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58437977 No.58437977 [Reply] [Original]

Well... now that's we've lost everything, what's the new plan from here on out?

>> No.58438091

I don't think hardly anyone has lost much of anything, unless they didn't buy anything until very recently. If you've been buying BTC and/or top alts the last year you should definitely still be way ahead right now.

>> No.58438142
File: 28 KB, 450x418, 1709561406504270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm down about 500k from my local recent top. No biggie, right?

>> No.58438147
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Btw this is op. I'm actually down about 600k. No sweat

>> No.58438149

No, that's definitely a biggie. But like, how? I don't wanna make you feel worse, but was it leverage or shitcoins or something?

>> No.58438153

Nope. Just have a big portfolio

>> No.58438265


Oh man if you knew.

Here's a story.

>be me, kind of risk off when it comes to money originally, have been working on a degree that i didnt want to finish because it was too much work (which wouldnt be a problem if i actually liked the work, but i didnt)

>join crypto in jan 2021 because i was teaching my self programming on the side, work for some daos

>sell top of 2021 because i follow a call of someone i trust understands markets

>keep working through 2023 at which point i have 170k to my name

>in jan 2023 dao i worked for would only pay me on completed work in a bounty style fashion, i worked hard as fuck for it but in summer 2023 i got literally got sick from the anxiety for a couple of months

>in the meanwhile, since i don't know what else to do, started trading because market seems to have started reversing, this was after 16k, i was so focused on working i didnt even note market started reversing

>eventually over time run portofolio with ordinals and stuff up to 260k. i was very risk off at the beginning when it comes to btc so i didnt make more. i only had a % of my portofolio

>one day, distro on my laptop crashes on boot. i believe i can fix and i try, but i just make it worse and lose all my data. 130k gone. (tried with forensics nothing works)

>be me with 130k left, this was start of chop, believe market will continue to go up because why not economy is still fucked

>eventually lose to investments money down to 114k or something. then, april 12th alts die, down to 80k. then, today, majors die 60k. inadequate risk management.

It's probably the wrong _trade_ but I was forced to sell everything today because I can't risk losing more money. I've spent a lot of time on this industry and really believe in it. I just feel we are at a turning point and I won't be able to be part of the transition, especially because the only thing which in this industry stays with you is your money. In essence, generational wealth fumbled.

>> No.58438278

And this is why I hate comments like this. Because of the circumstances, I simply didn't buy BTC / alts early and learned to even trade. So saying "if you did this you should be up, why are you not up you fucking retard?" is so fucking ignorant. You have no fucking idea why people come into the market late or not.

>> No.58438279

"Learned to trade" more like, gotten used to it, and to how it works.

>> No.58438285

What I hate even more is that there are people who really didn't pour their work into this space, and will now take multiple six figure returns out into their tradfi, kyc connected, savings accounts.

I didn't use fucking banks up until now, instead I did my best to avoid all of the shit, but if I will have to start waging I will need one, and then probably eat the fucking goyslop and be a slave to the CBDC.

>> No.58438308

>Didn't keep a safe copy of his seed phrase
You didn't lose enough

>> No.58438335

Go fuck yourself, seriously, go fuck yourself, the only reason I recovered 130k is because I HAD an external, encrypted fucking backup where I was putting everything. But after consistently, for months, backing up everything on it, for a period of two fucking weeks I didn't back up the ordinals / bitcoin wallet because I was sick and tired of it.

>> No.58438336

I think you will also need to learn how to lose everything you piece of shit.

>> No.58438337

We’re trapped. It’s off to war now, for the sake of the dollar.

>> No.58438446
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Maybe you guys should give gamefi a chance? btc will go back up eventually, in the mean time you could me playing shrapnel on superverse, or metalcore? its not like btc is going anywhere soon. At least you would be doing something with your time instead of crying and complaining all day.

>> No.58438495

I haven't even lost anything, all my bags are still intact, in fact even my maga looks like it's about to go up at any moment
bobos are so dramatic

>> No.58438522
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most fuckers would make better use of their time like lifting weights or something bro, not playing gay ass video games.

>> No.58438525

nobody lost anything faggot, actual smart people shorted before it all went red and are buying back in as we speak. Buy low, sell high. its the fucking mantra faggot.

>> No.58438527

that only happened cuz you are weak.

>> No.58438530
File: 60 KB, 1125x1125, se9b1xwi8xo81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't. too busy doing non-neet things.
>i.e kissing a woman, which you never will
im just better than that

>> No.58438531
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If I were you I'll start getting some rope

>> No.58438533

you didn't deserve that money anyway.

>> No.58438535

>can't. too busy doing non-neet things.
then wtf you doing on 4chan of all places, dont deny what you are cum eating faggot.

>> No.58438682
File: 277 KB, 463x583, 1699431768348750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We come into this World with nothing and leave it the same.

>> No.58438829

Who are you? What do you do to deserve anything?

>> No.58438838

Why the fuck are you people here and trying to fucking hurt people? Do you know you hurt people? Do you fucking know it? Ask yourself it.

>> No.58438846

I think most of you people are miserable and that is why you attempt to hurt people. I will get over it but you will stay miserable.

>> No.58438861

Not OP, I'm still green because I bought at the low but what was the main indicators that things were gonna get liquidated today?

>> No.58439484

bro what are you talking about back ups

step 1 is get a ledger

step 2 is secure your seed phrase some way. common way is put it on metal plates in a secured safe in your house. will live through a house fire

you dont need to back up anything electronically to keep your funds safe.

as for exposure if you cant figure out how to make money in alts just do the saylor strategy and DCA bitcoin every month. you literally cant lose over a 4 year time frame