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58412255 No.58412255 [Reply] [Original]

> gf of 2 years
> break up with her a very bad break up
> she took my laptop along with her stuff
>mfw my metamask is only on that laptop
>mfw secret phrase is saved there somewhere

im not worried she would steal the money BUT HOW THE FUCK DO I SOLVE THIS??!?

>> No.58412265 [DELETED] 

Just buy the laptop from her. Don't ask if you can buy it, instead be more direct and just tell her you want to give her x amount of money in exchange for the laptop. Like more than it's worth. If it's worth $400, say you'll buy it for $1000. More likely she'll agree to sell it to you then.

>> No.58412274

did you atleast encrypt the laptop?

>> No.58412279

she took as a revenge so if offer anything like that she will know that it must be really important for me and im scared she will smash it, iv been serioujsly thinking to break into her home and steal it back.

i have a password for my windows but nothing else. she doesnt know the password though

>> No.58412281

Go to her home, idk where she is, and literally steal it, talknwith her parents whatever, since its ur laptop. If you have the laptop, you're safe, any repercussions are not as bad as losing your wallet

>> No.58412288

been thinking of doing that, she now moved in with her brother but if i get caught i will not only lose my wallet but might go to jail too... the longer i weight the higher the chances she might sell it or format it to use herself

>> No.58412290


>> No.58412296

>i have a password for my windows but nothing else
well she's probably not a nerd so she wont steal your crypto. she is probably going to wipe the drive tho and reinstall. bye bye your coinerinos :D

>> No.58412308

Destroy the laptop

>> No.58412311

Saving the secret phrase somewhere on the same pc that has the coins and is connected to internet is not very good security measure in the first place. Pen and paper next time, for whole other reasons than angry ex gf thief.

>> No.58412312

Not your keys, not your coins. They belong to her now. Suck it up, buttercup

>> No.58412347

lol at not even writing it down in a notebook.

>> No.58412351

she can (and will) crack the password if she's as crazy as you say.
Your fault for being with a woman on the first place

>> No.58412352

tell her that there's crypto on the laptop

>> No.58412474

I think you should be more worried about her finding the images and dodgy links you definitely still have on there

>> No.58412480

All you have is a window admin password? You know how ridiculously easy it is to bypass that even for a normie?

>> No.58412485

Calling larp. If it's your property, call the police and grow some balls newfag.

>> No.58412513

Just tell her you need the laptop for work

>> No.58412541
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>call police
>explain situation
>request your property back

??? problem solved

>> No.58412638

and how do i prove its mine?

>> No.58412653

By knowing the passwords you dimwit
Why do only retards get gfs?

>> No.58412654
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>how do I prove the laptop that I used with my files that I have knowledge of is mine

>> No.58413015

I wasn't going to post on this thread but since you have a similar incident I guess ill post.

>Found out GF was cheating.
>Late 2019.
>I found out because a friend spilled the beans.
>I decided to stoop low and sell off her great x2-grandmother's China set that got passed down to her, including the furniture piece it was all held in.
>I decided to wait because 'Rona in China was getting worse and was starting to spread in the US.
>She went off for a "ladies' vacation" in March for a couple of weeks.
>Acted like I didn't care and didn't bother her through the entirety of it.
>States and businesses started shutting down so I started moving my plans.
>A couple of days after she left I sold the set and the furniture piece to a pawn shop that shut down because of 'Rona.
>They started doing online auctions and had no inside visitation.
>By the time she got back, the set sold for 7.2K and was shipped out of state by some buyer.
>When she got back I showed her all the evidence I had against her and what I did with her China Set.
>Kicked her out immediately with all her shit.
>I didn't give her time to say shit.
>It all hit her at once and never seen anyone throw a crying fit as extreme as she did.
>Within the same day both sides of our families were down on my ass because what I did was too extreme.
>Told them both that it was a personal problem and she shouldn't have cheated in the first place.

It's still brought up with both sides of my family even though I no longer and no one else in the family speak to her and her family at all.

>> No.58413156
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>>mfw my metamask is only on that laptop
oh boi, I would write that money off and try not to know anything about cryptocurrencies again unless $LRDS is finally launched KEK

>> No.58413587

>Having a girlfriend
It's your fault in the first place. Also, let this be a lesson to get a hardware wallet instead.

>> No.58414261
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>having a GF
lul. This is why I have whores. Zero drama. Just cum in and go.

Also, the answer is very simple. Lie to her. Cry and say you want her back, pretend you've changed. Lavious her with flowers and gifts the once you're in, take your stuff back and run.

>> No.58414277

because having a gf is for simps and cucks in the current year. chad doesnt have a "gf" he just fucks people like OP's gf.

>> No.58414368

this. stupid cuck

>> No.58414371

>mfw secret phrase is saved there somewhere
absolute retard kek you derserve to lose it all

>> No.58414377


>> No.58415424

Call the cops larper

>> No.58415435

Holy based this post just single handledly solved my inceldom

>> No.58415520

Tricky one.
Very tricky.

Maybe ask for it back?

>> No.58415521

U wot meight?

>> No.58416145

message her and say that youre sorry and that you want to at least be friends and meet up for a coffee or whatever and when you go around to the place she is just take the laptop back and never talk to her again

>> No.58416304
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cuz at least they are funny, people like us just spend their time at home holding coins or creating them with pinksale, we are just leaving something to eat for the idiots