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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58392723 No.58392723 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58392751
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>> No.58392764

ATH in 1 week

>> No.58392768

Jesus christ, what the FUCK happened? Was it pajeeteus?

>> No.58392784

my og $88 investment is worth $2,995
get a grip nigger

>> No.58392791
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>> No.58392796

Ranjeet coin
just two more weeks
Nope he's still holding 10+ billion APUs. He could dump any second now.

>> No.58392821

Yeah this is the most brutal part

Palladius still holds his billions lol

>> No.58392825

>still up in profits

>> No.58392831

Does he really? What's the wallet?

>> No.58392907

>3.4b dumped
so he's like used 3% of his entire share
but on what purpose

>> No.58392923

can we stop acting like every time a whale sells shits rugged?
cant imagine if this will be the same with blocklords once they finally fucking launch the token properly

>> No.58392951

Don’t care, not selling. Also, fuck israel

>> No.58392980

A 15 minute candle that goes down 75% is what most people in crypto would call a rug. Yes, the word has been bastardized, but people won't stop just because it's someone other than the dev pulling the rug

>> No.58392987

>but on what purpose
just a wild guess, maybe for the 750k $ he just made of your ass

>> No.58393011

nigga i'm still in profits

>> No.58393041

seems the community is schizo 100% rugbuyors, 10b confimed.

>> No.58393054

700k sell slurped like it was a fucking joke

>> No.58393065

Your schizo euphoric autists are pumping the price back up so the whales can exit higher again

>> No.58393076


>> No.58393086

30 mins of panic selling left, then ww3 is over.

>> No.58393092
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All according to the plan, only the strong will survive to see 40 billion mcap.

>> No.58393094

It's already up and going higher
this was literally a breath for those who didn't buy before, this is your chance, 1B is programmed.

>> No.58393119
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I am financially ruined

>> No.58393125
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>> No.58393151

this trade volume holy fuck

>> No.58393168
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why do people do this?

just one click sell

>> No.58393169

theres gonna be another 250 eth volume soon anon, isnt that great

>> No.58393174

give it to me faggot

>> No.58393191

whales can exit whenever they want. Doesn’t matter, we’re going higherswx4

>> No.58393195

exit 100% and wants to do max damage to "kill it" so they wouldn't get sidelined and rope later on (failed)

>> No.58393220



>> No.58393250

because there is only so much money within the circle of bagholders, better to take as much as possible when exiting instead of pussyfooting around. added benefit: if this is a secret devwallet that wants to extract even more money from bagholders, that is best achieved by painting a massive dump candle for people to "buy the dip"

>> No.58393271

this is a dumb ukrainian whale. Bought 80k worth at the first exact top

>> No.58393276

the entire market crashed, not everything is a grand conspiracy centred around apu

>> No.58393288

bros I bought the top, im financially ruined

>> No.58393309

>makes 700k
kek. jealous
no one cares about your gay token. which is why it's dumping. should've sold this scam while you had the chance

>> No.58393317

>umm no one cares actually it's nothing to do with apu
glad you agree

>> No.58393319
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I shidded and fartded and cummed

>> No.58393320

If you bought the top, now slurp Froggy at rock bottom. 20k mcap, lp burned, renounced.

>> No.58393334
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look at this gigachad
comes back after 20 days
to swoop in and buy 270M or 15ETH ($45k) worth at $0.0002174

>> No.58393350

>chink chonk runes
no wonder asians are the only smart non white people

>> No.58393359
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Provided with no comment.

>> No.58393371

he did sell like 15 days too early though

>> No.58393381


>> No.58393386


>> No.58393408




>> No.58393485

Holy fuck biz is dead. Newniggers seething over a little dump? The amount of nocoiner tourists who take up traffic on this garbage board is insane. Go back to pmg if you want a quarter of a percent price action reddit faggots

>> No.58393490

kek this is good

>> No.58393647

a near 4x from when the faggot whale dumped. wish i was was around to slurp the dip

>> No.58393660
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>> No.58393729

I tried but slippage fucked me over and work stuff distracted me for too long. happy I held though.

next time I would just increase the slippage eh? It's because it's fluctuating beyond my set percentage? eh?

>> No.58393985
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perfect time for APU holders to slurp BAPU as a safe haven

>> No.58394002


>> No.58394012

how the fuck is bapu a safe haven? it's rugged more times than apu and each time it tries to recover its worse off, there is no community, it's just a shit show and now that apu is on base there is no point in it
safe haven... how?

>> No.58394041

old Apu dev is minting and dumping on the contract on Base


He is minting tokens from the dead address and already dumped almost $30k

>> No.58394343 [DELETED] 
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deals with bridging from main layer apu to base layer apu (they are different token contracts)

the attacker is using

the contract on main layer (not official Apu) 0x7A2C5e7788E55Ec0a7ba4aEeC5B3da322718Fb5e

to mint tokens and then bridge them over using contract
(to official base Apu)

no one has noticed this.