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58384406 No.58384406 [Reply] [Original]

>25 years in the can
In hindsight, was it worth it?

>> No.58384416

yes. when he's out he'll have much higher gold diggers after him than that wood nymph succubus

>> No.58384439

imagine how retarded you have to be to trust a phenotype like this? kek

>> No.58384624

Imagine scamming rich elites. He fucked up real bad. Almost as bad as that viet scammer who got fucking executed for scamming other billionaires.

>> No.58384682

Can he make it 5 years and then ask for parole?

>> No.58384699

>no comment about playing pin the tail on the weasel
Where are all my frens from the last cycle?

>> No.58384810

For non violent felons in this case yes. Nobody knows where multiple millions of dollars went.

Even if he accepted the full 25 years without parole he still will be better off than without committing these crimes. Even with a guaranteed of 10 million in an offshore account is more than enough for me to consider 25 years in prison. I’ll be out by 50 and get to live out those 10 million for the next best decades of my time.

All he has to do during that time is to lift weights and get a new hobby. This is 10 million we’re talking about minimum. That’s more than enough to retire alone and letting it rot with your desires.

In this case with Sam that won’t be enough. For real, he just wants to hoard it like an mmorpg and flaunt his status. For Sam it’s not enough, for me. I would take 10 million minimum for 25 years of easy prison hood.

>> No.58384815

>Nobody knows where multiple millions of dollars went
alameda gambling on tokens

>> No.58384818

What did he actually do that was wrong/illegal?

I’m starting to think he was the autistic fall guy for a bunch of normies who manipulated him

>> No.58384820

>All he has to do during that time is to lift weights and get a new hobby
jews don't lift

>> No.58384827

How fucking stupid are you?

You don’t even appreciate youth at all? You really think being old is fun? A 58 year old Billionaire would give up all their money to be 18 again.

>> No.58384829

25 years in the can I wanted to pin the weasel
I compromised
I had a black man fill me up instead

>> No.58384831

took money out of his exchange (user accounts) and gave it to alameda to gamble
they lost because the other kike didn't use any hedges, stop losses or risk management

>> No.58384834

Would you rather be a 50 year old plumber or a 50 year old millionaire?

>> No.58384953

biden will pardon him on his last day in office so really its only a year in the can

>> No.58384955

Bullrun tourists don't understand the thrill...

>> No.58385003

his parents will die while hes in jail. that sucks.

>> No.58385010

He fucked himself by putting a woman in charge of some major ops. Hence he deserves it and no not worth it

>> No.58385035

how did biden let this happen? he was the #2 biden donor wtf why doesn't he pardon him right now?

>> No.58385144

he was already rich enough that even after founding FTX any material improvement to his life wouldve been trivial
he lived a slavish life, sleeping in the company office spending every waking moment managing the company and keeping up the charade
past a certain point, the only thing that money matters for is power
he gained no power and lost everything

>> No.58385162

he was worth more than 10 million before even founding ftx you fucking moron
you think 10 million is worth losing 25 years of your life? how fucking poor and stupid are you?

>> No.58385215

He was living it large while on trial. When he gets out early after his vacation, he'll have his money back.

>> No.58385221

>my life will start at 50
>if I get a small windfall of $10 million
imagine unironically typing this

>> No.58385231

If it means not being trapped in prison for 25 years, plumber all day.

>> No.58385285

>imagine ho-
stopped reading at phenotype

>> No.58385295

What did he do that banks don't already do?

>> No.58385298


>> No.58385323

I would of done 30 years for 30 minutes of pinning the weasel

>> No.58385348

No, it wasn't worth it. He could have made bank just by running FTX as a legitimate business and collecting transaction fees. He blew it. He got fucking GRIPPED

>> No.58385398

this kike will get pardoned

>> No.58385410

Then there's no point for you being in this place. Have fun staying poor nigger.

>> No.58385460
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That's why he recruited Aryans like Tom and Gisele to be the faces of FTX.

>> No.58385518
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he's another poor victim of psychotic women, just like I am of the casino poker table and my dextools dogs, it's not our fault

>> No.58385700
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He took customer funds from FTX and funneled them into his other company called Alameda Research.

He did this for two reasons:

Alameda Research was burning through money on bad trades and risking bankruptcy.
From Alameda Research money was then moved into a complex web of shell companies who would then spend the money on political donations, personal goods and whatever else he wanted.

Sam comes from an extremely privileged background. He literally had it all. He could have run FTX legit and been an extremely comfortable multi-millionaire before the age of 30. For the life of me I cannot understand the level of greed and arrogance to think you could just misappropriate billions in customer funds and get away with it.

>> No.58385719

I don't give a shit about him being ugly, but is it really so hard to style your hair even slightly or get it cut short if you really can't be bothered? Someone who lets themselves look that slovenly is not a person that I'd trust my money to.

>> No.58385720
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>All he has to do during that time is to lift weights and get a new hobby.

While trying to avoid being raped or murdered by gang members.


>> No.58385726

There's no parole in the federal system, congress eliminated it during the Reagan administration. But you can get a few years knocked off your sentence for good behavior, and the time from when he was arrested to when he was sentenced will be included in his sentence.

>> No.58385989

This poster does not live a happy life

>> No.58386001

Showed that crapto is not to ve taken serious. Anything below life, sharing a cell with Ross is unacceptable and crapto died the day the sentence for this yid was spoken

>> No.58386017

In Vietnam some lady got the death sentence for a similar crime, so could have been worse.

>> No.58386029

Imagine being this guy. If you're lucky you get to have 80 years of life. That's it. That's your total and allotted time within all of eternity, and this retard would give up 30% of that for some fucking money lol.

What would you even do with that money that you can't do now?

>> No.58386040

>For the life of me I cannot understand the level of greed and arrogance to think you could just misappropriate billions in customer funds and get away with it.
Probably just started as a small hole he thought he could easily cover up with future profits. Then the hole slowly started getting bigger and bigger..

>> No.58386046

>trusting the jews
>ngmi (or gmi)

>KDNP captcha

>> No.58386061

this has to be bait

>> No.58386068

dying is much more based than getting raped by black cocks for 25 years

>> No.58386074

>Even with a guaranteed of 10 million in an offshore account is more than enough for me to consider 25 years in prison.

you are a fucking retard

>> No.58386573

a lawyer said he could eventually go out after 12 years only

>> No.58386588

not happening, he will be sent to a low or minimum security prison.

>> No.58386604
File: 814 KB, 1078x1228, 1711702712860281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Normies can’t understand the thrill of pinning the Fried. Night spent chasing an over malnourished Bankman around the cell. His squealing and gibbering, pouring sweat and on the verge of seizing. His cellmates build up an intoxicating, delerious state with gang-affiliated chantings at the sidelines, hitting the Sammy-toy with shivs if he tries to escape. Treyvon would be giggling and laughing as the waves of methamphetamine pleasure seem to harmonize with the droning rap verses. He runs around the cell fat and portly, with Treyvon's viagra powered penis a driving rod for the Spankman. Sweat gushing down his face around his unfocused eyes he laughs and chortles until he gasps “Found you!” . The Shekelsquirrel screeches defensively but the black bvll is upon him in seconds. His penis thrusting blindly into his flank, leg, stomach and ribs unconcerned about anything but the motion. Eventually serendipity finds Sam's mouth and the Cocktube Rodent is placated, suckling contently on Treyvon’s dehydrated cucumber sized dick.

>> No.58386836

Give him a chance to make it all back in one trade or face the death penalty

>> No.58386903

>For the life of me I cannot understand the level of greed and arrogance to think you could just misappropriate billions in customer funds and get away with it.
He was a hard-core Democrat funneling massive amounts of customer money into the 2020 Biden campaign. From a core virtues standpoint the "what's yours is mine" is par for the course for a Dem, and he probably assumed (incorrectly) that his real masters would bail him out once he funded their election.

>> No.58386910

the trial didn't even mention that FTX had a yield program and paid 8% to borrow customer assets with no restrictions on use lol

>> No.58386913

He'll be in his late 50's, i.e. his life will be effectively over

>> No.58386914

25 year old NEET

>> No.58386973

Oy vey what a harsh sentence, on appeal I will reduce it to 1 year.

>> No.58386984

Will you ever experience the thrill of pinning the weasel?

>> No.58386986

I have insider info that his sentence will be cut as he will be approached by investigators to provide ALL information he knows about market manipulation. He will tell crucial information about insiders, corruption etc and many houses posted on this forum will be confiscated.

>> No.58387336

It's rare that after your 50 you will have the best years of your life. Usually health problems build up that start with all kinds of pain (back pain, joints...), then erection problems, then fatigue, etc. The minority of hyperactive old people you see in the media is not representative.

>> No.58387469

It was right there in front of our eyes the whole time yet people still fell for it.

>> No.58388014

He will get probation at 4 years

>> No.58388187

you mean trusting a jew?
thats why I never got involved in FTX and it saved my ass.
I also avoided many other scams by not trusting jews, like celsius or bancor.