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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58427443 No.58427443 [Reply] [Original]

I made a decent profit at first but am now literally going insane and am taking too many risks and losing pretty much all my gains. In a years time I won't have a life worth living. Is there another way to profit with a side job or business? I need to find a way out of this misery, no matter how much I have to learn or hoehard I have to work.

>> No.58427476

Find tokens with solid communities that work hard, put your money in, and then just wait. If you need to check the chart every hour, you’re gonna snap. I’ve seen like three communities on biz that fit that bill. Stop aiming for 1000x tokens, aim for like 50x and let your investment simmer. You can also look for micro caps and just hope you get lucky, but the best way to get lucky with those is to control your own destiny by joining the team and doing whatever is needed to get more eyes on the project. It’s a fucking lot of work and it sucks dealing with mentally unstable people that constantly lose it when the token drops 20% overnight for no reason.

>> No.58427480


>> No.58427678

>buy btc and forget for years
>don't check price

>> No.58427746

TOO LATE, the multiplicator is dogshit from here

at least mstr gives some leverage

but yeah, people that are broke gamble their shit on shitcoins and lose

>> No.58427748
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>> No.58427986

I'm long-term bearish on bitcoin relative to the Stock Market. At least for the next 5-6 years.

>> No.58428668
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dont invest, better just go full neet and farm crypto gaming with mutiple walles/accounts, that's what I'm doing with blocklords, as soon their tokens gets released I'm gonna get mad profits.

>> No.58428844
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There's many ways to "make it" but ALWAYS REMEMBER, use money you can afford to lose if it all goes to shit
like look at me, i have a wallet with around 20k bucks divided between different coins: btc, alts, memes, ai ones like agrs, etc. BUT if some don't work out, or all of them (even tho they won't) it won't hurt me financially because those 20k are not a main part of my total capital.

THIS, but i don't think OP has the mental capacity to understand that

>> No.58429086

Since you're investing not trading, why not invest in solid narratives such as restaking, DeFi, Privacy and others, and forget about it? Especially restaking with EigenLayer and YieldNest heating it up.

>> No.58429579
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Most businesses fail in their first year leaving behind a debt so intrinsically crippling you will more or less have to carry it for the rest of your life. Deep breaths, come back when you are ready. Research things in the meantime. LTC etf probability, Superverse taking over defi, Hbar taking the wheel at RWA innovation etc.

You are here forever.

>> No.58429592

way too many faggots here have meltdowns over shitty random portfolios with 0 direction nor synergy literally just random assets they felt like buying (or bough at ATH kek). i wanna see your folio too op, for constructive criticism purposes of course. you'll have a bad time making it without the crypto crutch nowadays.

>> No.58429596
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>buy btc
>forget for years
>check back
>entry: 40k exit: 20k

>> No.58429600

>Most businesses fail in their first year leaving behind a debt so intrinsically crippling you will more or less have to carry it for the rest of your life.
/biz/raeli shitty cope you found in one of these wagie hate/failed business demoralization threads lmao and you spew it like a good little parrot. one good small restaurant in a cool spot and you're ready to expand within the year. crypto is gambling, get it through your thick skull.

>> No.58429602

only if you went early and bought when it was 10$ a piece, if not then scram faggot

>> No.58429604

I quite literally don't have scape goat capital I can afford to lose. What then?
>Work harder
Don't say that or my will to commit suicide will increase by at least 15.8%.

>> No.58429605

wtf nigger its been ages since it was at 20k

>> No.58429608

just start doordashing with any money you got left.
Hopefully you have enough to buy a surron or a decent cheap bike (you can find many over 400 bucks) and there you'll have a waggie that won't end unless you decide to do so.

>> No.58429609
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>anon has a hard time with crapto
>"hey why not just stake xD"
Staking is where projects go to die, in time. LINK is doomed because of this very reason they just don't realize it yet.

>> No.58429610

Most, not all.

I can understand not wanting to play this bullshit game that most of the time simply feels rigged as fuck.
>HBAR taking over RWA
Shitty article published by shitty people leaving out a lot of extremely vital information (Blackrock didn't seek out Hbar, it was the other way, and it's not Hbar specifically it's a company using Hbar tech, etc).

>> No.58429611
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>Superverse taking over defi
God I fucking wish.

>> No.58429613

keep dreaming bro, this boards are full of delusional niggers.

>> No.58429614

>solid communities
you mean bots and shills and kois?
>dont aim for x100... aim for x50!
of course!!! obviously!
>control your own destiny
go fuck yourself

>> No.58430671 [DELETED] 

Buying funny coins on Dexview ruined my fucking life.......
And I'm buying more

>> No.58430745

Then when it pumps uncontrollably and you miss out your mental health is now 100x worse

>> No.58430904 [DELETED] 

>Is there another way to make it?
if there is, let me know that every day that passes I only think of committing seppuku, I'm not yet ready to see my retardio die

>> No.58430905

>Is there another way to make it?
if there is, let me know that every day that passes I only think of committing seppuku, I'm not ready to see my retardio die yet

>> No.58432869

Cut down your risks, shift over to low-risk, high-reward gems like RIO and QAN. Major exchanges could be lining up for them soon.

>> No.58433790

Only if you had followed the trend you wont be in this mess, I will suggest you buy QAN, hold till $1