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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58443808 No.58443808 [Reply] [Original]

anyone remember this guy? was he a larp?

>> No.58443809

if he wasn't a larp he's completely broke now. told everyone to go all in icp when it was $50, told everyone btc to $100k was guaranteed, etc...

>> No.58444310

Yes newfag.

>> No.58444324

He will be back in 2025 with another prophecy. 2017 he was shilling ARK.

>> No.58444334

discount assblaster he scammed everyone

>> No.58444345

anyone who clings to alts that badly is either larping to pump and dump or is so high estrogen they're not worth listening to

>> No.58444378

what's wrong with CKB, seems like a legit project

>> No.58444904

He still sends emails, wasn‘t a larp.

>> No.58444960

His father is from Hong Kong, that‘s why he has a legit HK passport. Maybe his calls were too early this time, but he still holds ICP and believes in his words.

>> No.58445112

Idk how people can call him a larp when he dropped literal 100x + projects in our laps with Solana and Arweave. I made 6figs off this niggas calls and bought a big icp bag at $5

>> No.58446838
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yeah, just a psyop to make you artificially pump his bags and make him even richer. Just like the economic pysops murica has been promoting and what truflation has been trying to expose, the disagreement of the average mutt trying to make it lol
He just took a massive god tier shit on anyone who believed him

>> No.58446858


>> No.58446860

>btc at 220k
I believe him. This is your last chance to get btc under 70k before it moons again in two years to 150k lol

>> No.58446862

Whatever it was he did you good guys. butthurt much?

>> No.58446864

there's proof that his claims were tru tho

>> No.58446865

>is so high estrogen they're not worth listening to
females know jack shit of crypto KEK

>> No.58446867
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>> No.58446868

he should just dump already desu
that kinda threat is just childs play

>> No.58446870
File: 267 KB, 1000x1000, 35f058f1c919fdf6df12c6b03b90980f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the larping CIA agent

>> No.58446871

>economic pysops murica has been promoting
I think this the one here closest tot the truth. actually makes sense.

>> No.58446873
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>> No.58446875

average mutt is just your average craptobro that thinks that nfts are valuable lol

>> No.58446877
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>shilled internet computer
>questions about integrity

Should this really be a question?