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58414114 No.58414114 [Reply] [Original]

Econ 101 on the Bitcoin Halving

>supply decreases
>demand remains the same
>number go up
>pic rel

>> No.58414224

this model assumes constant demand, which is bullshit in reality

>> No.58414228

fiat currencies are imploding dipshit. if anything demand is increasing

>> No.58414235

Yet the vast majority of people investing into bitcoin does not use it for its intended use case but rather to speculate for higher fiat prices. Let me know when you can head down to the grocery store and buy food with btc.

>> No.58414249

>supply decreases
excuse me what? i think you got this whole thing wrong buddy

>> No.58414257

so defensive, so in script. Nigger you could have simply said
>demand is going to rise [your random opinion why]

>currencies are imploding
and yet I have access to more goods and services using fiat, especially dollars all around the world, where with crypto, without fiat proxy like crypto ccs, I can at best get some wine, a few g of weed, a used gpu and alpaca socks. Thats certainly cool, but not worth several trillion

>> No.58414266

2016-2017 called, it wants its stupid normie narratives back.

>> No.58414271

Technically true for Miners. Their ability to mine Bitoin and dump on us will decrease by 50%

>> No.58414279
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Functional demand is DETRIMENTAL to a Money (store of value), price is a product of aggregate demand, a money having functional use means part of the price (proportional to it's functional demand) will be from functional demand, forcing buyers of Store of Value to pay a functional premium and subjecting them to the risk the functional demand will fall, causing real terms fall in money value independent of demand for Store of Value. This can be seen in platinum, while it's physical properties make it a strong money on paper, it's high functional demand renders it unusable as price becomes dominated by functional demand, not Store of Value demand.

Gold is the best natural money precisely because it has little functional demand, less than 10% of annual gold mining production goes towards functional use, BTC improves on this by having no functional use outside of Money (Store of Value).

>> No.58414290

thats what I call a coping Austrian

>> No.58414296
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Stay salty, nocoiner.

>> No.58414302

>if we all agree this useless thing is most valuable, then it is
wow so genius, austrians are galaxy brains truly

>> No.58414318
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don't @ me you statist faggot kikes


go prime the fiat pump for your bull

>> No.58414320

>value is derived from demand

The value of Money is a product of how well it meets the demand for Money. Median of Exchange is a trivial use of money as transactional use carries little term risk, see: fiat value over time versus gold, BTC, equities. The chunky part of Money is the Store of Value, Unit of Account demand, as these demands can't be met by anything but an abstraction like money. BTC is a quantum leap in these properties of money, fixed in supply, stateless, trustless, transparent ledger etc etc. Compared to gold, with it's infinite supply and 2% inflation, or equities with their enterprise risk and unlimited supply, bitcoin is unmatched

>> No.58414351
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>Median of Exchange

>> No.58414356

The ETFs have been a pretty constant demand and if they even do 25%-50% of what they have been doing it will be a significant amount of demand after the halving.

>> No.58414362

the etf only generates demand if there is demand for the etf. And demand in the etf is dependent on overall demand for buttcorn tokens. If nobody cares no demand

>> No.58414824

>argument invalidated by typo
Network effect is a positive feedback loop in a Store of Value as buyers of SoV want the SoV that others use, it's already passed the point of no return, this halving marks the inflection point where BTC inflation (1.7% now) falls well below gold's mining inflation (2%), at all future points BTC will only ever be a better and better fixed unit of account, there are no brakes on this train.

>> No.58414932

networks can die. They are not eternal. Being part of one still requires that being part of it is in demand. Austrian economics are not universally true, neitehr are marxists nor classic as well.

>> No.58415026

if there was a solution that allowed BTC for groceries you would fud yourself out of it anyway

>> No.58415089

BTC has first mover advantage in fixed units of account, which is the biggest innovation in stores of value in all of history.

>> No.58415107

Exchanging your BTC for more cash than you bought it in the past is a legitimate use case for "functional demand"

>> No.58415111

no, just no. If that is the new boomer pitch after digital gold and bees the V of V is going to be a fart, or is already done

>> No.58415112

this, never gonna sell, why would I sell an appreciating asset for a consumable unless I seriously really needed cash?

>> No.58415147

Name a fixed unit of account that predates BTC.

>> No.58415153

matter and anti matter, exists since the plank epoch

>> No.58415202

>nocoiner can't into abstractions

>> No.58415217

and you don't see how you defused your won pitch with this statement. Abstraction implies perception and is therefore subjective, especially the value attributed to that abstract concept

>> No.58415224
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i seriously don't understand how, without knowing anything about economics or market movements, i have a portfolio full of delayed cryptocurrencies (pepe,apu,avi,retardio,bookofsol) that is probably higher than most people's on /biz by several figures.
so when they try to explain these things to me I always laugh because I know that luck and good instinct are superior to market analysis.

>> No.58415861
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>> No.58416045

>Value is derived from demand
Yes, we've been over this, that's how all value works, there is no "inherent value" dull little statist

>> No.58416059

>demand D > 0 and supply S > 0
>price P ~ D/S
>therefore dP/dt ~ dD/dt*(1/S) + dS/dt*(-D/S^2)
>constant demand, thus dD/dt = 0 (conservative)
>halving decreases the rate of supply, hence dS/dt < 0
>dP/dt > 0
>number go up
Simple as.

>> No.58416442

says the communist that tries to paint a socialist concept like buttcorns as something "libertarian".