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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58349190 No.58349190 [Reply] [Original]

What has more potential? APU? BAPU? SQUID? VOID?

>> No.58349200

Your answer is literally in the image you posted

>> No.58349212

Apu with gains hedged into squid but not enough to seriously cut your apu stack

>> No.58349254

You keep posting this as if those other coins aren't obvious shills.
Stop trying to compare this absolute dogshit to Apu.

>> No.58349274

If big PEPE and APY holders dont own any of it, it's shit.
FYI I wrote a wallet scanner that I use to scan whale wallets from APU. Neither BAPU nor SQUID showed up. I did fine an interesting sort of APU offshoot at $15m that an APU holder aped $3k into. I'm lot quite sure why though... I put in $100 to be safe.

If anyone wants to know the token, give me some whale addresses, preferably meme coin holders that have a good stack of PEPE, APU, or similarly successful meme coins in that space. No dog coins.

>> No.58349283

APU is guaranteed to hit 1B.
BAPU will do a 50x minimum from here.

Other two are trash.

>> No.58349398

(APU), (BAPU), (SQUID), (GMC) are my comfy holds for this summer

>> No.58349484 [DELETED] 


>> No.58349505

Apu, then Bapu

>> No.58349515


>> No.58349521

Exactly this. I got rugged with dMOON but GMC is doing so well it doesn't bother me :)

>> No.58349526 [DELETED] 
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>> No.58349538

idk you tell me anon

>> No.58349993

Wow this is literally me. t. Making it as we speak, comfy big stack in both.

>> No.58350123 [DELETED] 


>> No.58350212
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>> No.58350218

checked, fpbp

>> No.58350258

Squid for sure. Apu will moon way higher but will take longer as its at 120M. Squid is at 1M with apu holders joining. Seemed obvious to me.

>> No.58350352


>> No.58350366

I know this is bait but look at the frog you posted, are you for real asking this question?

>> No.58350421
File: 140 KB, 1024x1024, document - 2024-04-09T212854.377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Squid stays pickled
100m eom screen cap this

>> No.58350446

I had to chose an image, and since people are spamming the frog it could get people attention ...

>> No.58350507

From here? Bapu. Every dump got slurped by a few people who want this to work. Same energy as early apu. /biz/ just tends to marry a coin and then make their personality about it. Early apu was fun, current apu is gigafun. Current bapu is fun and will become gigafun if it gets slurped

>> No.58350596

Consider looking towards MMON, Chuds are already betting on this Memecoin to be the next biggest thing on Solana, following the footsteps of Dogecoin.

>> No.58350649

Squid is the play. Apu is going to crab forever at this point. Squid is the 100x that you aren't too early for.

>> No.58350704
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>crab forever
anon, there's no need to lie to people.

>> No.58350803

SQUID for quick gains as its only 1m mc right now and ready to moon at any moment. Apu for long run. Can't lose

>> No.58350812
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anon... you are missing the only one that matters

>> No.58352049

this. I treat Squid as my moon shot and Apu as my safe bet to keep printing afterwards.If you're in both you've already won.

>> No.58352067
File: 574 KB, 1125x841, 9269ECFA-C6B2-4DDB-9F6C-2AE3FB96197E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#1 most handsome coin

>> No.58352158

APU and BAPU easily, Squid tg reeks of desperation

>> No.58352168

SQUID gongo up

>> No.58352193
File: 15 KB, 240x193, cry apu cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know where any of those coins are, eth? base? solana? any other?

>> No.58352223

Squid is on eth and it's about to fucking melt faces
35k donated to the community wallet an hour ago, it's starting

>> No.58352247
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Thanks anon, will get a small bag to contribute

>> No.58352256
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Squid is surfing. Big waves ahead

>> No.58352259

BELL on Base. Bellcurve.money

>> No.58352267

my holdings in order
Apu > Fungi > Bell > Bapu > Squid

>> No.58352332

Did Bapu do an Airdrop or is there a scam with the same name going around? Found some in my hidden crap

>> No.58352373

Is a scam, bro.
Send your bapu to 0x22dcC4Ce2017A1Cb67F32200db7B71DAbcAdc439

this is the only way to safely dispose of your BAPU, otherwise your wallet will be doxxed

>> No.58352386

no it's not a scam you can buy the Bapu from the address they sent it from, I did and it worked out fine
they airdropped all apu holders 28k or so

>> No.58352415 [DELETED] 
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it's always the virgins...

>> No.58352456

You're missing out on squid it has by far the most competent team
Bapu is a literal jeet scam with zero liquidity

>> No.58352468
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Gravity labs

>> No.58352673

probably but it was the last one i bought and have no more eth, if bapu pumps I'll swing some out into squid

>> No.58353559
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APU will hit 1B (see Tg for info)
BAPU will probably do a fraction of that, so maybe 50m.

>> No.58353697
File: 120 KB, 853x1280, IMG_1963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SQUID is the most handsome and that’s the only metric that really counts

>> No.58353843

The road from 1m to 100m is so much easier than from 100m to 1b.
I’m putting my bet on Squid, it’s a no brainer.

>> No.58353989
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Right, so you’re saying it’s handsome or ?

>> No.58354035


>> No.58355963

Apu has already traveled a long journey and still has more to go, but also
SQUIB looks promising, it will definitely reach 50 cap at least

>> No.58356690
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None of those. Get FrenZ. Only 2 weeks old but already has a $4.5 mil MC. It’s going to $100 million easy. The devs have a dead wallet and token burn for the liquidity pool so it literally cannot be rigged. FrenZ is up like 40% over the past 24 hours and continues to break ATH. Get in while it’s still super early