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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 4 KB, 260x300, chainlink-link-logo-FB38A5933B-seeklogo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58429516 No.58429516 [Reply] [Original]

Right now, it's important to understand the overall crypto market is weak with very low liquidity and no new capital coming in, plus retail largely distracted by memes & the rugpull casino, so "fundamental" tokens are stalled out. Still, there are a number of potential openings for LINK right now:

>People start building useful dapps utilizing CCIP, the easiest cash grab of these which would start pumping LINK would be a shitcoin casino that allows you to engage in any CCIP chain's shitcoin trading with any of the CCIP-enabled currencies.
Problems here are (1) shitcoin casino seems to have already exhausted people, opportunity might be gone and (2) fees to use CCIP are so low it would take an extreme amount of activity to actually move the token price
>BUILD rewards begin to be accessible AND staking pool opens up - this combination would cause a quick flurry of retail flooding in to take advantage of LINK's "airdrops".
Problem here is obviously, pool's closed and likely not opening any time soon. MAYBE expanding but the only way we get price appreciation from LINK staking is if anyone can stake.
> Major adoption from a financial firm or entity like SWIFT
Doubt that happens this year
> Rate cuts begin and all markets go parabolic
Maybe later in the year

What else?

>> No.58429526

retail is so poor and uninterested in crypto these days they aren't even worth mentioning. they have zero effect on the market

>> No.58429528

yes but LINK liquidity also seems low and it wouldn't take a lot for the price to pump. Really just need the current swarm of locusts to swing by.

>> No.58429533
File: 80 KB, 978x1042, chain link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sergey launches new cross chain coin via CCIP - doginlink. The logo is a dog inside chainlink. Maybe froginlink picrel.

This would pump link to 1 trillion market cap.

>> No.58429560

If big Serg launched a meme coin I would unironically sell half my LINK stack to buy it.

>> No.58429603

> Major adoption from a financial firm or entity like SWIFT
>Doubt that happens this year
May 30th.

>> No.58429671

The locusts would just pass through and pumps it and then move onto the next thing. It might move the floor up a bit, but we wouldn't make it.
We make it when institutional adoption goes parabolic and everyone (not crypto retail, actual everyone) is talking about tokenisation.
That's hopefully happening by EOY 2026. That's what I'm waiting for.

>> No.58429680
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oh do I got the coin for you....

>> No.58429681

>Masonic digits
CLL is currently building the next trillion dollar tech company and nobody notices

>> No.58429939

I worry bout this, I'm a $truf fan and the CEO is hysterical, I do believe in this project but they have this weird friendship/partnership with link that it just plainly looks bad.

>> No.58430013

that's the next logical step, link is already a hexican exile at this point why not attract the rather undesirable, retarded shitcoin crowd?

>> No.58430015
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There are far worse dogshit projects you can collab with and LINK is not one of them. Stop the senseless hate, damn.

>> No.58430016

>very low liquidity and no new capital coming in,
blackcock alone injected dozens of billions of dollars into bitcoin in a few months.

>> No.58430017

Why? They are just another link customer, THEY decided to make it this big thing announcing far and wide they are working with them and whatever lol. Who cares.

>> No.58430020

i dont really see blockchain tech making it into mainstream markets and merging with existing businesses etc. just makes money laundering way harder to perform and no government requires it for transparency or whatever

>> No.58430036
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>nonsense hate
I'd pretty pissed, too. the crab is abnormal and we all know it

>> No.58430043

another base scam? count me in

>> No.58430044

wise. Dump that shit right after it hits the 18cents peak

>> No.58430045

(((they))) don't want you to know

>> No.58430052
File: 2 KB, 125x93, 1649963797162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doubt that happens this year
this alone invalidates your entire thread. your pump is not coming this year

>> No.58430056

hoping for the price to stay strong and for them to actually deliver something people wants. The AI integrated model for info will be just like that butler in Ready Player One, or like microsoft is doing with Copilot

>> No.58430066

Tokenised assets can have data programmed into them, which means you can program things like AML regulations into them. You need to watch this talk:
> https://youtu.be/pe8LXvmhVAo?si=W7bqRqDXkLmLNjpW
Banks will use blockchains as internal ledgers and assets will move freely between thousands of eventual blockchains, because the asset itself will carry the rules and restrictions governing its transfer.
99% of crypto has no idea that the paradigm has shifted like this.

>> No.58430095

The shit we all saw 7 years ago. And I'd say more like 99.9% and that includes web3 companies. The industry is filled with retards.

>t. worked for a web3 company filled with retards and founded by retards

>> No.58430102

The “value + messaging” narrative is way newer than 7 years old. I hadn’t heard of it before Nigel Dobson.

>> No.58430105

Jesus needs to resurrect again and shill chainlink to his people

>> No.58430125


>>58430095 is agreeing with you. We had CTOs in the Ethereum development space describe problems that the Ethereum ecosystem needed to work on while having no idea that Chainlink was working on it. And one guy posted said tweet during one of Chainlink's Smartcons.

>> No.58430132

>jesus resurrects and shills chainlink as the god protocol
>link dumps 3%
>godprotocoljesusinu pumps 300,000%

>> No.58430140

>link retards don't understand CCIP isn't anything new, and superior products already exist that are publicly available right now
years of development wasted. why would anyone use chainlink over existing solutions?

>> No.58430158

>Jesus says chainlink will replace the holy spirit in the trinity

>> No.58430332

If you have to honestly ask this then you shouldn't be posting in this thread but rather doing some reading, anon. If you're just shitposting, carry on, I guess.

>> No.58430368 [DELETED] 

It increasingly seems like Linkies trying to gaslight the market that they're wrong for not caring about Link isn't a viable strategy. Not everyone is a Sergey personality cultist like you are: >58429560

>> No.58430371

I thought this one died already lol. Swaped all of mine and went into ocean and fun 6 months ago, and already saw gains kek, stop wasting time fellas

>> No.58430372
File: 395 KB, 803x501, piss pool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It increasingly seems like Linkies trying to gaslight the market that they're wrong for not caring about Link isn't a viable strategy. Not everyone is a Sergey personality cultist like you are: >>58429560

>> No.58430389

We just need definitive confirmation that SWIFT will be using CCIP. That would cause a lot of XRPfags and QNTfags to capitulate and pump us up.

>> No.58430418

nobody cares about what you do with your peanuts, poorfag.

Haven't we already had it?

>> No.58430453

There was confirmation that the CCIP tests were a success and confirmation that SWIFT is launching their new network in the next 1-2 years but the latter did not actually mention Chainlink. Obviously if you read the 2 articles it's clear they're using CCIP but to attract retail we need a single headline, "SWIFT will use Chainlink's CCIP to enable tokenization and interoperability between 11,000 banks" something like that. Hopefully that's what we get in May when Sergey speaks with Jonathon.



>> No.58430469

Look here champ. The only thing that can pump the price is an uncapped staking pool. Im sorry, someone had to say it out loud.

Chainlink token may be needed to access Chainlink oracle services all day long. Chainlink can be used by every central bank on the planet. But that does not mean Chainlink tokens are needed to be held. Only spent as a medium of exchange. The nodes have no incentive to keep their tokens as opposed to immediantly dumping them to cover operational costs.

Think about the US dollar. Everyone uses it. It's the most used asset in the world. In fact, it's usage has dramatically increased in the last few years. And yet it's value keeps going down in perpetuity. Increased usage does not equal increased value.

Link will not pump until the switch that is uncucked staking is flipped. Its the only way to force the market to realize that which it has been trying its best to ignore.

>> No.58430524

>Look here champ. The only thing that can pump the price is an uncapped staking pool. Im sorry, someone had to say it out loud.
but pool is closed and will always remain so

>> No.58430600 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 534x451, 164692114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot the p2e craze starting with $orbs will bring forth a new wave of normies who will get tired of nfts soon enough (again) and buy chainlink as the scriptures foretold

>> No.58431281

>12-24 months
when it comes to Chainlink, EVERYTHING is ALWAYS 12-24 months away
you now remember the ISO 20022 deadline, which was originally for 2020 but COVID happened, then it was 2022, then 2023 and so on
Jesus Christ wake the fuck up already

>> No.58432292

ISO20022 is a messaging standard. The event you're talking about is financial institutions switching to that standard. Chainlink's only connection to ISO20022 is that it's compatible with it. I agree, there's been a lot of "oh my god this is it" moments overhyped by this board but it's not Chainlink's fault if you fall for all of them.

>> No.58432309
File: 69 KB, 1170x506, photo_2023-08-21_14-32-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They said they were dropping ISO20022.

>> No.58432311

>Hopefully that's what we get in May when Sergey speaks with Jonathon.

Sergey already made billions he does not give a fuck what happens to the project and he detests the investors.

>> No.58432324

it's fair value is $5

>> No.58432331
File: 423 KB, 808x805, 1501755550349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58432341

Chainlink currently earns $100k per month (being fair) which is $1.2m per year. At a market cap of $8.2b link is trading at a P/E of 6833x.

Nividia, which is considered severely overpriced is trading at a P/E of 66.12x.

Chainlink at the same (overpriced value point) of 66.12x would be priced at $0.079 per token.

>> No.58432375

you have to look at FORWARD p/e's, brainlet
when you bake in link's massive future growth, the fair value is closer to $5 not $0.079

>> No.58432381

post your model that comes up with a fair value of $500. the closest thing i've seen here are financially illiterate pronunciations like "securities are worth 1 quadrillion, therefore chainlink will be worth 1 quadrillion!"

>> No.58432400

>you have to look at FORWARD p/e's, brainlet

then you turn into every xrp tard thinking 1k eoy isn't ironic

>> No.58432404

wrong, i came up with link's fair value is around $5

>> No.58432413


>> No.58432547

But link is 2 digits and will remain so

>> No.58432683


You're on the right track, it isn't hard but the CL team can't comprehend it and clearly lack the intelligence to realize.
It needs announcements and evidence of usage from teams purchasing link and actually paying. Exactly what the GMX announcement was.
This spawned the pay up meme and created positive sentiment and price action.

Without announcing any pay for use it won't work. Everyone will logically assume the team is sponsoring tokens for free once again.

The whole original point of link is retail money would not be needed due to institutional demand. Until that happens we won't see link budge.

It's puzzling why they don't do this, my only guess is their sales team is cucking the whole organization and token price by attempting to negotiate bespoke deals and keep pricing secret - acting like businessmen from 1986 instead of operating trustlessly.

>> No.58432689

>It needs announcements and evidence of usage from teams purchasing link and actually paying.
lmao no it doesn't.
Litecoin didn't need any evidence to pump on that Walmart announcement, Hedera didn't need any evidence to pump on that Blackrock announcement.
Both of these announcements were fake, but both pumped hard before the fakeness was exposed.

And they pumped because they were allowed to pump, i.e. Bitcoin didn't insta-nosedive on their news.

>> No.58432703

This >>58432689 anon is right. We should have pumped ages ago. Only reason we haven't is because of original oldfag fudders and bad faith market actors. Anybody who with shady wealth and who even remotely understands the coming changes LINK is about to facilitate should be trying their damnedest to suppress the LINK as long as possible. They don't want influential regulatory agencies paying attention or things will get spicy real quick.

>> No.58432752

It really does, remember the pretext that chainlink didn't need retail? Network usage and fee collection will drive the price. Chainlink has been held to far higher standards than the other retard projects.
Bitcoin dumping on positive news might be shit, there's also the simple fact that the market demand for link tokens can't overcome those dumps.

This is where pointing to the books on fee collection and network usage will override any FUD. The core fud of TNN is right until it can be provably rebuked.
Suppression isn't due to regulation concerns, the team is working with one of the primary drivers and creators of regulation. Swift wouldn't be entertaining the usage of link if it was going to create regulatory issues for the network.

>> No.58432755

>It really does
So Link needs direct evidence of usage and actual payment in order to pump, but literally nothing else in the market does?

>The core fud of TNN is right
Unironically kys

>> No.58432758

>Literally no other projects in the market need to prove themselves. Why does Link need to?

Think about this:
>Literally no other projects in the market has bitcoin dump when it pumps. Why does this happen to Link?

Demand > Supply = Price go up. It's a basic market rule.
How do you increase the demand and how do you decrease the supply?

>> No.58432762

If you're saying that the only way to overcome the suppression is with raw massive buy pressure, then sure.
And Link is indeed the only crypto that is poised to actually do this at some point.

But the simple fact is that this is a feat no other crypto has ever had to accomplish in order to pump, including Bitcoin and ETH.
Link should've been a top 3 coin years ago based on the same kind of demand that pumped every single crypto in history: basic retail speculation.

>> No.58432770

We are on the same page and I agree this should be sitting at #3.
It's a mix of increased buy-pressure with tangible information to shift sentiment and create sustained market shock. The best way to do this is to run a series of GMX-style announcements with accompanying token acquisition data - but it requires consistent follow-through.
Ultimately the project needs its Google moment - something that's been discussed here at length.

Link has been subject to this cesspit since day one and due to a mountain of reasons has attracted some of the wrong interest.

> Anybody who ... remotely understands the coming changes LINK is about to facilitate...
Retail not needed, token demand comes from institutions.

>> No.58432798

>Retail not needed, token demand comes from institutions.
It should be both.

>> No.58432825

All the FUD for years is to shake out Mexicans and blacks who own link.

>> No.58433046

well that sounds kinda based

>> No.58433077

The altcoin market is driven much more by hype than fundamentals. AI tokens skyrocketed from almost nothing to billions in market cap in just a few months even though they are absolutely useless and if they were a real AI company outside of crypto every single one of them would have trouble raising capital with a valuation of only $10 million.

People have seen LINK underperform for a very long time now, so most traders who are responsible for pushing prices upward just avoid it in favor of other things with better momentum and no serious baggage related to terrible performance. Chainlink as a concept is amazing, but I dont really see any reason for the token to grow faster than the rest of the altcoin market so I and most other traders will just have to ignore LINK. It’s better to go with the flow and buy dips where the momentum has already shown itself to be very strong

>> No.58433089

name 1 AI token that went from nothing to billions in just a few months

>> No.58433104

A little more than a few months to get to $1B so I worded myself badly there. And by almost nothing I meant sub-100m marke cap since the lack of liquidity for lowcap alts renders the market cap on the lower end very skewed compared to the real world. But both AGI and FET did about a 10x in only 2 months after the ChatGPT hype started building in the media, and then the continued momentum of Nvidia and AI hype brought in a lot more money later on even though almost everyone know that crypto AI is vaporware garbage.

>Pre-ChatGPT hype:
FET: $66M mcap
AGI: $57M mcap

>Peak marketcap in march before alts nuked:
FET: $3.4B (51x from pre-ChatGPT hype)
AGI: 1.4B (25x from pre-ChatGPT)

In a perfect world LINK would be in the top 5 and SOL, which freezes up for days because it can barely handle pre-bullrun volume would be abandoned and drop out of the top 100. But unfortunately this market cares more about hype and momentum than fundamentals, so I have to ignore LINK and buy the SOL dips