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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 179 KB, 1372x750, Biz daily users over time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58431503 No.58431503 [Reply] [Original]

You can trace the market movements by daily posters on /biz/ but it's been 2.5 years of stagnant daily users.
Is this bullish or bearish? Will people come back in posting like mad once the bull market begins?

>> No.58431516

Nobody is coming back, everyone is on xitter now.

>> No.58431527

If enough people leave, the board will become useable again, which will revive the board and cause it to get flooded again. all things are cyclical

>> No.58431532

By usable what do you mean? We discuss stinkies endlessly? Or we shill memes that moon?
The crypto market feels like it has run out of innovating ideas.

>> No.58431554

Biz is no longer a reliable indicator.

Crypto twitter activity, Reddit crypto activity or google trends is the indicators to use

>> No.58431562

We all moved to /bant/ after the email verification bullshit. It's much better there anyway because of flags.

>> No.58431565
File: 516 KB, 872x720, 1628242956433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would it be bullish or bearish?
/biz/posting does not impact macroeconomics; macroeconomics impacts /biz/posting. You seem to struggle with causality.
Take the opportunity to engage in real discussion - it's rare for things to be so quiet here.

>> No.58431608

Retail got in between January and March
4chan is just dead because it never did anything against the soijack fags - reputation completely destroyed

>> No.58431623

biz being dead while btc is near ATH is bearish to me. feels weird, like a trap

>> No.58431642

Biz is dead because tranny jannies introduced email verification, in 4chan of all places. Noone wants their email related in any way to this cesspool

>> No.58431647

no. That is just you scam pyramid ponzi marketing freaks being angry that you lost yet another place to freely spam ads for scams.

>> No.58431663

You know it's free to make a new email address right anon? It doesn't have to be firstname.surname@gaymail.com

>> No.58431689

why would the public come to /biz/ which hasn't been ahead on anything since 2020?

>> No.58431769

they have limited staff whose method was until now airplane mode to make it look like there is interest - doesnt work with having to make 50 emails to make it look like there is any interest for a scam.

What one currently sees is the real demand and interest for crapto scams - 0

>> No.58431922 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 1208x1104, ddtth7a-567cb575-877d-4086-9589-04c56b76addf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Immediately bearish

>> No.58432079
File: 82 KB, 750x1000, 1601237510248102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's right. I keep saying to fucking everyone that no amount of shilling is gonna kill gamefi, superverse is what it is thanks to its game that are fucking carrying that token. meh

>> No.58432081

its bearish

>> No.58432082

Fuck you, its crabbish!

>> No.58432137

retarded jannies killed /biz/ with the email verification bullshit. That chart is meaningless now

>> No.58432172

>Create a throwaway email
>Get cookie
>Post on /biz/

>> No.58432193

while I'm glad that there are fewer shitcoin scammers on /biz/ and this board is less shit than usual in the past while, it's hard to make trades based off the number of shills/shitposting on this board which was one of the better indicator for the market overall

>> No.58432382

the jannies killed /biz/ in order to reduce "spam"

you can either have "spam" or you can have a completely worthless dead board where nobody ever posts moonshots and you talk about link as it trades at $10-20 indefinitely

>> No.58432751
File: 29 KB, 600x733, 1614455973709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most accurate answer of the thread.
Why? You retards keep screeching this bullshit but you don't have any rationale to explain why.

>> No.58432754
File: 145 KB, 700x806, 1677659441340125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero interest in scams - yeah absolutely. Nobody likes the jeet threads advertising pump n dumps.
But, maybe since November, it's been kinda comfy around here. I've had some excellent discussion with anons around a variety of technical points, with very little poojeet input. It pales in comparison to the bearmarket /biz/ of 2016 or 2019, but I'd take 2024 /biz/ over 2018 /biz/ or 2021 /biz/ anyday. The quieter it is here, the more valuable the discussion.

Besides - he said 'nobody wants their email associated with this cesspool', I was just pointing out that he could make a specifically cesspool-friendly throwaway email and use that.
What he didn't say was 'It's annoying to make a new email every time I get banned for poojeetposting'. I wouldn't have said what I said if he said that.

>> No.58432768

There is no value in crapto. The value was being able to spam and advertise scams without consequences and rob retards without consequences. That's over, nobody gives two shits about crapto anymore. The last bubble was the last for crapto. It failed to become anything more than a platform for scams most important it lost its base demographic and the attempt to replace them with retards that buy scams failed.

>> No.58432769

Did you not look at the very last week where posting fell off a cliff?
Shit plummeted to an ATL
Jannies well and truly killed this board
/bant/ is the superior biz board now

>> No.58432773
File: 7 KB, 241x209, 281234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they killed biz after email verification, it's stupid even for normiefag who aren't into this crypto clusterfuck and doesn't care about truflation's inflation data
i guess we all moving to /bant/

>> No.58432776

Maybe if you stopped whinging and said something of worth, /biz/ would improve. We're at ATL because a huge portion of the low quality posts have stopped - every high quality post improves the quality of /biz/ by an unprecedented proportion, never before seen.

>> No.58432780

If you cant see the sucker in a poker game guess who the sucker is

>> No.58432879

You’re at ATL because no one wants to post on a board full of jannie bootlicking redditors like you.

>> No.58433356

This picture makes me so sad. Do you guys remember what biz was like in 2020 and 2021? It was fucking glorious. This place was the best website I have ever found. I never made as much up to that point on any website. Jannies killed all that through censorship acting like they care about advertising shitcoins. That’s why moot created biz in the first place

Please guys let’s start a new biz and help each other find new moon coins for this upcoming bullrun. I will not miss this bullrun like a ripple holder

>> No.58434074

Man he’s right

>> No.58434090

It was awesome but the sheer number of shitters was out of control. When the based posting started tapering off and the shitters and shills remained the board started to suck ass, I filed thousands of reports all the damn time. Jannies wouldn't have put email verification in place if it wasn't necessary is just the honest truth.

>> No.58434152

Is bearish, like you said op, retails is not in YET, we need to wait a couple of months, keep holding your BTC, SSNC, SOL or whatever you hold, bullrun hasn't started yet

>> No.58435630

if you think normies will do this, then you are retarded

>> No.58435641

retail is never coming back you know. Its over

>> No.58435976


the board is already full of shitcoins again. all email did was kill all the fun threads