have failed to do.
Do you still think we will get an altseason and what narratives do you think will be the top gainers.

>> No.58453250

they are complementary "goods". Nobody using or giving two shits about distributed databases, no use for utility services and no need to buy the tokens to pay for those services

>> No.58453255

Is there really any difference between memes and utility tokens?
I think memes are just being truthful to being shits because they are all shits

>> No.58453292

nope. we just invest in whatever the fuck we feel is right. the market thrives on hype

>> No.58453298

The only utility token I’ve ever bought is dext, so that I could pay for dextools social update. Everything else is a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. And even dext wouldn’t exist if people didn’t invest in shitcoins.

>> No.58453299

kek. if you actually look deep, you will see the difference

>> No.58453302

Don't be fooled, altseason is close and I think AI and RWA tokens will do well

>> No.58453309
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The market still seem to be following this chart, and I think the current dip is a good opportunity to load up on wife changing gems

>> No.58453311

>Are utility tokens still a thing?

check out Basic Attention Token's chart. If you buy utility token's, that's what you're in for. A world of pain and suffering

>> No.58453315

GameFi and many other narratives will do well, we just need to be patient

>> No.58453324

Liquidity will flow into alts very soon and it's well to be well positioned before that happens

>> No.58453326

why the fuck not? have you heard about DePINs?

>> No.58453327

What's BRC20 doing in that list?
The others are okay, but I'll prefer to stick to AI and DePIN with projects like RNDR, OCEAN and NAI on my watchlist

>> No.58453329

I can see the difference clearly, memecoins at least pump

>> No.58453331
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memes are driving the market now.

>> No.58453333
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Well a good number of them also do rug.
I've lost more than half of my entire savings trading memecoins

>> No.58453335

unfortunately, memecoins without utilities have made more millionairs than coins with utilities

>> No.58453339

Not for long because soon, everyone will be back to alts when they keep losing money on memes
I guess I'm not the only one in this situation kek

>> No.58453344

RNDR looks like an ideal project. i like their team, their approach also looks good.
same with NAI

>> No.58453357
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is Bome a joke to you?

>> No.58453364

Fair enough. memes for me are more like hit and miss for me. most of my major investments are in alts

>> No.58453377

Alt season is just by the corner and some of the top narratives to watch out for are AI, DePINs, and RWA

>> No.58453386

Alt season is a matter of when and not if; get yourself into AI, RWAs, DePIN and memes and you'll be good

>> No.58453387
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how soon is very soon?

>> No.58453392

Probably 80% shit at the end of the day; find that 20% and you can make that wife changing money. For example, if a token powers a decentralized data marketplace, I won't call it shit. Kek

>> No.58453415

shut up you dumb fuck

>> No.58453447

follow the Hype. thats where the money is

>> No.58453452
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Why are the alts that I'm holding on this narrative still dumping.
Seems like I'm buying the wrong tokens

>> No.58453459

From experience, soon in the crypto industry is a minimum of 3 months kek.
Get ready to hold for long

>> No.58453463
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Are we really still following this given that we got a new ATH before the halving.
Things have now changed and past history data might not really work with predicting the market now that the big money spenders have joined

>> No.58453467

Seeing AI and DePIN emergence, I think we can all agree that data is the new oil, and projects that are working on Data management should be given more attention

>> No.58453514

Since 99% of memes are scams then it's best to stick to alts where we can easily grow our pf instead of gambling our money away

>> No.58453522

I'm all in utility alts and I feel more suicidal right now than I ever was during the bear market. I never could have imagined they'd do this poorly with bitcoin making new aths.

>> No.58453530

Nuklai is working on this narrative and it's even making it better with smart data unlike the others, so it's one of the few good projects to look out for

>> No.58453548

I remember participating in this project's 1 BTC competition, but I didn't get it because my prediction wasn't in any way close to the price of BTC at halving kek

>> No.58453623

Saying everything else apart from dext is quite dumb desu; if you use any of these DEXs you need to own ETH or whatever blockchain token they're built on; what about those who constantly leverage on specific services provided by a platform? Just like owning NAI as it's the token powering the whole Nuklai data marketplace & ecosystem. There are proper utility tokens out there; look and you'll see them

>> No.58453691

The latter had a very solid launch last month. I dunno if ASI will top that but it'll be a huge feat to beat. No wonder every KOL is interested in it lately.

>> No.58453694

>same with NAI
Definitely going to be a reference point in the AI niche in no distant time.

>> No.58453812

It was a good read until BRC20 and GameFi

>> No.58453817

>follow the Hype
Hype propels the market, enjoy it while it lasts.
I'm pretty hyped for Ocean, it's the real moonshot, plus it's market place is up and running.
Love it! It isn't a normie blockchain. They're cooking up some next-level stuff for data sharing.

>> No.58453892

You're definitely buying the wrong ones. Look for those ones with utilities that even a blind person can see; data marketplaces, launchpad tokens, AI training etc. That's where the real ones are

>> No.58453897

Should be? They're already getting the attention. Why do you think token launches in this niche have been flying lately? It's preaching its own gospel already

>> No.58453924

Launchpads, AI, data marketplaces,
>that's the holy trinity
Forget the normie meme coins and shitcoins

>> No.58453944
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Loving the sheer brutal honesty i'm seeing here.

>> No.58453947

just loaded some suicide sack of eth, gains will eventually come

>> No.58453958

>I'm pretty hyped for Ocean
Not a bad choice to go all in i guess
>It was a good read until BRC20 and GameFi
I really don't give a fuck

>> No.58453978

Its tools make innovation in the Al field faster and more accessible.

>> No.58453991

this is possible cos its simplifying the process for developers to construct AI models that are stronger and more dependable.

>> No.58453994

The smart data initiative was much needed because we've been drowning in fragmented data for too long now

>> No.58453997

Even though the star competition has ended, you can still contribute to the price prediction dataset and when it gets monetized, you earn some USDC for your contributions. That portal isn't closed completely yet

>> No.58454080

>Hype propels the market,
Where's the NFT hype?
If it's not bitcoin count me out

>> No.58454089

Why will you trade memecoins? You just hold until your target X is reached and sell off. Rinse and repeat for others.

>> No.58454096 [DELETED] 

>Are utility tokens still a thing?
It's still a thing, it refers to how practical and functional a crypto project is in real-world application, sadly, folks are running after pump and dump coins.

>> No.58454113

The future is wild, it's likely to turn every industry into an Al playground - health care, finance, manufacturing and more,

>> No.58454137

>Are utility tokens still a thing?
It's still a thing, it refers to how practical and functional a crypto project is in real-world application, sadly, folks are running after pump and dump coins

>> No.58454147

>They're cooking up some next-level stuff for data sharing.
Data consortiums
Smart data for end users
Fair compensation plan for contributors
It appears to be that Christmas gift for Data Enthusiasts is coming way earlier this year.

>> No.58454156


>> No.58454174

The best part is that you don't need to be a professional Data analyst to enjoy its services. Built for even novices to have the best experience.

>> No.58454176

>It isn't a normie blockchain
A long term hold for me, check it next 3 years from now..... It's a gem.
Nice to see it mentioned, I'm big on it and Osmo atm as well.

>> No.58454286

Eagerly awaiting the blockchain testnet coming up this month

>> No.58454292

Most of them are just worthless rn, the only "utility" coin that i'm holding rn is LRDS, and it's not an utility, just a coin from a vidya

>> No.58454319

I feel like gamefi is still a mostly untapped gold mine. I’m in big on avi which seems to want to be the main hub for everything gamefi but I don’t think they’ll be able to pull it off in time before the end of this cycle. Hopefully I’m wrong.

>> No.58454386

Especially now that the training data for AI/LLM will no longer be dominated by fragmented data but rather smart/meta data. Interesting times ahead for sure.

>> No.58454408

"""utility""" coins are worse than memecoins. At least memecoins admit upfront they are a scam, while utility coins keep dumping tokens on the market in order pay wages to dozens of HR roasties, never finishing their work on the not-needed token they offer.

>> No.58454567

>Data consortiums
Wdym here?

>> No.58454711

Quantum resistant blockchains like QAN and ALGO are the next trend

>> No.58455352

5 companies who are in a similar line of business can decide to come together and allow their individual data interact with each other; thereby creating meta data which will ultimately help improve their businesses. These metadata can also be monetized when other organisations who are not part of the consortium seek access to these data

>> No.58456719

That's the fucking reason there's a whole army waiting for SUPRA TGE.

>> No.58456758

For DePIN, I'm supporting the Peaq network. The token sale is currently underway on Coinlist. I've already committed my USDT. GL anon.

>> No.58458909

>Do you still think we will get an altseason
It's inevitable

>what narratives do you think will be the top gainers
Quantum Resistance- QANplatform

>> No.58458961

Well said Anon. That's my game plan on AAST, I'm not selling until it hit $10.

>> No.58459119
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Yes, they are, if you're smart and pick the right ones, with the right team. Look up QLIX, going to 1M this next week, for example, and with gigantic upside potential - while still being 100% utility. That's all the alpha I'll give.

>> No.58460159

Just did a x4 kek, still early. Everything is on hold until Monday, then they'll start the marketing efforts, so last day to really get on board before the big bang.

>> No.58460535
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>I feel like gamefi is still a mostly untapped gold mine
you just predicted tendies, bullish on the whole metaverse/NFT gaming thing.
web3 too is gonna be lit, already got some Grt, Push and Kda on my bags.

>> No.58460554

the only use is money. other tokens are useless (not just for me)

>> No.58461084

Watch out for DePINs, Anon. Underrated narratives and big projects are making significant strides in it. Peaq, Iotex, Wingbits, Silencio — keep an eye on them

>> No.58461097

YNGMI 'cause you missed out on that L1 blockchain token that linked up with the Fetch AI foundation to unlock AI for DePINs.

>> No.58461148

Restaking is one of the up-and-coming narratives in crypto. It could well become a big part of DeFi. I've got Yield Nest, Etherfi, Eigenlayer on my radar. Big moves ahead, man.

>> No.58462232

With memes, you can expect 100x over the night, but they can get down to zero. Tokens with real utility are more than the pnd scheme. When you zoom they are not bad at all. At least those from my bag. Aast, Cti, Trias.

>> No.58462311

DePINs will be the next big source of passive income.
I made 5x from CTI, still watching the AAST. I will ape in soon

>> No.58462787

>metaverse/NFT gaming thing
is this still tending?
got some of this shit worth $20 that a friend gave me, not selling soon anyways.
good for you, i converted some tether to it on uniswap, waiting for the pump.
bought ordi too.