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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58448568 No.58448568 [Reply] [Original]

I know at least one of you old fucks has some useful information to share

>> No.58448576

I have a degree in mathematical finance. It's absolutely useless.

Do yourself a favor and start an artichoke farm instead.

>> No.58448583

How do I know youre telling the truth and not being funny 4chan guy?

>> No.58448653

I have a masters degree in a different STEM field. It was fine. Got jobs easily, got paid well. Would do it again.
Beyond that idk. Do you want to become a quant? Write some sophisticated bullshit that makes your corporate masters a lot of money so they write you phat checks to keep you around? That sounds like the kind of degree you'd want to do that.

>> No.58448762
File: 50 KB, 656x513, bow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a bachelors degree in math why dont you study to become an Actuary?

>> No.58448764

>>Do yourself a favor and start an artichoke farm instead.
are you serious about this? why artichokes?

>> No.58448766

I got a master's degree in a different STEM field and it was basically worthless. I only got it because nobody was hiring in 2010.

>> No.58448860

I also have a STEM degree, which has been absolutely useless.

>> No.58449263

I applied (and got accecpted into the top programs for it).
I also got into stanford for statistics.
Go the more generalist route.
You can go be a quant with a general degree (math / stats / physics)
geting a financial engineering degree pigeon holes you.
dont do it.
especially in this market,

this bafoon probably got the degree 5+ years ago when banks/hedgies were scrambling for these people

>> No.58449370
File: 116 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_6586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really think just a gen concentration finance degree will land me something other than shitty sales job I could have gotten without college? Im willing to go into a horrendous amount of debt for a specialized degree that guarantees a phat paycheck anyway. Thats what my uncle did and even though he still paying them bitches off he lives in 1m house according to zillow

>> No.58449769

Oh honey, I got my degree 25 years ago.
But y'all have a point. I know folks that graduated with me, but that were still incapable of lining up 3 lines of code. They had a hard time.

>> No.58450176

no, but your response to what I said indicates you have no business going into quantitative finance.

I stated get a general STEM (primarily math, physics, or statistics) degree.
DO NOT go with general finance

>> No.58450310
File: 478 KB, 1078x856, 1654014003207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's why the educational system is shit, they dont actually update what's required to know to survive in modern economy. They should teach crypto in schools and use satoshisync and btc as examples of crypto utility. Also throw son memetic classes just for the lolz.

>> No.58450326
File: 75 KB, 273x322, 3984738283475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mathematical finance
you're not going anywhere, senpai

>> No.58450329

isn't STEM fucking useless nowadays though

>> No.58450333

he might pull a Walter White on you lol

>> No.58450335

checked and fucking wasted
chemistry is useful, math is not.

>> No.58450337

what else have you gotten? In the educational matter.

>> No.58450339

bro hates himself

>> No.58450340


>> No.58450343

nowhere useful. old farts are retarded. Get a marketing full course instead and mine the fuck out of social media

>> No.58450348

You know how some cool sci-fi author once wrote that sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic?
Well, that's from the point of view of someone too primitive to tell them apart. Studying STEM gives you a chance to not have to abdicate your understanding of the world entirely. Humanity's knowledge has grown too far and the only renaissance men left are AIs, but you can still pick a relatively narrow niche and see past the veil for yourself, unmediated by technological crutches.
And yes, scientific and technical knowledge often translates into marketable skills that employers looking to be able to leverage that knowledge will pay you for.
I've been hearing software engineering was falling out of fashion throughout my life, even when I was a kid. It's not. Software has been eating the world, and it will continue to do so. STEM isn't going anywhere.

>> No.58450809
File: 168 KB, 680x763, 3941923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as useful as a bald comb, instead of spending your money on that you could save it to buy $LRDS when it is launched.

>> No.58450877

not financial advise btw

>> No.58450879

where is the presale?

>> No.58451023

Shrimp farming. Everybody knows this.

>> No.58451065
File: 905 B, 81x142, AmyEnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga most of us buy funny tokens called RETARDIO or some shit like that and make money, do you really think we are tech wizards?

>> No.58451103

What's your opinion on pursuing a degree in economics? I guess it would be more generalistic than financial math

>> No.58451822

Finance bros get fired every couple years because all the models and statistics are a complete meme. You fundamentally cannot predict the future.