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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58390476 No.58390476 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck did they get this to go so viral? Zoomers seem to be obsessed with these cups. I work at a school and it seems like every kid has one. How do I profit off this?

>> No.58390498

You get bullied if you don't have one of those

>> No.58390506

Look into Mimesis. People don’t actually know what they want

>> No.58390516


>> No.58390733

Probably cause people already have the brand name engraved in their reptile brain for hockey related reasons.

>> No.58390780

Boys, girls and women are extremely impressionable. I suspect you already knew this before making this thread. Advertisement agencies in the employ of Stanley created a "social scarceness" where if you didn't have this particular cup you were poor and/or unfit for survival with the larger group. It's all nonsense ofcourse it has absolutely no bearing on your ability to survive and thrive but it played on the subconscious of the less intelligent to artificially create a trend that would increase cash flow.
Most people are retarded and women should not be allowed an income or the vote

>> No.58390869

Because lead is delicious, and our Big Nanny State is slowly taking away all our other sources of plumbic supplementation.

>> No.58390998

idk but i bought a 1L yeti mug from work cause i get a wicked discount on them

>> No.58392161

buy stock in a company that mines lead

>> No.58392273
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Not the same thing. Cups like these have uses, it's the fact people are lining up for hours for a Stanley X Starbucks or whatever faggy "collab" that makes us question humanity.

Just look at the subhuman vermin in the image

>> No.58392294

Ally mystery meat

>> No.58392355

Notice something? They're all fat. No point in spending on nice clothing or dressing themselves up - that's not going to work obviously. Might as well try grabbing some accessories that aren't completely ruined the second they touch you.

A absolutely pathetic attempt at a "flex" is what your seeing

>> No.58392441

This. It's insanely easy to go viral on tiktok if you know what you're doing.

>> No.58393936

I only knew about it because some lady beat the shit out of another lady at target to get a pink one. Maybe it was a red one. Either way, that's when it became a meme. Similar to the popeyes chicken sandwich. Some nword had to die over the chicken sammie and everyone started buying them, including myself. I was eating like 3 a week.

>> No.58394092

Meanwhile you’re posting on a board where numerous people spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to own 1 cartoon monkey on the blockchain

>> No.58394120
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Spotted the fatass

>> No.58394213

This place is fun. Does that lineup look fun to you, tubby?

You are right though I should be less judgmental. Not a religion guy but I do like some of their values. Their extreme hatred for gays and trannies, for one

>> No.58394237

Why is everyone in this picture fat

>> No.58394315

I tried to explain that here >>58392355

>> No.58394487
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based thielien or girardian. holy fuck

>> No.58394508

blatant media manipulation and unironically paid shills to generate fomo. same thing happened with Owala

>> No.58394593

My gf, 24 years old, was almost tempted enough to buy one of these. I gave her a little light brow beating to keep her from doing it. I love her to death but she does buy too much worthless shit, as most women do. It's interesting because dumber and smarter women alike seem to want dumb impulse purchases.

>> No.58394611


>> No.58394622
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>little sippy straw because drinks are scary
Out of my way you little zoom shits

>> No.58394789

The fad to carry around large refillable cups started around 2-3 years ago. But there just wasnt one "must have" premium brand. So you go design one of those cups with a giant handle and a logo that resembles some kind of sportscar brand and you created something the luxury starved Z to millenial generation can affort to "show off" in puplic.

>> No.58394948

These and yeti cups have lead in them.

>> No.58394994
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>drinking coffee is a luxury
This angers and confuses the landfill cucks

>> No.58395018
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>> No.58395297
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step aside pleb

>> No.58396013
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anons, i need advice on getting a new water bottle, the market is saturated with garbage designs, nooks and crannys for mold, bulky or useless lids - id be prepared to drop a lot of money just for a bottle thats
>1 liter or more without being ridiculous to carry
>zero plastic
>easy to clean
>half decent insulation
>good lid for drinking a lot

>> No.58396097

The real answer is the same guy that made crocs a success was hired as CEO (or something like that) of Stanly and he rebranded it to appeal to women, who are much more impressionable and get caught up in hype

I believe they did a lot of partnerships with female influencers and things like that

>> No.58397641

There was a post on social media that showed the remains of a car on fire. Some lady goes to her car and finds that her Stanley cup still has ice in it. Then the CEO found that video and they bought her a née car. That was the start. Whether or not the first video was real, their social media team jumped on it. This created an image of a high quality product and FOMO happened.


>> No.58397663

I read every post ITT but still don't know what the cup does.

>> No.58397681

nalgene bottles have been a meme for 30 years

>> No.58397691

Sounds like you just want a standard stainless steel/aluminium vacuum flask. Even bargain stores have cheap no-brands these days.

>> No.58397724

Still use the same sigg bottle i've been using for 15 + years. not buying whatever this is

>> No.58397755

I heard this as well. They are so loaded with lead that Stanley had to make a statement that "they are produced in a facility that also processes lead"

>> No.58397779

I own a Yeti cup it's cheaper and much higher quality

>> No.58397823

have you ever in your life tried a cup like this? Ive kept ice in one in my extremely hot fucking room nad the ice not melt for like 24-28 hours, no joke. theyre amazing, homie.
not specifically that brand kek, but just a cup like that in general.

>> No.58397839
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It kills people

>> No.58397842

Millennials' dads has the drab green stanley thermos

>> No.58397852

They marketed to women with big bright colors, a giant easy to grab handle that even the most retarded and uncoordinated woman can hold onto, and they made it big gulp sized so women can load it the fuck up with an entire day's worth of iced coffee. They probably paid a few influencers on tik tok and instagram to show them off and then the female lizard brain went haywire and they simply had to have the big trendy cup.

>> No.58397858

Most hardcore consoomers are fat. They are greedy gluttonous beasts. This is true of eating habits as well as their spending habits, how you do one thing is how you do all things.

>> No.58397937
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I keep a glass Voss water bottle in my house to drink water out of, although it is only 800ML which is weird because they look and feel huge. They're literally just a straight glass tube so they're extremely easy to clean and cheap as hell, you really only need one but you can buy more than you'll ever really need for the price of one overpriced gimmick bottle. The main downside is they're terrible for carrying around with you outside of the house, but they're great to keep on hand for when you're at home and if you work in an office you can just keep one for the office and one for home. The cap is pretty big and bulky, and there isn't really any insulation to speak of, but as far as a non plastic bottle that's easy to clean this is definitely the #1 choice and for sure the cheapest option.

>> No.58397951

literally >>58397839
it's filled with lead so coughing blood and going batshit crazy will be the new norm in a few years

>> No.58397957

women are sheep, easy as that

>> No.58398498

I'd say it's tik tok brainrot but this kind of mania has been going on for as long as recorded history.

>> No.58398616

That won't do me, I drink water like a fish and 800ml would be gone too soon, I want something that I know I can hold onto for a bit at my desk and will last when I'm out and about
Yeah but they're all of middling quality, I want something that has the type of shit that the cheap brands don't bother with. And there is zero fucking way I'm drinking out of an aluminium bottle

>> No.58398627

Women have this mentality left over from when we were pre-agrarian tribes whereby whatever the critical mass or tastemaker women approve they all adopt that mentality. Companies can use social media marketing to hack this phenomenon to popularize their product.
That's the best explanation I have.

>> No.58398637

This except aluminum because I drop it.

>> No.58398649
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>>58390476, >>58390506, >>58390733, >>58390780, >>58390869, >>58390998, >>58392161, >>58393936, >>58394508, >>58394593, >>58394611, >>58394622, >>58394789, >>58396097, >>58397641, >>58397663, >>58397779, >>58397823, >>58397852, >>58397957, >58398498, >>58398627
Stanley cups are old news, boomers

>> No.58398691

> mīmēsis was an idea that governed the creation of works of art, in particular, with correspondence to the physical world understood as a model for beauty, truth, and the good
wow that has absolutely nothing to do with anything being discussed here. way to know a word, retard

>> No.58398698

My wife has bought three, including one for me for my birthday. Since I’m completely disconnected from social media except /biz/ I didn’t know they were a meme but started to suspect it once she bought a third one.
They’re not even very good cups or mugs, the shapes are kind of retarded.

>> No.58398714

That’s a good explanation. Sounds legit.

>> No.58398751

ive been eyeballing this or klean kanteen, any anons care to comment on the two?

>> No.58398875

I've dropped my glass ones a few times. The glass has always held up, the plastic caps may crack though, but sometimes that made it more convenient because I was now able to hook my fingers under the cap when carrying it around if I was holding other things

>> No.58398883

Yes but I meant the meme were any woman startet carrying around their large water filled cups/bottles everywere they go. At my workplace I started to see them just placed on the ground right before doors with security level (no food allowed inside). Maybe I should take some of these with me to the toilet and piss in them.

Im a millenial. And yes its an old brand captain obvious... but the newer cups are a redesign to look more "fashionable". Before that only hunters, fisherman or construction workers even knew them.

>> No.58398892

>They’re not even very good cups or mugs, the shapes are kind of retarded.
This is what surprised me about the Stanley cup thing, especially since it just completely overshadowed the whole Yeti cup craze. At least the Yeti cups looked somewhat ergonomic, Stanley cups just look gigantic and cumbersome to use.

>> No.58398965

yea like I said earlier Owala has a big fomo social media campaign but the cups aren't bad. I thought the sippy cup straw design was stupid until I used it. The lids are the weakness, eventually when twisting the cap off the retaining springs will pop out and it's pretty much gg from there. You can finagle them back in but they'll keep coming out forever once it happens. The two seals are both very prone to gathering mold requiring you to remove them for cleaning and surprise - the lid seal is glued on and will also come off all the time once you remove it to clean the mold buildup. you're going to need to buy some pipe cleaners if you want to keep it actually clean because a dishwasher will not clean the lid worth a shit in the area that the straw mounts to. Also any size other than the ~20oz doesn't fit in pretty much any cupholder. There really isn't a better option for an insulated cup that's easy to drink out of and store though.

>> No.58399086

mmm i love lead

>> No.58399110

Guess it's time for boomers 2.0 in 20 years

>> No.58399185
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damn, thanks for the effort post, this is the sort of stuff i needed to hear, the dual straw was what i found most interesting about it. i have a tupperware coffee thermos that works pretty great but from experience with that i cant stand having to do tedious teardowns on bottles with adjacent corners. im surprised more companies dont round down their surfaces to prevent potential mold nooks.
in that case klean kanteen is looking most favorable, they dont have a lid like owalas but their variety seem fairly tidy, if i didnt drink so much id think the straw lid was great

>> No.58399202

lel wood schizo aint got no house but he got that stanley cup

>> No.58400828

>They’re not even very good cups or mugs, the shapes are kind of retarded.
The original design of the cup was scraped by stanley themselves. A mom group took a liking to the cup because it "gave them the ability to use it with one hand? (something along those lines). So Stanley started pumping them out again. These are strictly built for pregnant women and "on the go" moms.

>> No.58400832

Those dont even have the logo on them.

>> No.58400854

>A mom group took a liking to the cup because it "gave them the ability to use it with one hand? (something along those lines).
It's nice to know that without ever touching one before, I could tell exactly what the "practical" draw of the cup was for women, the retardedly oversized handle that's so big it's basically impossible to drop.
>Design something for children or disabled people
>Make it 25% bigger
>Offer it in every color under the sun and collab with well known consoomer brands if at all possible
You have now created the perfect product for women to lose their minds over.

>> No.58401021

Misogynist sour virgin

>> No.58401422
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>> No.58402015

this is correct

>> No.58402194

I've been using a klean kanteen for years. I like it, it keeps shit hot/cold even when left in a car for hours, it's survived a few high (15') drops, and it's a simple looking canister like the voss bottle but with a carry loop so you can clip it to a carabiner if you're on your feet like I am.

Drawbacks are the lid can collect some grime if you drink garbage drinks and don't clean it, but I only use it for water and black coffee anyway. The o-ring is starting to wear out, I might replace it. It's a bonus that it's the only one at my workplace.

>> No.58402755

>He doesn't have a high quality Hyrdoflask

>> No.58402765

basically like every business that has ever been created, buy it low, sell it high, the real question is, how do you stay profit, and save your money, now to stay on profit, you just scale, but to save your money, theres trusts, companies, hedge funds, crypto, BRC20tokens, you'll have to choose very well

>> No.58402789

My wife has 2. I think they're fucking ridiculous for the price bit then I realized I can fit almost an entire 40 oz in one and instantly changed my mind.

>> No.58402811
File: 89 KB, 471x336, zoomiesarefaggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of you 25% LGBTQIA+ zoomies don't remember the Apple commercials from the early 2000s.
>buy an Apple because it's "cool"
>nevermind that it's double the price for basically the same hardware
nigger you just fucking gay

>> No.58402833

They have lead in them. Viral marketing plus making your customers physically addicted to the item = lots of money. Honestly genius if not a bit sick

>> No.58402872

That’s not the real Stanley Cup

>> No.58403011

member hydroflask?

>> No.58403017

Because it’s cute, I love the straw, and I work as a hostess in a busy ass restaurant so it’s handy. There’s a point in time at my job where I don’t get to go grab something to drink for a long ass time. I wanted a 40 oz hydroflask, but it cost more than the stanley. I enjoy and get true use out of it

>> No.58403032

Who do you think drives around all day buying random shit because they have no passions or quality of life? Fatass suburban retards
>Inb4 cities bad
Yes American cities are also disgusting, I'm aware, but that's the only place you can find any semblance of upper level society anymore

>> No.58403261

zoomer detected

>> No.58403895

I know a lot of women that still have their 2013 hydroflask. The Stanley cup doesn't seem like an impulse purchase, provided she doesn't buy more than one and actually uses it. This style of mug has been around forever in 30oz instead of 40oz sizes from other brands. Every gym teacher I knew had those red or blue metallic handle coffee mugs back in the 90s. The appeal of this stupid thing is that it has the same textures enamel coating as the hydroflask. Women love to personalize shit. It's the color that suckers them. That's why the impulse ones have massive "collections" of seemingly same shit. They use it as an accessory for self expression, no different than hypebeast faggots with endless pairs of the same Nike hi-tops.

>> No.58403900

Based. We need another brain damaged generation like boomers to keep the infinite money QE train running

>> No.58403928

both gay
get a purist

>> No.58404015

La creatura

>> No.58404022

Rule 31 infraction. (Tits or GTFO)

>> No.58404159


>> No.58404193

Because they're all mexican.

>> No.58404198

social media advertising
even my dumb bitch wife has three of these. God I hate that woman. Marrying her was the biggest mistake of my life. I just had no idea she was so subhuman.

>> No.58404580

the same way ugg boots and northface fleeces went viral when i was in college. humans are herd animals
also their marketing guy Terence Reilly seems to have some clout with whoever runs the algorithms that control zoomer brains