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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58396833 No.58396833 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

previous: >>58362433

>> No.58396992

Is the deal done?

>> No.58397135
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>Weekend at Ernie's
Uh oh baggies, no new plan

>> No.58397204
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How did we lose the memestock race?
Even AMC joggers mog us

>> No.58397234

Can you still buy Earnie’s bonds?

>> No.58397399

Wait a second, this isn't the GME general

>> No.58397500

When Teddy?

>> No.58397520

What is actually wrong with late millennials and early zoomers? This is fucking clinical tier shit.

>> No.58398080

Any baggies want to retcon why Gmerica isn't actually important?

>> No.58398179
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It's been half a year since BBBYQ shares were cancelled and baggies still think they are getting rich, facts mean nothing to them.

>> No.58398191
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>> No.58398198

My id is pp by the way

>> No.58398256
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When shills show their face

>> No.58398351
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>> No.58399305


Oh look a real thread just flew over my house

>> No.58399375
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>Lost another tooth

I need MOASS bros i cant afford the dentist

>> No.58399450

It’s so funny how we false flag these shills and already on to the next thing as they get occupied by last weeks false flag.

They get played so easily like a fiddle. When will these shills/gme elitists learn they can’t fuck with these little corporate raiders.

>> No.58399568
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Did bbby kill /biz/? Is moass actually about to happen and their shutting down /biz/ to keep the squeeze as small as possible or am I just a schizo.

>> No.58399634

From a game theory perspective, you can't build a parasitic system built on lies while also allowing free speech. The containment silos are obviously leaking out everywhere and this is the first step in trying to shut down 4chan. If they can compromise anonymity they may be able to sully this place forever. And good riddance, too. It obviously already has some anti-meme measures in place to tamp down on free speech regarding onions. That little "gag" is obviously bought and paid for from someone.

>> No.58399715

Biz is shutting down? I'ma need the sauce senor.

>> No.58399910

See >>58388587

>> No.58400141

>From a game theory perspective, you can't build a parasitic system built on lies while also allowing free speech.

Yup, which is why their only moves are constantly spewing propaganda (such as the stock bashers here), censoring people online, and final solution is just killing dissenters.

When Twitter became less censored look how fast the information spread regarding the vaccines, Jews, Israel, who's running the show, etc. But twitter being uncensored isn't an absolute. We need a decentralized social media platform on the blockchain where censorship is virtually impossible.

>> No.58400172

It's pretty common for free-speech zones to become more right wing. Without leddit being a safespace for shitlibs it would be rightwing.

>> No.58400206

There are already a few that exist as poc. I’d give it a few years before it’s the norm.

>> No.58400241

kek baggies

>> No.58400304

kek baggies

>> No.58400503

How will /BBBYQ/ survive without ID hopping schizos telling themselves they already won?

>> No.58400516

Shill projection

>> No.58400672

Wow, biz really is shutting down. That's the most bullish thing to happen since this began. See you on the other side brothers. I'll be looking for you in the pepe Santa sweaters at the country club.

>> No.58400762

you should all probably kill yourselves. stupid fucking BBBaggies.

>> No.58400935

PP here
fuck you gullible baggots dont forget to donate

>> No.58401014

A MOASS of BBBYQ is impossible as there are no longer any short positions open, sorry.

>> No.58401089

>Teddy launches
>My broker contacts me telling me I need to hand over some TDY shares to cover a position I now have
>Create a bunch of synthetic TDY shares on the dark pool and give them to my broker
Kek, enjoy your worthless fake equity baggies

>> No.58401175

What will be the stock bashers new cope when new equity is issued and shorts are still open? Kek shillies, you'll get what you deserve soon. You feel invincible for now, but you're not

>> No.58401208

yes, dougie had to pay out quite the bill didn't he

>> No.58401220

Don't know, but he certainly doesn't have to buy back BBBYQ shares.

>> No.58401242


>> No.58401269

Probably not anymore, He's already been liquidated.

>> No.58401311
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To put it bluntly, mom's got no teeth.

It was a long many year process (of metaphorical kicking and screaming) to get her to even see a dentist and assess the damage over the decades. A tooth falling out lit a fire but it was still a long process to get work done with multiple delays over dumb things (in addition to metaphorical kicking and screaming). On the way to getting all-on-4 dental implants, she's gotten the problem teeth removed and bone stuff examined/worked on and recently has gotten dentures. Implants to follow in the future (hopefully sooner than later).

Even when she still had teeth she'd cut down her options of stuff she'd eat because of tooth pain. A lot of the stuff we get or make for her she says tastes bad or she can't eat because of her teeth/mouth. Then I'd catch her eating Cheetos puffs later (before the teeth extractions) so I dunno. She picks and makes a vast majority of the food she eats by herself.

She's still grumpy about the dental work, but I'm hoping it'll be worth it in the end when she can actually eat more stuff again.

>> No.58401322

The trick to investing is to purchase stocks when they're low and sell when they're high. Not buy when they're high and hold to 0. Just for future reference, since it's a tad too late to help with this ticker.

>> No.58401333
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>> No.58401431

If you live a minimalist lifestyle 10k shares is enough to make it. Roll half into drs gme and set for life. But all depends on how big your balls are. Pussy out at $80 a share? Sure reasonable in January but jpm nerfed it. So 10x that shit. Nobody here has witnessed a short squeeze before with all these moving parts. Nobody here was in the volkswagon squeeze because you were too young or weren’t a seasoned trader in the know. Now you’re in the know. It’s gonna fucking happen. How funny would it be if moass was Bobby all along. I mean who from superstonk has actually been right? Only the business minded ones without tunnel vision caught on and the purists will rope in theory. But ironically they will also be safe with their drs gme. Bobby’s will be so fucking rich and will lock the float and make Computershare our bitch. 55k bobbies. Not buying gay lambo either. Gonna get a Yukon Denali and get whipped around like a fucking boss investing in hookah lounges and fried chicken shops.

>> No.58401865
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At $0.00, how many shares will I need?

>> No.58401988

It's not zero, Shares recalled @ $0.07
kek dougie

>> No.58402027
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>> No.58402046

That was the price it was when it was still trading on the last day. Shares were canceled after the end of the last trading day, which made the shares no longer exist. So that makes the price now $0.

>> No.58402102

See you on the other side frens. Christ has been with us all the whole way.

>> No.58402160

but its not zero

>> No.58402200
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Remember, /r/theppshow was banned and /r/teddy was open and waiting because it was comped from the start. Silly shilly hedgie wedgies have also sent silly shills to partake in the ppshow podcast probably from the beginning to post normal good dd and BLEND IN. Overtime they activate these assets to begin acting a fool, use excessive hyping, cause drama to divide and conquer, and a whole myriad of techniques to disrupt a community and demoralize the participants. There are certainly many more assets that are blending in and one should stay vigilant.

Expect delays, but hope we are gonna wagmi soon.

>> No.58402259
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Why would hedge funds spend money and resources to execute a complicated scheme like that for a stock that can't even be traded?

You guys could find a conspiracy in anything.

>> No.58402305

Doug will sacrifice all you stock bashers in a heart beat if it meant he can get his sentence reduced by even a single day.

>> No.58402324

daily reminder that i have absolutely skullfucked the sister of every RICOtranny in real life and also took a big steaming shit on Doug Cifu's terminally ill mother's head and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.58402363

>he seethes in denial
>he doesn't want to admit there's no honor among thieves and he's merely cattle to be disposed of when the time is right
>he'll contemplate going to jail or killing himself

>> No.58402415

>t. RICOtranny
tell ur sister i said hi kek

>> No.58402427

it's pretty funny to interact with a husk of a person. you're worthless, your family knows you're worthless. Slaving away on a stock forum just to get clowned on every single day. No wife. No kids. Thinking of ending it all every single day. Hilarious. I'll pray for you

>> No.58402454
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>ex-holder of BBBYQ claims to know when things are worthless
no refunds faggot

>> No.58402506

It's pretty funny watching you break in real time. The facade is slowly slipping away

>> No.58402544
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>Why would hedge funds spend money and resources to execute a complicated scheme like that for a stock that can't even be traded?

This one is about to have his first unpaid thought

>> No.58402907

He broke and conceded. Kek shillies

>> No.58403558

Kek looser baggots

>> No.58403589


I love how the shills admit what they are doing under the guise of sarcasm. The relief they feel confessing their sins is only temporary. That shill won't last long. youretrappedinherewithme.png

>> No.58403604
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>decentralized social media platform on the blockchain

>> No.58403963
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Teddy is coming

>> No.58405191

>delayed to May 29
do lawyers really?

>> No.58405310

>/biz/ starts enforcing emails
>all the shills stop posting
really makes you think

>> No.58405319

really activates the almond

>> No.58405412

What happened baggots? no moass again?

>> No.58405618

>there’s still mongoloids left believing in this
Yourll be with Gustavo soon

>> No.58405862

Not going to stop me from telling you shorts are closed.

>> No.58406318

it's over

>> No.58406437

Dumbfuck baggots get fucked

>> No.58407059

PP here don't forget to donate

>> No.58407222

what shills, you turbo fucking retard
shilling what exactly?
people that mock you don't come here because they're paid, they come here to laugh at your humiliation ritual

fiat id dying, there is a literal replacement of the entire financial system being developed
and you bought a bankrupt towel store
nobody would bother you, but you chose to come to the place where we talk about the new financial primitive, so you're going to be humiliated until you decide to leave /biz/ forever
don't worry, we won't chase you

until then
trans-baggots get laughed at

>> No.58407235

It's weird seeing this place without the relentless samefagging. It will be interesting to see if/how our sisyshillies can adapt.

>> No.58407388

>E-mail verification required
Can somebody point me to the last organic bagholder post in this thread? I can't seem to find it.

>> No.58407441
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>> No.58408415

lmao brainless bbbaggies

>> No.58408568

You know, I thought I would miss the shills, but I actually like this quiet. Just goes to show you how much samefagging spam it was.

>> No.58408583

enjoy the quiet while you can, I'm sure they'll be back after the higher-ups come up with a gameplan.

>> No.58409091

Reminder that Gustavo Arnal didn't kill himself

>> No.58409415

>Biz adds email verification
>The only posts left are people kekking baggies
Lmao, not a single person who bought BBBY is even left, pathetic

>> No.58409473

Kek dumbfuck bankruptcy baggies

>> No.58409613

Wow, really getting dead, this is probably the last bbbyq general. Still no teddy shares.

>> No.58409676

Baggots dead and gone just like the stock

>> No.58409783


GMEshills will ignore this post to cope

>> No.58410216

fuck your dumbfuck bagfuckers