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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 174 KB, 1080x1513, 1712723282167728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58355819 No.58355819 [Reply] [Original]

You know the drill. Talk about Apu. The coin for all frens.

>> No.58355831

Frens, wagmi

>> No.58355849

why are people shilling bapu? and why did I get 28k airdropped to my wallet?

>> No.58355853

I bought, and he a cute lil retard frog.

>> No.58355858

>500 BRUTALLY rejected
friendly reminder that this coin is a scam and all pumps are bait. do not buy, they will immediately dump after catching you.

>> No.58355875

Did you know Niilo22 owns majority of the bags?

>> No.58355877

checked before the faggot jannies prune us again

>> No.58355878
File: 51 KB, 787x454, Zero Eating Mission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janjan can cope all he wants.
You better sell your linkie bags.
Heavy and putrid, they're getting smelly.
Watch as this wee frog goes and makes it.

>> No.58355886

>non fren detected

>> No.58355898

I bought in yesterday, Is 50m enough to make it frens

>> No.58355899


thanks to make $APU thread fren

$APU is now very legit coin, it has already market cap 160 million dollars

listed Coingecko and two exhanges

>> No.58355918


>> No.58355924
File: 375 KB, 1500x1231, 6B73688C-5D20-4E54-A548-CA2ADC35CCB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fren

I don’t want you to rope either. Please join our guild

>> No.58355929

You're more than made for life, fren.

>> No.58355940

200 million since I last looked

>> No.58355952

disgusting indian jeets as admins = rug preprogrammed

buy linu

>> No.58355953

So, make is stack is anything more than 10mil?

>> No.58355955

you will make it twice

>> No.58355960

>and two exhanges
This has to be the catalyst for MEXC to pump this hard. It absolutely penetrated 200M mcap. This token is up for grabs at a stupid cheap price and I'M LOADING UP FUCKERS

>> No.58355966


jannies have no reason to delete this thread

This is $APU investors own thread

There is no reason to delete $APU threads

$APU is a crypto coin and an investment just like any other crypto coin

>> No.58355972

the last thread was deleted

>> No.58355997


I know, and I wonder why

what is jannies logic?

they should be fair and neutral

>> No.58356024

They are doing it for....free

>> No.58356026
File: 36 KB, 548x680, aputux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got banned for 3 days for making a general for advertising

LMAO jannies mad


>> No.58356028

cuz theyre niggers seething at the fact that they could have bought this at many points but have failed to do so

>> No.58356051

it just keeps going down holy shit. zero is just a hair's breadth away

>> No.58356055

My only regret is not buying more

>> No.58356058

Its fine, fren. Up and down is how things go.

>> No.58356074


>> No.58356075

no one's buying your scam. keep pumping it lel. no one bought when you tried to baitpump at 400, why would they buy now? use your brain sweetie

>> No.58356079
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There's 3 theory's as of right now
>A. Sideliners are so mad that they didn't buy Apu that their buying and pushing this bapu shit Instead
>B. Jeets made Bapu to steal from Apu success and they secretly hold 50% of the supply and are slowly dumping on those dumb enough to buy Bapu
>C. This one is my favorite, Pepe whales are afraid of Apu since most of the memes they post are actually Apu memes so in retaliation they created Bapu to try and slow down and split the Apu community.
Which ever the reason it's pathetic and hilarious.

>> No.58356082

make it is like 100M

>> No.58356091

ok, $APU billion market cap is done deal

what is your goal that how big $APU market cap can become peak bull?

i think 10 billion MC is realistic, if BTC stay bullish

>> No.58356097

Flip pepe and 2 billion more

>> No.58356120

Fren, we are all gonna make it.

>> No.58356129

soon over 5 k holders, i think that holders number will go fast to 10 k

>> No.58356137

shib market cap

>> No.58356138

>500 BRUTALLY rejected
More like 400 low brutally rejected. Keep coping.
I'm going to 1bn and beyond with my frens.

>> No.58356143

>no one's buying
check dexscreener retard. theres plenty of people buying

>> No.58356157

i bought at 48 pls dont rug me

>> No.58356177
File: 90 KB, 1080x695, IMG_20240324_085727_939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why did I get 28k airdropped to my wallet?
Forgot to mention about that but this is a marketing strategy to trick people
>Oh look Bapu has 5k holders this coin must have a big community, oh wait jk 99% of them didn't actually buy it and they all just got airdropped a dollar
>Bros look this Apu whale holds Bapu buy buy buy, oh wait jk the Apu whale didn't actually buy it and was only air dropped a $1 worth.
Basically don't fall for the Bapu shit and just ignore them.

>> No.58356179
File: 252 KB, 640x513, extra-smug-apu-v0-behgsupxs12c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't feel any pressure to buy anon, this is clearly not for you, have fun with chainlink

>> No.58356186

We hold each other up, fren.

>> No.58356201

i watched janny ban ubel poster right before they turbo nuked the last thread

>> No.58356204


dont worry, $APU will break soon $0.001

>> No.58356212

Absolutely based. I got a 3 day for just asking about a token by it's name in a post. Autoban. I got banned again asking why the token was banned on a thread about it. I tried to have a civil conversation on the IRC and got called a whiner and given no reason, and threatened to make it a 6 day ban.
Like you, I'm just gonna keep ban evading. I tried to be civil and approach it fairly, but it's clear the jannies here don't want to be civil. So fuck those worthless niggers. I'll call them exactly what they are if they aren't doing to do their part. I did mine.
See above. Jannies on biz may be the worst on the site. Apu isn't backdooring them with coins, so they seethe and make it obvious they're not impartial.
Hilariously the best jannies are on /vp/. I got a warning from a Janny once there about some post that was off topic I guess? The warning had a message, was polite and helpful. I tried harder for /vp/ jannies after that since that's how you are supposed to act.
So if any /vp/ jannies see this. I appreciate you.

>> No.58356217

it's just a little sell wall fren, all coins have them
apu will get over it soon enough


>> No.58356221

saw it live as well kek

Reaching peak comfy levels

>> No.58356225

is it normal to pay like $40 in eth to swap into a token...? (using metamask)
or is there a better way

>> No.58356228

Truly is the comfiest hold ever.

>> No.58356234

I have retard brain disease
>bought ~230m at ~1m cap
>sold on first rug
>watched it pump, wanted to kms
>watched it breach 100m cap, wanted to kms
>told myself if it goes below 100m mcap again im selling my Pepe stack into it
>had that little dip to ~90m mcap this week
>got cold feet, didn’t swap Pepe into it
>~160m mcap rn
If I just held my initial buy I’d be sitting with a stack worth ~120k rn. Remember me on the Apu citadel frens.

>> No.58356239

you can use routers like 1inch. if your buy is big enough then you don't have to pay for the gas fee

>> No.58356241

normal for uniswap yeah, although that is on the high end
it's based on activity, you can avoid highest fees by buying at night usually

>> No.58356251

I know a dude who's initial stack would be 2 million now

>> No.58356258

$40 is a bit higher. Lowest I've seen is $10.
I think Uniswap is better than Metamask directly?
Either way, I remember in 2021 when shit was at like $400 levels. I'd just bite the bullet and do it. Apu is moving pretty fast.

>> No.58356306

make it and sui stacks?

>> No.58356313

KEK, all the pajeets are gonna fomo back in at a loss after swinging

>> No.58356314
File: 64 KB, 1280x376, IMG_20240323_152735_778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still not too late to sell your Pepe stack and go all in on Apu, like seriously we're a x20 away from Pepe. I mean yes you fucked up but are you going to fix your mistake or are you going to just continue fucking up. Choice is yours fren.

>> No.58356318

100M make it
25M sui

>> No.58356326
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is the food at the store ok?

>> No.58356335
File: 178 KB, 808x606, behind every post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Truly is the comfiessssst hold ever.

>> No.58356346

Nah I have a 20M stack myself.

>> No.58356352
File: 144 KB, 976x850, 92948219321498213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking shitcoin having a general thread because they have paid indian shillers and SOL and SUPER that are outperforming in the market don't have a general

>> No.58356381

think I'll stop browsing /biz/ while I hold this, too many angry and bitter sideliners!
80m to 160m marketcap in one day

>> No.58356390

Me too. Just replied to him that we lost to some scriptfag on /smg/ for the quads.

>> No.58356407

>SOL and SUPER that are outperforming in the market don't have a general
Because their pajeeet tier coins and are going to crash into the ground and only pajeets use and buy sol

>> No.58356520
File: 1.23 MB, 2000x2295, ApuWifToy_Money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when sol wormhol

>> No.58356528

All I could afford was 5m. Hate being a poorfag

>> No.58356534

Why this shit has suddenly 2.6mil liq?

>> No.58356548
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The liquidity increases with the price my dear brainlet

>> No.58356560

also the community takeover frens made a treasury, I imagine that's what a large portion of it will be for

>> No.58356572

The treasury has been used for listing fees and the meme competition. It will not be used to add to the liquidity on uniswap.

>> No.58356579

ah I see, thank you

>> No.58356587
File: 107 KB, 735x614, GK0-yMjXcAA5TpU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apu is still just a child, and he is about to have his First Erection. Prepare your anus.

>> No.58356630

What beautiful about apu is that we don't have to post AI slop because there are already tons of apus.

>> No.58356671

You just gave fudders the best weapon to derail APU threads. Congratulations.

>> No.58356704

I wonder how much soul an ai apu would have though..

>> No.58356741
File: 344 KB, 497x540, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i don't think we have to worry about ai apus lmao

>> No.58356786



>> No.58356794

Because Apu wants to go up and see.

>> No.58356799

You been saying that since 3m you fucking cunt. Fuck you for fudding me out of buying.

>> No.58356810

You gave in to the fudder. The fudder prays on your fear, uncertainty and doubt.
It's still not too late to become a fren. Get in while you can, or stay sidelined forever.

>> No.58356813
File: 266 KB, 775x581, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to rope. I sold "local top" 3 says ago

>> No.58356816

This is your last chance to buy at three zeros.

>> No.58356832

Just buy today fren. I bought after the rugging and still stand to make 500k when I could have made a 5 million before. Don't let the desire to make all money stop you from making some money

>> No.58356835


you are not late to buy back, we going to break $0.001 next 24 hours

>> No.58356841

you can still buy back in, your bag may be smaller but you'll have less regret

>> No.58356932

I bought around 2 this weekend and have already doubled my money, ez

>> No.58356946
File: 73 KB, 1214x1140, 1520652311903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got banned a few weeks ago on a thread where somebody asked what was a better coin, AVI (I think?) or APU.

I responded "I think APU has the most potential given the communities strong rebound" and got banned for 7 days huh. I actually argued the ban and got it lifted but yeah they're hawks about APU for some reason.

>> No.58356959

I already bought but I want a dip!

>> No.58356979

I had similar happen a few weeks ago, right after the rug I made a thread complaining about it and they banned me for 2 weeks for 'advertising'
tried to appeal but they denied

>> No.58356980

Jesus Christ, you might be right about that. This is a moonshot. Any new CEX listings coming?

>> No.58357000
File: 60 KB, 1000x800, 1608456636385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I now have 6.9m apu :)

>> No.58357011


>> No.58357023

Only 1 here, but I wish I had more for sure. Hopeing this baby make me enough money I can start putting make it or sui stacks into other coins.

>> No.58357030


>> No.58357031
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fuddie are you okay?
are you okay? are you okay funddie?
you've hit by, you've been struck by,
one less decimal

>> No.58357035

Which ones?

>> No.58357045
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>> No.58357062
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>> No.58357077

Looks like ApuCommunity.ETH is doing OTC deal and just ramped up the treasury to over 120K USDT


>> No.58357087

Are this real Kraken wallets? can any eth anon confirm

>> No.58357098
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Holy shit LFG bros

>> No.58357100

Don't get too excited. It's just some LINK whale that sold his LINKIES to got 50k to do the OTC trade. It is a real Kraken wallet, but that's just the source of the linkie funds.

>> No.58357106

Can you explain what that means for a retard such as myself? Is that a good thing?

>> No.58357142

It just means they have something lined up that requires paying or just stocking up on liquid cash. Previously it was for the MEXC listing.

>> No.58357149

holy shit it hit 0.0007 on MEXC

>> No.58357185
File: 27 KB, 536x572, a7881620a1007c9208974180163c5d0d986f53d1612068912429544940e410ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it different?

>> No.58357195

was it because of supply shock on their end?

>> No.58357221
File: 742 KB, 609x607, apubike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

early 20m holder here. I told my wife we'd sell when our purse was at $10k, buy a cheap truck and a new stove. I took out $500 worth when it peaked on Sunday and bought her a bicycle. Talk me off the ledge frens

>> No.58357241

Women: the ultimate gains goblins

>> No.58357252
File: 66 KB, 800x800, 1666799830734726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey bud, thats my WIFE you're talking about

>> No.58357286

I remember you posting a few days ago.

I mean what ledge do you want to be talked off of, you're happy with the bike and seemed confident in your purchase whilst everyone else told you just to wait huh

>> No.58357302

Someone accumulating big for the inevitable next listing.

>> No.58357305

Beat her to a pulp and maybe u will geet redeem
t. jeet

>> No.58357312


Should have just went out and stole a bike and kept your bag intact.

>> No.58357319

Or just liquidating shorts, it is a cex after all

>> No.58357322

please do not redeem ser

>> No.58357366


>> No.58357378

How much could a BTC/ETH dump (post halving) affect APU?

>> No.58357387

Wow. The community wallet went mental.
APU is not trading on futures. Just spot.

>> No.58357391

Could? What does that matter?

>> No.58357411

Will, then

>> No.58357413

>APU is not trading on futures. Just spot.

hello, I would like to buy a 100x long on Apu futures please

>> No.58357416
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i really like APU, frens. coins thet promoht frenship am good. we need mor frenship and kinness in da wurld, frens.

>> No.58357447

My fiance thinks my apu gains are "dirty money" lmao

>> No.58357457

better not sully her with your dirty gains then

>> No.58357467

tell her you got them from selling things on the darkweb, women like dangerous edgy men

>> No.58357477

It's too late since she already knows about it. She'll still take the money but just wants to be a bitch about it.
I just hope I can take gains but leave some in crypto for the next meme coin.
Right now I'm holding and enjoying the ride.

>> No.58357486

im thankful my friends are so far supportive, if also worried im going to lose everything, they will understand one day

>> No.58357504

No one can answer that.

>> No.58357519

>he get married
My father always told me: getting married is the dumbest thing you can ever do. Don't give a woman a dime unless she already had your children.

>> No.58357524

pff of course she will
definitely do not redeem yet we are going so much higher than this

the one friend I have told about my crypto journey hates it when I talk about it, she doesn't even consider it to be real
I've also told my mom though and she is supportive, as I intend to give a decent amount to her

>> No.58357604
File: 55 KB, 1024x723, 5b5ada02795cf89f5b2084fc5cac084896d6cceaa2312cd8c9f071fe987cc0c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching the 0005 sellwallers get sandwiched is kinda fun
but I think we finally broke through this time frens

>> No.58357648


>> No.58357662
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I'm a certified economist.

>> No.58357667
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yes that checks out to me

>> No.58357678

I only have 90k of APU
Am I going to make it?

>> No.58357696

you can definitely make it if you use it wisely as investment capital

>> No.58357711

Thanks fren

>> No.58357740

>year is 2027
>apu is worth 35k
>you now have 31 trillion dollars

>> No.58357749

If APU is worth 10 dollars... just imagine

>> No.58357759

Bro. If it was worth just one dollar, I would be set for life. I'm not sure we're going quite that high anytime soon though.

>> No.58357820
File: 409 KB, 1080x1036, 1710553875309369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll loose my mind if it hits 0.10. if it goes any higher i might have an aneurysm.

>> No.58357837

I don't want to sound like a negative fren but apu at 1 cent is about 4 billion marketcap. You do the math on 1 dollar mc

>> No.58357848

10c would be around Shib's ATH.

dogwifhat's ATH was past 4bil and it doesn't have anywhere close to the meme energy or exposure of Apu.

>> No.58357863
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>> No.58357865
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>> No.58357868

200m Mcap frens!!!

>> No.58357869



>> No.58357883


>> No.58357892


>> No.58357923

i miss ubel
he would know just what to say right now
fuck you jannys

>> No.58357927

.10 is my target. that's a life changing amount for a stinky NEET like me. diamond hands till then.

>> No.58357938


>> No.58357945


>> No.58357949
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>> No.58357951

>all caps fake hype
>omg whoo is buying??? wink wink
lol scammies

>> No.58357955

Either a PEPE or LINK whale.

>> No.58357957
File: 390 KB, 1080x694, 7261550493726444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Radio Apu!!
Listen to Apu music as we ride this ATH together!

>> No.58357962

You're not Ubelposter, my beloved.

>> No.58357963

mine was 0.01 at 1 billion marketcap but I'm thinking we are going to fly past it jesus christ

5, or even 10 seem possible

I feel sorry for you

>> No.58357965
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Let's go

>> No.58357971
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>> No.58357973

It's happening

>> No.58357974

>I'm actually going to make it off a fucking shitcoin

>> No.58357980

1 bil market cap is like 0.0028 or something, at 1 cent wed be about pepes market cap

>> No.58357981

Half a billi tn?

>> No.58357993


>> No.58358003

I think we will hit 300 at least
really? I used an online calculator, tbf I wasnt accounting for the burned tokens
it's insane, this feels like the oppertunity of a life time, we are so fucking blessed

>> No.58358008

=now listening=
apu radio

>> No.58358011

Welcome to the club.

>> No.58358022
File: 59 KB, 750x750, 65ddea028addc34c3ab7cbdfcf7610bc67b8c17c8678c87591cd4ad1ee6d3da7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58358024

I'm trying to ape in but getting 15% slippage lmao

>> No.58358038


>> No.58358040

just manually change to 0.1% slippage.
I am almost confident that uniswap gives you a default shit slippage just so they could MEV you.

>> No.58358041
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>> No.58358047

Fuck all of you fudders. I never bought in and now it’s too late. I hate everyone here.

>> No.58358049
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>> No.58358052

a big whale was buying, it should go through now

>> No.58358053
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>> No.58358055

Fuck I should've bought last week

Fuck me in the ass

>> No.58358060

It’s not too late. We haven’t even hit a billion mcap. This might go to 10b or higher

>> No.58358064

It's not too late until it's close to the pepe mc

>> No.58358072

still holding my bag from march 25

>> No.58358073
File: 34 KB, 512x512, apuduck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rely on your gut instinct and intuition next cycle, btw youve seen nothing yet, so really think hard about staying sidelined, ok fren?

>> No.58358078
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It keeps happening.

>> No.58358080
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>> No.58358083
File: 500 KB, 749x601, IMG_4020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the first time since I’ve gotten married my wife said she was proud of me for investing in APU. She’s even considering leaving her boyfriend if I make it.

>> No.58358089


>> No.58358092

far from too late frens, there will probably be a dip back down to 0005 if not lower
that whale buying in will spur sells short term but confidence is skyrocketing

>> No.58358096
File: 259 KB, 1592x996, 1699633827420645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be careful to import the correct APU contract.

>> No.58358104


>> No.58358116

happy for you fren, wagmi!

>> No.58358125
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>> No.58358131

Few days ago I was sidelined. I was watching APU sitting at 85M and I tought it was too late for me. I asked on APU general if I would ever make it since I lost APU.
A fren told me I was not too late, he told me: if you could go back in time and by Pepe at 85M would you do it?
I bought APU at 85M and I am almost x3 on my bag.
If you are reading this, thank you fren.

>> No.58358133

I already bought a bag but if it goes 10x, it's not life changing money.

>> No.58358141

buy more then

>> No.58358149

I made a ton of profits for such little investment in Linu, hokk, and lucky and then luckily rolled those profits into Apu after those dog coins shit the bed. I can’t even believe that shit combo actually worked

>> No.58358152

Guys next crazy meme coin run will be peng. Chilling at 30 mil MC and just came back to life... Multiple listings on cex too...

>> No.58358181

I got my ass handed to me in Linu, but this lil frog fella has shot past my losses. Nice play anon.

>> No.58358185
File: 535 KB, 680x1069, pepelaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not selling ONE (1) apu

>> No.58358192

bros we are about to break 5k holders!

>> No.58358194

Once it dips sure

>> No.58358196
File: 238 KB, 602x411, 6442c32bca1137e177ffd08cfe0b52f015559598301f15f4757bb0c25bcd466a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any bag can be life changing money if you use your gains wisely fren
I didn't have enough for the gains alone to be life changing, but having this investment capital will certainly change my life
I wish you luck, fren

>> No.58358205

Same to you

>> No.58358210

Yeah it was a big gamble that just payed off, luckily I had gotten into all 3 early. I’m trying to learn not to marry my bags which is a real problem for me

>> No.58358211

Same here. We have to start somewhere. One day we'll be the one's with make it stacks.

>> No.58358212

Apu helped me turn like $4k into $100k and climbing. Unreal. First time I've ever been early on anything.

>> No.58358213

Next us is fundamentals after hype surrounding mene plays is gone, and ocean, kas, rsr, fun will be leading the way

>> No.58358215
File: 402 KB, 2400x1350, apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that spring is when frogs start to come out of hibernation.

>> No.58358216

I sold my initial of 20k last week. How do I cope biz bros

>> No.58358217

Of course not just wanted to put that out there
We didn't have a penguin yet...
Sry didn't want to shill just share

>> No.58358228

I'm still married to my doge bags.

>> No.58358242
File: 289 KB, 1079x712, IMG_3991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where all the fudders? Theyve been awfully quiet.

>> No.58358246

Congrats man

You could buy back in or understand that there will be more APU's in the future.

>> No.58358248

the anime poster literally got banned

>> No.58358252

They'll be back when Apu goes to 5bil marketcap and then retraces down to 4.3bil.

>> No.58358254

I have a small bag of each but it just seemed to make sense to take those gains and ride Apu for a while.

>> No.58358257

Lol. Poor guy.

>> No.58358262

For sure. Doge did see gains, but it's been mostly crabby.

>> No.58358267

I mean I still have 250mil but I'm greedy

>> No.58358271

I used a portion of my doge bag to buy into apu, I wish I had used all of it honestly I would have so much more money right now lol
oh well, I had other priorities and could not afford to gamble it at that time
but I am over the regret

>> No.58358318
File: 1.45 MB, 600x500, 1625175548803.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take a short nap
>Wake up and my APU is worth nearly 20kUSD
Am I finally making it!? Is this what it feels like?!

>> No.58358327

He fucking deserved it. Don't pity him.

>> No.58358338

Wallet address faggot or it didn't happen.

>> No.58358358

We should throw him a welcome back party once the ban gets lifted.

>> No.58358394
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, 1573444077210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seeing the same levels of greed and delusions from doge clones back in 2021, the top is in.

>> No.58358396

I smell a ban evasion

>> No.58358397

No! Its my wallet! I only have 32mil apu so you do the math!

>> No.58358403

have you seen the daily chart recently?

>> No.58358404

Yeah, he did.

>> No.58358405
File: 331 KB, 1125x2436, 97E905AF-9494-464F-A28B-E3C18F538C3E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i put $100k into apu at ~$0.005, i'm a top 300 wallet right now. I was gonna buy at 0.0028 yesterday but i was playing poker and couldn’t be fucked to open up my wallets and move money around. Its been on my radar since Sunday. i feel like it will do well because telegram meme culture is centered heavily around apu and telegram users have never gotten a meme coin before.


>> No.58358407

kek not even close.
wait for the douchebags giving out investment advice on the latest meme coins on yt/tiktok etc

>> No.58358412

one thing i dont really understand though is on my crypto twitter follows i see people talk a lot about memecoins and the crypto market all day. and they are mentioning so many coins and so many memecoins. but i barely ever see any of them ever mention apu. as in its not on the radar of the people i follow on ct. how is this possible though? is there like some fragmented community or something that is not on the normal main crypto twitter side? im just confused is all because normally they are mentioning all the popular memecoins all the time

>> No.58358416

what's your total nw?

>> No.58358417

I’m seeing your mom’s asshole again. Yes, I’m putting it in

>> No.58358425

Bro, it's only a month old. We're early.

>> No.58358432

It means we're extremely early

>> No.58358440

This, just wait until we're on the next exchange LMAO

>> No.58358445

Finally entered 4 figure hell thanks to APU!
Now onto 5...

>> No.58358450

In addition, Apu is THE meme...it's an internet icon, not just some Shib knockoff.

>> No.58358460

It was like that when shib started here too. They will start talking about it when it hits 1bil.

>> No.58358462

It gets worse and worse the higher you get, I'm currently in mid six figure hell and I wouldn't wish it on anybody

>> No.58358463

Good job, Fren! You can put that money into other things when you feel the time is right.

>> No.58358467
File: 94 KB, 266x266, 1647361199955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and ripe for a rug pullin'
>THE meme
kek, it's a cheap knock off clone of pepe

>> No.58358474

yeah, preach it! 9 figure hell here, god, it's the worst!

>> No.58358476

My current plan when i hit 10k is to put 1k into 10 coins. Then when i hit 100k, I put 10k into 10 coins. So on and so forth. What's your strategy? How much of an initial did you put on the crypto market?

>> No.58358477


My daily net worth swings more than my apu position. Also meant to say 0.00028 in my previous post. Forgot the 0.

>> No.58358481
File: 21 KB, 545x502, Whadayapump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy saved kek

>> No.58358485

>clone of pepe
You are a newfag, true OGs back in the day would berate anyone that confused Pepe and Apu. Btw, most Pepe memes I see are actually Apu.

>> No.58358487

Hahahhaaaaa jannys get fucked. I’m up 90% and NOT SELLINGGGGG. I love you/biz/. This place maybe be subverted by pajeets and plebbitors but some of you are alright.

>> No.58358503


I got in at about effective 0.0005 because MetaMask screwed me a bit with slippage.

>> No.58358512

> and ripe for a rug pullin'
Weren't you just banned?
Owner already rugged and it failed. Clearly has too much momentum at this stage and not enough vested parties willing or even able to rug.

>> No.58358513
File: 2 KB, 160x53, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're almost there

>tfw top 20 holder

>> No.58358515

Yeah APU took over for Pepe a long time ago. Pepe is like a 90’s sitcom rerun at this point

>> No.58358531
File: 1.35 MB, 1080x1596, Screenshot_20221029-205956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much is it to buy the suicide stack and make it stack right now?

>> No.58358541

For shitcoin gambling that's pretty much what I do. You can never predict what's going to blow up or not.
90% of my portfolio is just VTI, I gamble 5% on shitcoins and stuff though. My initial in crypto was probably $50 and I've made about $60k off of it.

>> No.58358548
File: 263 KB, 1200x2133, 449b683c29767ed34b1585f64961838a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jannys just lifted my ban
they banned ME for advertising
anyway the pumps over
profits will be taken soon

>> No.58358550

what is the best dapp to buy APU from?
I wanna cross chain my assets from BSC (doge) to ETH (apu)
I don't understand why Sushi is rejecting my approvals

>> No.58358562

If Apu hit Pepe's current MC it would be a 25x. So if we consider 7 digits make it, you'd need to put $40k into it now.

>> No.58358578

My intial was about 500 and I'm up to 2k. Still learning the ropes. I just started though. I love this fucking frog.

>> No.58358581

Damn maybe 10k then

>> No.58358586

Just bought 3300000 apus. Not a lot but what I had on hand.
Wish I looked into this earlier.

>> No.58358603

gambling all my savings has never felt so comfy

>> No.58358612


>> No.58358618

I missed you, Ubelposter.

>> No.58358635

thank u for this next leg up

>> No.58358637

He made the threads fun. It's more interesting than everyone patting themselves on the back. What did he get banned for?

>> No.58358650

what for?

>> No.58358657
File: 60 KB, 800x432, b06ec6fad35e04ec8760b439bb81ed8bc028649c-1353x731.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58358667

We all know you have a bag just in case, how much you got?

>> No.58358678
File: 93 KB, 1024x576, frieren-episode-24-ubel-and-bottle.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder

>> No.58358682

I’ll fly your apu jet for you.
Theoretically is you were to try and sell you wouldn’t have enough gas to do so, right? Etherium really sucks.

>> No.58358684

You're gonna be carrying a bag in your womb once I'm finished inseminating you.

>> No.58358703 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 498x243, frieren-sousou-no-frieren-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gosh thanks
you should sell though
the red candle is already forming

>> No.58358709

They hit everyone with advertising now. Such crap. I barely recognize how this board even operates anymore and I've been here several cycles.
If they spilled their choccy milk in the morning they'll take it out on you for now reason.
Reminds me of the age old question
>Who Jannies the Jannitors?

>> No.58358720
File: 618 KB, 463x562, 1564153595116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should sell
I don't have any Apu. Fuck everything.

>> No.58358733

He deleted or did he got banned again?

>> No.58358732

They do this specifically to filter out impressionable newfags like you. Even now this is the best trade for you to get in, and if you decide to throw your cash in some other shitcoin you might choose wrong because you're so new. This is a safe and guaranteed win at still relatively low levels. You don't pass up shit like this. You should just buy Apu and be patient for a 25x win. But you probably won't.

>> No.58358770

He probably did it because he felt embarrassed.

>> No.58358772
File: 64 KB, 1170x1019, GKPd4idXkAAIVGC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copying the anime fud post style of tranime
YOU are literally a cheap knock off clone.

>> No.58358779
File: 238 KB, 1907x799, sell signal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit. I was there from the beginning after witnessing a bot multipost.

>> No.58358785

Hi frens, I bought in at 700k for $500 I’m feeling great rn I told my co supervisor to go fuck himself yesterday, I think I’ll do it again today

>> No.58358802

>desperate weirdo seething
Cope, you clone. You awkward imitator.

>> No.58358808

I was the person who posted that OP lol

>> No.58358813

Does the Pajeet still have a top 10 wallet?

>> No.58358826

He's mexican

>> No.58358840
File: 244 KB, 671x665, e31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so happy for you. Congrats you are gmi. I hate having to wake up early af just to suck cock at the bookkeeping department. Maybe this cycle I can do that too what you did

>> No.58358842

This is the path you’ve chosen anon. We were here the whole time, telling you to trust… this is the make it coin. Even when this was getting dumped into the ground, the same anons were here with the truth. It was always up to you.

>> No.58358845

Ok biztards, I will get a small bag from this silly frog

>> No.58358859

It's fun being an APU holder

>> No.58358869

Same here.
I should have put money into these sorts of coins ages ago instead of overthinking everything. So far behind where I could be but entirely my fault.
But hey, just got to take it one day at a time.

>> No.58358870

Show hands now

>> No.58358900
File: 170 KB, 1279x1227, IMG_9288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cowswap has mev resistance so that.

>> No.58358908

Show feet

>> No.58358911

Im a mid 5 fig xrp holder since 2016... could have made it 5x till here but hellll nooo nobody touches my ripples:( i think ive told enough about my ngmi mentality

>> No.58358920

I understand.

>> No.58358923
File: 115 KB, 1080x902, buh bye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hi frens, I bought in at 700k for $500 I’m feeling great rn I told my co supervisor to go fuck himself yesterday, I think I’ll do it again today

>> No.58358927
File: 15 KB, 739x415, IMG_4894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re not leaving without you anon, there’s still time

>> No.58358938
File: 6 KB, 295x171, Frenly hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha this actually makes me feel a little good. Im not that alone.

>> No.58358946

Frens! We must spread good vibes to other coins as well. Apu is a helper after all!

>> No.58358954

Very based fren

>> No.58358958

Kinda weird as a link holder I'm relating to this.
We used to make fun of you guys when I started.
Man, time teaches you things.
In the end we aren't so different.

>> No.58358963

Why don't you guys sell your link or xrp?

>> No.58358971

I’m a xrp holder too. Never gonna sell my stack but I sold off my other 2020-2021 alts for this and doubled my money in a few days. I’ve got such a good feeling about APU

>> No.58358976

I’m a low 5 figure lunc baggie and for some reason I can’t bring my self to sell despite 2 years of crabbing sideways.

>> No.58358978
File: 132 KB, 1079x1348, IMG_0158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fren I’m in 16 figure hell it’s the worst !

>> No.58359016
File: 121 KB, 1125x937, IMG_0101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. First time buying a shitcoin and I bought like 2 days after launch only because I collect apu memes I have hundreds saved on my phone and now I might get life changing money it’s a pretty comfy feel.

>> No.58359026

I'm an HBAR holder. Utility tokens = rope. Meme coins = happy. Simple as

>> No.58359038

How much apu ya got, fren?

>> No.58359041

I sold all my silver bars and bought hbar, believed the hype for a while but then sold when I made a small profit and rolled it into BTC

>> No.58359045

We're all dumb in our own way, but we can all be frens here.

>> No.58359071

What I like about meme coins is that all the utility token tribalism is irrelevant. There's retardedly strong meme coin tribalism too but its a bit more entertaining. Also I still believe in HBAR but meme coins are the wave right now and I'm not going to fade memes like I did last cycle. Apu is a godsend. It's the reward /biz/ gets for being autistic.

>> No.58359078

Still pretty sweet tho, I’m in rubber recycling and I wish I was a pencil pusher , I come home stinking like processed rubber, black snot, filthy as fuck uniform, I’m desperate to make and get the fuck out of here before I end up on a live leak video

>> No.58359113

The faggot cunt is in crypto as well and he fell for the staking meme, bought this Arab coin and they shilled a staking mobile phone like bro are you fucking dumb? And he tells me every time “iTs nOt jUsT aBoUt thE pRiCe I’m making passive income” Fuck off cunt you’re just jealous coz I hit big on a meme coin

>> No.58359124
File: 426 KB, 767x564, 01fefd1cd2430e51ca6f4e4c4b335d2705080ff252f707c278db80fd88324924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many huge buys today holy moly

>> No.58359133

I-I just got into cryptos, and I got 100$ bucks of APU at 0.52

A-am I welcome here? or its too late for being your fren /biz/bros?

>> No.58359136

we going to break $0.001 today easily

>> No.58359141


>> No.58359143

all frens are welcome here. glad you could join us fren

>> No.58359144
File: 87 KB, 351x319, 1712374679597610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All frens are welcome

>> No.58359148

Almost 3mil I’m a poor leaf so like 10k would pretty much change a lot in my life rn

>> No.58359161

Be smart with your earnings, fren!

>> No.58359172

Support stabilizing at 0006

>> No.58359173

Ok when will this retrace so I can buy in

>> No.58359177

Never, you need to get in now

>> No.58359182

there's so much craziness going on right now with these whale buys it's hard to say

>> No.58359185

And ATH just broken again

>> No.58359189

For the love of CHRIST are we really stopping at 1bn???

>> No.58359191

Andy whale bought again

>> No.58359197

This train has no brakes bro. I’m not sure we’ll ever stop.

>> No.58359207


this resembles a similar price action as Pepe in the early stages about a year ago

>> No.58359208

Okay, something HUGE has to be revealed for this many whales to enter this late into the scene (I know we're relatively early, but there's people who literally bought post-rug here.)
What's the big news for such inflow of whales? Binance listing? Kraken listing? Multiple t1 CEX listings?

>> No.58359210

People are starting to catch on to this being the make it coin and insider whales that aren't publicly shilling this are still secretly buying bags so they don't miss out. This might rip higher soon.

>> No.58359225

3k into APU while being poor looks insane to me anon.
I'm >>58359133 , new to crypto and I only put 4% of my portfolio into APU. I'm gonna be safe while I learn about crypto the next few months. I wanna be decent knowledge wise for the next cycle
I was hesitating at 0.40... I got in today at 0.52. do not wait more!

>> No.58359226

Yeah right? Like, why would they buy if they dont believe in a 10x or 20x from here.

>> No.58359235

>Okay, something HUGE has to be revealed for this many whales to enter this late into the scene
It could be something as simple as they know this is about to outperform all their trash VC coins and they really like money. Why wouldn't they hedge into this too? I'm sure all those listings are on the way, but that might not be the reason here. Energy is building around this, it's undeniable. Even VC scum would want a piece of this.

>> No.58359249

>I'm gonna be safe while I learn about crypto the next few months.
Smart. But when you're ready to jump in the arena properly you're going to be making moves that are insane on paper. You need to be a bit crazy to really make it here. I mean make it big.

>> No.58359251
File: 42 KB, 811x456, IMG_4021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I got off work today we were at 150m mcap. 5 hours later and we’re already over 200m mcap.

>> No.58359259

But I mean, there HAS to be a reason why all this money wants in right now. No one would throw a few five figs worth out of nowhere. There's got to be something we're missing here because we're not part of the club.
Is APU really on its way to become the next PEPE? Gentlemen, did we.. dare I say.. bet on the right horse for once?

>> No.58359263

You don’t make money by being timid. Be bold and ape in.

>> No.58359265
File: 59 KB, 1069x550, APUPARABOLA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you made money that is fantastic but for anyone considering on entering for the first time I'd be weary as fuck. The price is obviously beyond manipulated you don't just draw perfect parabolas like that on accident. Look at the floors of each low. Its unreal.

>> No.58359275

Hype is building. Word is spreading, and people are seeing an opportunity to turn profits. I just aped in 8k this evening from other tokens I was holding. This thing is primed for a massive pump.

>> No.58359279

We're about to take off.

>> No.58359282

I'm certain it's going to retrace at some point. Most probably when we're about to eat the zero.

>> No.58359284
File: 83 KB, 500x744, IMG_7157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks you too fren WAGMI

>> No.58359285

>Even VC scum would want a piece of this.

No no they wouldn't. Lmao Now you are just being ridiculous. Maybe degenerates with massive holdings that like to gamble who have been around crypto for years but fucking VCs aren't buying you tard.

>> No.58359291

>But I mean, there HAS to be a reason why all this money wants in right now
It's still very early relatively speaking and it's obviously going to billions, only now they feel that this is in fact true. It could be something that simple. A couple private chats; comparing notes; "good time to take a position?" etc. One whale calls it and others that trust him follow.
>No one would throw a few five figs worth out of nowhere.
Why? I did. I threw five figs at this at 40mil. I saw it early but didn't buy, so I had to bid with more.

>> No.58359295

Too all frens who think investing in Apu isnt worth it at this point. Sure, you most likely wont make insane amounts of cash, but you WILL get something. You can use the profits you obtain on the next investment you decide to trust and snowball from there. Dont feel sad about missing out, because you didnt!

>> No.58359297
File: 130 KB, 1132x2047, apu-walk.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The narrative for APU is braindead simple. There's very little sell pressure because the existing holders are heavily autistic and are simply not selling. No sell pressure? Simple narrative? Billions.

>> No.58359302

Lmao at your concern trolls you seething sideliner. Tongue my anus.

>> No.58359303

>Maybe degenerates with massive holdings that like to gamble
That's what VCs are, anon.

>> No.58359310


The extension of that parabola seems to disagree with you. Lmao Sure it could go somewhat higher but its been literally going straight up. It doesn't do that forever. Eventually it hits periods of distribution and reaccumulation.

If you use the previous floors to map the parabola then its probably going to be before the next 0.

>> No.58359322

Whatever, nerd

>> No.58359325

Im listening for a second time it’s pretty based kek

>> No.58359327

Of course there going to be a retrace because people always take profits. It will correct and then continue climbing

>> No.58359332

nooo ids goin to zero bls just sell im tryna help u

>> No.58359333

Literally everyone who is ever invested in this beautiful coin is in profit rn, its unbelievable how good this coin is.

seethe more fucking mongoloid retard, stay poor and sidelined.

>> No.58359337


You are drunk on euphoria. Its dope when things go straight up. I hope you actually capitalize on it.

Its not concern trolling I want everyone here to make money and keep it. If you are in profit that is excellent and I'm rooting for you no matter what you do. That being said it DID map out a perfect parabola as I showed here. Sure its a meme and perhaps it can defy physics more than the average token but eventually it will retrace hard. Its not FUD its reality.

>> No.58359343

I trust you, man.
But for once, I want to be retarded and believe in the numbers.

>> No.58359348


I didn't say that. But when parabolas pop the distribution and accumulation is a bit more extended usually.

>Literally everyone who is ever invested in this beautiful coin is in profit rn,

My guy that is not a good thing. Lmao How don't you get that?

>> No.58359351

You can always tell a newfag tourist when he space posts after the link. Space posting in general isn't necessarily a tell despite posturing from post-2016 newfags about muh reddit spacing, but a space post after the link is always a guaranteed sign of a newfag.

>> No.58359372


Moot double spaced. Its not real. The actual sign of newfag is those who even remotely mention it thinking its a thing because they have been here for a week and see others mention it not realizing its true purpose. Its actually an inside joke so the cancer outs themselves.

Nonetheless that has nothing to do with the obvious parabola that is nearing its end I just plainly showed.


>> No.58359375


I love this

>> No.58359405

I'm about to convert 1/3 of my poor shitty portfolio into APU somebody stop me aieeeee

>> No.58359407

Buy now, or get sidelined for the rest of the cycle.

>> No.58359426

>Nonetheless that has nothing to do with the obvious parabola that is nearing its end I just plainly showed.
I know you want people to swing this, you want sell pressure. That's all you care about. All this feigned concern for the financial welfare of others is the real inside joke here.

>> No.58359433

I mean, it will probably retrace a bit before the next leg up, but this is definitely not the top anon. its entered a new stage of its growth this week. I was trying to tell anons earlier today. its established now to the point where aping 100k is relatively safe and the expectation is that it has another 10-50x easily. its hard to break 6 figure hell or flip millions in a relatively short period of time in crypto. when a coin like this comes along, it attracts a new type of investor at this stage. we're going to see it get crazy in the coming weeks. buckle up.

>> No.58359467

that 1/3 was supposed to be for a more safe option like kaspa, but KAS can wait 1 month for sure looking how crazy APU is going
I'm gonna make it frens

>> No.58359480

YAGMI, fren

>> No.58359491
File: 2.24 MB, 638x518, 1692977767204.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-what's gonna heppen frens

>> No.58359503

It's gonna poomp.

>> No.58359509

I'm still down 40% on my fucking Polygon. I even have a fat stack of Polydoge. Some fucking day it'll actually do something.

>> No.58359528

>I know you want people to swing this, you want sell pressure.

If anyone is thinking about buying then do so and disregard my posts. I simply presented information that makes it look like a 1st large scale parabola is coming to an end.

It doesn't mean its going to zero and its over. It just means its due for a correction imo.

>> No.58359532

It'll be fine once the trendy VC retards FOMO in and normies do on CEXs. They'll be the bagholders. And even then it'll probably do a rally like SHIB and even those bagholders will get out.

>> No.58359565


I don't think its a permanent top. I think its an obvious local top though. Its going straight up and the sentiment in these threads is way too euphoric. You combine that together and imo opinion its says a lot.

That being said I probably won't reply anymore. Idc if people buy or sell. I just wanted to post the parabola so people have full insight and information.


Godspeed faggots

>> No.58359595

fudders are quiet

>> No.58359619

I wasn't there for shiba, or pepe. did they ever behave like this?

>> No.58359630

Are we reaching the 0.01 or 0.1?

>> No.58359638

I think this kind of poomp is pretty unprecedented

lots of new buyers too btw frens, either someone is shilling it somewhere or we got the kraken listing

>> No.58359655

If it was on kraken already, I would have bought there and saved some cash instead of buying eth on there, metamask/uniswap etc.

>> No.58359682

they got good exchange rates on there?

>> No.58359697

SHIB had a few small pumps, but would often drop just as much there after. Mostly flat, but when it had peaks, it fucking PEAKED. I remember going from like $8k to $100k in a day on my portfolio and getting the fuck out. It didn't do shit until that November, where it 3xed. Sadly, I didn't put anything back in. Oh well.

>> No.58359704

I think it's a very safe assumption this will get to $1.5B MC, probably even $2.5B where PEPE is. That said, there will be a correction after this pump ala >>58359265 and I think it may be a good time to trying to swing.

>> No.58359709

Had an account already there for some other things.
Just would have saved a few bucks with the swaps.

>> No.58359720


>I think this kind of poomp is pretty unprecedented
It's not, this is normal for altcoin bullrun pumps. Literally look at how Shiba exploded. The mega pump to shibas peak occurred over only 25 days.

>> No.58359730

I think our moon just started.

>> No.58359773
File: 53 KB, 1055x705, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh I see, thank you for the correction
look at this chart though holy jesus

>> No.58359791

I was on vacation. In the morning, was going to buy $500 worth of APU on 3/11 but decided to hold off then I forgot about it. That could be worth 200K now. I can't live with myslf.

>> No.58359801

Still time to buy some now.

>> No.58359820

this is insane. who knew browsing this shitstain of a website could be profitable

>> No.58359828

4K buy for 6M coins won't do much. I threw in 4K.

>> No.58359936

Yep. When altcoins moon during a bull run they go completely exponential.

>> No.58359944

I can't even think about selling but it seems like the pump has stagnated

>> No.58359977

I guess the question now is how many paper hands will sell the poomp

>> No.58359998

checked, I have no fear for it will be far less than the frens that hold strong