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File: 485 KB, 1680x1646, chainlink ISSA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58436027 No.58436027 [Reply] [Original]

Are any other cryptos ISSA members?
Does ISSA matter?

>> No.58436030

Uhhh chainlink….bad?

>> No.58436039

ISSA nothingburger.

>> No.58436042

it means that this shitcoin has officially became XRP 2.0
congrats on this, seriously

>> No.58436043
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Sergey cant keep getting away with this.

>> No.58436058
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>> No.58436063

literally whom'st'ves

>> No.58436067

>Accenture, Bloomberg, BNP Paribas, Citi, Credit Agricole, Deloitte, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, etc. etc. etc. etc.

>> No.58436076

every other shitcoin is an ISSA member these days. it means nothing

>> No.58436085

>literally who, literally who, literally who, literally who, literally who, literally who, literally who, literally who, etc. etc. etc. etc.

>> No.58436090
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>> No.58436092

stop being comfy, stink marine
you should feel fearful, uncertain, and doubtful

>> No.58436093

Glancing through the list, literally the only other possible crypto I saw was "Swiss Chain", but the blockchain company's name has no space between the two words.

>> No.58436095

look again, I saw shiba in there somewhere

>> No.58436103

Ah yes there it is, wedged between Cardano and XRP. How could I miss it.

>> No.58436113

look at their executive board. Swift, Bank of New York, HSBC, Nasdaq, Euroclear, Deutsche, City, etc.

First that WEF pdf and now this. Fucking hell things are ramping up. 1k is unironically a make it stack.

>> No.58436118


>> No.58436121
File: 1.84 MB, 2000x2000, IMG_1397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry fuddie, I am fully staked and the good news just keeps coming. I know, I know I should be freaking out about the price but….i just keep buying. Sorry I just can’t help myself

>> No.58436140

holy shit, anon, good find. I don't see any other crypto companies in there, am I missing them? It's a big list but looks like almost all banks/tradfi. I do see R3.

>> No.58436159

>I don't see any other crypto companies in there
"Swiss Chain" might be a crypto company by that name, but then the crypto company's name has no space.
So it might be another company altogether.

>I do see R3
That's R3 LLC, which is a general IT company.
It's not the R3 of Corda fame, which is a private company.

>> No.58436194

it hurts knowing i only have 12 make it stacks

>> No.58436216

you have 1.2 million stinks? wow :}

>> No.58436239

The make it stack with chainlink is 1 billion

>> No.58436273

Im gonna coom

>> No.58436274

Here's the list of ISSA members. All v serious hitters and not a single blockchain or shitcoin among them. Chainlink wins again.


>> No.58436300

How the fuck does it not pump from anything? If any other shitcoin in the top 50 got this kind of news it would minimally 2x in a day.

>> No.58436313

really makes you think, but that's going to change by the end of May.

>> No.58436314

God knows. I would never risk not being all in, though.. esp now. The whole thing could go crazy in an instant. Diamond hands will be rewarded, as they say. Besides, we're staked anyway. Something has to give soon

>> No.58436315
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One day I'm gonna be able to sell the news. One day...

>> No.58436316

Where else have you seen this posted? Chainlink news isnt as popular as ETH news.

>> No.58436319

What if competitors like SupraOracles beats out chainlink?

>> No.58436321

anon, we all know nothing will happen (again). Don't get your hopes up.

I keep feeling like it's just going to go back to $5. I'm already locked in the fucking cube for eternity so it doesn't change my holdings, only my perception of how much life sucks or not. I'm so fucking tired, though.

Yea I guess then the question is... why does no one else care/take note? I feel like a total schizo.

>> No.58436322

You'd have to be retarded to not grab a bag of Supra but let's be real, anon... (1) they're probably going to wind up down the same path as every other non-LINK oracle (DOA) and (2) Chainlink is no longer just oracles, they're much more than that.

Market will definitely pump Supra, though. No doubt about that.

>> No.58436333

all of this just to shill another shitcoin
the evolution of pajeet shilling
congrats, OP, I am slightly impressed

>> No.58436342
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>Chainlink news isnt as popular as ETH news.
If you were to ask someone in crypto media why they're more excited about ETH or some dApp than they are Chainlink simultaneously connecting all blockchains and the entire legacy financial system, what do you think they would say?
If you were to ask the average retail normie why they cared more about Uniswap's Wells notice or the ETH spot ETF than they do about what Chainlink is about to do, what do you think they would say?

>> No.58436347
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>> No.58436355

they would say you cant make any money from holding chainlink.

>> No.58436366
File: 62 KB, 1279x626, crab-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Chainlink is trapped in a tautological box where it is not allowed to go up.

>> No.58436373

Checked trips of truth
Honestly confused you rarely see effort posting combined with jeet shilling, its like they know the only real people left on this shithole board hold nothing but link so everything has to be targeted at that audience

>> No.58436376

the fact link doesn't pump should tell you something: that none of this matters. it's all smoke and mirrors. the market understands true value, and it has made its decision.

>> No.58436385

chainlink was designed to be the anti-gain coin. the fact it pumped at all is an accident, sergey was trying to keep everything around $3-4, a cup of joe :}. the dumps will continue until equilibrium is restored. this is why "link marines" are the ultimate cucks

>> No.58436386

What these bits of good news do mean is that the token should steadily increase in value as chainlink grows. Clearly they have ambition to be huge

>> No.58436389

>it doesn't pump because it's smoke and mirrors

The Blackrock-Hedera partnership was actual smoke and mirrors, but Hedera still pumped.
Same thing with Litecoin-Walmart.

>> No.58436391

>what do you think they would say?
probably something along the lines of "well, if that's true, why is the price so stagnant?"
They don't grasp the almost-certain destiny of the tokenomics one bit, and they're too lazy to bother trying. What's obvious to us is opaque to most. They'll begin fomo-ing in when the price hits $100+

>> No.58436397

Obviously the case, and still all the dipshit email verified fud mutts continue to wave their hands at the all the adults sitting at the adult table.

>look at me, look at me! Link $5! Aren't I interesting!?!?!

anyway, I'm reconsidering my sell targets. if I had a big stack of link i'd consider dropping all contact from anyone you told you bought link.

>> No.58436405

>if I had a big stack of link i'd consider dropping all contact from anyone you told you bought link

>> No.58436420

They would say, "ive never heard of this chainlink"

>> No.58436427

they would say "I'm having regular sex, unlike chainlink holders" :}

>> No.58436437

>and still all the dipshit email verified fud mutts continue to wave their hands at the all the adults sitting at the adult table.
are you actually stupid? Do we know what the requirments are for issa member? it could something as simple as just writing a check, with your money btw. its been seven years and no progress as been made with bringing value back to the token holders. Which is the point of crypto mind you.

>> No.58436447

Yeah but it's still crashing you dumb baggie so nobody cares lmao

>> No.58436474
File: 3 KB, 926x22, lilguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey guys! look at me! look at me! please look at me! link is stinky hehe! huh? why aren't you giving me a (you)!

>> No.58436494
File: 163 KB, 1567x902, issajoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go faggot. it doesnt even cost that much to join

>> No.58436528

Everything has service fees to run an organization. With that said, Its not just a paid membership. Complete retard take.

>> No.58436541

>it doesnt even cost that much to join
why is it all such big players on the list, then? why don't all the quants and pyths and dogshitters join, if it makes them look good by association?
I think we all know the answer to that when we read down the list. I doubt they let just anyone in. Keep fuddin, bud
PS Did you see the recent wef paper that states Swift are using CCIP?

>> No.58436557

this is pure cope you get that right?
here is a question, how come chainlink cant produce anything that brings value back to the token after seen years?

>> No.58436581

>this is pure cope you get that right?
This is pure deflection. Its a non profit, how do you expect them to run it?

>here is a question, how come chainlink cant produce anything that brings value back to the token after seen years?
Its up 8700%, how have they not? or does it have to be over 50000% to satisfy you?

>> No.58436584

>Its up 8700%
nigger we were supposed to make money from staking gains while token is up.

>> No.58436589

Thank you for conceding. Now back to your hole you fucking faggot.

>> No.58436592
File: 233 KB, 1503x1124, shutupandjamgaiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink does about $250k per day in fees to the network. Fees are paid in LINK and nodes sell them. The problem isn't not enough fees coming in, it's nodes not having incentive to hold. Sergey neeeds to open up staking so that fees to nodes can be staked. LINK isn't a yield bearing crypto in any meaningful way, may as well sell for ETH and stake. Node operators are the ones cucking the price and staking is a consolation prize.

>> No.58436596

>muh fundamentals
>hurrr bring value to the token

How did Hedera "bring value to the token" after the Blackrock announcement?
What were the fundamentals involved in doubling the Hedera price in a matter of hours?

>> No.58436599
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>> No.58436609

> Market will definitely pump Supra, though. No doubt about that.

This is what I am thinking. Freaking trash like teller and band had huge runs, completely outperforming chainlink. I feel it’s some kind of humiliation ritual to have chainlink competitors moon hard while chainlink does meager gains

>> No.58436658

>we were supposed to make money
i'm already a millionaire and it's just beginning. i know you know i know you know that but let's play some more. it's such original fun and i've never played this game before. Let's have the same conversation tomorrow and every day for the rest of the year. It's just such a laugh.

>> No.58436678

Ah yes another money hole where they pay 6 figures per month to be a member of some org that hires 60 people to brainstorm and organize organization

>> No.58436833

came here to post this LMFAOOOOOOOO

>> No.58436838

this :}

>> No.58436856

oh, come on, anon. Checked, I guess.

>> No.58436874

They would ask how many TPS Chainlink can do.

>> No.58436973
File: 2.55 MB, 1920x1489, IMG_3417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fud c u c k s poured in from /bant/ upon this recent posting of big news in an impotent attempt to kill sentiment. It’s adorable.

>> No.58436993

What color is your Bug'ahi going to be, lad?

>> No.58437034
File: 59 KB, 600x600, posted it again award.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58437101

probably nothing

>> No.58437103

definitely nothing

>> No.58437191


>> No.58437400
File: 1.15 MB, 2778x1778, 1713959879513271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58437736

WEF pdf? I've been out of the loop on my crumbs, can you link or...? I'm in archives but a ton of stuff comes up. Is it from October?

>> No.58437771


>> No.58437773


>> No.58437783
File: 1015 KB, 743x800, goodtimes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks marines, sure enough I found it shortly after sending that stupid retard message. Feels so, so good.

>> No.58437817

It's now pretty much guaranteed Swift will use CCIP. The question is; when will they formally announce it, if ever? There's some meeting/event with Swift at the end of May, isn't there? Maybe it could be there. Fuck knows. Wouldn't surprise me if it just kept dragging on and on. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if they came out in a huge parade and advertised it at the fucking superbowl and the price dropped 1.2 fucking % -it's insane

>> No.58437831

SWIFT said "12 to 24 months" a couple of months ago.
Factor in the "everything is always delayed" rule and you'd think 2026-27 would be a safe bet.

>> No.58437833

Although it's worth noting that "SWIFT product launch" and price pump probably won't happen at the same time.
There's literally no way to guess price action in clown market world. If news drove price we'd be at $250 already.

>> No.58437839

They'll never openly announce it. It will just "happen"

>> No.58437858

>the "everything is always delayed" rule
that's why they've put 12-24 months on it and not just 12 months. If it all goes okay it should be 12 months from when it was announced over a month ago, which would put it at under 11 months from now

>> No.58437875

Why would they? It’s an enterprise product, it just sits in the background and runs things. It’s like a company advertising that they use Cisco branded switches or a SAP branded database. It’s an irrelevant detail that nobody really needs to know. My bet is that neither Chainlink nor SWIFT will ever advertise that they use CCIP.

>> No.58438067

it means that LINK has officially been declared as a security

>> No.58438069

Thank God! Security = safety, that means it's a safe bet.

>> No.58438078

my thoughts exactly fren

>> No.58438082

>My bet is that neither Chainlink nor SWIFT will ever advertise that they use CCIP.
But they already have. Or do you mean front page on CNBC?

>> No.58438104

I want to see all the Chainlink staff and all the SWIFT staff doing a synchronised dance, like the COVID nurses.

>> No.58438123
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>> No.58438217
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>> No.58438316

Just confirming that it's officially a shitcoin.
Now all Linkies can focus on better oracle solutions;

>> No.58438327
File: 138 KB, 680x680, F_rc54DX0AAk7dT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to shill other shitcoins to confirm that LINK is a ded coin, dedder than ded
And that new oracle solutions are taking central stage, only peanut brains are still playing Linkies atm

>> No.58439263

There's a difference between advertising and stating. So far, it hasn't been stated (confirmed) by Swift that CCIP is their interoperability solution, though WE know it is. Once they come out and state it, it gives Chainlink grounds to repeat it, and they will. The marketing dept is pretty slick now and they won't miss that opportunity. CCIP isn't JUST for enterprise, but if the wider world knows Swift are using it, it becomes the standard very quickly.

>> No.58439444

why was R3 shit used to fud against link so hard

>> No.58439446 [DELETED] 

Not really, the only thing that matters atm is SharkRoll presale and hitting that 500k mark anon

>> No.58439506

Checked and everything was used to fud Link. Everything.

>> No.58439836
