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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 73 KB, 888x499, xrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58403005 No.58403005 [Reply] [Original]

previous thread: >>58368058

>Buy XRP on:
Coinbase, Binance, CoinMetro, etc

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:


>The Myth of Market Cap:

https://twitter.com/FoJAk3 [Mr. Pool archives]

>Schizo Ramblings:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - Xaman or Bifrost
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd

>> No.58403044
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everyone who posts in this thread gets to make 3 wishes

>> No.58403049


I wish to become rich.
I wish her back.
I wish to become the best version of myself.

>> No.58403122

Wasn't there a meme date today? David Schwartz I wish I held some 4 year delta? Or some court leaks or settlement due to unlocking escrow before the 1st of the month?

>> No.58403153

That was totally David posting about Alice. Guess you need 4.3k to make it

>> No.58403177


>> No.58403187


>> No.58403193

2036 with a 10 year delta

>> No.58403196

I might be retarded, but wouldn’t jews want to get their xrp financial system active before Iran bombs israel to smithereens? Before the us completely falls apart and is devoured by masses of parasites and external predators?

>> No.58403327

>Email verification went live

Yup... prepare for /xsg/ to die.

Hopefully we get a small pump. Or they enabled email verification to prevent /xsg/ to spill the beans once we moon and the normies come here.

>> No.58403348

no way

>> No.58403357

It would explain this face melting pump we experience right now.

>> No.58403531


>> No.58403757

XRP is the system's financial escape hatch from the GME MOASS.

We all know the DTCC committed international securities fraud via misfiling the splivvy and that much of the implied short bag is being held by foreign institutions the Federal Reserve can't bail out. The recent "XRP is not a security but Ripple still isn't off the hook" order gives these foreign banks a chance to buy enough XRP to weather the storm at a $50K valuation while XRP is still trading under a dollar due to US institutions being locked out of buying for now. Ripple winning the case outright or coming to a settlement that retains "not a security" clarity for US institutions will unlock the escrow and then XRP is off to the moon. We saw the initial "not a security" ruling follow several months after heat lamp so we should expect the case to end after the GME MOASS begins.

I'm not saying to load up on XRP instead of buying GME; quite the opposite. I'm saying depending on timing you may be able to parlay some GME MOASS winnings into even more wealth depending on how long post MOASS it takes for the XRP ruling to happen. This also implies the MOASS will probably happen this year as the XRP case will be resolved by H1 next year.

>> No.58403814

I wish for those with power to be granted the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of love, and the spirit of mercy.
I am not David. I am much better looking and much less intelligent - which isn't a great trade off desu

Only within an inclusive framework. As XRP and interbank settlement is by definition exclusive, it is in all participant's best interest to ensure access is restricted as possible, thus enhancing the value of their own positions. Squeezing out 50% of retail by raising the wallet reserve to its maximum allowable amount is a blindingly obvious day 1 move for whales. They become even richer by not sharing the ocean with anyone else.
>We have also been victims to years of very artificial price suppression. This has conditioned the average hodler to treat xrp as just another token and swing/trade/enter/exit positions carelessly. When this anomalous period is complete, we will need to massively adjust our perspective on what 'trading' even means. Any retail hodler who has a reserve proof kyc wallet in their own name will instantly be able to, more or less, charter their own bank. The only competition then will be in attracting clients to your bank's wallet without undercutting your own profit margin in the process. This is likely the best speculative investment opportunity of our lifetime.

>> No.58403826

I totally forgot this coin was a thing. Looks like it’s been crabbing for a decade? How boring

>> No.58403845


>> No.58403853

Why the fuck is it so dead here? People for real low key too lazy to make an email smfh

>> No.58403883


>> No.58403954
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.58404330

it was all bots and third worlders, it's over

>> No.58404390

He's warning us that LTRPB is the new world currency behind the scenes

>> No.58404466

So if implemented, stacking begins at 4295? Sui stack would then be 14,295? Unless you sent everything to an exchange before the vote was passed

>> No.58404506

I think sui will always be 2^32 + 100 because your wallet will be able to become a stand alone business account.
However, you can always delete your wallet and recover all of that reserve, less two xrp, which would be sent to an exchange of your choice. The only way you can be screwed out of the moon is if you go balls deep with amm pools pre-settlement.
>I apologize to David for commenting on his appearance. Even though he is a public figure, its still wrong to insult him. My only point was that I am jealous of his mind since he is clearly a gigabrain, which is a far greater intrinsic gift than being photogenic etc. My apologies Sir if you are lurking and ever read this.

>> No.58404573

i want them to know my name

>> No.58404578

Long Term Relationship (with) Peanut Butter

>> No.58404600

Why is this piece of shit dumping again what the fuck

>> No.58404842

There are essentially two outcomes with the current information that we have available to us as humble schizos:

(1) A controlled collapse that makes life in the West terrible to live in by a period of weeks or months, maybe even years if they go all the way through with Agenda 2030. Supply chain disruptions on a large scale, internal terrorist acts from foreign state actors (Russia, Israel, Iran, China, etc.) and our own federal agencies (false flags) mixed with domestic terrorist acts that are homegrown from people who genuinely have had enough of the current system. All these things combined to create a perfect storm of near-anarchy. Martial law is declared, the November election is suspended until further notice. Food and energy become rationed. Urban centers start to riot and eat themselves from within in less than a two weeks. The stock market plunges and the USDs starts to get sent back to the US, causing inflation to skyrocket. After a few weeks to months of this, (((the elites))) launch CBDCs as a way to gain order back, with XRP being critical to their implementation between nations.

(2) Nothing happens until Trump is re-elected and allows pro-crypto reform and legislation to occur, while banning CBDCs. XRP still serves as a lynchpin of finance due to the amount of on demand liquidity it can provide, albeit maybe not as much as scenario (1).

Either way, I think XRP will be a critical part of 4IR financial infrastructure going forward, no matter which faction wins and I'm probably still not seeing the whole picture.

>> No.58404853

Now that the board is slower, can you guys just go ahead and merge your general with other ridiculous loser clown cult generals like GME? Thanks. Maybe if you fuse with other inexplicable irrational cults, you will become more effective at coping or something.

>> No.58405046

(3) Ripple's XRP is irrelevant shitcoin. Always was, always will be. Ripple are selling it at a steep discount to shady one-day organizations. Those, in turn, sell them at market price to retailers. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.58405077

That doesn’t track with reality. Banks are already using xrp kek

>> No.58405102

Banks that use xrp just flew over my house.

>> No.58405119
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>> No.58405142

Zero evidence that any of them are using xrp.
>Euro Exim Bank
LMAO. Kys faggot.

>> No.58405164
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>zero evidence
You’re either fudding your own bag or being delusional. I’ll pray for you regardless

>> No.58405174

$0.49 :)

>> No.58405215

I accept your concession. Let me guess, you think BTCs pump to 69k and then 70k were organic price discoveries created by an open market

>> No.58405224

I don't think about anything. Keep living in your illusionary world where XRP is used by banks and will be "a critical part of the" whatever the fuck. You waited six years, you can wait another six years I'm sure. Then maybe you'll get it

>> No.58405312

Memedate tomorrow confirmed.

>> No.58405376

if you're yanking my chain i'm going to be awful sore at you

>> No.58405386

so you think all the partnerships with corporations, banks, central banks and supranational institutions (that no other blockchain project even comes close to) won't amount to anything?

>> No.58405661
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where is my LTRPB pump that I was promised 2 years ago???

>> No.58406254

Ah boys! I am so bullish!
>AMM Back up.
>Increased liquidity and locked XRP on XRPL. Increasing by the day.
>News of New Loan Protocol proposal for the XRPL.

>Ripple is connected to Gatehub and Bitstamp.
>Ripple to issue its own Stablecoin.
>USD/C issued by Gatehub and Bitstamp redeemable 1:1 for XUSD.

Then include...
>XUSD native Stablecoin will be the king of the chain.
>XUSD will be used in a growing DeFi chain for loans and liquidity pools.
>You can finally earn interest on your XRP with a financially regulated compliant blockchain.
>Easy on/off-ramp to banks in the RippleNet infrastructure.

The best part is, Ripple is slowly becoming The Bank of Blockchain Liquidity (TBaBL), and we get to beta test it.
The scammers/exploiters will probably increase on the XRPL, because this is the real liquidity “test” for the banks.

The XRPL Dev foundation better not fuck it up.

>> No.58406259

>Liberty Tripadvisor Holding co
As of April 12, 2024, Liberty TripAdvisor Holdings, Inc. (LTRPB) stock was trading at $6.25, with a 52-week range of $4.08–$48.82. The stock's day's range was $6.25–$6.81, with a previous close of $7.00 and an open of $6.75.
>ranged from $4 to $48
maybe Schwartz is saying we'll do a 12x, which would put us at about $5.89

>> No.58406264
File: 229 KB, 1024x1024, nice logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based enthusiasm posting!!! yes!!!! TBaBL here we come!!!

>> No.58406293
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This is the only way to save xrp from sitting out the bullrun and dwindling into obscurity, and its beautiful. You and linkies have so much in common it will be a natural fit.

>> No.58406426

I need to enthusiasm pump my bags fren.
There’s a lot of money to be made on the XRPL.
If you’re not utilizing the AMM to make money now, then you don’t really believe in XRP, or truly understand it.
Mess around with a small trade bag just to understand the general u/i of DeFi, how price changes affect LPs, and swap between XRP / USD/C.
The best part is, it’s decentralized, cheap, and anonymous.
Lmao true.

>> No.58406427

piece of shit coin another useless meme date passed

>> No.58406615

i wish to be rich and have trad wife and have the energy and willpower to fulfill my dreams

>> No.58407194

Is it over?

XRP is dead and /xsg/ is dead too? Or did you guys move to /bant/ ?

>> No.58407261







>> No.58407328


>> No.58407403
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fuck off forever baggies, thanks for posting nonsense 2,263 threads

>> No.58407455

I dont know, stay on /biz/ or go to /bant/? Anyone lurking that does not want to post please post in the new thread on /bant/.

>> No.58407560
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Posting will pick up again when we moon, give it about 2 weeks.

>> No.58407734
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I haven't felt this demoralized in a long time. All my purchases were below 40 cents, and now my dumbass decided to buy a trading bag to have it on Uphold. Spent 12K EUR at 54 cents and 5K at 49 cents, and this shit is still dumping. Fucking genius trader right here, lmao.

>> No.58408042

maybe you should have shorted instead

>> No.58408055 [DELETED] 

man, this change to email required...
onto the topic, currently there are 193 coins in the red of the first 200 coins on a coinlisting site. and then there is one coin "cat in a dogs world"
(MEW) which is 14,4% (SOL coin) up.
Please ignore if you aren't interested in posts like this. And logically, the intention of this post is not that you buy this coin!!!

>> No.58408091

not him, but duh

>> No.58408161

I wish for wisdom
I wish for love
I wish for peace

>> No.58408176

Why the fuck would US banks not have XRP already? Its so easy to extend an operation out of country and purchase it under some bullshit satellite corporation

>> No.58408313

they don't have XRp because they don't need XRp

>> No.58408342

These joos really don't want to see me succeed. New memedate apparently is May 6th.

>> No.58409238

i was taught that all rumors of cancellation are false but it might be good to have a backup i guess

>> No.58409241

how d'ya figure

what happens may 6? isn't that the date the SEC, Ripple Labs and judge meet in person?

>> No.58409245
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anyone want a tarot, lenormand, i ching, rune, or oracle card reading? bibliomancy and sigil-making services also on offer, for the special price of Free

>> No.58409575

just posting to say whats up and check my email verification

>> No.58409578


When we mooning?

>> No.58409674


>> No.58409895



>> No.58410227

I would like a personal tarot reading.