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58396597 No.58396597 [Reply] [Original]

bitcoin is a bubble

>> No.58396614
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You've said that every year since its creation, in every bullrun. How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

>> No.58398289

What isn’t a bubble?

>> No.58398310

the concept of the number eight
Do I win?

>> No.58398336

Literally everything else is a bubble.

>> No.58398371

the entire modern international financial system is a bubble

>> No.58398424


>> No.58398460

it failed, try again

>> No.58398517

The US dollar is a bubble.

>> No.58400965
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so are NFTs right now but nooo no one cares to fucking notice what's currently cooking on the eesee mainnet and how shitskins are making literal thousands in just a few hours reselling and rafflinf stolen collections like tf

>> No.58400973

That's the point

>> No.58401002

imagine being this much of a faggot
2016 was like 10 years ago mate carry on and get over it

>> No.58401012

aint working senpai

>> No.58401038

newfag much? or just high?

>> No.58401043


>> No.58401057

people want their bored apes-

>> No.58401058
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>> No.58401059

facts boy

>> No.58401067

even if they or you dont like raffles you could still go and slurp their token

>> No.58401317
File: 47 KB, 642x645, bubbles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every great human innovation (except for Tulips, the best bubble) was a bubble. It is in the nature of niggas (even Dutch niggas) to try get paid off the big events.

>> No.58401374

>durr if I manipulate the timespans of assets I can make them similar
You are dumber than fucking rocks for even having that saved on your computer.

>> No.58401380

Land is too costly to maintain or defend, it has negative value and is not money

>> No.58401389

Not to mention the arbitrariness of "starting price", that vertical scale is meaningless

>> No.58402421
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Not too late to gamba at SOL anon. I understand you feel like you missed out already so try with 1intro and keep an eye on shit releasing there, also on SOL but with a different launch model.

>> No.58403500
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I've been thinking about this for an hour and still can't think of anything, I thought of technology with AIs like agrs, but that can also explode when there is no more interest, everything is volatile godlord

>> No.58403523

i have never seen a bubble that doesn't burst for over 20 years Mr Tranny

>> No.58403529



>> No.58403560

Human labor

>> No.58403567

BTC doesn't actually do anything but change price.

>> No.58403629

Wrong it’s has NFTS that cost $40 to transfer.

>> No.58403636

but doesn't it do that separately of the federal reserve, FBI and Biden? i.e. they don't have much influence over it like they do other things? sorry if i btfo you but it had to be done

>> No.58403642

>people will still want to buy bitcoin in a collapsed society wasteland

>> No.58403645

Every store of value is basically illusory unless it is backed by the most golden of gold standards, violence

>> No.58403771

the point is that the global bubble is going to pop faster and worse than the crypto bubble. doesn't really apply at this point if you only have 100 or 1000 to put in though.

>> No.58403786

LLMs prove you wrong

>> No.58403794

there are no bubbles
the US dollar is dead

>> No.58403797

because it does not require trust
anyway, you shouldn't worry about that because society is not collapsing nor becoming a wasteland

>> No.58403803

no i think it's a cryptocurrency

>> No.58404387
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>> No.58404503

The computers mining Bitcoin are all safe inside the Bitcoin Bubble Shelters.

>> No.58404554
File: 766 KB, 807x748, 826712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, bitcoin is a bubble
that's profitable, get yourself a satoshibank and start accumulating bitcoin-associated coins and get into BTCFi