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58365207 No.58365207 [Reply] [Original]

Learn only from the best, anons.

>> No.58367295

>until he won
Won what?

>> No.58367312

all in LINK niggers

>> No.58367341

>bought more chips
with what ?

>> No.58367372
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>> No.58367408
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>>bought more chips
>with what ?
Maybe he liquidated his home and all the other assets until he won.

>> No.58367420

I've been going all in Link and losing since 2022

>> No.58367434

since 2018 here
leverage is both a blessing and curse

>> No.58367449

or he comes from a really wealthy family and has the capital to gamble it all away
most people would go all in a few times and realize they are out of money and walk away defeated
not everyone's dad owns an emerald mine

>> No.58367477

I’m sure he was shocked when his high card hand lost him the pot

>> No.58367496

His sperm

>> No.58367548

emeralds and diamonds

>> No.58369698
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Thanks for enabling my "most gamblers quit right before hittin' it big" mentality that keeps me investing into shitcoins and literal raffles at eesee. I like biz, it encourages mentally ill behavior and I am mentally ill in the first place.

>> No.58369781

that attitude is a based you are an asshole just enough to make it, its a hidden rule that successful people are actually cunts.

>> No.58369817
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>gets their adrenaline high off raffling literal pixels
damn kid do you snort powdered kool aid by any chance?

>> No.58369823

maybe he sold his dog to the mob or something....

>> No.58369830

most likely coke and ketamine

>> No.58369848

eesee is a god send, I actually can sell my old nfts and make the money back just as long I sell all my raffle tickets

>> No.58369867

maybe he asked someone for money, ludopats sometimes are also in debt to some sharks.

>> No.58369874

that's like drinking hot and cold water an the same time, trough the nose, with bleach on it.

>> No.58369897

and what if you dont win, you spent money for shit?

>> No.58369903

you get tokens still, :) its a win win

>> No.58369911

post proof of transaction or you're a sandnigger

>> No.58369919

what musk was practicing is actually known as deterministic equity in the poker world - he massively increased his fold equity by doing this against those who didn't have a warchest to compete with on the scale musk does

>> No.58369922

basically. none and i repeat NONE single money-making scheme includes still winning after a loss. Its either a ponzi or the fucking bank and we know what happens if a bank runs out of money.

>> No.58369926

>$20 rebuys

>> No.58369927

>step 1: be born rich into wealthy emerald mining family
> ...
>final step: profit