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58373991 No.58373991 [Reply] [Original]

Give it to me straight, /biz/. Will utility tokens from an era past ever recover? This is the second run that utility tokens have been cockblocked by meme coins. Meme coins with a stupid reference to a cartoon, a joke, a celebrity have been outperforming years worth of DCA and holding in a matter of weeks. Despite bullish news for a utility token in this quarter there's just no interest due to the lack of hype. News no longer reflects a price, instead the price is reflected by how popular a fad is. I'm still holding bags from 2017 after buying the altcoin top when BTC hit an ATH of just 20k. These tired hands from holding the bag are beginning to go numb, who else is in the same situation as I am now? The only reason I'm still holding is the haunting possibility of this fucking bag turning from shit to gems in that instance; I've seen it happen too many times in my days and I never ever want to know that feeling.

>> No.58373998

Yeah LINK will never recover. It's time to move on.

>> No.58374055

I am willing to die on this fucking hill, so be it.

>> No.58374123
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>> No.58374152
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>> No.58374196
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I answered my own question looking back through the archives posting the same goddamn reaction image with the same disgusting feeling I felt back so many years ago. I'm almost starting to tear up.

>> No.58374388

My APU from less than a week ago is up 200% while my MATIC from 3 years ago is down 40%. Also my Rubic from 3 years ago is down 90%.
You tell me.

>> No.58374536

>Why does the pump and dump generate better returns (for those who win)???

>> No.58374561

The 'utility' of all these tokens was a meme, anon. It was never real. The market has simply accepted this and moved on to the purer form, and so should you.

>> No.58374580

what's the context of that post? I know BTC and many alts were mooning then but that reads like the middle point of a conversation.

>> No.58374682 [DELETED] 
File: 189 KB, 1087x612, cargo cult altseazon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give it to me straight, /biz/. Will utility tokens from an era past ever recover? This is the second run that utility tokens have been cockblocked by meme coins.
The answer to your question btw is: Utility tokens" are the original meme tokens. A number of factors would have to be proven in order for them to not just be a meme: 1) That there is organic demand and a market fit for its use (completely apart from speculation), just like how there is organic demand for physical things like hardware tools or services like uber. 2) It is objective that in order to deliver this digital good or service, it objectively for some reason needed its own currency in order to function such that it can serve the organic demand. 3) Probably something else I am forgetting. But I don't think any fullfilll 1&2 anyways that I'm aware of.

BTC is the exception because it is actually in the process of being monetized over time. Shitcoiners never bothered to learn about economics to even know what the "process of monetization" means, and they just make retarded incredulous scoffing noises whenever bitcoiners mention it is a store of value (even though yes, that is a valid and necessary step in the process of something becoming money). People could just pick up books and podcasts to learn about these things, but very few do. Because it isn't actually just arbitrary narratives that bitcoiners pulled out of their ass, it stems from economics.

The true source of most crypto projects isn't:
>"huh, I wonder what neat things we do with muh blockchain technology."
but rather the motivating factor is just one greedy dude or a group of people saying to themselves:
>"I bet I could make a killing if I created and printed my own money that I can accumulate plenty of early when it is super cheap".
But we don't need six million types of money, because the utility of money comes from its network effect. There are limitations to what can win out in the race to grow its network effect.

>> No.58374692
File: 189 KB, 1087x612, cargo cult altseazon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give it to me straight, /biz/. Will utility tokens from an era past ever recover? This is the second run that utility tokens have been cockblocked by meme coins.
The answer to your question btw is: Utility tokens are the original meme tokens. A number of factors would have to be proven in order for them to not just be a meme: 1) That there is organic demand and a market fit for its use (completely apart from speculation), just like how there is organic demand for physical things like hardware tools or services like uber. 2) It is objective that in order to deliver this digital good or service, it objectively for some reason needed its own currency in order to function such that it can serve the organic demand. 3) Probably something else I am forgetting. But I don't think any fullfilll 1&2 anyways that I'm aware of.

BTC is the exception because it is actually in the process of being monetized over time. Shitcoiners never bothered to learn about economics to even know what the "process of monetization" means, and they just make retarded incredulous scoffing noises whenever bitcoiners mention it is a store of value (even though yes, that is a valid and necessary step in the process of something becoming money). People could just pick up books and podcasts to learn about these things, but very few do. Because it isn't actually just arbitrary narratives that bitcoiners pulled out of their ass, it stems from economics.

The true source of most crypto projects isn't:
>"huh, I wonder what neat things we do with muh blockchain technology."
but rather the motivating factor is just one greedy dude or a group of people saying to themselves:
>"I bet I could make a killing if I created and printed my own money that I can accumulate plenty of early when it is super cheap".
But we don't need six million types of money, because the utility of money comes from its network effect. There are limitations to what can win out in the race to grow its network effect.

>> No.58374734
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I hit wordcount limit so to finish my thoughts:

Utility Altcoiners themselves realized that all altcoins were memes the only purpose of which is to speculate on in the short term. It is they who moved onto memes in the first place. So there can't be a 2017 type alt season again because there isn't the same degree of collective naivete as then.

Ethies invented the shitcoin nihilism you are complaining about btw, pic related.

>> No.58374912
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You had actual truthful crypto projects back then that DID have a good idea and wanted to execute on it. 90% are dead because they hit the wall of no infrastructure being available back then (L2s, Oracles, APIs, indexes etc), and therefore "had" to build their own infrastructure themselves.

Imagine a settler in a new colonial town trying to have an aquarium shop, but there's no water, no electricity. So he built his own wooden pipe to a pond.

It was a shitshow and I honestly think that we will see a consolidation of infrastructure in the next 2 years that will create a bedrock for innovation to REALLY grow on it

>> No.58375297

No you have to adapt improvise and overcome.
If the new meta is memecoins you buy memecoins. LINK is slowly becoming a new memecoin but not the good kink of..

>> No.58377481

Utility was the meme all along, just look at chainshit.
Doesn't do anything, same as PEPE and APU, but the frog and dogcoins at least print gains.

>> No.58378067

Utility tokens might take time to rise, while memecoins pump and dump quickly. I'm sticking with DUA for the long haul while utilizing the Brillion smart wallet.

>> No.58378107

I’m still holding on to my GVT too anon

I believe it should be worth 84k per token or something

>> No.58378161
File: 134 KB, 1004x1197, Steve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will utility tokens from an era past ever recover?

Yes. The top narrative this year will be utility tokens. You'll see.

>> No.58379121
File: 200 KB, 693x598, sorrystinkers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link gets mogged by icp, everything link can do icp can do and can host full stack decentralized apps. Anyone who buys link doesn't know about icp.

>> No.58380236

Meme coin are just noise, why bother? You are working on your self, making smart investment. Why would the guy winning the lottery or at the casino bother you?