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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58412717 No.58412717 [Reply] [Original]

What if we started openly fudding LINK on their own twitter page, hurting their brand and disencouraging investors?

The team would actually have to damage control and fix their shit.
Bullish strategy!

>> No.58412728
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>no gains?

>> No.58412736

I diversify my portfolio so that's not the problem.
Chainlink fudding on here is boring and schizophrenic and achieves nothing.

Hence my proposal to take that autistic energy to the niggers in the ivory towers of Chainlink

>> No.58412761

I just find it funny these threads all die so fast now because you fucking losers can’t ip hop to spam anymore. The boards still full of jeets because they can be paid en masse but at least you no life faggots can’t pretend to be 20 different people anymore.

>> No.58412791

>The team would actually have to damage control and fix their shit.
"The team" doesn't know how.
Remember last time Sergey tried to lead a project? NXT? It crashed and burned.
The only reason LINK has survived so far is the encouragement and autism of anons. Without that it will be destroyed [which is what you're seeing now]

>> No.58412803

Sergey was barely involved in that, which has been brought up ad nauseum. And now you can’t use 20 different ips to agree with yourself.

>> No.58412823
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The fudders have been absolutely decimated and utterly demoralized. Their mission - a total failure.

>> No.58412865

Look how fast the advocates arrive anytime you mention link. Yet 7 years later it’s still $13

>> No.58412868
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i know right

>> No.58412926

They’ve been trying for 7 years for 1000 eoy and it still can’t break $50 kek

>> No.58412931 [DELETED] 

>og's dont want to give jannies their emails
>redditors and newfags have no qualms
its funnier that you don't get it

>> No.58412945

>he hasn't made enough gainz to buy a 4chan pass

>> No.58413038

>make a fake email
Confident retard

>> No.58413046

the reason you can fud on here is because there is no block button, anon

>> No.58413150

ya'll are already in the top 20 on CMC, something no-one ever thought was going to happen. Why can't ya'll just be grateful for what you have?

>> No.58413161

>implying pro-LINK threads aren't also dying
face it, LINK posting was fake and gay, there's actually no organic interest about it whatsoever

>> No.58413165
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but wheres the gain lol,
im not doing any stuff without any profit
or do you think that faggots who grind +10 hours daily on blocklords do it for fun kek

>> No.58413179

the gain is the friends you made along the way

>> No.58413180

so please please please, let me get what i want this time

>> No.58413205
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linkies need money cuz they poooor
linkies need lots of money cuz they pooooorrrrr
stupid linkies
stupid stinkies
they are pooooooooooooor

>> No.58413207

Fascinating. We still get these bots "organically" spamming jeet projects, even after e-mail verification. @Jannies, your experiment as failed

>> No.58413853

>The team would actually have to damage control and fix their shit.
Literally no one thinks this. Sergey has enough terminally ill bagholders to keep him floating above $10 and he has 400 million tokens left too sell.

The price will keep crabbing against USD, keep BLEEDING against btc/eth, and at the end of it all link will still be $10-$25/token and Sergey will have made $10 BILLION+ through token sales.

>> No.58414416


SDL is the RPL of Chainlink stakin kiddo.

>> No.58415638

>What if we started openly fudding LINK on their own twitter page, hurting their brand and disencouraging investors?
the same strat as the last five years? that didn't work

>> No.58415804
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>openly fudding LINK
I've been doing it for months, that scam is about to fall and I'll be the first to laugh at all those who didn't buy $SUPER while they had the chance.

>> No.58415866 [DELETED] 

$SUPER is still at <$2 tf you talking about

>> No.58415868 [DELETED] 

im seeing $SUPER profit, if you're into gaming and stuff or you either lose your money with axie infinity, and didnt learn the lesson

>> No.58416363
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Well, Dexview says it's the coin is bleeding the most, so we can use that on our favor

>> No.58416383

>>implying pro-LINK threads aren't also dying
They've been dead for years.

>> No.58416393
File: 595 KB, 600x750, RIP LINK FUDsters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u just know /our/guy hiroshimoot gained some giga-bullish insider knowledge and went all in on LINK and saved /biz/ in the process

>> No.58416873

This already happens on twitter retard

>> No.58416892
