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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58450538 No.58450538 [Reply] [Original]

you can tell /biz is suffering from chronical cock and balls pain (CCB) from the fact that not a single baglet is talking about pajamas even though its got the holy trinity of shitcoin gems that made avi and apu so big

>it's a community takeover, no team supply, no one can rug it
>it's got a strong narrative, it's based on the first cat video of the whole internet created by the co founder of youtube steve chen and the community became so hyped for this they already bough a 200m+ foot traffic sign to be advertised in canada
>it's got the approval of both steve chen (the og) and kevin lin (co founder of twitch)

so why is not a single one of you talking about it

>> No.58450649

Lemme let you in on a little secret: Never EVER reveal your winning bags OP. Why? Well, there's a certain label in my culture called "poverty face", or, more loosely transliterated, "pauper aura". the current zoomer infected internet has pauper aura. What does that mean? It means someone whom misfortune and poverty follows them at every endeavour, so much so it "infects" other people. Their lack of fortune is contagious, so when they get on something that they haven't been involved in yet, they bring nothing but failure on their trail. Nothing good can come from their participation. Any coin that zoomers touch has inevitably failed. Name any fucking one, and watch its performance pre- and post- zoomer touch fad. It's all clear as day. I currently hold five bags that are legitimately making me a millionaire as we speak, my wallet is up something fierce just over the past week. The market is bearish, yet they're one of the only alts (who aren't recently dropped pump & dump schemes) that are doing big numbers. I have never seen them discussed on x or yt or any other zoomer controlled platform, and I intend to keep it that way. If you've found a good project, and you're sticking to it because you have faith in its potential: never talk about it on this current left leaning shitty ass internet era we're having. /Biz is allowed, but be wary, the moment normies start buying you will want to get away OP

>> No.58450650
File: 35 KB, 640x480, 032465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the actual fuck are you talking about, the more normies buying your bags the better why wouldn't you want them to buy?

>> No.58450651
File: 176 KB, 318x382, 146546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is THIS (your) hero OP?

>> No.58450653

>all chinese follow the money
maybe the hong kong millionaires were the friends we made along the way

>> No.58450658

like i said, its called poverty face, as soon as normies enter the fray, the token reaches its top and it goes down, happened to doge, happened to shiba, happened to pepe, happened to apu and avi and will most likely happen to this one
the chinese are goys in disguise, look at what happened to CZ

>> No.58450660
File: 60 KB, 394x178, 16498752114s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really believes cz slander goyslop agenda
please for the love of god take your meds anon

>> No.58450662

what astonishes me about people (like you) who think Jews rule the world is that they completely dismiss the power and influence of every other group of people.

do you think the Catholic Church which has its own country and is worth 10s of billions, the oil rich arab Muslims and greedy atheists are ALL deferential to the Jews? do they think all those other people have no power or influence and are under the thumb of a population of 15 million people!?

>> No.58450665

It's visibility. Tautologicalluy; Rich Jews are Rich. But - rich people are often more visible. I'm sure there's a load of poor Jews in New York.. but also, wouldn't you be more likely to leave and join a Jewish community in a cheaper place if you couldn't afford NYC?
Not an antisemite btw, just explaining possibilities. Isn't the Jewish impact on Hollywood very historic? Jews founded the movie industry because it was an industry they were accepted into and allowed to work in. Paramount, Fox, Warner Bros, Universal and Columbia - all founded by Jewish people. So yes, there has been historically a lot of Jewish people in Hollywood. Same with finances, or do you think the amount of millionaires who hold crypto or are big shareholders in the most influential companies in the world being Jew is a coincidence?

>> No.58450666

Haven't taken them in a lot of time
i also tie it to the employment restrictions that were placed on Jewish people historically, which forbade them from joining the trades, etc and forced them to be more entrepreneurial. and that just happened to be a good fit in a capitalist country like the usa. also nothing wrong with saying jews are good with money, they like it after all, steve chen is a jew or probably descended from jews and if my theory is correct this token will reach far just because of that reason, will you say its a coincidence then?
>btw to clarify nothing bad with becoming a jew yourself, why not be on the winning side of finances after all

>> No.58450668

You're sick senpai, you're sick. You've really fallen for the whole nine yards of conspiracy theories.

Schizos like you keep grasping at this nonsensical antisemitic trope because the truth (nobody's in charge) is scarier. That's the reason the "lizard people", or Masons, or some other shadow society is pulling strings behind the scenes are so popular.You need a simple explanation for why you're not on top and other people are, because facing the reality that the world is random and there's a lot of incomprehensible strings that move it to be the way it is in a casquet of entropy is scary isn't it, admitting how powerless you are. There's no big bad evil to defeat, that's just reality

>> No.58450671

reddit spacing reddit spacing

>> No.58450675

what's the ca op


/biz/ bussiness, catcoins and studies of jewology

>> No.58450681

I wear pajamas to bed. I don't invest in pajamas.

>> No.58450697

maybe the hong kong millonaries were the SSNC that we hold along the way

>> No.58451719

i missed the dip. am i too late?

>> No.58452737

not op but here you go
that discount is still ripe for the taking

>> No.58452739
File: 189 KB, 1600x1600, 1641002905796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same man, should've bought before

>> No.58452741

Dumb graphic. Why is "???" higher than 194,000%? Because you're a jeetard, that's why.

>> No.58452759

why is this cat coin better than all the other?