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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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58375526 No.58375526 [Reply] [Original]

Am I retarded? Or will this turn into 50k in a week?

>> No.58375544

The only retarded move is to have zero exposure to APU.

>> No.58375576
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Could turn even more

>> No.58375650
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A little out of date, but I hope you get the idea Anon

>> No.58375690

how do you even buy that shit, I'll throw a couple hundred at it

>> No.58375763
File: 129 KB, 1000x1000, photo_2024-04-11_13-13-59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's an explanation on 3l3phantpepe dot com (replace the 3's with e's, j4nnies about) alternatively join the tg (also on the site) and we'll explain it to you

>> No.58375915

I set up a uniswap and sent ETH, then converted ETH to WETH, and I still can't swap this shit, why??

>> No.58375932

did you bridge to base?

bridge dot base dot org/deposit

>> No.58375939

wtf is that? Why can't I just do it on the uniswap wallet?

>> No.58375947

also, uniswap mobile sometimes connects to the wrong liquidity pool. Ideally use desktop, potentially increase slippage above 5%

>> No.58375956

It's a scam

>> No.58375957

It's the official coinbase bridge, trust. You need to switch network to base before you can buy. Base has low-ass gas fees compared to ETH, it's great

>> No.58375985

Have you never switched networks before?

>> No.58375986
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Just buy eth on goynance and send it to mm wallet as base network. Fast and barely few cents, gl

>> No.58376029

No, also it says to withdraw from base it takes 7 days? wtf

>> No.58376035

good job you boughted at the exact fib retracement

>> No.58376055

checked and this. obviously throw your life savings in, but I also have a 3 million stack. to much potential going for this one, even I could see it and I almost never mess around with meme coins, but this one seems special, i couldnt deny it and bought a moon bag

>> No.58376071

only problem is base is gay. base and solana are basically containment zones for jeets, eth is still king. if paying a little more in fees keeps the riifraff out than its a small price to pay

>> No.58376080

I have over 100mil, I'm super sad that I fumbled my bag since i could have easily 5x more if I didnt fuck up but hopefully this is enough to make it in the bullrun.

>> No.58376088

>obviously throw your life savings in
checked. obviously *DONT*

that being said, there have been plenty biz autists before who literally aped in to a meme and were rewarded heavily, but im older and more conservative so typically have a lower risk tolerance.

>> No.58376094

Ok so I deposited $50 to base to test it out, now I can't fucking withdraw.

When I move to withdraw, it says "switch networks to with draw" and when I click "switch" it doesn't do anything.

Did I just get fucking pajeeted by a blue elephant swindler?

>> No.58376095


>40% buy and sell fee
lol, lmao even. i didnt even look at all the other problems with that scamcoin

>> No.58376131

Ok, you can literally just send ETH via Base to the uniswap wallet, why did you tell me to use some gay fucking pajeet bridge.base.faggot website??

>> No.58376135
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Either you're unfathomably stupid or trolling. Either way, this one's going in the cautionary tale compilation. I'll repost this when we're at 100M. Enjoy being priced out, retard.

>> No.58376153

Wrong coin nigger this isnt bnb

>> No.58376163
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Idk some anons didnt know, i didnt know too. But those bridge sites are max kikery. Godspeed tuskbro

>> No.58376180

Do i really need to pay 27% to swap this shit? lmao

I swapped 7 bucks of base eth and got 5 bucks of blue faggot elephant coin

>> No.58376193

Ok, now the swap fee is 96% on uniswap lol

Trying to swap $700, why do I feel like I'm getting lead into an epic pajeet trap

>> No.58376229


why did you bought that shit instead of apu lol, dont you realize its faggots trying to scam you

>> No.58376235

I already own 3.1 million APUs lol

>> No.58376307

Ok now that I have gay "base" eth and it's on uniswap, how the fuck do you actually buy this elephant pajeet coin without paying 97% conversion costs? Is this a joke?

>> No.58376352

Again, use desktop. Mobile uniswap auto-connects to a tiny v3 liquidity pool.

>> No.58376374

When I hit max swap, why does it always leave like 30-50 dollars left over? That's not the max amount

>> No.58376386
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Sure buy apu for that sweet 10x negroid. Stop marrying ur bags sir

>> No.58376401

Stop trying to sound like you have any idea what you're talking about.
You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.58376448

I'm thinking of dropping in $500, but I look at all the buys and each buy is like 2 or 3 dollars lmao

the one day volume says $18.

This is one big blue pajeet trap, isn't it?

>> No.58376485

I have 50$ bills for sale…only 100$!!! They’re going to be worth millions soon! Trust me!!!

>> No.58376610

well, too late, bought 500k lol

everyone gets 'jeeted once in a while

>> No.58376679

i literally gave my opinion you dumb motherfucker. i was talking about the way I personally do things, it has nothing to do with "knowing what im talking about" other than sharing my experience and how I personally analyze crypto. i didnt say I was right and anyone else was wrong, it was purely anecdotal you dumb jeet motherfuck. fuck your base coin scams

>> No.58378160

Is this the right Apu? https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/apu-apustaja

>> No.58378253

Diversifying your portfolio increases your chances of earning. Consider adding DUA to your holdings, especially before the Brillion team releases any major news regarding their self-custody wallet.

>> No.58378906


>> No.58378975
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>devs og members of apu
>based unsaturated meme
>cute elephant
>has the word pepe in it
>on base

yeah i'm thinking based, won't be surprised if this goes 500M+ EOY or even sooner

>> No.58379060

Yep. Trading volume is $11.8 million.

>> No.58379393

Contract pls nigger fuck off otherwise

>> No.58379442

I fuckin hate you faggot nigger

>> No.58379651
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Welcome trunk sister,it's on base chain btw

>> No.58380131
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you are indeed retarded, in your place I would have bought $SUPER and in 2 months it would easily be a solid x10.

>> No.58380225

Jesus Christ dude if you’re this Godamn stupid stick your money back into bitcoin or eth and leave this site forever. Are you incapable of using context clues or even google? You Godamn Indians are ruining this place.

>> No.58380381

$SUPER is dumping right now fucking retard

>> No.58380385

he said in two months faggot, learn how to properly read

>> No.58381346

uh oh..................................

>> No.58381379
File: 84 KB, 1079x1056, IMG_9407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you feeling at this moment OP?

>> No.58382060

Yes and Yes

>> No.58382300

Sell it off and splash it on MMON, Chuds are already betting on this Memecoin to be the next biggest thing on Solana.

>> No.58382355

You're based
hold onto it
YGMI fren
apu is literally going past 1b+

>> No.58382382

Also DO NOT listen to the shitcoiners copycat telling you to buy some stupid cheap knockoff of Apu, they are just a few retards of like 5 guys max shitposting about their coin here
Buy only Apu and big memecoins and ygmi fren..

>> No.58383396
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while APU is rugging, MAGA TRUMP is pumping
why the fuck are you still posting about this shit? what was OP thinking about?