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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58414861 No.58414861 [Reply] [Original]

>go to official website
>shows exchange rate widget and the default currency is INR (indian rupee)

>> No.58414933

>go to website
>prompts to choose currency
What's he on about? Are you fudding?

>> No.58414977
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>> No.58414983

anyway you try argue, why the FUCK would it be INR as the default currency, and NO I am not a jeet or live anywhere near jeetland (tbf I am close to canada)

>> No.58415003

Hmm yeah that's a sell signal

>> No.58415122

That's a 3rd party widget belonging to onramp.com. Onramp sets the default currency for their own widget.
There is no way to easily exchange dollars directly for Kaspa due to regulations in the US. So Onramp doesn't even support buying KAS with Fiat.

>> No.58415131

Correction: it doesn't support USD. Or CAD. Onramp can support all the 3rd world currencies because of lack of regulation. Simple as

>> No.58415149
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translation: this is nothingburger, please buy my bags sirs

>> No.58415189

You already bought them at the top as per your own admission
t. bought my entire stack at <1c and cashed out 20k near the top

>> No.58415198
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You wish that were the truth, in reality I segmented my mining rig to mine KAS for a day when it was at the top, mainly just to get a small bag incase it did ever "solve the trilemma" and rally for top spot like BTC.

Doesn't look like that's going to happen though, does it anon.

>I cashed out near the top
sure you did anon, that's why you're in this thread jeeting over the fact no one wants your bags

>> No.58415208

You mean YOUR bags? You started this thread because you're a pissed off bagholder lmao.
Epic fail
So now you're admitting to lying while accusing others of doing the same. Dumbest thread I've seen in a long time and that's saying something for /biz/

>> No.58415219

You also can't mine Kaspa without specialized hardware, so unless he bought an ASIC just to use for a single day, he's a double liar.

>> No.58415226
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>mad at me because I'm a bagholder
>mad at me when he finds out I'm not a bagholder

All that contradiction in the same post?

You are genuinely retarded, pic related

>> No.58415237

I dislike you becsuse you're a liar. Has nothing to do with your bags. Your screenshot doesn't refute anon's point at all, it's not a GPU mineable coin so you have to buy an asic to mine. Tired of shills like you coming on here telling lies

>> No.58415243
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find out for yourself if it's lie


epic fail

>he doesn't know how mining works in 2024
Do I explain it to these retards or let them keep posting?

>> No.58415244

sell signal right there if I've ever seen one kek
Thats what you get for not getting into Satoshisync before jannies started filtering the threads.
>t. they don't want you to have proper investments

>> No.58415245

Show us what hardware you used and what your hash rate was.

>> No.58415252
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>Show us what hardware you used and what your hash rate was.

>he doesn't understand how mining works in 2024
this is pretty funny.

I'll explain it for you. Basically, you can mine an autoswitcher like rbminer and then get paid in any currency you want, 1:1 rate so long as the pool offers it. So as I said in >>58415198
I segmented my mining rig to payout in KAS for a day.

Kek, you just showed how fucking retarded you are while acting like you aren't a complete fool. No wonder you're a bagholder.

>b-but i sold at the top
no you didn't.

>> No.58415257

Okay so what you're saying is that you didn't mine Kaspa, you mined some other coin and converted it to KAS.
What the actual fuck is the point of this thread? You thought your 20 kaspas were gonna make you rich lmao should've bought dog coins

>> No.58415259
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>buys KASPA
>doesn't sell at the top
>doesn't even realise how the tech works
>doesn't realise how retarded his posts are

Don't act like you understand all of a sudden, I literally had to explain it to you.

>> No.58415262

No I do understand, it's "mining kaspa" in the same way that running Nicehash is "miming bitcoin" (it's not)

>> No.58415265

>b-b-but it solved the trilemma
>b-b-but even if it didn't, I sold the top!!
>b-b-but if I didn't sell the top, this thread is just retarded! Not that I own any KAS though, hehe I don't care guys

>> No.58415274

you really thought you had a gottem though til I showed the receipts. Everything else is you trying to save face, you already showed you are a retard from your first contradictory post @ >>58415208

anyway hope you guys can get a decent amount of Indian Rupees back from your KAS and save the village well

>> No.58415277

Even coin claims to solve the trilemma dude why are you so upset about this one in particular? I still sense you're a liar who not telling the whole truth

>> No.58415281

>starts thread based on fake story
>spergs out when people believe his story and call him out for changing it mid thread

>> No.58415284
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>shows images
>links the actual wallet mining address

>b-b-b-ut your lying, you lost money here too right??? it's fake it's fake!

kek, I want a refund on that electricity actually.

>he didn't sell
>tries to save face by saying he predicted the top, sold it then, and isn't even mad

>> No.58415289

Next time, get your story/shill angle down before starting the thread. Now your thread is just you defending yourself from accusations of lying instead of effectively spreading your FUD message. Good going retard.

>> No.58415291
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this is the definition of grasping at straws and moving goalposts when your argument crumbled and you can only say "but it's lying now!"

yeah and next time you shouldn't have bought KAS, mfw

>> No.58415301

You did lie though. You admitted it. You said you bought the top and backpedaled immediately after I pointed that out. Why go through all this trouble to deny what you literally wrote in the op of the thread.

>> No.58415305
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I did buy the top, $2 worth of KAS for my electricity, as proved. Either way you try argue it, I still accumulated at the top. Even if it was just $2.

>I didn't lose all my money and this makes the jeet seethe

Try harder, but instead of seething at me, an anon, why not just not buy KAS next time? Kek

>> No.58415308

You suck at FUDding. I envy the chainlink guys who actually get decent/funny fud from time to time.

>> No.58415313

prove you sold the top, post the screencap and remove personal details. but we already know you didn't, so you can pretend you left the thread now.

>> No.58415314

>I did buy the top, $2 worth of KAS for my electricity, as proved.
okay now thats one of the most full of shit things I've read in a long time. You lied dude. Just own it

>> No.58415315
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I did buy the top, $2 worth of KAS for my electricity, as proved. Either way you try argue it, I still accumulated at the top. Even if it was just $2.

>You lied dude.
proof, pic related. This continues to make the jeet seethe.

>> No.58415343
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mining isn't buying the coin, and who the fuck cares about $2? are you really that poor that you'd start a thread over $2? I wipe my ass with that kind of money kek I wouldn't even notice if 1000x that much went missing from my portfolio overnight

>> No.58415357
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Why does it matter if I use USD, AUD, Indian Rupees, or electricity to trade for a crypto asset?

You're getting it now aren't you. Any more attempts? You got rugged, sorry.

>> No.58415362
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200 ruppees good suicide stack sir?

>> No.58415365
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bullshit jannies dont ban shit lmao bananafags wouldve gotten the hammer long ago if that was the case for example

>> No.58415372

that's what I thought, anon

>> No.58415381

You made this thread on the false premise that YOU got rugged. Now you've spent 80% of the thread arguing about how you simultaneously are and aren't a bagholder depending on whatever shill angle you're trying to go with for that post. All you've proven is how dishonest you are.

>> No.58415385
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OP tried to fud Kaspa and got buttfucked by that guy with hard data, over and over again.

My sell ladder will continue to start at $1.20 and end at $2.40.

>> No.58415391
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don't tell em about runes. not worth it. let them scramble and fumble with shitty irrelevant alts.

>> No.58415392

Because retard, when you're mining, you do so at a profit right away (unless you're retarded, so in your case maybe not) and you're getting newly minted supply instead of buying existing coins from someone else. They simply are not the same and you should still be in profit even after a 40% drop in price unless your mining overclock settings are dogshit. Crypto comes with risks, stop being such a whiny bitch over fucking $2 LMAO

>> No.58415399
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>You made this thread on the false premise that YOU got rugged

When did I say I was rugged?

All I've done is proven I was right and you were wrong, and you can't take that so you're still trying to repeat the same thing over and over.

What's next buddy? How's daddys little investor doing with the KAS, are you winning son?

>> No.58415400

>such a whiny bitch over fucking $2 LMAO

Yeah I know I know, $2. A whole lot better off then you though aren't I! I only lost 10 cents KEK. I knew KAS was a piece of shit, that's why I'm laughing at you.

>> No.58415415


Listen to you spaz out. Are you one of the Qubic guys, or Radiant who fuds Kaspa regularly to get your shit noticed?

>> No.58415417

prove you sold the top, post the screencap and remove personal details, because we are very concerned of liars on this board.

>> No.58415645

that's what I thought