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58448310 No.58448310 [Reply] [Original]

Here's everything I own. What should I do at this point? I'm 27, not married, no kids.
I pay off the credit cards every month.

>> No.58448314

> fell for the college meme

>> No.58448318

How are you so poor after your youth has ended when you’re college educated?

>> No.58448423

Have a look tomorrow at Gme.

>> No.58448426
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sell all your crypto, pay off every single penny of debt and then put the remainder into mutual funds

>> No.58448591

get a wife and kids

joke aside, give me 20 mins. driviing home and ill give this a look

>> No.58448599

200k in crypto at 27. Hmm.

You have time to be risk on... I'd ask you this question - are you generally happy? Like, do you like your job enough? Do you feel like you have enough free time and general freedom?

If not, I think stick in crypto, go 50/50 Bitcoin/ETH & then some lower cap stuff.. doesn't have to be a total gamble, shit that has proven it will withstand the market over time.. LINK, SOL, maybe AVAX, you can grab RNDR or something like that if you want to go slightly more risk.

Ride crypto for the next 1-2 years or until another parabolic run comes (whichever comes first), and then get the fuck out and move into tech stocks.

Crypto will be your best bet for a quick exit path. You could also go totally broke, but fuck it, you only live once.

If you're generally happy, I'm gonna give you the boomer advice - move at least 75% out into stocks now. Still "risk on" stocks, stay in tech, but blue chips. Google, FB, Amazon, MSFT, semiconductor (NVDA, AMD, etc.). In the next 10-13 years a strong tech portfolio will likely retire you if you put 200k in now. 40 is a big midlife crisis zone, where you may be rethinking your general path, so to be financially free then will feel good, and since you're in a good spot now you can take the long road which is less risk exposed and less likely to lose everything.

Good luck, anon!

>> No.58448601

Alright let's give it a look. What are you holding in Crypto? all in BTC? diversified in a bunch of shit coins?

There's seriously only like 1-2 major coins that are worthy of investment long term, and even that is not worth it if ur a HNWI.

Ditch the baby shit, go into stocks lol.

>> No.58448633
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>are you generally happy? Like, do you like your job enough? Do you feel like you have enough free time and general freedom?
I think I'm generally happy all things considered, but I wish a lot more of my life. There's so many things I wish to truly dedicate myself to, but I just hate having a job chaining me down. There's nothing I'd enjoy more than retiring early and just going all in my own creative projects and altruistic pursuits.

>Do you feel like you have enough free time and general freedom?
I have quite a bit of free time, but I don't have much freedom. I never travel more than 2-4 days at a time, so I feel really confined. I hope to one day just live off dividends and travel a whole lot without the anxiety of getting back to work and waiting to eat the marshmallows to get more marshmallows later.

>Ride crypto for the next 1-2 years or until another parabolic run comes (whichever comes first), and then get the fuck out and move into tech stocks.
yeah, this is my plan. I'm currently all in on an altcoin and plan to sell bit by bit after I've held it a full 12 months for long term capital gains tax, but I was actually thinking of buying BTC if it crashes a year after this parabolic run, then possibly I can truly "make it". I'm not sure how much better tech stocks would be.
>Crypto will be your best bet for a quick exit path. You could also go totally broke, but fuck it, you only live once.
yeah, I'm committed to either going rich or going broke. I do think conviction is the most crucial quality to making it. I'd feel happier trying and failing than not trying at all.

Thanks for the really elaborate reply, anon. Never really thought about considering happiness into the mix. Up until a few months ago, I had everything in a savings account + ETF. I feel better now seeing there's maybe a light at the end of the tunnel.

>> No.58448644

I actually only hold one alt. I won't shill it though. I'm sticking with it until at min 12 months from now and probably will completely get out by Q4 next year, then I'd buy BTC once it seems it's bottomed.
I was actually going to buy BTC near 15k, but fell convinced it was going to touch 10k, which it never did. Then, it just kept pumping and I kept waiting for a correction.
Lessons learned to dca in and dca out.

>Ditch the baby shit, go into stocks
what stocks? I still feel crypto is the best bet. Crypto and ETFs for a barbell approach. Ideally, if I move to stock it's just to live off stocks that pay dividends.

>> No.58448647

You should cash out only as much as you can offset into your 401k or IRA so you can avoid taxes.

>> No.58450376
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>invest in some shitty coin and get some quick 4x.
>Get a vasectomy. No kids ever now.
>Now find a comfy apartment not in a big city, something with nice internet, we all know that's whats important.
>Keep saving money and investing it. Invest in rwa too.

That't what I would do, and on the rwa theres lots of data and recommendations on truflation website. Use that as a guide not a bible... good luck!

>> No.58450378

damn, that's a lot of money where I'm from. but put into context seems so little....
red pill myself how much low class I am....

>> No.58450381

>I was actually going to buy BTC near 15k, but fell convinced it was going to touch 10k, which it never did
actually ballsy from you to expect it would touch 10k

>> No.58450383

>>Get a vasectomy. No kids ever now.

>> No.58450384

yes, I guess not everybody has a cumslut to go to.

>> No.58450386

I get that truflation is fighting somehow inflation with information BUT HONESTLY.... I dont know what to do with that info.

>> No.58450390

>I dont know what to do with that info.
I think its aimed an actual businessmen groups who can actually make big investments.

at least that's what I perceive. little folks like us cant do that much.

>> No.58450392
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>> No.58450393

how did you made that much in crypto?

>> No.58450396

>how did you made that much in crypto?
yeah op, tell us your story, 27 and with 200k? thats awesome.

>> No.58450445

Here's my net worth over time >>58448633.
I saved over $100k strictly through my job and literally just doubled my money on paper by putting it in crypto (unrealized gains).
Of course, I could end up losing more than I put in, but all things considered, I accept the risk.
I'll make this same thread in a month just to show where I land.

>> No.58452500

I'm the person u responded to, completely forgot about this thread.

For stocks,
Is the god tier combo for 7-11% gain annually. Dividends will also pay out nicely.

Once you get into the 7 figs, it becomes riskier and riskier holding on to coins because you cannot inherently explain why their price goes up or down. For stocks, you can get an advisor or go to a bank and have someone explain to you why that is. Crypto is ultimately too volatile to keep as a proper investment, but its perfect for degenerately gambling lol.

>> No.58452542

>For stocks,
>Is the god tier combo for 7-11% gain annually. Dividends will also pay out nicely.
thank you!

>Once you get into the 7 figs, it becomes riskier and riskier holding on to coins because you cannot inherently explain why their price goes up or down
Yeah, I'll have to think how much I'd swap to a financial independence portfolio and how much I'd still dedicate to crypto. I think $2-3M should be enough to retire from waging and $10M is enough to just play it really safe.

>> No.58452551

2-3 mil is not enough.

well, it depends. How much money are you expecting to live off of annually?

In an ideal world, your investments slowly grow along with providing you enough money to give you how much you need.

I mention those 3 tickers because they don't underperform or outperform the market, they ARE the market. No need for middle men like having banks or firms managing ur funds. Just simple compound growth.

>> No.58452568
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>2-3 mil is not enough.
what do you think is enough for most people?

>How much money are you expecting to live off of annually?
Well, I was thinking $2-3M would put me at least within middle class, maybe upper middle based on pic rel.

I currently spend less than $50k/year, so if I could spend double that without even working, I'd be pretty comfy.

>> No.58452573


>> No.58452588

SPY, QQQ, and SCHD all have varying growths and dividend yields so i'll just take the average across all.

Average growth of 11.8% annually
dividend yield of 1.76% per quarter.

So under ideal conditions, your goal is making 100K should fit within 5% of returns to ensure growth of capital long term. In other words, if your assets go up 11%, 5% is withdrawn for personal cash and the remaining 6% is 'reinvested' so to speak.

With all that in mind, 2mil is good enough. 5% of 2mil is 100K, and the market tends to perform above 5% on a yearly basis. I assumed you wanted even more moolah, but i was wrong

>> No.58452589

if you wanted to be an absolute safe stickler, and only wanted to spend money gained from dividends to spend for urself while everything growth wise stays in the account, you'd need approximately 5.6 mil invested.

>> No.58452600

Thank you. I'll probably go with this.

>I assumed you wanted even more moolah
How much is enough for you? $2M is game changing since it gives me agency over my own body and time, but I'd probably still try to level up to $10M nw. Either through buying bitcoin low (bear market) and selling high (peak bull), or keeping my initial 2M of dividend-paying stocks and gambling whatever I have left over on crypto with a separate portfolio.

>> No.58452604


>How much is enough for you?

>level up to $10M nw.
Well getting to 10M networth is possible depending on how long you wait and how risk averse you are. What's your expected time frame to hit 10M as is rn?

If you invest 2M into those assets I spoke of, it'll take you 14 years of growth without taking anything out to reach 10M. there are other ways to reach it faster, such as Crypto as you've seen. I've made most of my money via options

>> No.58452605

dividends are retarded, just buy spy or qqq and withdraw 3 yearly max if you want to spend some, your portfolio still should go up


>> No.58452609

this is also retarded
you need 2 million and that's it
just go 100% sp500 and withdraw 3% yearly
you will never run out of money and make some money
dividends are just annoying, just withdraw manually

>> No.58452613

If you're investing 7-8 figures, even those few small percentages can make a big difference.

the figure needed to retire and live off of growth is dependant on how much you want to use annually. if youre someone who spends 50K annually, then 2mil is fine. But if you are someone who wishes to spend 300K annually, a 2 mil investment into the SPY won't yield u such results

>> No.58452670

ofc 300k anually would be great but lets be realistic how the fuck do you get there
i have 400k and i would stop taking risks at 2 million

and according to my calculations, if i take 3% off the sp500, I can make some money and not run out of money

here where i live (EU) 50k€ a year is enough

ideally i would like a final 2x on that 2 million to be able to have 100k a year but the more you have the scarier it gets to take big bets

>> No.58452686
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This is the issue with most crypto bros. Slow and steady gains, whether it be crypto or stocks or pimping out sluts, will always beat hoping to 2x or 10x ur "bets". Even the fact that you word it that way shows that subconsciously, crypto is just a gamble to u. Gambling with a few hundred is fine, but gambling with what could be ur retirement fund is a different story altogether.

>> No.58452798

How close are you to this so far? What do you even plan to do with this much money? I feel it's huge diminishing returns after a point.

>What's your expected time frame to hit 10M as is rn?
No real idea. If all goes well I hit at least $1M, maybe $2-3M by the end of next year. Then I'd anticipate hitting $10M by 2029-2033 with Bitcoin.

>i would stop taking risks at 2 million
Yeah, this is where I'm at. I'm still considering whether I'd put 2M aside to never risk, and then risk with every extra penny to crypto (altcoins) or I'd simply stick with the most sure crypto (Bitcoin) and just take a small loan for some years to live off. That or just sell a small portion to live off while I let it compound.
I know both ways can work, but I'm not sure which is a better risk-to-reward.

>> No.58452807

SCHD is for midwits, Dividends are dogshit.

>> No.58452821

>What do you even plan to do with this much money?
Good fucking question lol.

Throughout my life I've always had 2 sets of goals: The first goal is the unrealistic goal. This could be becoming an Olympic level soccer player for example.

The second goal is the more realistic goal that works towards the first. So this goal could be taking part in local soccer tournaments at the community park.

You sort of get what I'm saying, yeah?

With that in mind, my current #1 goal is to own a high end house in the best neighborhoods in each of the 50 states in the US. Places like Beverly Hills, Manalapan, Snowmass, Highland Park, etc. Places like that. I've already calculated the numbers and even have a list of each of the current best neighborhoods in each state. At current market value, it would cost me approx 250 mil to buy all 50 houses in total. Some states like Florida have neighborhoods with average house costs at 39mil, while others like Mississippi have an average price of 600K even in the best neighborhoods.

>If all goes well I hit at least $1M, maybe $2-3M by the end of next year

What if all does not go well? Are you saying you'll hit 1mil because of your work or because of your investments? And if it's the latter, i'd say you are being a bit naive as you are unsure about the movement of BTC.

>i would stop taking risks at 2 million
Fair enough. I'm a greedy bastard who wants a lot of things in life, so that mindset doesn't sit well with me. But if it's what you want, go for it. I dunno which would be a better risk to reward ratio for you as I've just been putting all my money into SPY, QQQ and SCHD and living off of the investments. Most of the money made aside from account growth is profit from investment advice I give to my clients.

lol, whatever floats ur boat dude

>> No.58452830

>I've already calculated the numbers and even have a list of each of the current best neighborhoods in each state.
Damn, you've got this, bro. That's pure manifestation material. Consciousness is fundamental and is all that exists and exercising/focusing like you're doing dials it into what we consider reality from our current limited perspectives.

>> No.58452838

Manifestation is such a positive term, I don’t see it that way. You need to have hate and spite to really want it imo. At least that’s how it was for me

>> No.58453038

I think it's just about the strength/intensity of the emotion that matters .. but love would be better if you could resonate with it.
~all is full of love~
I hope someday you can find it, brother.

>> No.58453042

Perhaps. Once I reach 50-100m, I’m sure I’d be much happier as well lmao

>> No.58453058
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>> No.58453676
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thanks to this i was sidelined, i would be retired already
slow means you are gambling you'll live to be 90 yo

i want to get to 7 figures within the next 3 years and i need a 3x for that

>> No.58453683

>What if all does not go well? Are you saying you'll hit 1mil because of your work or because of your investments? And if it's the latter, i'd say you are being a bit naive as you are unsure about the movement of BTC.
it's also not sure you will have an income in the future

i was making 15k a month from my yt channel and now i make 0. working is a scam. i will make it this cycle. all in

>> No.58453847

Good luck then, bruh. All in is a crazy thing to do.

>> No.58453984

what else is there to do

>> No.58454148

Personally, if I had to go into crypto I’d rather trade crypto futures. That way I reduce my exposure to the market and I can profit on the way down as well as on the way up. Of course, that means having a much deeper understanding of how price action works. For someone like you, it’s best to just buy and hold

>> No.58454487

thats actual gambling just like options etc
you cannot predict exact price movements but btc going up is a reasonable bet, since i cannot get liquidated i can afford investing bigger amounts

>> No.58454550

Like i said, you'd need a deeper understanding of price action and trader psychology to properly profit off of price movements.

If you have 6-7 figures, the safest option will always ALWAYS be SPY.

In crypto, the best option will be to dump it all into BTC and DCA every now and then. Everything else, moving funds into alts, is all luck based.

>> No.58455309

So is this whole board really just regular dudes who fell for the crypto meme and now assume it adds to their net worth despite having only a few extremely specific use cases? Like I see $2,821.77 in checking and I'm forced to assume OP doesn't actually know what he's doing with his life.

>> No.58455315

I'd assume the whole point of buying Crypto is so u can eventually cash out and use that money to, you know, live a fucking life. but apparently not with these idiots. they want to hold eternally till the market cap of their shitcoin is 10 gazillion and they can own a country with just a single doge coin. Good luck getting an exchange to convert ur cumbux into fiat

>> No.58455402

Not sure if you're referring to anything I said, but I plan to dca out next year. Likely selling 50% in q2 and 100% by q4

>> No.58455461

>you can't retire on 7-11% of 2-3M
>With all that in mind, 2mil is good enough
ok you admit you were retarded
>here where i live (EU) 50k€ a year is enough
beware if you're a euro invested in the american market since you have the currency risk. spy goes up 5% while usd loses 5% against the euro and you made nothing
>Gambling with a few hundred is fine, but gambling with what could be ur retirement fund is a different story altogether.
many here have their life savings in crypto. it's called balls of steel and high iq.
>Once I reach 50-100m
lol delusional? what's your nw?
>Personally, if I had to go into crypto I’d rather trade crypto futures
le trading meme, kinda delusional
>Good luck getting an exchange to convert ur cumbux into fiat
they do it all the time, boomer. the hardest part is finding a bank that will accept a large withdraw from an exchange. they're ok with it when you can prove the money trail and that i'ts not laundering. but guess what mister boomer, you wont even need to cash out into fiat because stablecoins will become fiat money accepted everywhere. you can already stay in stablecoins and pay for everything with crypto debit cards. you can earn yield on defi with your crypto and you start to see tokenized assets on blockchains. soon you'll be able to buy government bonds directly on the blockchain.

>> No.58455476

oh and soon we'll have stablecoins that earn you a yield. right now circle and tether are keeping all the yield and holders earn nothing but it will soon change. brokers are just intermediaries not needed. there wont be any need to move our stablecoins to a bank or a broker. we will be able to buy all the financial instruments directly on a blockchain. magic internet money is in the process of becoming real.

>> No.58455495
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8m in active trading account,
20m in passive SPY + QQQ + SCHD account. Simple money.

>called balls of steel and high iq

that's why there are soo many rich crypto bros right? lol. most are bagholders who have no idea why they are holding a coin, they read one piece of DD and suddenly got hooked. ask any one of em what the word "blockchain" means and they'll draw blanks. if crypto had any proper value aside from speculation, I'd be the first to admit I'm wrong and buy in. But as it is right now, I'm not willing to put in anything larger than 100K.

>stablecoins will become fiat

I don't like statements like these because ive been hearing it since years ago, and nothing has changed.

as for the rest of what ur saying, "soon" is always far away anon ;)

>> No.58455542
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>most are bagholders who have no idea why they are holding a coin, they read one piece of DD and suddenly got hooked. ask any one of em what the word "blockchain" means and they'll draw blanks. if crypto had any proper value aside from speculation
I personally don't care about this at all and I'm sure most people don't either. What I care about is making money and I know people are getting desperate regarding the cost of living/inflation etc and see crypto as their last resort/lottery ticket. The issue for most people is that they buy when everyone talks about it, rather than buy when no one cares.
It's simply a bet on human nature and cycles of fear and greed.

>> No.58455561

nice stack. daddy's boy? what was your starting capital?

CBDCs are coming in the next few years, but commercial bank tokenized deposits will come first.
Europoors can already have a banking address tied to a crypto address. You can send fiat from a bank account directly to a crypto address in euro stablecoins. it's possible because of the MiCa regulation.

the us stablecoin bill will be passed this year though so it's coming for burgers too.

financial institutions see all that pool of money sitting in crypto and want it to be invested in their financial products. the us sees how much easier it will be for plebs around the world to buy their treasuries.

you already made it so you can afford to dismiss cryptos but it's the best shot for those who want to grow their wealth.

>> No.58455604

All funds in passive growth account were paid to me via clients or was just spy doing spy things. all funds in my personal account have been grown actively trading options.

I started out a few years ago by reaching out to business owners in my area, basically begging em to let me trade using their funds lol. Got rejected a lot but one guy took a gamble and decided to go with me. Word of mouth led me to get a few more clients.

The reason I dislike most crypto bros is because they claim good gains can't be made in stocks unless you're an insider, lucky, or already have a large stack to begin with. Well, it's not the crypto bros i dislike. it's the coins themselves. When I buy stocks or options on a company, I've thoroughly researched everything. With coins, because there's zero regulations and lots of blatant fuckery about, you can't really make huge gains.

People like to cite that Davinci dudes video from a decade ago saying "but look! if u bought 10 dollars back then you'd have 50K now!"

Who the fuck in their right mind would've held something for 50x? Or 100x? or 200x? I've met and spoken to a lot of people who've been in crypto, both who've made large sums of money and who've gotten fucked by the market, and the only difference i can see is lucky. Anyone would have definitely sold some or most of their port as it's growing by hundreds of percents. And some retards go a step further and move from BTC and cycle those funds into shitcoins saying "BTC will drag these coins up :)" That's called greed, nigga.

like i said, I will gladly eat my words and suck on my own testicles if crypto genuinely becomes viable. I personally have spent at least 6 figures on shitcoins trying my damndest to figure out how to get value out of this shit, but ended up losing miserably. Coins that have 'utility' are shit and never go up in value and coins that have zero uses and are literal troll coins like doge end up with a market cap of 20B.

>> No.58455616
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>can afford to dismiss cryptos
at what point would you get out of crypto? Say you make $2M this cycle, would you go back in during the next bear market to buy Bitcoin to eventually hit $10M? Or would you cash out at $2M to live off dividend-paying stocks and then start a new crypto portfolio with extra money to bet on alts? The goal would just be leveling up your net worth for fun and milking out these crypto cycles as long as they exist
>Coins that have 'utility' are shit and never go up in value and coins that have zero uses and are literal troll coins like doge end up with a market cap of 20B.
those memecoins just have a much better product market fit than all those VC backed tech alts.
Retails wants volatility and memecoins provide it much better and more honestly/fun

>> No.58455643

>because there's zero regulations
that's wrong though
>Who the fuck in their right mind would've held something for 50x? Or 100x? or 200x?
you need to know when to sell but you could make those returns with several coins being shilled here on biz if you paid attention and were able to see gems through the noise.
>but ended up losing miserably
skill issue
>Coins that have 'utility' are shit and never go up in value
also check https://app.rwa.xyz/
those are real world assets being tokenized right now on blockchains. it's still not open to plebs but one day it will. blackrock just issued a fund on ethereum:

for example being long eth right now is one of the easiest "low risk" 300-600% gain you can do in the next 2 years. those who understand know it will go to 10-20k at the peak of this cycle.

>would you go back in during the next bear market
it will depend on the state of the economy and the next narratives. i would go back but only with a reasonable % of my available capital. i would not be all in cryptos

>> No.58455662 [DELETED] 

Sell everything, do a spin and see where life lands you. Or get some shrl early on and become the house instead. It’s up to you

>> No.58455731

Those are interesting links, I'll check them out.

For now, if i ever do enter, it'll be a very small size into BTC and that's it. everything else looks trash to me.

>> No.58455855

i know you're larping with your 28 million but imagine not already being exposed to btc or some other major cryptos

>> No.58455897

yeh, no one ever believes me so ive gotten used to the skepticism at this point. im not targeting u specifically but ii know t's hard for some crypto bros to believe that someone who isn't an insider, isn't part of a financial institution and didn't start off with a fuck ton of money handed to em can make good money after years of trading. trading stocks and options, specifically, not crypto. it's just how it is with people. and there's no point in me buying BTC, or Chainlink or ETH or anything like that. I make more than that day trading. locking up my money in crypto is useless because it doesnt make me enough money.

>> No.58455932 [DELETED] 
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absolute retardio move man BTC is dying dude go buy some gold

>> No.58455978

>no one ever believes me
if only there was a way to actually post some proof. life is hard yeah

>> No.58455981

not about to dox myself to prove myself to u fellas, no offense. besides, any retard can fake broker statements as well, unless you'd like me to mail them directly to you ;)

>> No.58455993

it would take you too much work to fake legit brokerage documents stating you're managing funds for others ;) a simple PnL larp you found on reddit is easier, i get it.