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58441813 No.58441813 [Reply] [Original]

>one of the most important projects in crypto
>the price refuses to go up
what the fuck is this piece of shit's problem?

>> No.58441815

> >one of the most important projects in crypto
What does LINK do in the real world? It is now worth twelve dollars to buy a LINK. That’s about a Double Big Tasty and a Big Mac. If I bought all the LINK in the world, what would I be able to do that I can’t do now?

>> No.58441828

hey buddy, whats your problem? stop posting so much

>> No.58441851

>easy answer
because it's not one of the most important projects in crypto it's just a bridge...there are tons of bridges, oracles, etc.

>> No.58441863

Um, linkbros:

>> No.58441871

He has been here all day, I was shitposting at 8am and he was here and then around lunch time every thread I went into while I took a shit he was in posting and now I'm checking the catalog before I go eat dinner and he's still here. Imagine doing nothing but doom posting on 4chan literally all day kek I'd fucking kms if I was this guy

>> No.58441875

$40 million/month revenue and growing, parabolic rises in CCIP usage MoM, literally confirmed to be building the interop solutions for both SWIFT and FIX meaning the entirety of traditional banking/finance, and price can't pump.

Really makes you think. I almost feel like the singularity will be an actual thing. One day people will just wake up and be like "oh, fuck." and within a week or less LINK will 20-100x from wherever it is.

>> No.58441877

The token is for donation to chainlink team, it doesn’t have any value

>> No.58442292
File: 158 KB, 985x985, 1686139157448350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is literally the only reason.

>> No.58442296

glink up 22% today

>> No.58442703


stinkies are going to miss yet another cycle

>> No.58442712

Every single Swift and CCIP news event was dumped on by Bitcoin.
As well as countless other news events and breakout attempts.

You'd have to be clinically retarded not to see the connection here.

>> No.58442727

take your meds schizo stinker

>> No.58442730

>Bitcoin dumps on every single Swift/CCIP news event
>"hurrrr why link no go up because of Swift/CCIP???"

>> No.58442736

you should consider buying something else

>> No.58442746

Everything I own dumps whenever there's Link news.

>> No.58442818

and then swiftly recovers to new highs
only a person who is literally all-in link would say something like that
you have tunnel vision, everything is leaving your altcoin behind while you perform all kinds of mental gymnastics to justify your passive hodling

>> No.58442823

Your coin is going to zero. You will lose everything you have built up.

>> No.58442838

It’s not a coin

>> No.58442870 [DELETED] 
File: 3.79 MB, 2032x2048, 56161156132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck is retardio (token) enough to buy chainlink (another token)?

>> No.58442905

It's your coin, too. You're in every LINK thread but very few others. Interesting.

>> No.58443447
File: 209 KB, 2132x1206, 1706975795723023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and then swiftly recovers to new highs
Because Bitcoin doesn't dump on their pumps.

>> No.58443455

the simplest answer is that most people just don't know about or understand chainlink. i don't know how it's gone under the radar for this long but even out of the small amount of people that are aware of it most of them still don't even fully understand it. it may be unironically too high iq.

>> No.58443668


>> No.58443854

The train is giving you enough time to slurp up enough of this gem. Its not just LINK; AAST, PYTH and SEI are good buys right now.

>> No.58443868

kek baggies

>> No.58444054
File: 69 KB, 859x698, 1669037412539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not everything that glitters is a good thing, I had to sell it because I was already losing too much money, it was more profitable to just go through all of dexview and find a small coin than to keep waiting

>> No.58444063

If you look at twitter you see this. When some CT influencer shills link as a good buy they come out of the woodwork "what chain is it? how many tps does it do?" etc. They genuinely have no idea what it is

>> No.58444581

>1 million followers on twitter
>it's still under the radar
the simplest answer is that the vast majority of market participants do not share your perma bullish sentiment

>> No.58444626

>the market thinks adoption by Blackrock is extremely bullish
>the market does not think adoption by Swift, DTCC, Arkinvest, ... is extremely bullish

The market isn't retarded, you are.

>> No.58444627

>adoption by Swift, DTCC, Arkinvest
>PoCs and trials are "adoption"
nah, I think you're the retarded one

>> No.58444631

1/3 people are retarded. Sorry bro.

>> No.58444632

>>PoCs and trials are "adoption"
They're absolutely an integral part of adoption.

And the Blackrock thing wasn't even real, yet the market responded bigly. Because the prospect itself was the bullish thing, not the actual adoption.

>> No.58444635

okay bro, reality is that no one outside of your echo chamber gives a fuck, LINK is not a hidden gem anymore, it has a huge following, an army of shillers on twitter and JewTube, yet despite all that no one else is interested
keep coping

>> No.58444638

>no one outside of your echo chamber gives a fuck

So why did they give a fuck about Blackrock (allegedly) adopting Hedera?

>> No.58444641

nobody gave a fuck about that either

>> No.58444643

>nobody gave a fuck about that either
It was all over crypto media and the price insta-doubled.

>> No.58444644

and then insta dumped
are you mentally challenged? that's what you're yearning for? cause nobody even bothers to PnD your shitbags?
lmao, the absolute state of LINK marines in 2017+7

>> No.58444646

>and then insta dumped
Yes, when it came out that it wasn't real.

Which is exactly my point: what's bullish is the prospect, not the actual adoption.

>> No.58444650

well said, but when it comes to Chainlink, nobody gives a fuck about the prospect, or the actual adoption
simple as
keep coping

>> No.58444655

>when it comes to Chainlink, nobody gives a fuck about the prospect, or the actual adoption
Except they do.

>> No.58444911

>What does LINK do in the real world
A crypto Oracle has a lot of uses. Use google

>> No.58445065

I guess every other token has the ability to decouple from BTC on good news but somehow Chainlink can't?

Retarded ass shills.

>> No.58446127

no one. i'm waiting to buy SUPRA at tge.

>> No.58446155

Other tokens don't have to decouple from BTC, because BTC doesn't dump on their news.