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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 132x100, B639AECB-E303-4DEA-A7B8-FA3B017C273D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5839575 No.5839575 [Reply] [Original]

Well I’ve thought about killing myself a few times today.

I sold the shares I had at the company I’ve been working at for the past 15 years.

I sent all the money to coinsquare then once I bought BTC I sent it to the wrong address.

2.2 BTC just gone out of thin air.. that was my life savings.

I saw a bunch of rich fags on here earning thousands so I wanted to try it.

I fucked up so bad I know I’m going to be banned for the beg but fuck it if any richfag could just give me $5 to work with maybe I can get it back.


That’s my ETH, not a $ to my name. If I see $5 in my account when I wake I’ll probably still put a bullet in my head

Happy trading lucky faggots

>> No.5839896

Pls be true story

>> No.5839937

sad if true

>> No.5839946

m8 seriously dont kys. please.

>> No.5840012

true if sad

>> No.5840016

>sending it all at once
why did you do it anon?

>> No.5840051

pussy. all at once is only way to do it

>> No.5840126

2.2 btc is nothing dude... that's only like 10 dollars lol

>> No.5840185

People are making 2.2 BTC a day, if I put my money in trx like I was going to I could have paid off my kids college. I’m on 3 xaxans right now so anything can happen baby

>> No.5840238

Are pajeets really this desperate for money they learn english just to write a poo in loo tier larp like this?
The state of Pajeetstan

>> No.5840240

I can tell you a way to make 10k usd but you need time and 10dollars to begin with

>> No.5840371

I have a line of credit I could put in, can you email me? I’ll do anything to make this back

>> No.5840489

Everyone is making thousands a day, you think I would be that much of a sand nigger to ask for $5 on this board?

>> No.5840540


>> No.5840605

if sad true

>> No.5840670

Line of credit? Better not.
I think at this point you are better of stealing the lip stick at the drug store.
Whats your favorite colour?

>> No.5840676

big if sad.

>> No.5840691

seems fake

>> No.5840714

>2.2 BTC
>life savings

Either you're LARPING or you're a normie who spends his money frivolously and doesn't know how to save. Your eth wallet has $115 in it so pick yourself up and start over. I started with less.


>> No.5841046

Well it was worth more than that when I bought it, I have no idea what I’m doing I just wanted to pay off my debt

>> No.5841293

>I wanted a cut of the pie in something I know nothing about
You get what you deserve, kek.

>> No.5841313

OP post the transaction id of it. if you can't then oh boy

>> No.5841338

Anon you are so full of shit it hurts.
Maybe tell us what wallet did you send it to?

>> No.5841467

Proof and I'll send you 1 eth

>> No.5841516

You should just hang yourself anon. don't fucking come in here and beg you stupid faggot.

>> No.5841644
File: 9 KB, 1175x59, 936B7B7F-FB5D-4235-9095-8C964489C9BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I’m fucking around?

>> No.5841703
File: 26 KB, 400x400, cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If it makes you feel better I turned $12k back in November into 350k thanks to ADA, just made 60k in the last 2 hours, and probably another 50k in the next 2 with the way this chart looks.

Before you kys can I have your $115 worth of ETH?

>> No.5841803
File: 10 KB, 480x360, wtfisthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put it in tron.

>> No.5841915

Just call your bank and request a charge back... Oh right, crypto, you're fucked.

>> No.5842015

go to blockchair.com/ and enter the BTC address that you sent to and then screenshot it or just tell us the address that you sent it to.

>> No.5842256

Fuck you nigger. This is the new /biz/ scam since the tony dumper and bitflur shit got called to the floor. I've seen 7 or 8 sob stories in the catalog today. Earlier it was some faggot that had a flooded house begging for crypto. Redd!t cocksuckers will fall for this shit. Fuck off niggers.

>> No.5842584


Lol why is there white paint over the $33,877 ?

>> No.5842854

exactly lol. i thought it was only me.

>> No.5842958


>> No.5843320

this faggot is larping hard

kill your fucking self OP, we can see your shitty whitepaint on that screenshot
