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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58442927 No.58442927 [Reply] [Original]

i just asked chatgpt what was most likely to occur after reading the fomc statement and it said "rate hike"

>> No.58443235

chatGPT forgets that the fed needs to keep the dollar alive
rate hikes from this point fowards would lead to less faith in the Fed which is already dwindling
their only options are keep them where they are or lower them

>> No.58443259

>i just asked chatgpt
I just asked chatgpt a question and had to correct 3 fundamental errors in the response before it was close to correct

>> No.58443949
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i asked chatgpt to predict how the market was going to move from now on and it replied "chinese water bottle" so im assuming the typical memecoin waterbottle strategy, buying into $biao seems like the most likely strategy to attract those dollars from the hong kong investors after all

>> No.58444116

and I asked it who the current president was and it just gave me a picture of a meat ball with obama and trump face, at least it makes me hold on to my maga bag even tighter but what the fuck, I had more faith in this stuff

>> No.58444280
File: 22 KB, 765x454, google gemini who is donald trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and I asked it who the current president was
I can't gemini to say whos current or previous president

>> No.58444717
File: 197 KB, 1280x719, photo_2024-04-01_21-59-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(K)hiked rates can be savagely eaten, like dips

>> No.58444758

>i just asked chatgpt
chatgpt can't even solve complex math problems

>> No.58444908
File: 151 KB, 777x730, written by a financial expert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked phi3-mini to "speculate as to the fed's longer-term policy decisions" based on the fomc statement.
It went for rake hikes too, assuming sustained inflation and economic expansion.

>> No.58446735
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I asked it about it's opinion on btc runes and it called me a zoomie adhd tiktok skibidi faggotron. I shrugged and proceeded to buy more snnc without a care in the world. I don't think AI is a reliable business and finance advisor.

>> No.58446756

>a zoomie adhd tiktok skibidi faggotron

a what now?

>> No.58446757

Should I ask my local erotic-trained Mystral-based 13B model I use to goon to loli fanfiction about finance? I'll post results if it says anything interesting.

>> No.58446758

you got more of those? I may need a contact.

>> No.58446760

We must all fear our robotic overlords.... Just like we all must praise the future of finance which will definitely totally come...

>> No.58446762
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it didn't do that. why are you lying?

>> No.58446763
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wtf wold an AI know abut anything? that's bullshit. there no such thing as an actual artificial intelligence. just a bunch of 1's and 0's doing fancy math

>> No.58446764

do you people not know there's a myriad of ai services out there (a lot of them completely free and open source) that are trained with specialized data sets on different topics? why use chatgpt for this? are you stupid?
>name one then!!!
no? use your brain and find it yourself im merely letting you know there's better ways of going about asking ai about finance questions

>> No.58446765
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fear...? dont you mean love?

>> No.58446766
File: 43 KB, 750x713, 2fq09y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the "I gave chatgpt a 100 budget and asked for it to be multiplied"

>> No.58446770

post proof or gtfo

>> No.58446772

keep feeding the machine