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5833152 No.5833152 [Reply] [Original]

Friends, Romans, /biz/nessmen, lend me your ears! I apologize for not having posted for awhile. I recently launched the discord about a week ago and I've had about 900+ members join. I've been giving out advice like a madman and have been making calls for people to invest in.

On top of my previous calls, I myself have made a very juicy amount of gains. Most notably scooping up XLM at .22 and DRGN at .44c. Anyway, before I begin answering questions, I'd just like to give a quick shout out to the people that told me I was wrong about DRGN and called me an idiot when I told people to buy DRGN at .82 and it dipped to .70. Had you waited literally a week, you'd be over 300% gains.

With that being said, if you'd like to join The Crypto Army discord, I'll post the link in my next post right under this (4chan is detecting the post as spam).

Anyway, start your post with "In CryptoBro We Trust" and ask some advice and I'll answer. I'll be here for about an hour.

>> No.5833232

In CryptoBro We Trust

pls take a look at BAT, is it time to buy?

>> No.5833280

Here is the link for the discord.
Remove the ='s from the post, 4chan keeps blocking discord links.

ALSO, THIS IS NOT A PUMP AND DUMP GROUP. We invest based on solid research, and when I find coins I think will 5-20x in value, I call them out.

>> No.5833314

You were wrong about the BTC call last week so you can get fucked, retard. Any dickhead could have made those alts calls because literally every alt has done a 3x+ in the last 2 months.

Change your trip to CryptoFag

>> No.5833498

>anybody could have made those calls
>people constantly posting threads about how much money they're losing.

Sorry that you're so hateful and resentful to someone offering you free advice. If you make some gains from my calls in the future, maybe we could be on better terms.

I'm not super bullish on BAT at the moment. Like I've been telling The Crypto Army, buy TRX and XLM and DRGN for now. They've all got big things coming up in the near future and they're going to go up dramatically in value.

>> No.5833665

Cyprto bro, thoughts on DBC? It's shilled quite a bit in 4chan.

>> No.5833668

Thoughts on lamden, Latium, and verge?

>> No.5833681
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>> No.5833683

What is IOTA's Q ?

>> No.5833689
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Remember, don't invest too heavily into one coin, always diversify. Pic related.

>> No.5833690

How do you feel about the ICO dadi

>> No.5833691

In CryptoBro We Trust,

I am very bullish on PBL, what are your thoughts?
Recently has been gaining quite the traction and still low Mcap.


>> No.5833712
File: 5 KB, 295x171, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you recommend staying in DRGN?
I was 100% DRGN on Kucoin, but took some out today for SNOV and PRL, which I'm still not sure about. Not to late to go all back in the D.

>> No.5833714

Fuck off tripfag

>> No.5833726

CryptoBro, when will this XLM run ends? Surely this cannot last forever?

>> No.5833730


Hi, thanks for the discord, it has been very useful, as soon as i make any money i wont forget to tip you.

I have 1 ETH, where should i place it?

I though of SALT, ICX and TRX.


>> No.5833742

Thoughts on FUN? Also, what do you make of the RaiBlocks/Dadi possible merger, should we invest?

>> No.5833745

In cryptobro we trust!***
Thoughts on lamden, Latium, and verge?

>> No.5833782

In cryptobro we trust.
Any indication that btc will dip again in the near future? Forkmode? Psychic?

>> No.5833800

There is so much shilling around ven, whats your opinion?

>> No.5833807

Lamden yes pls

>> No.5833808

Where do you see XLM going by Feb 1st?
What's your opinion of Req?
Is there a low priced coin you recommend?

>> No.5833818


Can't join, link is expired

>> No.5833822

Toughts on ITNS?

>> No.5833845
File: 146 KB, 545x617, chadblocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your thoughts on XRB? Is it the ultimate chad coin?

>> No.5833867

screw the haters

I loved your analysis on SALT, but with the new news... what do you recommend people do if it's a large % of their portforlio? sell, or hodl?
and XRP... what do you think, should it be sold at $3 or below, or wait for CB?

thanks for the great discord! I hope it doesn't get shitted up once there's more people... and I hope cryptopeck is wrong about you turning it into a pseudo pump n dump once there's 100k members or something crazy!

>> No.5833872

Should I hold my REQ or sell it to get some XLM?

>> No.5833880

well if we cant ban pajeets a containment thread is better than nothing

>> No.5833899

Should i hoDL SC and LEND or sell

>> No.5833906

My first BCH comes in 1/9/2018. I may go all in either XLM,ARK, or XRP and enter $1k monthly. I will focus on holding. Just any tips would help!

>> No.5833928

Im personally extremely bullish, im averaging down during this dip but holding for a very long time barring any exit scams or such.

>> No.5833948

In Cryptobro we trust

THis is what I want to know too. I have never seen so much shilling for a coin than VEN/Vechain.

It all seems to be genuine shilling too, not just bot accounts or pump groups. I could be wrong though.

>> No.5833963

edit: In CryptoBro We Trust

>> No.5834017

XLM still?

>> No.5834031

Seriously thats what got me so confused with it. It seems so legitimate. Unless we are all getting scammed with their partnerships I feel like it has to be true. But even then millions of dollars of sell walls have to be up to something.

>> No.5834080

also want to know about xlm.

made 3x already but want to make sure i didnt cuck myself by selling at 5800. there has to be a correction right?

>> No.5834109

Hi CryptoBro,

i think your wanna do something good with that Discord group but did u also have in mind to get a fanbase to "pump" a coin? to get something going with your calls, also for own profit?

>> No.5834123

What about that graph bandit posted made you suddenly become so bullish on BTC? Not snarky question, just want to learn.

>> No.5834129

In crypto bro we trust. Should i sell off some of my xrb and invest in trx or donyou think xrb could go on another bull-run like it has the past few weeks

>> No.5834153

Do you think REQ and ADA will pump before the Friday news?

>> No.5834189

Also should i invest some of the profit in ven? Im hearing good things?

>> No.5834197

what do you think motivates cryptokike? he comes here to amass an army of followers to...? this will end how it always does. you all deserve what's coming. who the fuck is this cocksucker to come here move conversations to his discord anyway?

>> No.5834206

Is ZEC going to do anything at any point or jsut keep cucking me? Also what about aelf? It looks like a juicy marketcap.

>> No.5834229

In CryptoBro We Trust
Will ARK manage to crush the sell walls or should I trade some ark for trx or vechain?

>> No.5834266

Nothing lasts forever, but with FairX coming out, and the crypto market in full swing, I foresee it continuing to rise. HOLD!

Remove the ==='s.

The fundamentals behind XRB are really great. The tremendous amount of transactions it can process

DBC has a really cool concept and I think it'll raise in value, at least in the short term, based on the hype alone. The whole "Artificial Intelligence" thing is very flashy. In regards to functionality, I'm not really sure if there are a whole lot of companies looking to build AI platforms on a decentralizes network though. I have trouble pinning down an exact use case for DBC. Plus their roadmap only goes until Q2 2018. I personally wouldn't invest, but if you feel confident in it, go for it.

>> No.5834347
File: 185 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180103-180955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I followed my gut and your advice on TRX. It was a good day.

What do you think of ETH? Are we looking at a legitimate flippening?

>> No.5834426
File: 404 KB, 1440x2462, Screenshot_20180103-191054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey cryptobro, I'm fairly new to crypto and only put in about $700 initially. Can you review my blockfolio and recommend some changes/coins to buy? Thanks

>> No.5834570

In crypto bro we trust

Where do you see ltc going in the next few months? Should i sell at a loss or hodl?

>> No.5834778

Verge really sketched me out after their whole fiasco. Plus, if I remember correctly from reading, their whole hype up and to the release of the "wraith protocol", only to deliver something mediocre, puts a bad taste on my mouth. Plus the competition in the privacy coin sector is intense. I prefer XMR personally. Verge is a no-buy from me. I'm unfamiliar with Lamden and Latium, but I'll take a look at them.

I'm unsure what you're asking.

I've just started to hear about it. Interesting name choice haha. I already have it on my list of things to look into.

First time hearing about it. I'll put it on my research list.

Yes. They have big milestones on their whitepaper all the way through September 2018. Continue holding.

XLM, TRX, SALT and DRGN. Hold onto them and don't panic sell.

FUN has great potential. It's unique in what it's trying to do, but the risks are high because of the potential for government regulation. I think it's worth a 3-5% of your portfolio play though.

Impossible to say with 100% certainty when it will dip. However, i'm extremely confident that BTC will be near dead by the end of 2018 though. BTC just flat out has no functionality or use values. The Flippening will also occur.

>> No.5834845

In cryptobro we trust
What's currently a coin you think will go x5-10?

>> No.5835011

Word thank you!

>> No.5835075

In CryptoBro we trust!

I only have about $50 to put in this week. What should I drop it into?

>> No.5835086


Do you think we're gonna see another moon mission from XLM within the next 24 hours? I'm currently all in but i feel like the mission is over and im wasting my time by holding.

Also, when do you expect REQ to finally go up again?


>> No.5835112

In Crypto bro we trust
Would really like to know your opinion on Xtrabytes.

>> No.5835119

In cryptbro we trust,

Whats your opinion on electra its constantly getting shilled here and its still at a very low price

>> No.5835132

In CryptoBro confidemus
What are your thoughts on FUN?

>> No.5835188

Sounds like a gay fucking cult. If you legitimately want a community like your introduction sounds like, stop sounding like a "get rich quick" infomercial and a representative of the Manson ranch. 95% sure youre trying to scam people, atleast thats how you present yourself.

>> No.5835207

Well, my first instinct whenever I see overwhelming shilling is to think of Warren Buffet's quote, "When others are fearful, be greedy, when others are greedy, be fearful." In this case though, I like VEN because counter fitting is a HUGE problem in any industry that produces any kinds of goods. VEN helps to solve that problem. I see VEN appreciating in value in the future.

>> No.5835210

What’s your opinion of WTC and NEO

>> No.5835215

I've been liking this one a lot too. Like the idea. Been watching it moon the past week and catching some bad FOMO...still smalltime though.

>> No.5835273

In Cryptobro we trust.

What do you think of TRST?

>> No.5835277

ooo definitely curious about FUN too

>> No.5835339

2 questions:
- is it still wise to enter tronix now that it hit .1
- do you have any opinion/research on ICON?

>> No.5835386

confirmed. he belongs in an oven.

>> No.5835397

A question unrelated to cryptos. Why are you helping people out for free? What's your motives? I know you've always had great shotcalls in the past so I don't doubt most of your recommendations, except SALT.

There's many shady and malicious people on the internet, that's why I'm asking. Thanks for helping us, though!

>> No.5835400


In CryptoBro We Trust

Just FOMOed into ENG did I fucked up?

>> No.5835420

Yahweh nissi

My first BCH comes in 1/9/2018. I may go all in either XLM,ARK, or XRP and enter $1k monthly. I will focus on holding. Just any tips would help!

>> No.5835454

CryptoBro! God bless you, my dude. In Cryptobro we trust!

You usually recommend top 50 coins, and for good reasons. Your investment advice usually seems to be based around research on fundamentals, use cases etc, and I guess a lot of the top 50 coins are there for solid reasons. However, do you see anything really promising coming out of the top 50-150 CMC coins? I expect the diamonds in the rough there will be huge gainers in the months to come, and I could love to accumulate some of those gems early.
Any recommendations on that front, friendo?

>> No.5835506

>Pre-congratulations on 25k by February
Explain pls

>> No.5835545


In Cryptobro we trust.

What's your oppinion on ETHLend and POE?

>> No.5835572

In CryptoBro We Trust
Repeat question, I forgot to TRUST

Is ZEC going to do anything at any point or just keep cucking me (looking for a Q1 flip)? Also what about aelf? It looks like a juicy marketcap.

>> No.5835613


I expected his server to go P A E T R O N E X C L U S I V E after he gets a fanbase doling out baby tier advice for a month. Whatever it is I suggest everyone take it with a grain of salt.

In Cryptobro we Trust!

>> No.5835643

In CB i trust

2 similar questions
-Is the market in a bubble and if not, when do you think will we reach it?
-What is your sentiment on the market growth (+140billion total market cap in the last 48 hours) and what can we expect in the next week/month/3month period?

>> No.5835710

You should never have more than 20% of your portfolio into any one coin at any one time. I still think SALT is a great buy. The use cases I outlined still exist, and all the recent FUD are from people who didn't bother to read the roadmap and read that SALT even said they were going to start by issuing loans to their premium members first and then branch out. I'm personally still holding my salt. If the price dips, I'll buy more.

I like SC because of it's low cost data storage in regards to cloud storage. Hang onto it. LEND is pretty interesting but I prefer SALT.

They're both excellent coins, buy both.

Tip 1, Commandment #6. Never go all in on one coin. I personally wouldn't invest your money into ARK. Your XLM choice is good. Consider buying TRX and DRGN too.

Absolutely. XLM has a ton of more room to grow. Check the forbes article I posted in the discord, It's becoming more and more well known, which will lead to more FOMO and price gains.

I personally don't worry about short term corrections. I like identifying coins that will 5-20x in value based on their fundamentals and teams and HOLD.

I hate pump and dump groups. I would never consider pumping a coin. I make it clear in my full disclosures that I make a little bit of money if people sign up to exchanges with my referral links, and I'll also offer some sort of premium services in the future. The vast majority of my information is free though.

What do you mean?

XRB is really solid. A week or two ago some guy asked me if he should sell at $3.50 and I told him to hold. He would've kicked himself in the butt had he sold. I would personally hold XRB and add more capital to your portfolio. TRX is a good buy.

Refer to my other post on VEN.

>> No.5835845


Since no one here has mentioned it yet... any thoughts on ENG?

>> No.5835847

In Cryptro Bro we trust.
Whats ur opinion on Xtrabytes ??

>> No.5835883

In crypto broski we trust,
what are your thoughts on Salt and Req? Good for holding?

>> No.5835969

In Cryptobro we trust

Should I dump my XRP at $3 and role it into drgn, xlm, or trx

>> No.5835980



I agree with your opinion about the industry, but what do you think about their competitor WABI? They have a working product and are currently into licensing it to more baby products.

Market cap is very small and it didn't moon yet.

Thanks bro

>> No.5836021


Crypto bro, if you think BTC will be dead by the end of 2018, where do you see LTC going? It's lackluster performance since it's huge bullrun is making me a bit ansy.

>> No.5836045

>Tip 1, Commandment #6.
In CryptoBro we Trust!

Wait bro, where is this list of commandements and tips?

>> No.5836192

join the discord fellow bro

>> No.5836199

In Cryptobro we trust!

What's the ideal strategy when your coin goes 100%, as in whats the best move? Sell x% and move to a next one?

>> No.5836219

ZEC is honestly just another generic privacy coin, you'd make more money investing into things with real world industrial value. Notice things like XLM and XRP and their moon missions. They're mooning because they solve real issues. Besides people trying to buy and sell illicit things, ZEC really doesn't have any large scale use cases.

I personally wouldn't invest into ARK. Check the interview with their team. My confidence in ARK was diminished after that.

Happy you made money bro! The flippening will happen for sure, I don't believe it will be ETH alone that will cause it though. I personally don't invest in ETH because the network got clogged from cryptokitties and I don't see it scaling well. Plus, there are other extremely good platform builders out there. Invest elsewhere.

That's actually pretty solid. I feel like you've read my posts about telling people with low capital to invest into XRP and XLM haha. Anyway, scoop up a little bit of BURST, TRX and DRGN and you should have a decent portfolio for the next few months.

>> No.5836271

In CryptoBro we Trust
Poorfag here. Just usd 300 to invest. Should I choose a really low price coin (ECC, KIN or ECA) and hold to gain some traction and therefore invest in more important alts?
Thanks for your time. Appreciate it.

>> No.5836512

In CryptoBro we trust
Have u looked into XBY yet ??

>> No.5836584

>In CryptoBro We Trust

What are your opinions on XRP being so bullish lately? Is it a continued hold or should I dump while the profit is high and put my money into something else?

>> No.5836597

What do you think will be causing the flippening mostly then? Bitcoin cash (and opinions on it)?

>> No.5836680


Hey got in DRGN at 2ish because Disney involved. Price prediction Q1?

>> No.5836866

My CryptoBro, what's your thought about IOTA this year? And what is your recommended move?

>> No.5836897

> In CryptoBro We Trust

I'm stuck between two choices of where to put my next wagecuckcheck:

1) In cryptopia to buy newly listed coins before everyone else

2) In Coss.io to buy COSS and HODL for 1-2 years

What would you do? Appreciate it

>> No.5836898

So can anyone link me the discord ??

>> No.5837110

in crypto bro we trust.
what do you think of cardano. you mentioned it on your discord but didnt go into detail

>> No.5837121

In CryptoBro we trust !
Do you thing Walton will bounce back to its ATH?

>> No.5837183

I pray it will skyrocket past it.

>> No.5837196

CryptoBro, i trust you.

What do you think of COSS? Could it be as big or even bigger than Kucoin?

>> No.5837223

whats the discord??

>> No.5837228

In crypto bro we trust!
I will split between xlm, dragon, and TRX. Thanks you. Which channel in your discord do we see your current calls?

>> No.5837257
File: 34 KB, 657x657, e07b20ffd67e495e5f6325dd395d0ac7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too anon, me too

>> No.5837302

Got that masternode.....

>> No.5837351

Lol you all deserve to get shafted by this tripfag

>> No.5837405

at least you got that. I only bought 3k and I am afraid to buy more right now.

>> No.5837447

I am mainly (about 85% of my portfolio) in alts (top 4 are: DRGN, NEO, VEN and SALT). Would you recommend selling to hold a more BTC-stable portfolio or keep riding the ALT wave this year?

>> No.5837455

I pray they learn how to market better, and consider a rebranding.

>> No.5837531

Yeah, I mean look at Vechain. Grown so much and so much hype around it, all marketing.

>> No.5837534

I'm still bullish on DRGN and XLM. I see DRGN going 5x and XLM doubling at least.

Scoop up XLM and TRX.

It's hard to call exact moon missions because of the absolute insanity in regards to the volatility of this market. XLM will appreciate in value though over time, I'm certain of it. Just hang onto it.

Also, REQ is depreciating now because people are impatient and chasing other moon missions. Consider REQ's dipping a sale. Impossible to say exactly when it'll start turning, but hang onto it and it'll appreciate in value again.

Always be skeptical of overwhelming shilling. It's probably being done by the bagholders who bought the coin back in July and are desperate for a return on their investment. I'll take a look at the coin.

FUN is extremely unique in regards to their gambling premise and I love their concept. I see a strong use case for FUN and I think it's worth 3-5% of your portfolio. I advise so little because there is a risk of the government cracking down on it with legislation in the future.

NEO is already seeing success with companies building blockchains off of it's platform. It's going to see more steady growth throughout 2018. I like WTC's use case and the fact that it gives you dividends for staking your WTC essentially. I'd consider a 3% play on it.

Yes. TRX is still a good buy. No opinion on ICX at the moment.

First time hearing about it. I'll take a look and get back to you. Join the discord in the meantime.

You have a right be to skeptical, the internet is a shady place. Check my disclosures in the bootcamp and my other post in this thread about my incentives.

If you FOMO into something based on hype instead of solid research, you already screwed up.

>> No.5837635

Yep. And wtc is a better product and team. It’s sad to watch.

>> No.5837649

>In CryptoBro We Trust
In CryptoBro We Trust
I'm hodling 14 ZCL for fork but because it's not announced now I'm FOMOING on loosing gains from small moons, should I diversify somehow or just hodl that shit?

>> No.5837736
File: 271 KB, 1066x600, mdyeo3povt001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in bibtee boh we tusts

>> No.5837768

In CryptoBro We Trust

Your Opinion on KNC?

>> No.5837777

> Use my code and get 0.01 ETH


After you register using this code, post KuCoin code so I can verify you're not lying and then ETH Wallet ID - limit 3 people

>> No.5837812

In CryptoBro We Trust

Do you recommend long term holding crypto, day trading, or a mix? How do you determine if it's worth selling or holding?

Also, how to report 2017 and 2018 crypto holdings/trades easily?

>> No.5837853

Hey CryptoBro
Whats your opinion on XRP

>> No.5837910


Ignore this shit wrong post

>> No.5838079

What are your thoughts on the Bitcoin derivatives like Vertcoin, Litecoin and Viacoin? Do you think there's a chance for increases there or should we stay away?


>> No.5838107



>> No.5838135

thanks for the reply bro

>> No.5838171

Check a bunch of my calls in the discord. Also, read my posts in this thread about people asking what to invest in.

Haha, I'm glad you see a pattern in my investing. I do tend to recommend coins in the higher market cap because they've somewhat proven themselves or do, infact, have a good reason for being there. I personally think MOD is one of the sub 150 coins that are going to appreciate in value. I love that they give dividends and like I called out in the discord, I put 3% of my portfolio into it.

ETHLend has potential, but to put the lending coins into perspective, SALT has already approved 71 million in cryptoloans, ETHLend is only at 600k. My official call on the lending market is still SALT.

In regards to POE, I've been asked about it twice now, so I'll definitely look into it. I laugh every time I see the logo and name though (not in a bad way). It's so eloquent and victorian haha.

Refer to my other post on ZEC. Ctrl + f

I would never kick anyone out based on an inability to pay, that's horrible. Like I said though, I'll end up offering some sort of a premium service in the future.

A lot of the coins are extremely overvalued in my opinion and are at their price points because of the hype and speculation. For that reason, I am extremely extremely picky when it comes to coins that I officially recommend. I prefer to choose coins that will survive even if the entire market comes crashing down.

In regards to when it will end, that's a tough call. However, I foresee 2018 being a great year for crypto because the world economy is really in full swing right now and doesn't look like it's going to stop.

The market growth is due to investor FOMO and speculation. To give you an idea, my mother called me and asked me about "BitCom", referring to Bitcoin and how to buy it. It's becoming more mainstream. Also, It's fair to say say that a huge portion of the marketcap boost is due to the ripple FOMO.

>> No.5838191
File: 6 KB, 300x122, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else in on this?

>> No.5838201

Anyone got a chart of how well OPs predictions did?
Like, simulating someone who blindly followed the advice, and someone who did it with half of their stack.

>> No.5838206
File: 218 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180103-172125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey cryptobro love your suggestions and discord channel. Quick question: I want to remove 1-2 coins off my blockfolio to focus on other coins. What do you suggest?

>> No.5838259

Any thoughts on Myriad, looks like a solid mid term hold at a good entry point right now...

>> No.5838333

Already on my research list! Will get back to you guys on those. Join the discord in the meantime.

I'll look into WABI.

Check my other posts about them.

Everytime I think ripple has had enough mooning, it surprises me. I'd personally split my portfolio up in between all of them. They're all guaranteed to go up in value, why risk losing money?

Like this soldier said >>5836192 It's in the discord.

>> No.5838548

Well, I typically only invest into coins that I know are going to make parabolic gains over the next few months. If the coin is solid, I'll keep holding it. If I think it has appreciated to a fair value, I'll sell it and move my money elsewhere.

Always invest in quality, never random coins because they're cheap. I'd put your money into XLM and TRX if I were you.

I haven't yet, I'm going to get to it though! PM me what you think about it in the discord and we'll have a chat about it at some point.

Full blown mainstream FOMO. People in the real world who have nothing to do with cryptoinvesting are just now hearing about ripple and are probably thinking it's going to make them rich if they buy a ton of it cheap. Like I said previously about XRP, it always seems to amaze me at it's random spikes of growth. I'd keep some of your portfolio into it, but switch a chunk to XLM and TRX.

>> No.5838554

In CryptoBro We Trust

What is CB's official stance on LINK? I bet you have been asked before but I wasn't around for your last few threads. Thanks bro.

>> No.5838685

Fuck off faggot

>> No.5839101

In CryptoBro We Trust

What are your thoughts on Obsidian (ODN)? I discovered it several weeks ago and thought that a privacy smart contract platform with a working product was fairly solid but would be interested in devil's advocate.

>> No.5839164

Bitcoins ever increasing fees and ALTcoins gaining more market cap really. As people eventually discover the value in some of these altcoins and start investing into it, the flippening will become inevitable.

Haha, I hope you're enjoying your gains bro! I hate make exact predictions on exact dates, but they have huge roadmap milestones in April and beyond and i honestly see the price at about $10+ as the crazy continues. Notice, it's not even on binance and bittrex yet. That alone will cause the value to surge.

IOTA's tangle will be legendary if it can prove to work without the central governing cap it has on it. It's worth 3% of one's porfolio imo. I personally don't hold it though.

Join the discord and check the commandments. Never invest into one coin. For my coin recommendations, check my chat.

Tough to say to be honest. Their concept looks pretty solid and I like the dividends for running a node. Never invest too heavily into one coin or else you'll be too emotionally invested into it.

Check the third post in this thread.

>> No.5839337

What do you see in TRX, cryptobro?

>> No.5839484

Thanks I really appreciate your answer. The premise of POE is actually quite unique, here's the whitepaper if you want to read it.


Yeah SALT is far ahead of ETHLend, I guess I'll diversify inbetween those coins.

>> No.5839665
File: 1.92 MB, 2266x1140, Buffet Collage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't hold onto BTC. There are hordes of other coins that will appreciate for more in value than BTC will.

Again, Commandment #6. Never go all in on one coin, always diversify.

I prefer holding. It's nearly impossible to daytrade effectively in such an insanely volatile market. I buy valuable coins at a low cost, wait a few months, then sell them when they've matured in value. I check the fundamentals, use cases, and the team.

I personally use Excel.

Good fundamentals, solid team, massive mainstream FOMO.

I don't invest into anything that doesn't have value. If its only purpose is to gamble based on the value of BTC, it's a no-buy from me.

No problem soldier!

I'm personally salty that I forgot to screencap my DRGN call at .82c If you'd like to take some of my already existing screencaps and create a hypothetical chart based off of it, that's be great!

>coming to a public board
>telling people to leave

Anyway, folks, I've been at it for 2 hours today! If you'd like to hear more and you like the advice, please join the discord at ===https://discord.gg===/7TDTJyv===
Remove the ==='s. Talk to everyone later!

>> No.5839701
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You are setting these guys up for a fall Assblas... Cryptobro. I always was a good salesman but I lacked what you seem to have in abundance. that ruthless and heartless attitude. I can still spot my own a mile off.

I will leave one comment in every thread of yours I see, as fair warning to the anons. Up to them if they listen. I would wish you luck but salesmen are cunts and deserve none.

>> No.5839731

In CryptoBro We Trust

I too am wondering about ZCL. got in at 30. Diversifying these gains is tempting....

>> No.5839912

Sorry you feel that way. Join the discord and check my calls if you're doubtful! Once you've made some gains I'm sure we'll be on better terms.

>> No.5839921


In CryptoBro We Trust

What's your opinion on KNC?

>> No.5839953

I have about 6.7K in TRX and I'm thinking about selling all of that to hop into Vechain because I hear it's about to explode in a few weeks. What do you think?

>> No.5840026

In CryptoBro We Trust

What do you think of ECC and KIN?
Also just joined your Discord and it is solid. Much better than the PnD ones I was in. Appreciate the help.

>> No.5840120


Thanks for going through these questions. Thoughts on ETHOS?

>> No.5840199

please tell us your thoughts about Kucoin shares and COSS

>> No.5840293

Will OMG be 3 digits or 4 by EOY?

>> No.5840296
File: 57 KB, 450x296, pajeeeeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOOOOL dude you think we're actually going to follow this guy's advice?

It's back to Buy High Sell Low pajeetcoinfest after this thread ends

>> No.5840484

In CryptoBro We Trust

What's a high risk high reward coin? For example, if I wanted to throw $1,000 at a coin for the sole purpose of getting big gains within the next 12 months, what would you suggest?

>> No.5840617

Show us one thing and I'll join your discord and tell everyone I know about it: your blockfolio.

You have a very diversified portfolio it sounds. And you've made some good picks. But let's see if your trading strategy is worthwhile. I want to see your total worth if that's okay.

>> No.5840632

why do you see TRX, XLM, or XRP failing?

>> No.5840773

Kill yourself with your shitty gains 20% tripcode bro.

>> No.5840799

curious on this as well, im mostly in OMG, great product, great team

>> No.5841038


>> No.5841264

in cryptobro we trust.
hi there!
my portfolio currently is 4 neo and 50€ btc
i read something about not having more than 20% in something
im an spprentice so i only get about 900€ a month

and can spare about 100-200 for crypto

so cryptobro - wat do?

>> No.5841389

He said that he liked it in general, but was risky.

>> No.5841751

>I'm personally salty that I forgot to screencap my DRGN call at .82c If you'd like to take some of my already existing screencaps and create a hypothetical chart based off of it, that's be great!
Get it from an archive, or something.

If I had a decent way of processing hypothetical historical buys, I'd totally do that. (I really don't want to use blockfolio or another proprietary application, or phone app)
Some kind of excel spreadsheet macro that pulls data from coinmarketcap would be ideal.

I'd also need data on what everyone had, or claims to have had. I'm sure I can find threads with polls about that in the archive.

>> No.5841759
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Which coin to add?