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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58354989 No.58354989 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get a fucking job in 2024 holy shit this is ridiculous.

>> No.58355946

>pull yourself up by your bootstraps
>get a haircut
>bee yourself
>apply for 1000 more jobs
>give 'em a firm handshake
>eat beans n rice
>young people just dont want to work
>apply for 10,000,000 more jobs
>i see hiring signs EvErYwHeRe
what a time to be alive

>> No.58355965
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note to janie, this is educational on topic photo

>> No.58355968

You forgot the part about burying yourself underneath a mountain of student loan debt in hopes of landing a good job.

>> No.58355981


Go work at a factory.

>> No.58355987

Please post the uncensored picture to aid my research efforts.

>> No.58356029
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kneepads or just get in early on testicular torsion to secure lifetime neet status


>> No.58356167

My sister has been vetting ai chat responses. She's just got an enhanced offer from them to write the questions.

She can't write a line of code and struggles with reheating food.

I applied with a stem degree and published healthcare mining work... nothing.

The ss neetship is complete and setting sail.

>> No.58356184

I have enough money to neet for the rest of my life so I feel a little less pressure at least

>> No.58356257

kek fuck boomers

>> No.58356271

It's impossible

You must gamble on shitcoins or die on the street

>> No.58356312

It's pretty fucking hard. Try and find a company of around 100 people and go talk to them directly. That class of business is the only chance you have.

>> No.58356324

have you tried looking them in the eye and giving them a firm handshake?

>> No.58356336


>> No.58356348

>My sister has been vetting ai chat responses. She's just got an enhanced offer from them to write the questions.
These jobs will be gone in a few weeks when CS realizes LLMs are worthless garbage and moves onto the next scam

>> No.58356379

I only make like 50k a year desu I fucking hate it and I want a violent revolution to come. All of my investments, savings, emergency funds are worth dogshit as they devalue the dollar

>> No.58356395

>All of my investments, savings, emergency funds are worth dogshit as they devalue the dollar
It's only going to get worse for.. the next 20 years :)
No congress won't pass a single policy to stop it other than maybe a half assed war :)

>> No.58356424
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based and joblesspilled
you can't get a high paying job in 2024, you only have left grease jobs and you will smile when the govt rob you 3% of your income in inflation rate according to truflation

you will own nothing and be happy

>> No.58356427

>These jobs will be gone in a few weeks when CS realizes LLMs are worthless garbage and moves onto the next scam
Probably. It also doesn't make sense in a statistic/legal sense to employ a small number of people to vet a large number of responses, as opposed to a large number of people vetting some, since then if they're challenged on the suitability of response they can quote a large number of opinions vetters.

>> No.58356456

>Probably. It also doesn't make sense in a statistic/legal sense to employ a small number of people to vet a large number of responses, as opposed to a large number of people vetting some, since then if they're challenged on the suitability of response they can quote a large number of opinions vetters.
These are a lot of words for avoiding the truth about what CS claimed as a crowning technological achievement of silicon valley: the ministry of truth and offering Winstons jobs where the tube gives you a wrongthink and you use whiteout and paste a righthink

>> No.58356511
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>you need a degree for this job
>okay heres my de-
>you also need licensure
>okay heres my li-
>sorry, you also need experience
>okay heres my ex-
>sorry, you're not a minority, one of which we will hire lacking all of those requirements :)

>> No.58356533

youtube tutorials and I'm not even fucking joking.
learn something new, then learn how write a cover letter and how to nail the interview
it's all about faking it until you've got your foot in the door
>t. starting 80k entry-level job next week

>> No.58356540

I got a job just last month
just go to job interviews and shit
don't act like a sperg

>> No.58356544

What job?
I'm cs/tech so it's even more doomed for me. I've done everything they asked even have a personal website with all my shit and can't even get interviews

>> No.58356576
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Literally just be good at something, I make websites for small businesses because the boomers who run them don't know shit about computers

>> No.58356589

It is moving worryingly in that direction, and I didn't even particularly like the book.

>> No.58356641
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I'm ready for my rejection.

>> No.58356825

It really so be like that.

>> No.58356840

>not [Decline to Identify]
It's like you want to lose. You realize if you answer white it hurts HR's niggermetrics.

>> No.58356862

Full time jobs are decreasing right now. The "Goldilocks economy" is migrants taking on part time work and the BLS saying LOOK 300K JOBS ADDED.

We're in a white collar recession so decent paying jobs are hard to come by

>> No.58356894

>go to community college for a CNC technical certificate
>land CNC operator job for $30/hr+
>type in some codes, hit start program
>let the machine run itself while you shitpost on 4chan

>> No.58356900
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hate that my parents encouraged me to not work for like 10 years

>> No.58357013
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Sadly all of the jobs are going to be reducing on rates of employment in the coming years. That's why most of us are hard focusing on crypto blud, buy some ai tokens (agrs is a big player this april) and try to make it before you end up eating shoe soles for breakfast

>> No.58357033


These three anons speak the truth.

>t. 100-110k/yr who jumped ship from the tech bubble in 2022

>> No.58357065

Do you have employment offices there?
When I was younger I literally walked into an employment office and got set up with an interview at a call center the next day and got the job on the spot. Yeah it was a shitty job but at least it was something and it required virtually no effort on my part.

>> No.58357144
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I gave up the pursuit of a six figure salary. Finally buckled down on blue collar honest work and make $26 an hour. No college debt, nothing impressive but just enough to get by and it's honestly humbling. Shooting jokes with the boomer chads and ladies is kinda fun, watching elderly people sneak in some spicy redpills around the workplace is also interesting. Job isn't anywhere near as soul sucking as retail cucking but I still feel like I'm a wage slave, albeit a higher tier one.

>> No.58357494
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First job? If you didn't go to a feeder school, get sth basic and grind your lazy zoomer ass for a year. And constantly apply for smth better. It's a BITCH but it works out in the end.

>> No.58357851

Unironically check black and female on the demographic information and if the HR roastie on the phone asks you if you are just straight face lie to her. They aren't allowed to ask that shit to you and the people who would give you the actual real interview after HR roastie will never see this information. All it will do is get the algo to put your resume on the top of the pile and you will be much more likely to get the job.

>> No.58358411
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lying on your resume, it always works, you also have to be a smooth talker if you want to be believed
I had to lie that I had 8 years of experience, and now I just spend my time in the office pretending to work and watching VINU charts and more dogs lmao

>> No.58358449
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Bobo nazi disinformation thread
We have a job shortage and need more immigrants

You WON'T get your housing crash, bobo. Refugees are welcome here.

>> No.58358590

help me out here what job?

can I get a programming job like this?