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58403872 No.58403872 [Reply] [Original]

Question for those of you who've gone from poor to rich. Bullrun tourists sitting with 7 figures in unrealized profits don't need to answer.

How long did it take for you to start losing touch with common peoples financial struggles? Like being blissfully unaware that most people are currently in a cost-of-living crisis.

>> No.58403891

been thinking about this too, how disconnected from reality most richfags are. i browse normie social media for economic sentiment checks. i frequently see posts on instagram from richfags recommending fine dining restaurants to their followers, and like 90% of the comments with tens of thousands of likes are something like "i can barely afford mcdonalds but thanks for the recommendation"

>> No.58404016

it wasn't a question of time
it was during the lockdown
the NPC meme turning out to be just reality

>> No.58404059

Elaborate please. How long had you been wealthy by the time the lockdowns came? And what specifically made you lose touch with the NPCs struggles?

>> No.58404064

I'm a lazy 5 fig poorfag, but you're absolutely right.

>> No.58404136

feeling exactly the same, i always considered myself a pretty emphatic guy but after two years of being above 7 figs i just couldn't stand normies anymore, i had to substract myself from most of my old friend groups because while the convos were fun at the start, there's always personal stuff being talked about and 99% of their problems were money related problems that i just didn't have anymore
and relationships are a two way street so there was no way in fucking hell they were going to be able to understand my personal struggles because i didnt understand theirs either, most of them are 30 year olds struggling with finding meaning in life and realizing they wasted their 20s so even if i tried to explain my own struggles, they couldn't even understand them because i've spent all my 20s working,i've had financial stability since i was 25, every time i told them my problems i would just get awkward laughs and looks that screamed "boy that sure is a richfag problem"
the only friend i've kept from my old circles is a guy that plays poker for a living, is constantly moving from country to country, had 2 marriages already (no, im not kidding), has an severe drinking and gambling problem and always tells me how he's going to make money with his next shitcoin investment (also im pretty sure he browses /biz, im not buying retardio senpai), because unlike all those normies he's actually fun to be around

>> No.58404142

Your friend is an absolute king.

>> No.58404145

Im still below the 6 figs but i get you. My best friend is still struggling with college debt and had to throw all his dreams to the dump after he got his former GF (now wife) pregnant. I can't stand the guy anymore, every time we hang he's just complaining about his shitty life, i feel like im bragging if i even dare to tell him something positive about my life. We're just walking two different types of paths in life i guess so it makes sense that we're both out of touch with the reality of the other

>> No.58404150
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>the only friend i've kept from my old circles is a guy that plays poker for a living, is constantly moving from country to country, had 2 marriages already (no, im not kidding), has an severe drinking and gambling problem and always tells me how he's going to make money with his next shitcoin investment
keep that fren, he's a real trooper
"flying from japan to save your ass from the mafia" type of energy

>> No.58404156

Talked to a few people who went through this. 2-3 years seems to be the standard timeframe for people to fully adapt to their new economic reality and leave old worries behind. Being constantly worried on behalf of other people takes its mental toll

>> No.58404157

according to truflation, since the lockdowns, the gap between the poors and the rich is larger, and growing every day cuz inflation, i've been in the same spot when i started to make around 5K a month, most of my "friends" back then didnt understand how it was possible, so So I ditch them

>> No.58404167
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Its really hard to let go of some people.... Even more so if you've known them for a really long time

>> No.58404170

that's the deal, before the lockdown, no matter how much money I would make, I still had some common empathy and sense of what constituted what other people considered common sense
their struggles are now completely alien to me, not because of any figure, but because of their insect behavior of just accepting things
the breaking point was when they decided to say "stay at home, unless it's to protest" and there was basically no pushback
it's not even about "left vs right", same shit happened with the patriot act
insects just accept things without questioning anything, so I gave up in trying to understand them

>> No.58404196

I understand what you mean, but people across the income and net worth spectrum were sperging out about lockdowns. It wasn't solely a low income problem. Where I lived, it was mostly the blue collar workers on the lower end of the income spectrum who defied the draconian measures imposed on them

>> No.58404208

But again I understand what you mean. The majority of people bent over, the majority of people are struggling financially and you no longer care about the majorities problems

>> No.58405110

I had some family members move in with me about a couple years back when they became functionally homeless. That was roughly a year after I made it and embraced a life of self-sustained NEETing.
So I suppose they keep me connected with the financial struggle of the everyman.

>> No.58405262

Based and clever. A lot of billionaires advise other aspiring billionaires to always keep a few regular people close to act as an anchor down to reality. When money is no issue it’s easy to end up in the clouds and lose perspective of the actual state of the world. Which is important both for personal growth and to protect your investments

>> No.58405276

best way to test if someone is detached from reality is to ask them what 1 liter of milk costs. i once overheard some douchebag in monaco guess that 1 liter cost €85. he wasn’t living on the same planet as the rest of us