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58377259 No.58377259 [Reply] [Original]

Silver prices are spiking this spring.
Are people just looking to buy stuff because of le uncertain future or is there something specific going on?

>> No.58377346

Silver prices are unchanged, it's the price of paper money that's going down.

>> No.58377528

that and big banks have been colluding to suppress silver for years and its not working anymore. you can only print so much paper silver before people start catching on. im not even huge into PMs but Ive got a small stack back when it was $15 an ounce. People on biz love fudding silver and gold as boomer rocks. the truth is the gold/silver ratio index is the oldest recorded price index in the world dating back to the roman empire, it has always been around 15-1. only in the 20th century when central banks started seizing control of the world and money printing began and the gold standard was abandoned in favor unbacked fiat then the price became more volatile and the ratio became much higher because of banker manipulation, its currently around around 80:1 but its not a reach to assume as the central banks power over global markets decreases and their ability to suppress silver comes to an end there is going to be a major correction in silver that will see the price return closer to the historical ratios that were recorded for 2000 years. (frankly before jews took over the central banking sector if im being honest)

>> No.58378142
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>it has always been around 15-1. only in the 20th century when central banks started seizing control of the world and money printing began and the gold standard was abandoned in favor unbacked fiat

you are missing half the story. Silver was abandoned during this time, devaluing the price of fiat because it was backed by SILVER and gold. Suddenly only gold was backing it because London demanded all their debts only be paid back in gold not SILVER. Price manipulation can happen in every metal, rock, tulip, etc.. the joos are in charge and there is more debt than money. You are trying to play a game by rules that no longer exist. Its like saying touchdowns use to be worth 30 points but now they are only worth 6 points, you keep scoring TDs thinking their real value is higher. Omg the joo refs are manipulating the price! Yes they are and until they aren't in charge anymore it will continue to be so. Silver is moderately increasing in price because the dollar is always in decline. You could buy a truck load of fucking hotdogs and see the price value of hotdogs increase relative to the dollar. Im not buying a truck load of old dix as that will be a huge opportunity cost to owning something else that will gain higher price instead of just following inflation. If you have next level knowledge on the price movements on anything then you should throw all your money at it. Id put 1 million into a sure 5% gain and 0$ into a mystery box of gains. You don't have any money tho and if your $200 in silver 10x you will have a whole 2k. Now go back to your upvote downvote board.

>> No.58378200

This rally will fail like the others

>> No.58378270

I think critical mass is being achieved. There has been so many signs the last couple of years that should point them towards the realization that something is extremely rotten. Inflation has not been as slow and gradual as it has been in the decades prior, but rather dramatic to the point that people nootice and question.

>> No.58378288

Good post. I own a bit of silver and gold but I think the whole
>duuude it's real tangible money
Angle is shitty for investing, every tangible asset be it bricks, gravel, lithium, eggs, cigarettes etc will all go up in usd forever. You could "invest" and get better returns in any other physical item without getting raped by premium fees. There are some obscure elements that will probably appreciate like rhodium did

>> No.58378341

They generally do spike in the spring. It's when JPM traders let a little inflation steam off the PM markets so the rest of the world will keep buying US debt instead getting spooked and hoarding only metals lol.

If silver closes above $29 today, I'm opening a moderately leveraged xag short Monday morning. The predictable jew tamping can buy me more crypto and pms.

>> No.58378375
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>> No.58378386

and Checked

>> No.58378423

Silver prices will forever be suppressed.

>> No.58378501

big brain answer

>> No.58379561

cope retard. ive got $3k in silver, thats doubled in value since I bought it, 100% increase, bought at $15 per ounce the inflation adjusted price would be 19.06. I beat inflation by 75% dipshit.