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58363997 No.58363997 [Reply] [Original]

>Inheritance is suddenly a major financial concern for Millennials and Zoomers with parents who were at least moderately successful

We're all going to start sitting around thinking about the family estate like it's the 1800's again aren't we?

>> No.58364001

It's pretty much the only way to make it nowadays. I inherited mid six figs from an uncle and I would be fucked otherwise.

>> No.58364019
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Well, why did boomers ruin 7/10ths of the economy with the remaining 3/10ths being flooded with every woman and pajeet in the universe?

>> No.58364078
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they call it the great transfer, and the btc etfs are fast forwarding it since we're the age group most likely to own it. slightly older than us and they're already too old to learn new shit, and the zoom zooms can't into cold storage since they can't even work a keyboard and a mouse. just do your job and own some bitcoin

>> No.58364133

Their is genuinely nothing to “give” anymore lol have you not been paying attention

>> No.58364147

nice, I've never inherited anything, which is good because it means not many in my family have died but also bad because the ones that did didn't have enough to warrant me getting anything

>> No.58364169

somehow theres multiple genius-level IQs in my family and yet they all are broke. The only rich person is my dad who is average at best

>> No.58364457

How are you guys getting inheritance? My family burns their money on alcohol, divorces and assisted living.

>> No.58364496
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It's all demoralization. There could be 3 threads about working, neeting, and inheriting, and all 3 would claim max style
>I work from home 5 hours a month and make 250k a day
>I sit on my ass trading shitcoins and make 250k a day
>my mom died and I make 250k a day
Does every thread ever post evidence? Nope. Is board dead outside of those threads? Yep

>> No.58364524
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>skill issue hehe stay poor forever haha
I am demoralized

>> No.58364547

tfw im a millenial living at my parents, my parents are both very healthy and hopefully will live for decades more, and my woke sisters already plotting about inheriting the house. jokes on them ill become a squatter if I have to. they cant even put 2 and 2 together to realize marxist anti-white policies they have cheered on are what is destroying the country, and then they just want to come back to their "white privilege' and get an inheritance at the last minute.

>> No.58364586

>why did boomers ruin 7/10ths of the economy
boomers didnt, im sick of this generational divide and conquer bullshit. it was jews who did that. it was jews controlling the central banks and their policies, it was jews forcing poison on us all, it was jews promoting degeneracy you got hooked on and diverted from a healthy progression into adulthood, it was jews promoting mindless consumer spending habits, it was jews influencing our politicians to get into 20 years of endless wars in the middle east and draining our nations finances for Israel, it was jews promoting high interest loans that have left so many in crippling debt, it was jews promoting race mixing and causing an entire generations of single mothers raising little niglets who will never have another shot at having a normal family

>> No.58364612

Boomers did, there is no 'd and c' because boomers cannot fight a fucking war and will send me to die for their benefit now fuck off to facebook you gray haired jew loving leech.

>> No.58364626

>Jews made me gay
>Jews made me take a loan
So when do people start taking responsibility or do we just devolve into niggers

>> No.58364706
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>like it's the 1800's again

Whites will have to live in walled cities to avoid the browngoloid hordes

>> No.58364762

My parents have 2 condos, one costs right now around 300k and the other one 180k. They also have at least 3 parking spaces very well located in my city. Only 1% inheritance tax. I'm gonna fucking make it.

>> No.58364924

sorry but in a healthy white society, high interest loans would be illegal.

>jew loving leech
makes an entire post about hating jews. get called a jew lover anyone.
>ok anon

this is actually the most boomer tier comment in the whole thread. "muh individual responsibility! why should a healthy society look after its own, and not send every generation to get dovoured by wolves, they need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and take some responsibility! stop blaming the evil hook nose monster behind the curtain doing everything they can to destroy our people and society and just get a job!"

>> No.58364930

Great post, always take a shit on these generational warfare posts that actively strips accountability from malicious hebrews in power who actually did this.

>> No.58364999

Your line of thought is why we lose. The “whites” are just as much your enemy as the Jews they don’t care about having a fully white society only as king as their pockets are lined. Retard

>> No.58365538

They hit a junction sometime in the 1980s when they had to choose between taking an immediate hit to their quality of life or deciding to eat the young. They collectively decided to eat the young and have been justifying that decision for 40+ years.

That depends entirely on how stupid your parents are/were.

My parents worked regular middle class jobs, they just saved and invested and own their own home. Since I'm an only child this totals up to a valuation of around two to three million at the moment. If I strategically marry a woman in a similar position then we're effectively consolidating a small fortune.

>> No.58365620

your family sounds pretty fucking dumb

>> No.58365865

i agree with the poster who said its the jews. why dont we try genociding all the jews first and then we'll know if we were right. lets just give it a shot?

>> No.58365998

>The “whites” are just as much your enemy as the Jews
"your own people are just as bad as the people who hate you and are doing everything they can to destroy your society, culture and genetics."
never go full retard anon. if you cant see the difference from some people who have been psyoped their whole lives by media, education institutions and politicians and a grew of people who are your sworn enemies that want to kill you and take over your country then you are either too jaded yourself and not white in the first place

>> No.58366160

>that graph
holy shit that's literally nothing, i have been lied to all my life

>> No.58366196

The vast majority of millenials are set to inherit $0 though. Dunno about zoomzooms maybe they'll be a little luckier.

>> No.58366229

Very high IQ strongly correlates with dying broke and alone.
Midwit IQ ranges scales income though.

>> No.58366278

Boomers are the culprit. It's your fault. YOU did this PERSONALLY dumb boomer nigger.

>> No.58367191

I don't blame boomers either, but it is annoying when they blame me because they can't see the forest

>> No.58367974

Some people are going to get nothing, but I'm not sure that's not a plurality instead of a majority though.

>> No.58368061

I want to smell mumei!

>> No.58368892

I don't get why poltards pretend that whites didn't have a major hand in the present state of the US and europe. Just seems like a massive low-iq cope to me. It is a convenient emotional conclusion, but it isn't a very sophisticated analysis of the cause-and-effect sequence that comprises history (and that is putting it mildly). In order to hold the poltard worldview I'm just supposed to engage in massive selection bias that ignores the fact that countless white people do have insane civilization-deteriorating beliefs and a low level of morality. And I'm also supposed to pretend that jews are not any smarter than whites, but they nonetheless successfully conned us out of our self interest across the board on a variety of different issues. Nope, tons of whites advocated for evil and civilizational dysfunction and they would have with or without jews.

I have known of pol beliefs for many years and it isn't that I'm triggered by them. In fact I've had friends with these views... It is just that they are really unimpressive and unsatisfying for anyone who actually wants to pursue the complicated messy truth rather than come to emotional reactionary conclusions. Obviously tons of jews behave badly, but there is not much of a difference where whites are just on this moral pedestal and are nothing but hapless victims as the pol ideology seems to require constantly imply.

>b-but you're a jew!
Predictable cope reply as always to prop up your shambolic worldview, but no I'm 100% northwest European.

>> No.58369039

That same woman will take it all in divorce court with her husband Omar (he’s got Saudi money)

>> No.58369548

>A-actually I’m heckin 100% euro, trust me here
Sure thing, Shmuley. Tick tock.

>> No.58369707

They are all lazy fucks too right?
That's why, the sin of sloth.

>> No.58369731
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>Millenials and Zoomers think they are getting an inheritance

