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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 416 KB, 1096x1461, 1712760254788409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58352606 No.58352606 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese Prefectures Edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

>Numismatic search

>News and graphs

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
https://www.gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)



>Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test

Previous Thread: >>58341723

>> No.58352649
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>> No.58352681
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>> No.58352698
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>Algo trying to tamp down again

You know what that means

>> No.58352716

Is there a reason that the gold and silver chart make more or less the same movement these past days?

>> No.58352764

Time to slurp.

>> No.58352772
File: 47 KB, 1144x856, silver looks like USD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does both, but especially silver, look the same as fiat?

>> No.58352780

The problem is with silver, if the prices keep rising and attempt to get to ATH or higher, what will that do to the price of consumer goods? If the prices keep rising this could be the opening of the final act of this Kibuki theater before the reset happens(don't worry, they say people will be begging for it).

>> No.58352809

As much as I believe silver is the correct investment based on the GSR, I am not entirely comfortable with how much gold I have as I watch the price move higher. Seeing $2400 gold ounces for sale is a little unsettling knowing it was always the safe trade. Seeing that door start to shut is scary. Because when the big one hits, I imagine PMs will not collapse along with the stock market and that is how people will be left in the dust.

>> No.58352828
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picrel = how may btc per silver oz, and then it's simply flipped over; and flipped over it looks just like an ordinary BTC chart measured in fiat... so, silver performs as badly as fiat does. Gold isn't much better, when zoomed out but it's certainly less shit.

>> No.58352837

big battle in silver right now.

>> No.58352847
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Emperor Meiji approves of this thread.

>> No.58352848

coin boi checking in
silver surfer riding the wave

>> No.58352856

To all of you fellow rock collectors; this upcoming change in prices only happens once in a lifetime

>> No.58352885

>based on the GSR
Consider the possibility that the GSR is less meaningful in an age where silver's role has morphed from being a monetary metal into an industrial one, whereas gold remains primarily tied to economies.

>> No.58352893

> buy the top

I assure you, jOlOtIq, i have more crypto than you, albeit less BTC as i have literally zero, but more crypto.
but at the current rate, silver is a far superior investment than BTC.
simple as.
im done transferring any of my crypto to metals, but i did a ton during feb and march.
right now im comfortable with my allocation
anyways quit being a faggot and shitting up PMG threads with your crypto bullshit. no one likes you here or in real life.

>> No.58352898
File: 95 KB, 1111x4444, How many BTC per Silver oz and flipped over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel = how many coins per oz of silver, then flipped over it looks like a chart measured in fiat

>> No.58352901
File: 1.09 MB, 300x169, 1405532700989.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck you guys were right Silver might hit 30 by Friday.

>> No.58352925
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Randomly seething/raging doesn't answer the question posed here: >>58352772

>> No.58352932

2-3 times actually, many have been alive since 1980.
we will see a run similar to that
the 70s started below $2 and hit $50...
if we see anything similar
bottom price of $12, top price of $250, i think most here would be satisfied, though higher than $250 is totally possible, hell even likely.
but that would be a price run that happened more than once in a lifetime.

>> No.58352959

im not seething, i've literally made a million dollars off of $90k in NOIA.
Im as content as I have ever been.
im just telling you that you are a dumb faggot for thinking that silver / BTC will continue to trend downwards.
im guessing that it will 2x by EOY, while BTC also doubles.
Do you understand what that means for silver spot (serious question, im fairly sure you are retarded)
Do you understand what happens to silver miners if that happens?

Anyways quit your crypto talk in PMG its ghey amd ghewish

>> No.58352961

Problem with this thesis is the police state has the tools now for more control. With that said the prices may never come back down as a means of gatekeeping the masses and secure a hold on the great reset.

>> No.58352963

coin boi silver surfer millionaire here. 'bout time to gas up the matte silver wrapped 5.0 v8 and pick me up a few whores in seattle for the weekend.

>> No.58352967
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They usually do. What was unusual was gold making that huge climb starting in late March and silver just wallowing until April

>> No.58352975

I think you are right that silver is shifting out of the traditional monetary metal role. However that dual-function will have people scrambling in to silver not selling it due to the fundamental analysis that it's not being mined sufficiently.
I think the GSR will get dangerously low.

>> No.58352990

C'mon you fuckers knock it back down to 24 you fucking losers. I need more. Announce a rate hike, do something.

>> No.58353006

what are you thinking
the GSR topped around 90
im expecting 20 but wouldn't be shocked to see it go to 5.
Would be mad comfy

>> No.58353010

>keeps avoiding the question
The question being: "Why does both, but especially silver, look the same as fiat?"

>he will keep not answering it

>> No.58353019

That bar looks too small to be a 12kg

>> No.58353028

It hit $49 in 2011..... when inflation was lower... now inflation is much higher... so shouldn't silver be WAY more than $50 already? Even if it was $50 now, in other words $1 more than in $2011, that would be way too low a price for it to have kept up with inflation. So why isn't silver going up as inflation goes up? Why is it behaving like fiat?

>> No.58353058
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Notice how the silver-shillers and silver-baggies will never ever provide a clear, succinct and honest answer to either of these questons: >>58352772 >>58353028 -- they always avoid answering them, and always resort to anger.

>> No.58353067
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>the tamp failed

>> No.58353073
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I rest my case.

>> No.58353074

I am angry. I bought shiny rock instead of real investment like pregnantbutt coin

>> No.58353134

should I wait until monday's tampering for buying more silver is it starting now?

>> No.58353153

One big difference now is the overall state of the American economy. We have replaced a once productive economy with an economy that runs on "interest-bearing instruments" and government largess paid for with diminishing revenue and a printing press. That means there may not actually BE a top because the top will blow off with the destruction of the dollar. It is a certainty that the dollar will collapse at some point. Is this that point? Stay tuned . . .

>> No.58353189

>wouldn't be shocked to see it go to 5.
Wouldn't that actually kinda suck if silver was a currency again? Even a merc would be too big for everyday purchases. Copperchads would rise up.

>> No.58353203
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Gold is very dense. 1kg of gold is roughly the size of an iPhone.

>> No.58353230

I bet if most people on the street were offered a kilo of gold or the latest iPhone, they'd take the phone.

>> No.58353288
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This would explain todays pumping


>> No.58353294
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Those are so incredibly ugly. Even a big weeb like myself can't get behind this crap.
I didn't dare to tell you that last year because you looked so happy acquiring those, but i can't shut up any longer if you start to post this vomit in OP. Those are ugly as sin. Sorry anon.

>> No.58353379

You're a PEDO, no one gives a shit what you think.

>> No.58353419
File: 507 KB, 1079x1360, Screenshot_20240410_084609_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda strange how crypto is the only chart that ended up looking exactly like the [digital] printing of money. For every cash deposit of a single dollar, there are about 2000 computer bank dollars floating around, then this ledger is rehypothecated 30x over to hold crypto prices afloat to convince the normies that crypto has an roi (this is the faith in the federal reserve notes). Crypto is propped up by the federal reserve, at the same time as the federal reserve tamps the metal prices down.
Return on investment + cheap precious metals= strong dollar
And thats why they are trying so hard to keep the crypto charade up; pmg sees right through the ruse, but the biz catalog is infected by crypto.
Silver stackers win again.

>> No.58353425

because its so simple. BTC outpreformed silver about the same as fiat.
thats why they look the same.
god are you this much of an insufferable faggot in the real world?

i hope for this scenario, i feel it would cause chaos but fix so many of the problems in the USA and the world.
personally i don't have my hopes up.
With this being said its kindof irrelevant to discussions on the GSR specifically.

i would never expect silver to be a used currency, just like gold, or copper.
tokenization is real. there is a reason this board is fixated on chainlink.
there is a synergy between LINK and precious metals.
Bitcoin is basically fiat with extra steps.
but LINK can be used to create a RWA backed currency that is highly divisible and lower friction.
only the uber wealthy will hold physical.
with that being said what are your expectations on the GSR.
I conservatively expect 20, but really expect it to go below the mining ratio of 8:1 due to the fact that gold is hoarded and silver is used.
At the same time if this were to happen, then silver will be used wayyy less (mainly in applications like solar)
Then other metals like tellurium get room to run as that is a competing commodity for solar.

>> No.58353438

This is gay and retarded. Metals fucking moon during recessions. Buy low and sell high.

>> No.58353446
File: 47 KB, 882x324, TylerDurden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs checked
Sounds like a legit source of info to rely on for serious investing.

>> No.58353484

I know that, the bar looks way bigger than 12 iPhones

>> No.58353513

you're right. mark dice did this video a while back with a bar of silver vs a bar of chocolate lol
people are dumb... shocker, i know

>> No.58353526

I think we'll be in uncharted territory.
Banks NEED to inflate and they want to do that as carefully as they can until they rugpull us all. Corporations are going to be desperate to price retail out of the metal.
I could see capital controls placed to funnel silver into products/industry only. I anticipate very lucrative prices for silver under a normal system and then the big-fiat rugpull happens shortly after. I think the system will be desperate to wring us out like towels before they have a big-reset along with high taxes and some sort of new UBI system to keep political tension under wraps.
The system is basically a ponzi scheme that is carefully administered and I think the insolvency of the system is going to usher in something different than Americans have ever seen before. Draconian laws, tamp downs on your rights etc. It's all coming, it's just a matter of whether or not they can pull it off or not.
I think it is folly to think we will all just be sitting on 401ks earning dividends and interest well into retirement. The system only works as it does because the dollar is the reserve currency and we can afford ungodly levels of purchasing power on the global market. Without that there isn't a chance in hell we can afford this lifestyle of ownership without returning to some semblance of investing in the 1970s where you are lucky to even make 3% returns.

>> No.58353528
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The different types of money compete at the currency olympics... coinage wins.

>> No.58353645

Nah, normalfags take chocolate bar over silver because silver just isn't that valuable and they have no idea how to identify or spend it. You offer someone a gold piece thick enough to pass a bite test, they'll take it and run. Every corner pawn shop buys gold.

>> No.58353753

You are a knob gobbling faggot.
Shut the fuck up douche bag.
Nobody here give one single shit what you like or don't like.
This isn't your house. You don't own anything here
Your not the boss or even a trusted advisor.
Your a miserable sack of cancerous shit that came to an anime image based discussion board to hate on anime and parade your dumb faggot ass opinions.
SHUT the fuck up and get THE FUCK out you dumb motherfucker..

Always was. Always will be.
Don't like it?, go back to whatever miserable shit hole you came from.

>> No.58353866

>pedo calling other anons faggots and douchebags
>muh anime image board
Nope that's here >>>/a/

>> No.58353950
File: 200 KB, 1200x750, MexicanSilverLibertad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ANyone know when 2024 1oz tiddy coins will be sold? It's almost mid April and still nothing on JM, APMEX, SD, etc...

>> No.58353999

You can always cherry pick retards. I'd be interested in seeing unedited information on how many people actually tried to accept the silver. I can't believe that every normalfag approached was too dumb to realize the difference in value even if they don't actually want shiny.

>> No.58354038

Silver is mooning and you're looking to buy a silver coin with officially the worst premiums?

>> No.58354057

Yes. I try to buy one every year.

>> No.58354066

people are gonna assume it's a scam or a trap even if they know the value. The experiment proves nothing aside from the stupidity of the people making it and watching it.

>> No.58354130

Try and get it while you still can i suppose.

>> No.58354156

They usually come out late in the year, like OCT. Hopefully spot is much lower by then so I can buy some up like I did last year

>> No.58354194
File: 1.82 MB, 1152x864, georg5Rm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picked up another 100 et shares today. 19,330 shares now.

>> No.58354215

This is correct. First of all they can select which people they want to interview based on which look more or less astute. Then there is the bias the other anon pointed out that everyone interviewed is going to suspect a trick to embarrass them and so they try to second-guess the trick. And then only the ones who pick incorrectly escape the cutting room floor and show up in the video. It's a commercial enterprise designed to sell clicks, not a scientific survey. In short, it's bullshit.

>> No.58354229

>It hit $49 in 2011..... when inflation was lower... now inflation is much higher... so shouldn't silver be WAY more than $50 already? Even if it was $50 now, in other words $1 more than in $2011, that would be way too low a price for it to have kept up with inflation. So why isn't silver going up as inflation goes up? Why is it behaving like fiat?
>he doesn't know about paper silver manipulation on the comex

>> No.58354230

Anon, I...

>> No.58354292

Right, I didn't even consider the classic blunder. Even the chocolate would be suspect in this case, come to think.

>> No.58354319
File: 95 KB, 933x970, ERu6axVXsAEgo65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appreciate the info chief.

>> No.58354332
File: 76 KB, 900x900, pepe_baller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silver is the next bitcoin

>> No.58354357

>Even the chocolate would be suspect in this case, come to think.
yep. Not sure about other places, but in the US you don't eat free chocolate someone is handing out on the street.
or take free silver.

>> No.58354367

"silver is purely an industrial metal" is a psyop by the banks, and people aren't gonna fall for it

>> No.58354494

Cryptonerds will seethe.

>> No.58354543
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you think thats neat, hold my beer. youll need a drink.
the patterns

>> No.58354724
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History is full of examples of powerful money interests desperately trying to kill the bimetallic system as the dual-nature of two commodities ties their hands and does not allow them to restrict money/coinage so they can replace capital with credit. Banks own the gold and absolutely HATE how thin the silver market truly is because they can't buy into it without disrupting their own paper-ponzi. Hence it is the one and only lifeship waiting for anyone looking to avoid the deleveraging.

>> No.58354891

If anyone is interested, the book "Bankers and Other Rogues" by Alexander Del Mar is a small pamphlet of essays referencing some of these various crimes from 1600s-1900s. It does not always spell everything out in simple terms but is a nice tertiary glance at some of these events that happened that basically amounts to the beginning of economic/trade/banking interests usurping money creation from the crown/people.

>> No.58354942
File: 1.40 MB, 1079x1738, Screenshot_20240322_194000_Collage Maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crypto nerds are in a perpetual state of seethe

>> No.58354962

Yeah people that find an infinite money glitch and exploit it are evil. Nobody here would ever do that, even though that's exactly what they're hoping to do. It's different when they do it because they're not evil people. Or something.

It took me almost 5 minutes to realize /pmg/ doesn't hate bankers, they just want to be them.

>> No.58355026

I just want sound money bro. I hate bankers.
But you’re not totally wrong with that observation. Those types do indeed exist.

>> No.58355036
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We didn't create the conditions we are living in. Simply smart enough to see through the ponzi-lies.

>> No.58355052

>Yeah people that find an infinite money glitch and exploit it are evil.
That's an ignorant perspective. What they're really doing is slowly enslaving every human being on the planet. It's not about them making money.

>> No.58355056

we're just buying silver for the market price fren. nothing evil happening here.

>> No.58355086
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>latest CPI data
Pic related is fitting.

>> No.58355238
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Good ending:
>Dollar an heroes and CBDC is installed
>Silver and Gold rises
>Anons sell at the peak and buy a shitload of CBDC and live like kings-ish

Bad ending:
>Dollar an heroes and CBDC is installed
>Metals get fucked into the dirt in an effort to incentivize CBDC
>Anons become background characters in a cyberpunk dystopia

>> No.58355295

How would they fuck metals to that degree? I just don’t see how it could be done.

>> No.58355344

Holy fuck we are winning so hard. When did trying to convince people to become their own bank turn into us trying to become their banker? That makes no sense everyone can do whatever they want. Like the other anon said we are simply purchasing silver for the market price.

>> No.58355375

Based and redpilled

>> No.58355404
File: 88 KB, 351x592, 1260333421253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My fellow Americans, in these dire times we must understand that our policies are only for the welfare of all Americans. And so in an effort to transition to a digital currency, I hereby sign again Executive Order 6102. Thank you.

It's that easy.

>> No.58355419
File: 84 KB, 1034x827, 1701050870202894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More likely ending:
>Dollar "dies" on paper but is immediately reborn in the form of a CBDC
>normie bank accounts get converted to CBDCs overnight with a net positive, making them feel rich and comfy
>e.g., $1000 becomes $25,000 worth of CBDC
>CBDC can't be used for things like guns, ammo, precious metals, survival supplies, etc.
>Silver and Gold moon but anons can't convert their metals to CBDCs
>2 economies emerge: The NWO CBDC system, and the black market where fiat, crypto and metals are still used as money

>> No.58355452

It can't be done. The economic problems we have are from a severe shortage of resources. 100% guarantee the globe ends up 99% poorer once their IOUs are written off as worthless paper.
The risk is in the counterparty.

>> No.58355462

I haven't been here in a few years and this post is making me wonder why I ever left. I'm laughing so hard I'm crying.

>> No.58355475
File: 249 KB, 1114x1126, KIMG5785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this scarce 10 gram c. 270 BC bronze coin from a Greek city in southern Italy for $34 just before the covid happenings and forgot about it until yesterday when I saw it while going through my hoard. I busted out my scope and cleaning tools and have been quite pleased with the progress. It'll take several more hours to finish but the piece is becoming quite the beauty, cleaning/restoring ancient treasures is very comfy.

>> No.58355485

we really aren't but if you see my posts, i love metals
hell i love them more than crypto.
but crypto is cool because its not physical.
metals are cool because they are physical.
right now i think silver is a far superior asset than crypto.
but i consider my crypto easier and safer to hold because its harder to steal.
Also helps that I have a literal degree in comp sci and cryptography from the top school for both of those programs.
I OWN NO BTC its a glowie op scam

>> No.58355505
File: 95 KB, 761x1280, 1705985868176379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we really aren't

>> No.58355512

That’s a recipe for an alternate economy and they don’t want that.

>> No.58355548
File: 76 KB, 720x712, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but i consider my crypto easier and safer to hold .
Well yeah it's easier to hold nothing than something.
>because its harder to steal
>"airdrop phishing scam"
>"code exploit"
>"dev rugpull"

>I OWN NO BTC its a glowie op scam
All of crypto is. You'll own nothing (crypto/CBDCs) and you'll be happy.

>> No.58355588
File: 375 KB, 1652x1667, KIMG5795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pleased with the progress

The obverse with Athena and her babby owl in the field is further along, it was more gunked up when I bought it than the Pegasus reverse. You couldn't tell how well executed the dies that struck it were so I'm really happy, it would have sold for 5-10x as much if it wasn't dirty.

>> No.58355654

crypto is fiat
simple as

>> No.58355702

>joe biden saying "metals bad" will definitely work
lol ok

>> No.58355745

Won't happen because the USA is too dependent on global markets and once the dollar collapses nobody not under direct force will want its replacement and that means most of the world. To quote somebody from another thread "Once they piss in the punch bowl nobody is going to drink from it". When the USA loses its throne it will have no choice but to trade using something other than dollars that everyone trusts and that sure as shit will not be an American crypto currency.

The US government could try to force a new shitcoin on the public domestically, but it wouldn't last because American business will need to use a trusted international currency and that will become the defacto domestic currency.

The game is over.

>> No.58355768

Really cool coin anon. I love the history of ancients but the learning curve and not having any clue about how to watch out for fakes has kept me out of them. One day.

>> No.58355800

People like to compare Bitcoin and the others to tulip mania but it's even worse than that. When the bottom dropped out of the tulip market at least they had some pretty flowers to show for it. Crypto is based on nothing held up by fiat currency which is also nothing.
At least with the US dollar it's held up by the United States of America and anyone trying to take it down or replace it will get knocked off. Exactly what holds up Bitcoin

>> No.58355823

You can't "own" bitcoin because it only exists as a distributed ledger on nodes across the world. Anyone can run their own node and it makes the ledger more resilient to interference. A bitcoin wallet is nothing more than a key to the public ledger that marks where your portion is. Anyone can see any transaction. In that sense I don't think bitcoin is a glowie scam and it's far more honest and transparent than the US dollar or any other so-called cryptocurrency out there. I think BTC has legitimate use as a more honest form of money in the medium term future, especially in a system where trust is lost. But it won't outlast gold and silver which are timeless. I hold both metal and BTC and I see the value in both.

>> No.58355874

>once the dollar collapses
You're assuming this will be headline news all around the world and also be point blank obvious to everyone.
I'm telling you it'll probably be covered up and portrayed as something else like an emergency cash ban to stop terrorism, and then they'll start calling the now completely digital dollar "eDollar" or something like that.

>> No.58355880

interesting scenario

>> No.58356042
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>> No.58356064

Anyone watching Peter Schiff on PBD?

>> No.58356066

Fiat means "by government decree"
BTC will never be legal tender in the US. Feds want something they'd have complete control over (CBDC)

>> No.58356105

I am now, thanks

>> No.58356123

The fact everyone still measures assets in terms of US dollars means they still have you dancing to their strings. Oh gold went "up" today? In relation to what? Why is gold the thing that has to "move"? You're still dollar-brained if you talk that way.

>> No.58356144
File: 287 KB, 2430x1259, crypto-mining-with-labor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2:

>Over time CBDCs are upgraded with enhanced features
>Now you have to spend your money in a certain timeframe
>Now you can't buy things while you're supposed to be working
>Now you're taxed on every transaction to support Israel, trannies and endangered birds

Eventually, people will be born into debt.
They will always owe more to Big Brother than they have, and the primary way that they'll pay off this debt will be manual labor.
This manual labor will generate the electricity used to mine more CBDCs.

Think I'm crazy? Silly Bill Gates filed for the patent in 2020.

>> No.58356145
File: 1.09 MB, 1080x1623, Screenshot_20240319_002658_Collage Maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the bank now.

>> No.58356160


Cool piece OP.

>> No.58356166


>> No.58356169
File: 362 KB, 819x798, flying_goldman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye majority! Buhhahahahahaha!!!

>> No.58356213

Real estate is my foundation. Gold and silver are my walls. Bitcoin is my roof. Stocks are the logs I throw on the fire to keep the house warm.

>> No.58356396

looks like the cabal has won. we are going to crab back down to a fair price for the next while. ill check back in with you guys in a few months, maybe we can buy some cheepies. cheers!

>> No.58356404
File: 1.26 MB, 800x800, goldoggo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58356414

yeah it's very nice

>> No.58356415


>> No.58356466
File: 358 KB, 782x633, 1699022238987240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job scrapfren, that's an amazing looking bronze you got there.
Do you know which city? The "LOIRON" written below the pegasus doesn't ring any bell to me. I'd have said Syracuse if you didn't talk about Italy.

>> No.58356506

Give it a chance. I think you crazy kids may hit it off.

>> No.58356514
File: 2.54 MB, 1996x1116, Screen Shot 2024-04-10 at 2.48.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone watch doug casey ever? he usually talks about gold a bit each episode?

this sold in about two hours. surprised.

>> No.58356523

You think the hyperinflationary collapse of THE global currency isn't going to be noticed? I don't even know how to respond to that. So I guess you win.

>> No.58356527

she couldn't handle me fren

>> No.58356547

>Think I'm crazy?
No but this nightmare fuel.

It make me wonder how silver and the black market will come into play during all this if at all. Even though you provided evidence of what we might expect normies will never believe it. How do we crash the system other than hoping for a natural cataclysm?

>> No.58356555

Are cheapies back on the menu or are the Chinese about to step back in?

>> No.58356557

you wish

>> No.58356569

>hyperinflationary collapse
I wasn't talking about a hyperinflationary collapse I was talking about how they'll transition the masses from the dollar to a CBDC with a simple ban on cash as legal tender.
>So I guess you win
I guess it's above your head and now you're being an asshole so sure I'll take the W.

>> No.58356612

>Silver and Gold moon but anons can't convert their metals to CBDCs

why would you want to at that point?

>> No.58356614

Wow. These charts and price movements look totally normal and 100% organic.

>> No.58356668
File: 22 KB, 250x358, 875785479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course they're not organic
they have total control over the price
that might sound black pilling, but the reality is there are real world reasons why they will want to increase the price, a lot, and soon.

>> No.58356686

Ship my silver already. You have my money.

>> No.58356692

Chang has worked hard, he should rest for a month or six.

>> No.58356707

2 economies: NWO, and black market

If anon needs something that's only available on the "NWO market", they won't be able to convert their metals for the CBDCs directly.

I was just pointing out how the programmability of this CDBC might be used to screw over stackers, and everyone else for that matter.

>> No.58356730

>why would you want to at that point?
unless you are completely off grid some you might need CBDC for expenses like real estate taxes, rent, electricity, water, insurance, groceries, etc.

>> No.58356740

I genuinely don't think the majority of the public, at least the Maga retards, are just going to roll over and accept a cbdc. This will unironically start a civil war.

>> No.58356753

why not? if they can exchange the cbdc for food, gas, and other goods, what difference does it make to them

>> No.58356778

It's been quite a topic of discussion for a while. Maga has been programmed to know that cbdc = bad.

>> No.58356796
File: 284 KB, 1277x1396, KIMG5798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the learning curve and not having any clue about how to watch out for fakes has kept me out of them

Thanks anon, if you ever decide to dabble feel free to ask for advice or a list of recommended dealers. eBay is full of fakes but there are many legit sellers there, and one can also browse several popular and very trustworthy online venues wherein no fraud or fakes are tolerated so you can one can buy genuine stuff with confidence.

Hey Frogbro, it's from a city called Lokroi Epizephyrioi in Bruttium which was at the south end of the peninsula. It's going to take time but here's the progress on the Pegasus side.

>> No.58356798

if that's true then cbdc is probably just a bugaboo that won't even happen

>> No.58356804

The majority of the global population obeyed their television and voluntarily took an experimental vaccine without question. Most of the public are the NPC meme.

>> No.58356814

Mike Adams, Alex Jones, etc have been really staunch about getting CBDCs in public knowledge for the past few years.

>> No.58356821

You guys aren't reading what I write.

Step 1: Ban cash as legal tender
Step 2: Convert everyone's banks accounts from dollars to the CBDC system "eDollars" overnight (no choice to opt out) with a favorable exchange ratio.
This makes normies feel wealthy and they can finally afford housing and food.

Even if a portion of people protest, the majority will gratefully accept the INITIAL system that relieves them of poverty.

But after a few generations the programmable CBDC will evolve into a tool of enslavement.

>> No.58356823

Very true, however if anything covid woke people up to not trust the government. May be wishful thinking and giving the general populace too much credit though. Idk.

>> No.58356831

Sure is a lot of "all powerful elite" fud going on here. THEY control everything!!! Booga Booga!

The USA is a stumbling giant and it is going to do a face plant the likes of which the world has never seen. I hope we don't have a nuke exchange, but that's how mighty will be the fall. And it will be noticed the way a punch in the nose is noticed, and it will be revolutionary, and gold and silver will still be valuable when the smoke clears. Whatever the US government does after the fall, if it is capable of doing anything at all since it will have no operational money machine anymore, it will not restore it to the throne.

>> No.58356852

And let's not forget the "people are too stupid to value PMs" fud. All in the fud script.

>> No.58356881

What reasons Neo?

>> No.58356906
File: 1.14 MB, 1058x1411, 151161987987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sure is a lot of "all powerful elite" fud going on here
>All in the fud script.
ahh shit I thought I recognized you, you're terrible dude and you do this every time we try to talk about wealthy/powerful people trying to control events.

I'm speaking out against them, showing you patents, logically putting forward some theories that make us stackers look good/smart, nothing negative really unless you're a normie NPC..
and yet you still have to act like a competitive faggot and call me a fudder. Narcissitic boomer.

>> No.58356916
File: 788 KB, 1600x900, s-l160020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh ok i see it now, i thought the K was an I because of the dirt. Cleaning is almost done it seems, you did all that just with toothpicks and sharp torn?
Superb, the details are fantastic!

>> No.58356961

In case you haven't figured it out we are being enslaved and ignorance is how we got here. Hoping for the best is not a solution.

>> No.58357016
File: 42 KB, 600x600, noboogeyman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"all powerful elite" fud

>> No.58357039
File: 91 KB, 736x736, 0ca19a788b9b6ed14bf8e81c8a31b755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"there's no such thing as "them" that's just your FUD script anon"

>> No.58357061

Underestimating your enemy is a strategic flaw that, at worst, results in glorious death on the battlefield. Overestimating your enemy is, at best, a strategic flaw that leaves you cowering in impotence, dying a thousand deaths.

>> No.58357113

Almost a whole dollar whipsaw, fucking wild

>> No.58357123

>But after a few generations the programmable CBDC will evolve into a tool of enslavement.
This is how they do almost everything, nice and slow so hardly anyone notices. And the ones who do notice and try to speak out will be silenced by censorship or drowned out by establishment shills.

>> No.58357125

>"I shall bury my head in the sand and refuse to consider the opinions and facts presented by others in the most dickish manner possible."
narcissism, simple as

>> No.58357127

Everyone give up! The enemy is too big and powerful! People are too stupid. There is no future but slavery. This is not a fud! It's the truth! There is no hope. Look, here's a book that says you will fail. Give up now!


>> No.58357206

he's suggesting the palestinians are less tolerant of christians than israel while israel is bombing out churches there? what a jew

>> No.58357258
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>> No.58357272

Yes ignoring the problem makes it go away. Brilliant.

>> No.58357294

just buy physical silver
that's all you need to do

>> No.58357389

Is that a government minted Japanese bullion coin

>> No.58357420
File: 23 KB, 300x300, 21341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else notice lately theres always a spike right before the markets close in the west

>> No.58357424

The thing is, I'm just going to keep converting fiat notes into physical silver, that all.

>> No.58357449
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>> No.58357463


>> No.58357539
File: 354 KB, 1096x1461, 20220320_085800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, one of the few. They haven't really gotten into the swing of minting bullion. There are various commemoratives of Imperial family events, Olympic games, and such. But no bullion for the sake of bullion that I know of.

>> No.58357572
File: 317 KB, 1096x1461, 20220320_085817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flip side. !964 Olympics was a big deal for Japan. In a way it was their post-war re-entry into the world of nations. There is a pretty cool documentary about it.

>> No.58357612

It's not though. You all are missing what that other anon is saying. Silver is obviously a good play for reasons we all understand but they are still going to try to implement their CBDC plan.
Also how are you going to pay for things like rent and utilities with silver?

>> No.58357653
File: 2.33 MB, 5184x1944, Fifty Sen Merge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their post-war re-entry into the world of nations
Pre-globalist enslaved Japan = Best Japan

>> No.58357685

>Pay taxes with my UBI sovereign shitcoins
>what are utilities? Bought panels, storage, and well drilled with metal

Metal for anything else.

>> No.58357721

Also, boy they sure have a whole bunch of electrical substations to harden up before they could even think of going cbdc only. Just sayin. You don’t think rednecks would abstain from taking pot shots at transformers, do you anon?

>> No.58357751

neat. how much was that?

>> No.58357760
File: 327 KB, 1096x1461, 20230919_055702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Culturally, pre-Meiji was even better. But economically the Edo period was a mess.

>> No.58357772

Very nice 50 sen. Those were the days that most of the world was on a de facto silver dollar standard.

>> No.58357850

You're assuming a lot there.
>Metal for anything else.
How much do you have?
>electrical substations to harden up
You don't understand what you're talking about. The CBDC will still be a distributed ledger like a cryptocurrency. You can't take it out by attacking a few hundred substations.

>> No.58357853
File: 329 KB, 1575x669, Silver Sen Order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got it with some other Sens

>> No.58357884

>how much?
Yeah, I get how the ledgers work friend. I’m not saying you can erase it but people can absolutely do a lot to make using it a major assache or impossible to access for long lengths of time.

>> No.58357983

Probably not.
>I’m not saying you can erase it but people can absolutely do a lot to make using it a major assache or impossible to access for long lengths of time.
That's called terrorism, congrats. You'll starve millions of normie babies just to spite Big Brother instead of stacking metal and informing others.

>> No.58357994

>Also how are you going to pay for things like rent and utilities with silver?
why would that be an issue after the great silver reevaluation? silver is money.

>> No.58358035

Do you think they are going to allow to convert you silver gains to CBDC?

>> No.58358045

As if the cbdc is foregone conclusion. Fuck off faggot.

>> No.58358075

I’m not advocating it but do you really think it wouldn’t happen?? Because it’s illegal? Kek. Shit, it happened more than a few times during Covid. Too many people are already hip to CBDC chicanery. You brought up the scenario and I followed reasoning there. Why are you so invested in not poking holes in your dream cbdc scenario?
It’s the indisputable shortcoming of a crypto, particularly one aiming to be used in daily transactions - they don’t won’t work well when everything is airgapped. Doesn’t matter it it’s from terrorism or weather or mossad space lasers.

>> No.58358081

plenty of stores already accept silver as payment
once silver is $1000+ an ounce, you can easily negotiate to pay someone 1-2 ounces of silver per month for rent
i repeat: silver. is. money.

>> No.58358106

quality coin
quality hand

>> No.58358126

So you plan to pay your bills in silver? Like mail in a coin?

>> No.58358144

that seems super reasonable

>> No.58358162

Yes they'd never try to control the next money system after the current one they created collapses. Thats just crazy talk.

>> No.58358170

mail? apartments have offices in the building you pay at. do you even pay bills?

>> No.58358184

They can try whatever they want. If the dollar collapses I'm sure everyone domestic and foreign Will jump right on board.

>> No.58358189
File: 139 KB, 1080x1080, bonds bubble implosion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing makes any sense with the silver price because we are missing a piece of the puzzle.
Today should have been a nuclear-level red candle. All the usual indicators were there for spot to plunge into the abyss :
- SLV short positions at ATH
- the dollar index spiking up to 105
- 500 millions paper oz traded DAILY for over a week
- Fed backtracking on the interest rates' ease because of inflation remaining too high
- pretty much every indices in the red

If you add the fact there is basically no retail demand for silver, as proven by the ultra low premiums, the current run make no sense. Sure, sure, SHGE spread, chink slurpin' blablah, but that's not enough. Today should have been pitch black and we crabbed instead.
So we are missing a piece of the puzzle. Someone else is keeping it up against all odds and we don't know who.

>> No.58358197

Do you pay your water, electric, gas, phone, and internet bill at your apartment office?

>> No.58358202

>Because it’s illegal? Kek.
Did you even read what I wrote? If you attack the electrical grid you'll just hurt other people.
It's not going to force them to stop the usage of CBDCs...

They'll just setup exchange centers protected by military where people go to scan their wrist chips (muh mark of the beast). You won't be doing shit with your redneck posse then.

Retard, CBDCs have been in development for more than a decade. You're just like the other boomer with your head buried in the sand hoping that what we're saying isn't true.

>> No.58358222

Banks could do a switch overnight and there would be nothing you could do about it.

>> No.58358260

In the end i probably paid about €61 as the Japanese guy gave me a refund on the postage as i ordered 3 items and overcharging buyers is dishonourable for them.

>> No.58358287
File: 15 KB, 400x320, 1709002718607849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's that easy.
to become kings of the black market

>> No.58358301

All money is is the most liquid asset in a society. Cbdc will have to compete with real money if they try this. I won't be accepting or using any cbdc. Both of yall can get fucked.

>> No.58358304

go make a /pol/ thread about it dude

>> No.58358312 [DELETED] 

>You won't be doing shit with your redneck posse then.
have one of the rednecks go and look at names and record faces of the soliders. query mrn database for pii for those soldiers. make sure to notice their addresses and any underage children they also have registered. go kill their families the next day.

>> No.58358328

Since when did pmg become a safe space?

>> No.58358350

whining about muh cdbc this much is just off topic, honestly

>> No.58358380

>So we are missing a piece of the puzzle. Someone else is keeping it up against all odds and we don't know who.

Its China, they are sick of the western khazar banking system, they are looking at their games (((the west))) they are playing with Russia in Ukraine and they know the war with them (China) is planned for 2025.

Ive worked it out, they are collapsing the system but dont want to be blamed for it by the west, so whats their tactic for doing it? They are making shit loads of useless solar panels that need lots of silver and will never get used. Its the west that is pushing the whole save the planet green hoax agenda so China is playing the game by making stupid amounts of solar panels and making it look like they are "saving the world" while at the same time bringing down the zionist satanic banking system.

Its the reason that idiot Janet Yellen has made 2 trips there recently begging them to stop as they are bringing down the system but cant be blamed for it.

>> No.58358386
File: 425 KB, 1024x664, 1679016580500494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was me

>> No.58358420

CBDCs are 100% on-topic for /pmg/. YOU can fuck off.
I probably have a bigger stack than the both of you combined.

You honestly sound like you're just too scared to talk about this kind of thing. If you'd rather talk about ugly numismatics then go to a coin collecting forum, faggots.

>> No.58358430

>They are making shit loads of useless solar panels that need lots of silver and will never get used. Its the west that is pushing the whole save the planet green hoax agenda so China is playing the game by making stupid amounts of solar panels and making it look like they are "saving the world" while at the same time bringing down the zionist satanic banking system
based chinks
who said chinks can't be creative

>> No.58358448

>shut it down
We are discussing what we can reasonably expect to happen and how silver might come into play when they try to make the switch to CBDC. The Bank of International Settlements already told us this is what they are planning and that they are planning to have the system in place. Covering your eyes and ears will not stop it.

>> No.58358452

I'd like some cheap solar panels...

>> No.58358453

>I probably have a bigger stack than the both of you combined.
post it

>> No.58358465

You did absolutely NOTHING to counter my argument faggot. Like the Vax, I will not accept a cbdc. Simple as.

>> No.58358469
File: 1.65 MB, 1168x766, 20toz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well biden will make sure you never get em because of a chinese tariff on solar panels i bet loool
and at the same time he'll keep blabbing about how we need green energy to save teh planet

>> No.58358473
File: 56 KB, 680x453, 15181374_1343437319041415_6071108983913026550_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's Shanghai traders taking delivery instead of settling for the paper lmao

>> No.58358488

Just because futures contracts are there doesn't mean they're in profit. Your basic 3 phase whackoff distribution is short squeeze, followed by futures changing direction, and then retail buying the top off futures. We're currently at the end of phase 1 for this micro cycle.

>> No.58358491

Uh Cletus I'm pretty sure they noted you wont participate but I think they are going to go ahead with their plan for world govt and CBDC anyways.

>> No.58358496
File: 2.58 MB, 4032x3024, silver and hatchet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how they'll transition the masses from the dollar to a CBDC with a simple ban on cash as legal tender.
Nah, people will be begging for the government to save them, and they will, after the bankers do a controlled demolition and pop the everything bubble. Of course they will let the people suffer for a while and take control of any assets that the people may still have. Then will come the total enslavement of the human race via CBDCs under the guise of humanity's saving grace.

I think the most likely outcome is that those who own PMs will be able to skirt the system and end up very well off as far as the black market goes.

>> No.58358509

I forgot to mention battery cars too, they have huge car parks full of new battery cars that will never be sold and use up shit loads of silver to make them.

>> No.58358517

some people here don't seem to get just how valuable silver is
it's a strategic resource
they can't afford to let silver bullion rot in some black market
they NEED it back in circulation so they can take it for industry
even if muh cdbc is real, silver will have a very very favorable exchange rate. so who cares

>> No.58358529

Absolute state of fudders. They've moved on from 80% losses to don't stack because the cbdc is coming. Fucking kek.

>> No.58358543

Now this just sounds silly. Even at a loss they could sell those (abroad, maybe) and have more money to buy more silver. We have a ways to go before recovering metal becomes really economical, don't we?

>> No.58358555

>We have a ways to go before recovering metal becomes really economical
sure, but that point is coming
soon mining trash dumps for silver will be a whole new industry

>> No.58358573
File: 295 KB, 1052x1402, BIS plan for CBDC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask if there is an adult around that can explain this to you.

>> No.58358583

>Even at a loss they could sell those (abroad, maybe)

There is no maybe, the battery car agenda is dead, the sales have collapsed, but its not stopping the Chinese from making them and trowing them outside into the weather to rot, the money means nothing to China anymore, its about draining the system of physical silver and collapsing it.

>> No.58358609
File: 900 KB, 644x786, brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silver is the achilles heal of the zog empire
always has been

>> No.58358613

>You did absolutely NOTHING to counter my argument faggot
lol were already countered by 2 anons here, the banks can change your account overnight and there's nothing you can do about it

>post it
it's actually already been posted in this thread but not by me

>I think the most likely outcome is that those who own PMs will be able to skirt the system and end up very well off as far as the black market goes.
100%, so I'm not sure where we disagree. Also I like your skull coin.

>Absolute state of fudders
Man, I just wanted to talk about the future of finance and what might happen.
/pmg/ is incredibly boring most days with you guys posting ancient stack pics of that 20 oz Scottsdale Mint bar and the Donald Duck stacking bar...like god damned go out and buy something new. Do something new. Let us talk about something new.

>> No.58358615

What do you guys think about UBI? How would one transition to UBI given their current (or lack of) real estate ownership?

>> No.58358672
File: 898 KB, 487x560, 1525843335118.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just because futures contracts are there doesn't mean they're in profit
Sure, but usually peaks of activity are followed by a price move, one way or the other. But here it feels like the statu quo want to be maintained, each time we see a sudden dip it's immediately followed by a green candle of similar magnitude. I'm not expert of all this paper kikery, it just that my guts tells me there's something fishy.

>> No.58358697
File: 2.39 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they NEED it back in circulation so they can take it for industry
That may be the case, but that doesn't mean I'm going to trade my silver or gold for Good Boy Points government crypto. That would be giving up all control, and I'm not willing to do that. I may, and most probably will, be forced to pay all my bills with CBDCs, but anything the government decides to outlaw will still be able to be purchased by those who own PMs.

>> No.58358731

I Dunno if I'd want chink solar panels desu they'd just burst into flames or some shit

>> No.58358743
File: 1.17 MB, 3021x2044, Hibernia 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100%, so I'm not sure where we disagree. Also I like your skull coin.
I think we disagree on how CBDCs will be implemented. I gave the skull coin to my step sister who lives in Chicago. Maybe it'll come in handy if she needs to buy her way out of that shithole and escape some day.

>> No.58358801
File: 3.58 MB, 3024x3024, Lamb and silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58358972

true, nobody cares about the Good Boy Points government crypto. but you can immediately use it to buy goods/services presumably, so it's like you're trading your silver for people to build you a house, etc. after the great reevaluation of silver, there will be many attractive options for us stackers to consider.

>> No.58359076
File: 12 KB, 326x252, 1669043229735783.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crypto nerds will seethe

>> No.58359092
File: 2.08 MB, 992x2664, 1674097134454882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>User ID: lOJS7GoY

Sorry, I just needed to point that out.

>> No.58359093

Yup. The rise in metals prices caused the fuds to shift tactics. Now it is a rehash of the "all powerful elite will do what they want" fud. And the "people are too stupid to value PMs" fud. We have seen it here before.

When the dollars eats it, the world is going to go into shock. Then a replacement currency will be released. But it will not be coming from the same American government that just fucked everyone up the ass with a hot poker. It will be coming from somewhere else and it will have to be backed with hard assets or nobody will trust it. You can bet China and Russia are anticipating this. Because the next global currency will not originate in the USA, the USA will not be able to force US citizens to use cbdc or any other lame vapor money. They will not be able to make Americans use money that is no good in the rest of the world because we are too dependent on foreign trade. We have to be able to buy foreign goods and that means we will need money that foreigners will accept.

>> No.58359142

besides older canadian nickels what are some other 99.9% nickel coins worth collecting?

>> No.58359206
File: 259 KB, 640x610, KEK and nickel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have about 9 lbs of the shit. Got it off of Ebay pretty cheap. I forgot where the coins come from though, sorry.

>> No.58359293

what do you guys think is the value threshold at which point everyone and their grandma start stacking?

>> No.58359345

the inflation reports today were damning
a few more like that and stacking becomes mainstream

>> No.58359384

>I forgot where the coins come from though, sorry.
France and a bit from the Netherlands, judging by your pic.

>> No.58359404

>20 oz Scottsdale bar
Dude, PLEASE. Go out and buy something new. You come off as a shill when you spam the same pic in every thread.

>> No.58359425

>20 pbtid
>literally zero pics of PMs
>bitching about other people's PMs

>> No.58359435

Cool photo of an interesting stack.

>> No.58359446

If I post a stack pic from a week ago you asshole boomers complain about it.
Meanwhile you get to post the same stupid pic every thread for 5+ years and nobody bats an eye.

>> No.58359460


Lol, you see, I'm just not going to use cbdc, hahahhahahahahahahahahA

>> No.58359469

The gap between government CPI and jobs reports and the experience of the man on the street is widening. And the interests of the government and the Fed are diverging. The government needs to keep printing money to buy votes and reward cronies and the Fed needs to keep inflation in check so it can keep the big scam going. The Fed is driving the economy into recession with high interest rates and that is causing government to lose tax. It is also accelerating the timeline for the point at which interest on the debt exceeds all Federal government revenue. Interesting times indeed.

>> No.58359486

>And the interests of the government and the Fed are diverging
It's the same people my dude. We don't need your CNN recap on the situation.

>> No.58359494
File: 3.02 MB, 1600x1000, copper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of copper coins i slurped today. 17€.
Might sound expensive for few copper coins, but that's a great deal in truth, thanks to the 1896's 1 cent coin from Liberia. The 8 maravedis coins are also worth few bux.

>> No.58359501
File: 339 KB, 1096x1461, 20210527_055102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, the goal of the "all powerful elite" fuds is to make people feel that they are helpless. But we aren't. Stacking metals is the best way to exit from the collapsing banking scam. Secure your wealth in tangible assets and step back to watch the monster burn to the ground. Stack on!

>> No.58359516
File: 803 KB, 2560x1331, C189016197-1-20190313225354-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if they still have beautiful white women displayed on their coinage in Liberia, kek.

>> No.58359536

I think it's just the normal macro cycle of rock vs paper. You'll know you're in kikery when they halt trading and start rolling back trades like they did with nickel futures when the shit in Ukraine kicked off.

>> No.58359573
File: 690 KB, 1071x1066, 2751-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes regret being so curious...

>> No.58359574
File: 1.43 MB, 1008x756, 1904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58359599
File: 3.43 MB, 4032x3024, 20240225_132323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys do have your proof you aren't a racist; right?!

>> No.58359613
File: 1.83 MB, 1771x1162, boomersplz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remember, the goal of the "all powerful elite" fuds is to make people feel that they are helpless.
God, you're a fag.
My entire point was that anons here who stack metals are going to be kings in the future. Emperors. Lords of the land.
I just explained how that would happen.

I wish boomers here weren't so busy smelling their own farts and killing the positive vibes here every night but oh well.

>> No.58359635

that's actually one of their better recent releases imo

>> No.58359872

The greatest trick the banks ever pulled was convincing people to value gold/silver based on fiat. Smart anons see it the other way around.
1 oz of silver isn't worth $25+ because $ are not the standard.
Smart anons see that it now takes $25+ to get an ounce of silver. That means the value of the dollar against the standard has dropped.
1oz of gold/silver will always be worth 1oz of gold/silver. It literally costs the exact same amount of silver to buy a Corvette 50 years ago as it does today. It purchases the exact same level of respective technological advancement regardless of level.
Hell, the price of a prime cow costs the exact same in silver since recorded history.
The higher silver goes, the more you should buy.

>> No.58359902

Anons, best way to get older European silver in the US? I love that stuff but damn its so expensive.
Nice coins.

>> No.58360039
File: 394 KB, 200x150, 1525560972427.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58360047
File: 2.27 MB, 3715x3000, IMG_0774a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post more hand fulls of gold

>> No.58360078

Is that gold or gilded silver?

>> No.58360132

Neither, it's painted silver. Especially ugly & cheap looking, yet sold at outrageous prices to stupid weebo gaijins. Why would anyone pick this over any other design?
>place =/
>place, Japan =O

>> No.58360165

>he has not experienced the whimsical beauty of the japanese prefectures
how sad

>> No.58360194

>whimsical beauty
Yea this is why you boomers need you own numismatics general (/nmg/?) thread
I stack for weight I don't want to look at painted silver and slabbed euro junk silver

>> No.58360211

I need a few thousand dollars and was going to sell some of my bullion. How do you recommend doing it to not have to take a huge loss?

>> No.58360229

just use a credit card and pay it off later

>> No.58360239

By all means, let’s look at pics of the same generics over and over again. Just keep scrolling if you don’t like the pic anon.
I don’t care whether it’s junk or some painted weeb round. If it’s pm, it’s fine.

>> No.58360283

All those companies have offices you stupid faggot

>> No.58360287

>Just keep scrolling if you don’t like the pic anon.
I did, 1 pbtid anon. That's the first complaint I've made after the painted rounds were spammed last thread and became OP of this one, and it's only because someone else complained about them first.

>> No.58360313

two options,
1 >just keep stacking silver. the mines run out in about 2033, and they cant run their whole nightmare system without it.

1.a> they are able to extend their nightmare society to only a few large cities, so escape the city and youll be okay

2> they find some esoteric magic that lets them circumvent the need for silver in their nightmare society. but they still need power, a grid, fiber optic lines, and many other poorly guarded weak points.

>> No.58360336

maybe that's 1 complaint too many

>> No.58360345
File: 1.55 MB, 1096x1056, ASPIE LIBERTY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got her!

>> No.58360358

Maybe you need to let people speak their minds and stop trying to be the know-it-all /pmg/ police.

>> No.58360405


>> No.58360428
File: 1.01 MB, 1697x1607, IMG_3272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58360433

The interest on that would probably amount to a larger loss than selling my bullion. Do you have any other advice?

>> No.58360469

Surprisingly. I thought everything on this thread was pure shit posting.
lol that isn't the coin sleeve I got. Bubble wrap with a circle plastic sleeve.
>She is so smug in her square

>> No.58360474

Wow nothing gets past you huh?

>> No.58360519

Nobody is saying not to stack PMs you absolute moron.

>> No.58360540

Nothing you say is intellectually sound. You are a bootlicking gorilla nigger.

>> No.58360576

Let me guess, you have a huge pile of painted silver coins.

>> No.58360606

where did you acquire this treasure?

>> No.58360714
File: 163 KB, 960x1200, 1712718963991856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With 20k dollary doos would you buy raw land or more gold? Assume you have a holding of each already.

>> No.58360730

>lol that isn't the coin sleeve I got. Bubble wrap with a circle plastic sleeve
mine came like it shows, with two pieces of bubble wrap sliding around in the box, shit rattled like a couple of dried beans in there.

>> No.58360752

how much land you got? will this 20k get you something really nice like riverfront? will you be able to do something with this new land that drastically improves your life?

>> No.58360777
File: 355 KB, 473x612, 1711933769562204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can build a pond and have more livestock. In a collapse this will drastically improve my life. In the meantime, I can make a continual profit off of livestock as well as having fresh meat and things like lard, tallow, and eggs.

>> No.58360807

>20 posts by this ID
Literally nothing contributed precious metals related.

>> No.58360821

depends on when you can move in and start using it.
have looked into what it would take to build a pond? depending on the size it could cost you a large fraction of the price you paid for your land, plus it's not natural so it will need maintenance and aeration.
i know it's idyllic, as i often fantasize about it, but when you get to research- it's a ton to learn and get right or it's going to be a costly fix.
if i had $20k and wasnt 100% on the land and any issue it has i would just save and buy a gold dip.

>> No.58360829

>1 pbtid
Switching IDs every few minutes doesn't mean anons like you are more correct, it means you're cowardly.

>> No.58360831

also where are the other "far rights" at the farmers market.
all i ever see is faggots and old women.

>> No.58360851

Shutup GoY

>> No.58360941

you can’t eat silver

>> No.58360978

What’s your point?

>> No.58360998 [DELETED] 

Its Eid day here today. As being a student I don't have enough funds to celebrate this day. Not even good cloths or foods I have. Can someone donate me $1k? Will be really helpful, I could celebrate my days well :)

If anyone may helps please send me an email to anon33001@gmail.com

>> No.58360999
File: 230 KB, 1500x1000, precious metals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not willing to post it because i won't shill for a business but the anon who made it had the reverse side as the business logo.

>> No.58361005

hmmmm. sounds cozy. well if that 20k land is attached to your land, then i think id do it.

a pond is gonna be work, but i believe in you.

>> No.58361037

mine had been over taped. like, seriously too much tape. i guess it was safe? hopefully the anon outsources shipping next time. leave it to the pros

>> No.58361062

samefag busted

>> No.58361319
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>> No.58361335
File: 9 KB, 208x243, 96598756-258s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my first order in to start my investment and retirement stack.

Thanks /pmg!

>> No.58361382

how much did you buy?

>> No.58361606
File: 2.40 MB, 3000x4000, IMG20240411152327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58361614
File: 2.66 MB, 4000x3000, IMG20240411152221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58361629
File: 2.84 MB, 3000x4000, IMG20240411152240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meals prepped and frozen. Black diesel made and ready on 20L tubs. Beef frozen. 12v solar power stored in 400ah lithium. Cash withdrawn from ATM. Gym membership 10aud paid. Next week in monk mode set.

>> No.58362004
File: 187 KB, 768x1068, gold tendies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blew my gold budget first on 5oz of pic rel
and 20 silver eagles for my first order.

My target after that will be 1 oz of gold and at least 100 oz of silver per year after my initial of 30k aud has been invested. 18k gold 12k silver.

I like my intrinsic tendies!

>> No.58362023

Mmm das is gut.

>> No.58362498

Where the fuck you getting land for 20k in Aus? I've got 20k gold I'll sell and get into a bid war with you for it.

>> No.58363833

Nice try goldstein

>> No.58363890
File: 1.49 MB, 360x360, summervacation2024.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58364173
File: 125 KB, 640x360, my-disappointment.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Neither, it's painted silver

>> No.58364330

what price can silver reach ?

>> No.58364334
File: 828 KB, 500x500, pmg jannies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think over half the posters here are silver dealers
prove me wrong

>> No.58364336

silver will reach 1:1 parity with gold

>> No.58364339

Triple digits.

>> No.58364343

27.5 is the new floor

>> No.58364350


>> No.58364362

What % are bots?

>> No.58364441

New thread

>> No.58364674

I dont hate bankers I hate jews there is alot of overlap though

>> No.58364699

very nice

>> No.58364978

If all the world silver and gold was distributed how much would each one get?
Chat gpt says 9 grams of silver per person and 25 of gold which is obviously wrong
any anon can clarifgy?

>> No.58365188
File: 207 KB, 1513x959, ods_GlobalCompare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on what you mean by "all"...
Available to the public, like us?
Or of all pulled out of the Earth?
Or what is speculated to still be in the ground?
Pic related can help answer the first two.

>> No.58366830

Bald guy money on YouTube has a few good videos on the how much pm per person topic friend.