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58404868 No.58404868 [Reply] [Original]

I have 250k in cash. What should I do with it?

>> No.58404873
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buy AVAX and stake it for easy passive income

>> No.58404881

That if avax goes down in price?

>> No.58404884 [DELETED] 

guess I'll just buy myself a nigger

>> No.58404898
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>> No.58404907
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ever heard of "DCA"?

also AVAX is hardcapped and deflationary and most of it is staked or delegated to Validators.
in the long term AVAX will only go up in price.

>> No.58404921

It's a stock pic. My money is in a mmf

>> No.58404938

S&P 500 index etf

>> No.58404940
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Oh wow! I thought you were lying for a second there!

>> No.58404943
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if you have to ask, then

>> No.58404954

buy UNI
the SEC will lose their case in a catastrophic manner, price will soar on it

>> No.58405048

buy bitcoin or micro-strategy

>> No.58405113
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invest in the jiggle physics of gravity labs

>> No.58405336


>> No.58405584

Make the world's most explicitly scandalous flip book on the margins, then redistribute it via Grocery stores knowing only you know for sure that it's out there and what it contains.

>> No.58406007
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Buy gold, its been growing steady for the last few months, truflation has all the charts and the data.
Its a godsend cuz info like this is key to heavy finantial decisions.

>> No.58406022

>Buy gold
dont listen to this faggot. Surely his next take is LTC GOOD

>> No.58406024


>> No.58406026

ltc is crap everybody knows that. but the boomer rock is a solid investment.

>> No.58406027

yeah, I've never seen gold drop price ever in the street. all pawnshops and jewelry keep upping prices non stop

>> No.58406029

jiggle physics are god

>> No.58406030

Lost me at putting a generic anime girl face over that lovecraftian horror.

>> No.58406032

PMs are a scam, you have to take a big loss every time you buy or sell, and it's just a passive store of value rather than an actual investment. The marketing is that it's a "hedge against inflation" but during 2020-2022 when the inflation was really bad the cost of gold went DOWN, but the premiums you pay to dealers went up with inflation. That told me everything I needed to know.

>> No.58406064

what's your prediction for avax for this cycle?

>> No.58406489
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>> No.58406873

I would go all in L1 mid caps. Tara, Azero and Qanx

>> No.58407178


>> No.58407181

Pizza party

>> No.58407186

Already did with Costco pizza

>> No.58408730
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Mememon is gaining momentum speedily, experts says it should be the next Dogwithat as it possible to deliver 2000x gain so why not dump it on MMON.

>> No.58408765

donate to charity ;)

>> No.58409379


>> No.58409553

Hold it and slurp SUPRA at TGE, best crypto move you'll ever make

>> No.58409869
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send it to me to these coordinates this friday, ill be there all day
>37.563936, -116.85123
ill use it to buy a lot of $lrds and $eth
i will also post a picture of something interesting

>> No.58409872

where will supra go live on?

>> No.58409912

Get your dick sucked 50,000 times for $50 each by poor anons

>> No.58409930 [DELETED] 

I badly need $1.4k for my university admission fees. Today is the last date. I am totally helpless. Anyone feeling generous today may help me out with it?

>> No.58410087

Set aside 10% for crypto and invest the rest like a sane person - 80% of the remaining sum into some index ETFs (S&Q/world/emerging markets) and the rest in bonds. Stay comfy.

>> No.58410094

Ask for tips from other people and lose it all

>> No.58410892
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put it in a bank or something, but never have cash, it's one of the worst ideas because it can get stolen, or somehow get damaged over time, plus it's very useful to know how much money I put in my vinu, everything is more organized