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58407576 No.58407576 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone following AI closely has seen Google's Genie, aka the dalle 1 moment of AI generated games.

It's going to have its sora moment, and soon. The cost of high quality game development is about to go from millions, to hundreds.

What coin, aside from AVI and it's arcade, is going to take full advantage of this? I know AVI devs are working behind the scenes to make their coin a sort of reserve currency powering a crypto based premium currency. Like, you buy premium gems or some shit in a mobile game, but those gems can be easily migrated to any other game in the arcade network.

Is ANYONE else working as hard on catching the AI powered gaming revolution?

And, what other genai tools are out there for games?

>> No.58407718

News about the arcade platform has been near zero, which strikes me as odd since there’s supposedly a team working on a bridge and a team working on the platform. Why do we hear so much about the bridge (“so much” is an overstatement btw) and almost nothing about the arcade? We got teasers of it back in January and nothing since. If devs have been working on this for months now, surely there’d be something to show for it. I’m honestly getting tired of the direction that this team is going

>> No.58407799

because the skybridge release is imminent

>> No.58407822

You will not get in front by investing into coins

you get in front by being a part of the game development process

You have to be a part of the teams behind it else youre fucked. The coin pushing is a ponzi scheme and to ensure a games success they will never make a universal coin that can be spent across competitors games

and its unlikely that a company will sell a coin used to spend on games to people because theyre just giving up profit to shmucks

>oh yeah guys you can buy 1000 SHITBUX to spend on our game. but it will actually cost you 10x more because we are giving profit to our userbase for no reason!

>> No.58407885


If it takes me less than a day to make a very, very fun game, and I want to monitize it, I'm going to just publish it on the arcade.

It'll have all the infrastructure I need for my game to make me money.

Big developers are wrekt in about 3 to 5 years.

>> No.58408201

>the skybridge release is imminent
Unless plans have changed, the platform beta is supposed to be released at or just after the bridge goes live. The testnet is supposedly just around the corner, so what’s stopping them from giving us teasers of the arcade?

Although other projects have explored it already, web3 gaming is really in its infant stages and is a category that has yet to be fully tapped into. If avi can execute their plans, I can see it taking off and even being the leader ahead of all the other big name projects out there (gala, sandbox, etc.).
>you have to be part of the teams behind it
That’s too much work and I doubt most people care enough to follow all the dev news by all the different games being worked on.

From the way I understood the arcade and how it was explained from the team, it sounds like a great idea but, that was months ago and there’s been no updates about it since. There has been some hints regarding how the idea revolving around the arcade has evolved and how it has become more complex than simply a platform for game devs (an ecosystem of sorts). It’s very vague and Outside of that, we haven’t received any new info about it in a while. I only hope they have a solid plan going forward

>> No.58408338

another red baron fat wallet is selling and send half of his tokens to another wallet (his wallet 0x....2074)- sold off 50k so far the last days with 0x...db52 - lot of png trading with feet pics so must be someone from the team - is even the team loosing trust to their own devs? no arcade teasers and still no bridge - wtf is going on

>> No.58408431

anon you need your brain checked

>> No.58408498
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I have a question for those genuinely investing in AI. Don't you think that it's a big bubble that will explode once the dust settles? Like i can get people investing in retardio or shitcoins like that because one meme can srsly pop your networth to the moon, there's precedent of that and its more akin to gambling, but I feel there's not a lot more we can do with AI, sure it will be more refined and maybe it will do some things better but we're nowhere near to I robot's level of AI and we'll probably never will. Knowing that takes away from my trust in AI as something i should be investing in desu.

>> No.58408932


AI just became a better musician than 99% of musicians, and is a better artist than 99% of artists.

Wtf are you talking about? We're fully exponential right now.

>> No.58409215
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Once Tau Net fully launches its testnet you bet your ass there's gonna be a lot of powerful games being developed in their logic based ai models. Correct by construction games are the next big step in gaming

>> No.58409249


Went to the website, learned nothing.

Tell me about tau net anon.

>> No.58409266

nice exponential spook/corporate-controlled AI human domination system you got there, be a shame if an orbital/atmospheric EMP came along and whoopsie daisy
this is from 13 years ago and people at the very highest levels of the intelligence-military-industrial complex were already going dumb-going stupid-going retarde with fear about EMPs launched by Russia/China/Iran. we are in a 10000x more precarious geopolitical situation right now and the elite mouthpieces have all but warned us that the system is about to be taken down by a "cyber pandemic"
enjoy your games, Child.

>> No.58409434

And yet nobody goes out of their way to listen to AI generated music. The top 0.1% of those fields are the ones who get 99.9% of the attention because they are lightyears ahead of everybody else. The only AI art that people actively consume is coomer slop.

>> No.58409494
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>the cost of high quality game development is about to go from millions to hundreds
nah, you just simply dont see the AI bubble growing every day in front of your fucking blind eyes, just look at truflation data and you´ll see it

>> No.58409745

>>the cost of high quality game
100 million dollars according to ubisoft

>> No.58409746

>AI bubble
anon the ias are here to stay, today I discovered one that can convert text into songs.

>> No.58409958
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I dont believe a full game generated by AI is posible quite yet, It would need lots and lots of human input, any modern videogame needs it from the very conception, blocklords for example, you cant go tell an AI to make a crypto game from the ground up... marketing, art, voice acting... endless. At least for now.

>> No.58409961

that bubble is gonna burst at any second.

>> No.58409967
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AIs are here to stay but they are very very far away from their full potential, when the first quantum processor is ready to be mass produced we will see the true AI power

>> No.58409971


>> No.58410305

Shilling aside, you are correct. AI will probably take some of the labor work out of making games, but the truth is that most people couldn't make a good, original game worth playing even if they had a machine do all the rote labor for them.

>> No.58411656


Enjoy being wrong anon.


You are absolutely right. There will, however, be a few thousand super freaks who can pump out mind blowing absolute masterpiece AAA games every week.

AI allows exceptional potential to be maximally realized.