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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58401479 No.58401479[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>BBB, GME, and dozens of sub 1m mkt cap literal pajeet shitcoins have threads
>APU threads are banned
Why jannies?

>> No.58401523
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Based noticer. Really makes you think.

>> No.58401526

@ApuComfyChat on telegram

>> No.58401530

There's even a BAPU thread lol

>> No.58401563
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If they ban you, OP, please use the appeal form to ask why some coins are allowed to have generals and some don't. It should be equal, no favoritism.

>> No.58401606

>the recovery is getting crabbed
holy shit I fucking hate paperhands so god damn much

>> No.58401751

jannie are DCAing in

>> No.58402138


Jannies loading up on their bags before the next rally

>> No.58402406

Bapu is the silver to Apu's gold
the jannies unironically want you to make it and theyre pumping their bags

>> No.58402847

now there's a BRAPU thread (BRETT + APU)
this is bullish af for Apu

>> No.58402862

they don't ban, usually just delete the thread and give you a temp block
then again I did receive a 7 day ban for making an apu thread one time...
all depends on how dilated he is that day I guess

>> No.58403489

It feels like they'll allow one thread of APU to stay open, so this is the general now. Next time don't make any other APU threads if it's not the general.

>> No.58403502

it's obvious what they're doing, it's transparent, it's pathetic,


It's not going to stop Apu

>> No.58403504


>> No.58403510
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>> No.58403520

Same for SQUID, same for BANANAS. Maybe the jannies have not accumulated enough ?

>> No.58403524

Time to DCA LINU, HOKK and LUCKY then
Those are still up

>> No.58404153

Are you niggers the fucking reason we have email verification now?

>> No.58404163
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shitcoinbros, is this the end? we're never going to be barack are we? its joever.....

>> No.58404164

they want to distract you from the goldmines ($SUPER) while banin other shitcoins

>> No.58405089
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bought some more

>> No.58405124
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>> No.58406114

I am genuinely starting to believe jannies are either in cahootz with or are themselves whales who are trying to drive a new price floor. Then allow /biz/ hype to pump their bags. I wonder if they can actually manipulate low mcap coins this way? It's irritating because I'm a normie who can pay off my house if theres another bull run and jannies are just deleting threads about the one thing that could change my life.

>> No.58406180
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Someone was here the day before the /PIG/ started, saying that the insider cabal was planning a 2nd draw-down (not as bad as the RUG but something demoralizing enough for the paper-hands to create a good slurping opportunity) over the course of the CEX-listing process. Poster initially said 3-days, but schizoposting is still schizoposting.
Also why the fuck BAPU threads not banner but APU threads are? Much sensemaking jannies.

>> No.58406182

You have been banned for racism for the following post:
>I don't understand, why would someone do that?!
Because the ban is so short you may not appeal. Get fucked,
--the jannies.

>> No.58406183

Email verification is like mail-in voting. It makes our lives less convenient, but none of the security features affect the jannies, who are the only ones acting *consistently* maliciously

>> No.58406575
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How is this piece of shit even allowed to have a thread while we the real APUfrens can't even have a General? I fucking hate jannies, I fucking hate this board. Fuck!

>> No.58406582

if they're relying on the streisand-effect to pump their bags, are we early or late? The banning campaign could last weeks.

>> No.58406929

how has it that holders went up to 6k and tg members is 4k but the price keeps going down

>> No.58406972
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bullish dumping

>> No.58406977

slurping cheapies before the next bull market :3