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58415485 No.58415485 [Reply] [Original]

best low stress jobs, waging isn't that bad edition

I just got my cdl to be a school bus driver, I've been driving kids around in company cars and it is quite chill and easy

literally just driving around and dropping people off or picking them up


>> No.58415494

retard caretaker. Sleeping nightshift in particular. I love it. Sometimes do dayshifts too. Made all the money I needed to gamble my way into make it territory just hanging out and being a fren to my retard bros. Love them.

>> No.58415509
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>> No.58415528


>> No.58415574

professional asswipers assemble. best do-nothing job i'll ever have. a guy's garage gym was right next door, and i ate all the free food. worked solo some nights and made 28 an hour. two people died while i was watching golden girls reruns. shit was cash

>> No.58415726
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sometimes it makes me a little sad that the most "human" jobs pay the least, I'm an accountant and my pay is moderately good, I can even create a coin on pinksale if I want, but who the fuck cares about numbers? this shit is boring af

>> No.58415885

One of my bros died today. Knew him for two years. Really wish I had more time, I knew it was coming and hadn't seen him in a couple months. Love that dude. Ass wiping is kinda satisfying once you are close with your bros.

Thanks for all the joy and frenship special bro. I will make it for you.

>> No.58415897

I was a waiter and bartender in college and was making between 500-600 dollars a week in tips. People hate on those jobs but they are honestly great.

>> No.58416137
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I have the same job as you. I'd argue the kids can be stressful because you're stuck babysitting them and fighting traffic at the same time. But as a whole it is surprisingly comfy, maybe even soulful because some of the smaller ones are very endearing.

The trick is to work in a majority white rural/suburb area, stay the fuck away from the city slickers and districts with swarms of pocs.
>get to go on all the field trips, charters, sports events
>free entry everywhere, band has six flags? You get free admission and rides
>if the charter is long bring my laptop and play video games for 6-10 hours, maybe even drive to a restaurant to pass the time, company doesn't care as long as they get home
>weddings always tip, have gotten a few hundred dollar bills here and there
>have all the same holidays the school has, just collected unemployment this week and can do the same for summer vacation, company rolls anywork done on summer as a fat check when school starts to keep it fair, basically free money for two months on top of any other work done
>pay is starting to become competitive because all the old people quit during the covid scare
>have had elementary kids say guinuinly nice or funny things, kinda hard to describe but it melts the heart

Job's definitely not for everyone, but if you can find a good district it's the bees knees

>> No.58416142

How much do you make?
How much do you have since you've "made it" with crypto?

>> No.58417005

Bumping this thread because I need a career change and I don't care about making a lot of money anymore.

So far only 2 jobs mentioned

>school bus driver
>retard fren / ass wiper

Both seem appealing to me but I think I'd like wiping retard asses more.

What else do you people have to share?

Can you guys talk in more detail about this job? What are your worst days like and how bad are those? What makes it so comfy other than the enjoyment if caring for and befriending another human in need of love and support?

>t. 190k tech wagie

>> No.58417055

Concierge here. The ultimate low stress chill job. Work at luxury apartment, press the button to let people in.. And say hi. Also log some packages in that get delivered.. Get back up keys for people who get locked out of their unit and youtube or vid or whatever the fuck you want the rest of the shift.
Yesterday I got a cuties number who lives there since she is moving, Italian chick with thick ass..

>> No.58417069

This doesn't get too boring? Do you feel fulfilled? And I don't mean by work but by how you're spending your time in life in general. My job sucks and I spend 50-60hrs a week locked down by it so I feel like I'm really wasting my life away, but I always wonder if a job needs to really be fulfilling itself or if it just needs to be tolerable enough that you're ok to do it and don't feel stressed about it and can otherwise enjoy your life. I can't enjoy my life because I'm always stressed about my next day of work.

>> No.58417079

I sell drugs and they give me a free bag of testers every 2 weeks
Based hero

>> No.58417824
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driver, Private chauffeur. I get to drive a fancy car, do small errands, eat expensive food and it leave me enough time for my personal hobbies which is gaming (been playing shrapnel on superverse) and crypto trading. Today is my fucking day off and halving is happening, just perfect.

>> No.58417837

I feel like security guard or front desk at a hotel is similarly based

I just got into school bus driving because they said paid cdl and it was easy to get as a job somehow

sure there is all the training but the walmart distribution center had 6000 applications turned in and this place had 6-10

>> No.58417841

I drove for uber eats for like half a year and I'd put uber up there as comfy as fuck

problem is I live an hour away from a decent sized metro so you can't make any money with it really driving 2 hours commute a day to drive for uber

and it's too much time commitment, but if I could do that here I probably would have

>> No.58417851


>> No.58417940

get one of those gay ahh alectric bikes OP those are comfy asf to drive in between traffic and crowded areas, and work properly good getting decent speeds to make deliveries faster.
I thought about doing it and I did it for like a week before getting tired kek

>> No.58417946
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I mean this one btw I forgot the name for a hot minute

>> No.58417951

glad to see theres at least one anon out there having fun with crapto
everyone here is always like someone took a shit on their cereal

>> No.58419015

That's the downside, its awesome if you have hobbies like I bring tattoo stuff and draw out my stencils at work. Then take them home and practice on fake skin. People also study at work or do whatever and yes it gets boring. No I don't feel fulfilled but it's also low stress so it's a trade off.

>> No.58419037

I want a surron

>> No.58419375

yea I'm in a rural area, still majority white lol

>> No.58419696

Just triggered a memory of my old bus drivers growing up. We'd rotate between a crazy old black guy and a chill quiet younger guy. One time the black guy threatened to break a kids legs because he wouldnt sit down. Sounds like a based lifestyle anon good for you

>> No.58420002

Sex worker for older women. It's kind of disgusting honestly but I'm getting paid $600 to have sex 4 times a day. There's worse jobs.

>> No.58420188
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>> No.58420626
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it's quiet, but if you have a phone you can just sit for hours watching memes or a movie, I even watch the jizzlord chart when no one's around
nothing interesting happens and that's the best part