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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 396 KB, 1280x1034, lsadjnaksdnad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57717 No.57717 [Reply] [Original]

>Hayek describes Keynes in detail, a farce and a showman

>Friedman takes socialist/libshit professor back to gradeschool

>Friedman destroys teacher unions

>Hayek describes how smart people become drooling manipulative leftists

>Hayek. The Road to Serfdom in 5 minutes

>deflation "boogieman" is a giant lie

>greatest scam in history

>Documentary "Money for Nothing"

current events:
Food prices up nearly 10% across the board within the year, contrary to government claimed 6%


>> No.57750


>> No.57749

>inb4 this thread gets absolutely destroyed by one competent NK

>> No.57762

Fuck off /pol/

>> No.57781
File: 84 KB, 225x225, suckzone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>gives eloquent and reliable sources

whut. This thread is libertarian not Nazi you unbelievabl- oh wait anything that isn't leftism is fascism to leftists. Forgot

forgive me

>> No.57797

Motherfucker. Discussing economics on a 4chan-level. This board will be worse than /pol/ in 3 2 1

>> No.57794
File: 892 KB, 1280x1143, Libertarianism in a nutshell 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>daddy said leftists are bad, he listens to Michael Savage everyday
>instead of developing my own political thought, I just follow mommy and daddy's suburban conservative values
>but then I go even further right because rightists are BASED XDDDDD
>Milton Friedman is teh best and I'm only 16 but I still know so much!!11!

>> No.57798

go back to /pol/..biz is a shitposting free zone

>> No.57803

To be fair, anything that isn't libertarian to libertarians is tyranny

>> No.57802

>doing this much damage control for a three word post

>> No.57813

Come on man, don't stoop to that level.

>> No.57816

>implying private citizens can't maintain roads
They can't develop roads, because they can't into planning, but they can maintain roads that already exist. Everyone adjacent to any fucked up piece of road can simply pass around quotes and split the cost, same thing is done with fences.

>> No.57829

What are you responding to?

>> No.57832



>2. All political discussion belongs in /pol/.

>> No.57826
File: 48 KB, 851x799, 1390524091720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Fuck Libertarian/Ancaps thread

>> No.57844

Child-tier thinking.

>> No.57849

Fuck off back to /pol/ with your shitposting images

>> No.57869

>get blown the fuck out
>s-s-stop it

>> No.57873

Harming others is, but being a pedophile isn't actually illegal.

>> No.57865

Did you make that in your middle school art class? Get a job.

>> No.57866

>trying to separate economics from politics

Good luck

>> No.57883
File: 55 KB, 595x631, 1388557784425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57886

>>trying to separate economics from politics
You can certainly separate it from /pol/ tier shitposting like the OP.

>> No.57879


>don't call a blue sky blue!

cmon - the left is the reason Keynesianism is so accepted among political circles


libertarianism != anarchism

>> No.57887

Ancaps aren't libertarians aren't ancaps.

Ancaps think absolutely no authority is needed for a society, which is dumb. Libertarians understand an absolute minimum of authority is needed for a government, which is supported by every political theorist from Laozi to Plato.

>> No.57910

I don't disagree with you, I just want to stop this shitposting

>> No.57908



>> No.57906

>posts meme-riddled shit with no facts

Come on, /biz/. Can we at least keep this place cancerless for the first few weeks?

>> No.57920


Is it ok to talk economics on a business board?

I guess not

>> No.57921

I never get this image, i'm libertarian, but at the same time, the image raises a real issue. Its not easy for the tax payers to get together to pay construction companies for the roads. Even then, you would have free rider issues.

>> No.57927


Read Locke's Treatises on Civil Government before you shit up the board please. You are only embarrassing yourself.

>> No.57932

Read the friggin sticky m8

>> No.57949


>reading anything but pamphlets and buzzword campaign slogans

just don't try

>> No.57950

I haven't seen a single argument for either side posted on this thread, /biz/ is just juvenile mud slinging - sad

even the worst, dumbest nazis on /pol/ post arguments for their position, sad to think that /biz/ is inferior even to them

>> No.57961

lol charity

No, I believe that a government has a certain responsibility in that what that responsibility is should be up to the people. If the people decide the government should provide everything, feeding tubes included, so be it. If the people decide the government should provide only the "essentials," so be it.

So, if you're not making it, a government could supply shelter, food, water, education and/or internet, and possibly healthcare, but no more. That, in my opinion, is a good minimum.

What really shits me off is that over 50 dole bludgers in my country get about 30k a year in welfare, whereas students get just enough to pay rent and maybe enough for food. It makes absolutely no sense that they'd give middle-aged dole bludgers more money than students who honestly expect to make a living on their own one day. This is Australia, yet another welfare nation with a welfare system of insanity, at least it's not Britain and Sweden.

>> No.57968
File: 374 KB, 612x612, cKaNlne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an upper middle class white conservative Christian libertarian, I can tell you I've experienced all walks of life in my 16 years here.
What needs to REALLY happen is less regulations so people like my daddy can make MORE money.
Also, its the lazy people's fault for being poor.
I've never gone a day without a comfortable bed or a hot meal made by mommy nor have I ever had a job, yet I instinctively know they are just lazy bums that need to get a stinkin' job!
Teach a man to fish, etc.

If only everyone could understand the way the world REALLY works, people as smart and successful as me.
THEN we'd really have some changes made that would help more people exactly like me, people that deserve it.
pic related, its me

>> No.57985

I agree with your point. It is a question of logistics, rather than ethics and morality though.

>> No.57986

I don't think that's really you. Post a pic with a timestamp if it is.

>> No.57995

ebin simply ebin

>> No.58014
File: 303 KB, 510x480, the wiener man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imo anarchosausageism is by far the supperior form of government

>> No.58015

*tips fedora*

>> No.58021

I consider a libertarian anyone that understands and accepts the validity of the NAP.

Therefore, only ancaps are libertarians.

>> No.58022

Thanks for trying, moot. This board seems to already be going to complete shitposting. You tried, and for that we thank you.

>> No.58032
File: 494 KB, 640x487, shamefur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a libertarian, but your post reeks of shitposting. Don't do it again.

>> No.58035

>understands and accepts the validity of the NAP
>validity of the NAP

Thanks, I needed a chuckle

>> No.58043
File: 122 KB, 625x626, b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58047


>yes excellent goyim! Just give the poor money!
>Let them never fix anything for themselves hehe
>meanwhile, we can use the liquidy trap to ensnare the goyi- ERM the people into a never ending debt cycle... hehe

>good goy

>> No.58060

The NAP is based off of faulty logic, sometimes the usual methods fail and what's left is aggression. That's just how the world is run, NAP should not be treated like a logical axiom for any system.

>> No.58064


>OP presents many videos relating to economics

>thread immediately turns to a shitfest, no posts of which offer any legitimate arguments

>> No.58069

As a libertarian who is doubtlessly concerned only with personal gain, why wouldn't you accept such a system and strive to be at the top so that you can milk the shit out of the poor?

>> No.58076

I don't like how that the person who made that comic subtly implies they want to institute thoughtcrime as a valid charge. If you dislike being called authoritarian, that's a bad way to go about making your points. Then again, he's probably just some net-Nazi, so it's no big deal.

>> No.58078

Because anyone not retarded understands that people have different values, and for many people charity raises their own utility.

>> No.58086
File: 8 KB, 276x183, imagesX7S0HH4I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is anyone actually watching the videos?

>> No.58092

Congratulations on responding with irrelevant points, I guess

>> No.58107

I did. Hayek is the man

>> No.58116


>points are irrelevant because I don't understand them

>> No.58111

It's not irrelevent at all, you're just retarded.

>> No.58126

>they're relevant because they rely on my beliefs which are automatically correct!

>> No.58149

Welcome to economics numbnuts, discussing any ideology is going to be based around beliefs, however economics and the idea that people have subjective values isn't just a belief.

>> No.58170


I just had this brilliant idea of a society that resolves around 'kickstarter' campaigns and such.

"Invest in this road from A to B"
Pledges of 200$ or more get free toll rides for first 4 months. and such

"Invest pavements around your neighbourhood"
... etcetera.

Of course, to provide 'some' bare minimum you pay a small amount of tax, which pays police/fireman/and most common roads. Also, you can pledge 'payment plans' like 15 dollar per month instead of paying a large sum up front.

>> No.58197
File: 111 KB, 558x684, 1392581190133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58201


or roads can be a community-driven sort of thing, like people built them or financed them because they wanted to improve their town and accelerate growth in the immediate area


>> No.58215


>resorting to adhoms

its like... its like you have no argument and are just shitposting!

>> No.58225

This plus leftist denies that nazism was derived from socialism.

>> No.58250


>> No.58260



>> No.58270

Not even the same guy, but I know better than to even try to discuss with lolbergtarians any more. They have all the blind faith of fundies plus all the sophistry of commies. Best course of action is to just bash and shame them like the pathetic retards that they are.

>> No.58280

So your excuse for bringing up irrelevant points is quite simply 'Those are my beliefs, numbnuts'?

Good to know.

>> No.58343
File: 232 KB, 558x684, feminism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A+ materiel, would shop again

>> No.58346

Posting in unintentional containment thread.

OP is a moron. inb4 >ad hominem!

4/10 pretty good for this kind of shit communication.

>> No.58338

>the idea that people have subjective values isn't just a belief

What is it then? A god-sanctified commandment?

>> No.58363

Oops, meant to reply to >>58343

>> No.58374

No I didn't faggot.

>> No.58384

Are you absolutely sure? And "faggot"? Um, really? Wow, just wow. I'm going to have to report that to your commissar.

>> No.58425

this board is already /pol/ and /new/(rip)

fuck you OP

>> No.58418


>> No.58435
File: 284 KB, 1161x869, 1375469382017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in my mind

>> No.58447
File: 762 KB, 300x170, 1391910980311.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58455

Original OP:
>FUCK this FUCK that
>look at these compelling YOUTUBE links!111!

People begin shitposting about lolgertardians back
>hey stop it!
>ad hom
>y-y-you have no a-argument

>> No.58457

>socialism threads
>libertarian threads

This shit belongs in /pol/

Only libertarian economic theories like Austrian economics are allowed here.
And definitely no fucking socialism threads

No politics.

>> No.58468

>Only libertarian economic theories like Austrian economics are allowed here.
>Austrian economic
It takes more faith to believe in Austrian bullshit than it does to believe in g-d

>> No.58469

Lol but you literally have no argument.

>> No.58494

Who is "you", the entire thread?
If >>57794 and >>58197 don't successfully make debunk "libertarianism" for you, you're a lost cause.
Oh wait - you're probably the guy trying to convince us using a bunch of Youtube links.

>> No.58523



No I'm not op
Lol you fucking faggot.

>> No.58522


How do you "debunk" a value system? The most you can do is say "I prefer different things".

>> No.58537

>Youtube links
But I can't read or write, anon...

>> No.58557

/pol/ shitpost thread
>85+ replies

Actual financial thread >>58429
>1 reply that's probably the OP

Fuck this board.

>> No.60035
File: 91 KB, 600x509, 1369004152547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and Gentlemen, your typical Libertarian.

>> No.60079

>he's actually still posting
>he's this mad he has no argument that he posts facebook images

Oh god my sides cannot take it anymore.

>> No.60117

>he's this mad he has no argument that he posts facebook images
Confirmed for never having visited facebook

>> No.60251


At least make an argument. All you've done is shitpost.

>> No.60309
File: 145 KB, 918x560, 1367963519896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ENTIRE thread is a shitpost.
Why would I cast pearls before swine?

>> No.60538

Guy on the left is a soldier. Guy on the right is a free civilian.

>> No.62312


No he isn't.

>> No.62348

>copying and pasting Youtube videos
>eloquent and reliable sources
Pick one