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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58358553 No.58358553 [Reply] [Original]

>wow anon you knew about APU before the dev rugged? You must be rich

>> No.58358575
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>was literally watching the chart when it rugged down to 1m market cap
I'm up 6x now but still

>> No.58358591

Can it rug again bros....

>> No.58358597

holy shit op. how fucking rich are you????????

>> No.58358668

unironically i'm a top 10 holder

finally 2 decades of 4channing has paid off

>> No.58358690

holy fucking shit. i'm happy for your op but this straight up makes me want to kms

>> No.58358693

What's the sui?

>> No.58358717

Are you going to dump on us fren?

>> No.58358740

Anon dump so I can get in

>> No.58358751
File: 481 KB, 546x896, 98C67D97-660A-44B0-B40C-F799484427C4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had 230 mil
>Sold half for 7k
>Panic sold the rest during the rug
>Bought back in but only 40 mil

I don’t even know why I panic sold, it’s like I was a completely different person making that decision.

>> No.58358765

hi, pajeetius

>> No.58358777

I sold my 200m stack at the fucking bottom of the dump

>> No.58358925


Don’t worry though, we’re going to 10 billion eventually so you still have time to buy back in

>> No.58359005
File: 40 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think like that anon just be grateful you're in this early at all

>> No.58359033

like most top holders we're already rich so APU is our moon bag

same as usual
sui is if you're wrong you sui
everything except for the cost of 1 bullet

>> No.58359215
File: 59 KB, 1069x550, APUPARABOLA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeetus literally used the ETH he rugged to buy back in the very bottom and then run up the chart in a systematic manner probably using bots since he had friends and wasn't alone he mentioned that.

It painted a near perfect parabola. I mean come on that doesn't happen on accident. Look at the perfect floors that were created. Enjoy your profits but consider taking some.

>> No.58359274

Yaaaay! Checked

>> No.58359289

Fren, if pajeetus is doing that why wouldn’t I keep holding? That’s literally the reverse of whatever chainlink is doing with multimillion token dumps

>> No.58359320


I sold my 45m bag after recovering from the rug with a small profit.I would already have change life money if I wasn't a paperhand.

The people who bought immediately after the rug have the highest IQ in the world

>> No.58359335


pajeetus, in one single transaction cleaned all the pajeets who would have dumped at 50m, 100m, 200 and so on and only left in the true believers.

he is now a millionaire and created the most based memecoin out of all existence

truly based if you ask me

>> No.58359380
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Based fellow shogun

>> No.58359465

>truly based if you ask me
Yup. Maybe he was a hero after all.

Jelly as fuck of your stack

>> No.58359496

I was so hungover that morning I had an errand to do with family. It dumped so hard I saw no point selling.

>> No.58359531
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>Bro is still crying about APU when he could've bought MUMU
>OP face when

>> No.58359552

listen to yourself dude.
>this coin is being systematically run up
yes. thats the reason I have held and continued to buy. the goal isn't $200M mc...its to become the most successful meme coin in cypto. that was always the plan

>> No.58359554

>It dumped so hard I saw no point selling.

Tbh this is where I was at mentally. Plus I only had like $2k invested, I generally don't throw any money in shitcoins that I'm not willing to lose, so I was ready to just write it off as a loss. Guess it all worked out in the end though

>> No.58359557

I was just too lazy to sell. My laziness saved me from selling my 1bil stack. I'm not selling until 10bil mcap btw.

>> No.58359562

Im having a illthankhimlater moment

>> No.58359568
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Knew about it? I bought it. And sold for a quick 2.5x

>> No.58359648

Did the same thing, at least good to know I’m not the only one lel

>> No.58359666

grats to all the guys with billy stacks
very jelly
happy to be holding 85m

>> No.58360080


Because it likely comes to an end eventually

>> No.58360813

he dumped whilst i was at work
by the time it got home it recovered some what

most profitable day at work i'll ever have

>> No.58360909

I saw it under 1m for like 30 minutes or so right after the rug. I fucking should have put in money but niggers were telling me it's a scam, now it's 200m+ mcap and I got sidelined. Fuck this gay earth I am so mad.

>> No.58360930

Apu is truly the next shib jesus christ

>> No.58361082

I sold around 2 billion just after the rug. I made around 50K, but it just feels like a bad dream. I went to bed so comfy and woke up so panicked.

No, I’ll never buy back in. But I’m genuinely very happy for any Anons getting ahead because of Apu. I hope you’ll send me good luck and more fortitude next time.

>> No.58361436

>2 billion just after the rug.
what why?
did you not know all the previous successful meme coins had their devs rug

if anything dev rugging is time to double down
fuck me, don't tell me you spent years on /biz/ to learn nothing

>> No.58361459

ehh this is concerning...

>> No.58361494

Based as fuck. I was so close to pulling the trigger and getting billions of APU...

Had a bunch of gains from ADOGE that I was looking to put into something else and thought of dumping it all into APU like the day after it launched. Only put in $400 instead of $5000. 100m stack is still nice, but it makes me seethe just a bit.

>> No.58361541

84 milly here. Pretty surreal to see 63k in my account during tonights peak

>> No.58361545

sup stack sister
I think if we hold strong through the coming wacky ride we will make it out as free men

>> No.58361552
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also just realized my last post there was a satan gets and my ID has 69 69 in it
probably a bullish sign from KEK

>> No.58361561

I think there's a chance. I mean, my original end goal was 5b but as of late I truly think 20b is possible, if not more considering that if BTC goes higher than ever this run, shitcoins will go higher than ever.

>> No.58361566

Alright fren, here’s the thing. You need to live in the present and stop coping. I know it’s hard but none of this matters for you now. What are you gonna do keep being a wagie forever?

I know what else you know about.


And it’s still alive. Go to the TH: DOGHOLECOIN and literally observer that all of the holders are biz bros. Just like early Apu.

You know that DOGHOLE is going to blast off. And it’s sub $100k mc. And the self hatred in you wants to cope about Apu now and cope about DOGHOLE in a month. Save yourself the potential misery and maybe ape a $100 bag.

>> No.58361567

yeah I'm not even trying to put a cap on what's possible in this clown world
but I love this meme, always have

>> No.58361590

>Tried to swing 2/3 of my stack at .0001
>Only have 13mil left
Wouldn't have made it with 40mil but feelsbadman

>> No.58361598

Same here brother. Been regularly browsing 4chan since 2014/15 and I never knew it was called Apu (assumed PEPE) despite having loads saved on my hard drive. When I went to buy Apu on St. Paddy's I thought the tokens image would be Apu from the Simpsons lmfao.

It's time for clown world to take Apu to the next level, the world will find out who Apu really is and normies will send this fucker nuclear.

>> No.58361599

yeah I made a mistake too, sold 60m at .00005 because I thought it was dead... then rebought with the same amount of eth 30m at .0001
fuckin sucks knowing I should have 110m now if I wasn't a coward

>> No.58361613

It sucks bros, but I think most of us have stories like this, especially after the rug. I actually had 1.1B at one point but 700m of that was just a quick flip early on (got a few thousand bucks of profit off that trade, could've made 100s of thousands).

>> No.58361618

I think we all had to experience some fuck up like that to instill the lesson that we do not touch our apu bags
I'm holding this shit now

>> No.58361625
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Same. I'm just not selling, that's all.

>> No.58361656
File: 172 KB, 1004x1004, IMG_1970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's rough, man. Why don't you drop those heavy bags and hop on board the MemeBus. We'll be departing soon.

>> No.58361732

Then sell.

>> No.58362331

I could have been a multi millionaire so many times over with the amount of time I've spent on biz. I was early on Link. early on ADA. Early on Fantom. Always made small bets because I was being responsible. Finally got in early enough on something to make it. And it's our little frog fren. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

>> No.58362338

I did something similar but ended up with 100 million stack. Initially had 160 million but got scared during rug and took profits. Still comfy with 100 million stack though. Good money if we get to 3 billion which seems highly possible.

>> No.58362343

Ah so that's you
Im 2 below
I wanna get my rank back and at least have 1%

Catch you in the citadel