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58341612 No.58341612 [Reply] [Original]

Young Chinese are opting out of working and marriages.
>work hours too long
>employers have all the power
>life too expensive
>women have to high standards

Why is it everywhere?

>> No.58341631

Kinda comfy to see

>> No.58341644

Women's suffrage and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.58341666

because men made the mistake of giving women increased social/mating agency. females are not supposed to have mating agency outside of refusal or acceptance of male advances. the moment women begin to acquire resources in excess their fertility rates drop. it's only when men acquire excess resources are they able to proposition a woman to undertake the risks of childbirth.

>> No.58341668

>exploring spirituality
Yeah I've seen it happen personally with 5 different people. They join these cults that promote horrific levels of hedonism. Completely self destructive ideology, but then they are programmed to blame everyone else for their life falling apart.

>> No.58341678

Chinese women do not have high standards, they are literally treated like trash by their own culture. They will marry foreigners for citizenship outside that hellhole. They see women as "being raised for another family" and boys are "carrying on the lineage/family name"

>> No.58341711

but women ARE raised to be givin away and further another man's/families legacy. your own legacy DOES go with your son.

>> No.58341735

wow. thanks for the biology lesson satan. check'd.

>> No.58341739

Chinese birth rates are literally one of the lowest in the world. Even lower than in Japan
This is national crisis territory

>> No.58341752

The worst part is that a lot of time it's not even your own employers that are the limiting factor.
For example, the company I work for does third-party work for one of the largest ISPs in Canada, Every year we try to increase our prices for our quotes we have to fight tooth and nail against competitors that employ indians who have no problem working for pennies on the dollar because they live 20 to a basement and eat cheap cattle slop all day. Even if their work is only half as good as ours, as long as they can do it for a lot less no one complains. And then when shit goes wrong no one takes blame or responsibility for handing off big projects to pajeets that can barely speak English..
This country is so fucking fucked

>> No.58341771
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I'm 51 and I've only ever been kissed by a girl once when I was in high school. I've not held a woman's hand either, although I did link arms with one, once. This happened when in high school.
You think your life is fucked up.
I'm forever alone.

>> No.58341776

That's literally the opposite of spirituality. If whoever is promoting that is calling it spiritual they're straight up lying (as cult leaders tend to do). Anything that shifts the focus downward toward the material is anti-spiritual.

Real spirituality is a good thing and the lack of it is the reason that social structures have been slowly collapsing around the world. Individuals aren't connecting and uniting toward a higher purpose anymore. Atomization and alienation are occurring at a higher rate than ever before, and what passes for connection these days is becoming progressively shallower and more fragile.

>> No.58341806

there's something fundamentally wrong with indians where they're comfortable with absolutely horrific living standards. chinks don't even put up with it anymore. pajeets will impoverish the world at this rate.

>> No.58341812
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>> No.58341820

>Why is it everywhere?
They bought american iphones and watched american advertisements of big house big life but never read a book to understand it is the quiet life which brings beauty

>> No.58341824

Damn, even the chinks?

>> No.58341833

The funny part is they did it to themselves with the one child policy. The gender-checking a baby being illegal is icing on the cake since everyone wanted a boy.

>> No.58341897

This is a cold take from someone too tuned into manosphere dork grifters who hardly ever talk about anything else in a substantive way. I bet you're one of the anons who creates the same exact woman-seethe threads on a near daily basis.

It's simply a ruling class versus those they rule over sort of thing. There are two means of getting by in the world, the voluntary means and the involuntary means of getting wealth. Many different countries are facing conditions where their ruling state apparatus has come to dominate too many different aspects of their civilization and economy, which has only made it more grim and unrewarding for the actual productive citizenry who cannot rely on stealing their way through life like the political (and politically-connected) class does. The parasites have simply grown too large and are overwhelming their hosts. The dysfunctionality and parasitism of the fiat central banking system plays a huge part in this along with burdensome regulations and tax rates.

A free economy and society where the productive citizenry was not dominated by the political class would look much much different. But in most countries the ruling class (which yes inlcudes muh dumb-ocratic nations where people engage in the worthless ritual of voting) just look at the citizenry as a resource to exploit and act on that basis.

>> No.58342060

>Women quitting because their standards are too high
What can be done!?

>> No.58342301

you must be ugly but then again. just lift weights and get game, you will still get a girl. I can immediately tell you didn't do this self development but are thinking somebody is owing you a woman. STOP BEING LAZY! START LIFTING! START EATING HEALTHY! GET A FUCKING HAIRCUT! BETTER YOURSELF and get girls (at least via online dating)

>> No.58342374


Good good, i hope this spreads to africa.

>> No.58342529

>Why is it everywhere?

Women's rights.
That's it.

>> No.58342818

>No pussy no work.

In all seriousness, I am 30 and 2 of my 5 friends work without permits; one is a criminal, one is a neet, and one is working a low-wage job. I myself make money online.
Now one of them has his own apartment that he did get after his grandma, and the two of us live with our parents. Two of them pay rent and live together, and one has a mortgage and never has money.
Only one of us have GF and one visiting prostitutes consantly the rest of the guys i seen with some girl maybe 10-15 years back.
When we go to bars, it is all boomers or us mistfis. You almost never meet young people, and when you do, all they do is scroll through their phones.

I think we are all mentaly ill in some capacity and sure the normies may have in other way i am sure there a lot of stable loving families but i do not see it fuck i did not see it for loong time.

>> No.58342917

To reduce the birth rates and lower the population, globally.

>> No.58342984

When even the bugs don't tolerate the terrible conditions anymore, all that's left are the mold and fungus (jeets)

>> No.58342999

>They see women as "being raised for another family" and boys are "carrying on the lineage/family name"
Yes that's what it is

>> No.58343092

would you still say that to someone who is a paraplegic

>> No.58343619

Kek American cope. China is rising rapidly, they are literally having a golden age, while muttoids cant afford rent and food. Giga delusional.

>> No.58343623

As a species we aren't working towards anything other than "more shit for the sake of more shit." And most of that shit goes to the people in power commanding you to generate more shit for them at the expense of your happiness. Our governments need to just be like "we're going to work on curing cancer, we're going to work on colonizing other planets, we're going to do some exciting and cool shit." Instead, they're like "we're going to fund a bunch of wars and promote organizations that are inherently stone age seeking in orientation." Governments have utterly lost their way and it is the point of government to set an example that inspires its people. So that's ultimately why. Everything else is just a consequence of the big idea that governments have failed and an enormous of amount of people sees themselves at odds with their governments.

>> No.58343643

this is proppaganda to make you feel better about being a NEET
im not joking
I own several sweat shops and can assure you those little gooks work as hard as their parents did

>> No.58343689

>trust me bro

>> No.58343741

I did the whole /fit/ meme all through my late 20s and 30’s. Then I got tired of it and stopped lifting and just eat what I want and do what I want and I still get women the same way I did when I was fit. It’s a meme, women are more interested in you being an interesting person and it helps to be funny and witty too. I’d also suggest dressing in a way that attracts the type of woman you want too. There are exceptions of course, but most don’t really care unless you are severely obese.

>> No.58343992

the average work week in China is know as the 996.
9 am to 9 pm, 6 days a week

think about how insane of a workday that is, you have no time at all for anything personal, how do people even have time to get married and have kids with that?

>> No.58344030

Sounds like Japan. Which means the options are to either work yourself to death or NEET.

>> No.58344887

if someone is paraplegic I imagine he has other problems than getting a woman.

it's not a meme, it's amongst other things the self-confidence which comes and stays with it. I would highly advice you to repent and go back to the gym, fatso.

>> No.58344986

WTF, how? I'm ugly af, for reals, and haven't had a problem but once things I am is a cocky arrogant SOB.

>> No.58345014
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>> No.58345183

I think Atlas is a little past just shrugging at this point.

>> No.58345210

big money printing to keep the jewish ponzi going = things suck for the wagecucks

>> No.58345220

Kekd nah u right fr fr

>> No.58345226
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Fuck you dude, what a load of bullshit waffle. God damn.

Women entering the workforce which has caused the most damage. It's diluted the value of labor. Now we have women in their mid to late 30s fucking around with javascript and missing their chance to start a family. They get gaslit by other women saying that they can still have children in their early 40s if they choose to. Madness. We are going to have a generation of bitter, vengeful, childless, infertile women, which we yet to see whether they try to undo the damage or apply more out of spite.

>> No.58345367

Average annual salary in China is $237/year. Golden age…lol. For being commies, there are zero societal nets (pension, ssn, insurance, etc).
You are either lying or have never been to China.

>> No.58345498

>bitter, vengeful, childless, infertile women, which we yet to see whether they try to undo the damage or apply more
I'm fucking one now, and their psyche absolutely depends on the latter
These type will breathlessly defend
>dismantling the patriarchy, because they're toxic and cruel
>right before explaining all their revenge fantasies
>I love kids!
>gets repeated abortions
>billionaires shouldn't exist, how could somebody even get to that point
>is always broke and wanting money
To alter course would be a self admission of guilt and fundamental error of understanding. Its not happening anytime soon
Instead of the
>old racist gramps
Meme the next generation will have the
>old feminist aunt
In its place

>> No.58345549

They'll double down out of spite. The most meaningful consequence of it will be the level of agriculture required to sustain their surrogate baby pets.

>> No.58345616

>because men made the mistake of giving women increased social/mating agency

the jews subverted us into it, mostly the retard boomers who thought the sexual revolution would mean that they'd all get more sex when in reality has just caused their grand sons to become incels

>> No.58345645

>It's diluted the value of labor.
it actually parasitized the value of labour since most women don't actually produce value in their work, their work is mostly "make work" bullshit which ends up being subsidized by actual working men

>> No.58345803

That's probably why girls don't like you.

>> No.58346894

you know very well women have a crab bucket mentality, especially the ones that work in HR or have power over ANYTHING

>> No.58347189

Based take, /biz still exists

>> No.58347470

Used to be you married some girl you went to school with or met at college/work. You had kids in your 20s. By the time you were in your 40s the kids were all adults or close to it and you were picturing having the house to just you and your wife again. Now? Good luck with any of that. Let me put it like this; the idea of your 18 year old kid telling his friends "no that isn't my grandad that's my dad" is not so far fetched nuts anymore. Due to the kids coming later in life for a lot of people now. Your in your late 50s when the kid finally hits 18.

>> No.58347497

I've been a neet for the past 7 years. Anybody with more experience than me in the field of neetdom?

>> No.58347505
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>> No.58347704

I hate you pussy worshipers the most.
I am not going to dance to these whore's games you faggoty little muppet.

>> No.58347837
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You're probably at least 6 feet tall.

>> No.58348895

just say you want mindless cocksleeves that can't speak you stupid fuck. the mental gymnastics that hentai addicted virgins like you spout to try and make sense of your backwards mentality is hilariously cringe to read

>> No.58350195
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Where's the arguments? Other people posted arguments and reasoning based on premises, some of them good, some bad. You posted slurs. Who would be convinced by any of that? Aren't you just masturbating on a public forum because you're emotional?

>> No.58350340
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massive increase of population + ((globalization)) + ((financialization of everything)) (like homes, dating, marriage)

>> No.58350388

finally our chinese brothers are waking up

>> No.58350428

Take your commie shit back to website, commie

>> No.58350430

The idea men worldwide are showing a united front shows such brotherly love. The first country to bring back pre-feminism age will rule the world.

>> No.58350474

you're trying to reason with a woman

>> No.58350502

Top kek!

>> No.58350520

>remove all incentive from society to pump your retirement account
>wtf why won't people pump my retirement account


>> No.58350529

You left out the part where in the primitive or wild human societies, women rely on their kids to acquire extra resources for them. In modern soiciety women are given shit for free when young, so they don't have to invest in kids to get resources for them. This leads to hilarious shit like like 43yo office ladies making 110k making spreadsheets of everything they want in a man.

>> No.58350540

Western and northern europe are the last places on earth where it's not that bad, and it shows. They still fuck off the microsecond the employer fucks with them, but they actually do work within work hours, and with a smile. Not so anywhere else.

>> No.58350542

Boomers are getting more sex though. Check out any facebook area where boomer men are commenting on young men not having gfs and they're like "heh yup 18-29 year olds not having gfs cuz they're losers, got me a qt 28yo on speed dial- she likes that I pay her student loans". Boomers castrated you to get their dick wet at 70.

>> No.58350560


Don't believe anything American media says about China. Its pure propaganda

Stupid goyim

>> No.58350572

which is ridiculous, biologically speaking. jews carry the legacy through the mother

>> No.58350582

>become the west
>fall like the west


>> No.58350624

did you just make that up? are you masturbating to this lmao

>> No.58350663

*10 renminbi has been deposited into your account*
thank you for your service comrade

>> No.58350680

where did you make these freinds? I am alone and need someone

they take like a 2 hour lunch though and include that in their 12 hour work day

>> No.58351166

Just celebrate being a wizard. Caring about females is low IQ. The only thing that matters if is you are COMFY.

>> No.58351228

doesn't matter pajeets will pick up the slack. They live in worse then favela tier housing and are always autist smiling despite living in landfills. Future is billions of jeets saaring on every country on earth.

>> No.58351947
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>abloobloo people dont make children because of... uhhhhh... central banking!!!
that's fucking retarded.
Give everyone robots that take care of all of their needs and the fertility rates might go up from 1.3 to 1.4 or 1.5 maybe. Temporarily.
Women's rights, contraception, abortion and atheization have fundamentally altered the way society functions.

>> No.58352095

As a feminist, I vehemently disagree with the assertion that women are not supposed to have agency in their social and mating lives. This viewpoint perpetuates outdated and harmful stereotypes that seek to limit women's autonomy and reinforce patriarchal control over their choices. Women are fully capable of making their own decisions about their bodies, relationships, and resources without needing male permission or approval.

Furthermore, reducing women to mere vessels for childbirth overlooks their multifaceted roles and contributions to society. Women are not defined solely by their reproductive capabilities but by their intellect, skills, and talents. It is essential to recognize and respect women as equals, deserving of autonomy and agency in all aspects of their lives. Any ideology that seeks to restrict or diminish women's agency is inherently oppressive and incompatible with gender equality.

>> No.58352272

because we all need to RETVRN, unironically.
No more growth. Time for collapse and then consolidation.

>> No.58352275

bateman? What's wrong.... you're sweating...

>> No.58353356

yooo satan fr fr str8 bussin no cap og bruh

>> No.58353416

Why bother trolling with Chatgpt, I thought the fun was making them seethe with your own words.

>> No.58354398

But not lower than South Korea I think, the no1 capitalist utopia on Earth.

>> No.58355029

If that was the case than third world atheist/less conservative countries should also have declining birth rates.

Yet we still see India, Brazil and Mexico having kids like no tomorrow.

It's not about needs, nor social reforms for females. It's about culture. The west has abandoned the family unit because of it's corrupt dependency on corporations and economies.

People want to buy the latest Iphone more than they want to have a family. That's all it is. Women, men regardless. The West, and more so in America, families are less valuable than materialistic things.

Just finishing a vacation in Hawaii and holy shit I feel like the only families I saw were rich international ones (Indian, Korean, Japanese, Mexican, Brazilian) with the rare few white ones. It's clear most people want to enjoy "Living their best life" more than wanting to spend any resources producing/suppprting kids.

>> No.58355065

You've literally said what the other anon said but used retarded communist language because you're too pussy to make women angry by speaking hard biological facts.

>> No.58355103
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This. I also don't care ultimately. Let it all burn. I absolutely LOVE watching people suffer and wallow in their own misery, which at the the end of the day is of their own doing.

>> No.58355185

It's both you fucking retard. The corporations provide provisioning, the state provides protection. 2 of the 3 major biological needs women have been covered. The only thing missing is children/love/validation from a man which is one singular thing in and of and itself when you think of it. That's why women have everything they THINK they want EXCEPT the family and therefore why they're miserable fucking cunts.

>> No.58355208

why are shitty /pol/ threads allowed on /biz/

>> No.58355711

This is describing stepping up on the Kohlberg moral development ladder, but through a stupid mystical route which is just as likely to have you worshipping crystal energy or ending up as a Dunning Kruger'd philosophical zombie who goes on about trad living or tech saviors as the solutions to all our problems.

>> No.58356210

How easy would it be as a white man to get a Chink cosplayer gf?

>> No.58356452

Well if it isn't second post best post, my archenemy

>> No.58356495

Excellent work cheyna neetbros. If we all neet hard enough, maybe we can turn it around.

>> No.58356553

>Why is it everywhere?
Because fiat currency and its inflationary corruption is everywhere. If the world were to ever return to a currency backed by something, be it commodities or gold, the global standard of living would go way down as currency would become scarce, but sanity would return to the world as well once people can't finance their delusions anymore with endless fiat currency.

For example, think about how different the immigration problem in the U.S. and Europe would be if welfare went away tomorrow.

>> No.58356574

I'm convinced India has created a new age of warfare in the modern era. In a globalized economy that has a focus on trade and is less about conquering and war, India has created an extremely high populace of low quality people they torrent at other nations in mass exodus to terrorize their citizens and economy.

>> No.58356596

damn, i never thought of it that way
they're clogging the world with fecal people

>> No.58356632

>jews carry the legacy through the mother
Which is ridiculous because in the Bible/Torah itself Jewish geneology is recorded through paternal lineage. Look at the lineage of king David, it's not recorded though David's mother but through his father Jesse. Furthermore, the Jews are the children of Abraham, not the children of Sarah.

Why can't Jews even get their own traditions right?

>> No.58356669

Men are starting to realize that women were never worth it, and that to live comfortably they only need to work part-time. They don't need all the luxury bullshit sold to them, men can be content with a game console and a TV. People started to realize that traditional family bullshit was meant to only benefit women at the expense of male enslavement.

>> No.58356683

>India, Brazil and Mexico
>atheist/less conservative countries
Their birth rates are still dropping as they move towards the western system.
Regardless, the way things were set up in the past basically guaranteed that women would seek a husband, as without one they were socially crippled. And once a couple is married, the children were pretty much bound to happen eventually.
Women nowadays don't have a reason to get married. People have sex without consequences, any unwanted pregnancies are terminated. There's plenty of things that individuals of both sexes can achieve, having family is just one of many choices.

>> No.58356742

How come other overpopulated countries aren't as bad? Nigeria is also massively overpopulated but they aren't as globally ubiquitous as Indians.

>> No.58356795
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>> No.58356819

I suppose I agree with letting China rot. Based chinks.

>> No.58357064

>Why is it everywhere?
unironically failed hyper-capitalism. we'll see full blown revolts within a decade or two probably

>> No.58357103

Digital entertainment is too fun now. Even 10 years ago it would've been hard to sustain yourself on a digital only diet, now it's easy and fun

>> No.58357129

I believe South Koreans refer to this as a "Zerg rush".

>> No.58357143
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I have a tradwife, two kids and i regularly invest into crypto (big bags of agrs, xrp, rndr, theta and matic) but i feel that these types of online communities are the real cause of quiet quitting . You guys make me worry

>> No.58357152

give it a decade or two, the same thing was said of jeets a decade ago

>> No.58357197
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The media is lying to you about China. They want you to think they have the problems we do on our sinking boat. It couldn't be further from the truth. Chinese cities 10 years ago were shitholes like India, but now when I visit they are cleaner and more orderly than any US would be metropolis. I don't have to step over junkies emptying their bowels like San Fran or worry about getting mugged by niggers like in New York. The people at firms I visit are all hardworking, smart, and humble. I know some edgelord is going to post that ebin greentext about the chinese being lying jews, but I can tell you from working with them it's not the case. They have an amazing industrial base, and are beating us in everything except integrated circuit manufacturing.

Oh, and the cherry on top. While our scumbag politicians do everything to protect boomer's precious real estate because it was the only asset those pea-brained geriatrics thought to invest in, Xi's government is actively keeping housing affordable constructing new units and not bailing out developers who fuck up.

>> No.58357225
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robotics and automatisation is replacing jobs all the time much faster pace than people realize

in china the automisation have just started, where they lay off are factory workers and replace them by robotics.

it is estimated 70% of all current jobs will disappear by 2040

>> No.58357245

Most people used to be peasants who were literally owned by their lords and we never had these sorts of problems back then. Political parasites were always a thing and used to actually be worse and stronger than they are now. If you actually knew anything and weren't just someone too tuned into conservative/libertarian dork grifters you may have realized this.

>> No.58357356

Fucking lmao and correctpilled

>> No.58357479

Society is collapsing, WORLDWIDE, and morons like you still can't see the truth. Utter insanity.

>> No.58357565

The average annual salary in China in 2023 is $13,000

>> No.58357606

>how do people even have time to get married and have kids with that?
They don't. That's why they're not getting married and not having kids.

>> No.58357613

DAYUM china is gettin dat paper yo!
Marxism is legit as fuck. WORKERS RIGHTS!

>> No.58357622

I saw some moron on Twitter the other day praising Chinese work ethic and glamorizing Chinese workers taking naps at their desk so they can work longer hours. Saying they get compensated for it with large bonuses.

Apparently they're happy to do it and take great pride in their work. Called Western culture lazy and unfocused.


>> No.58357637

>They'll double down out of spite.
Exactly this. This is how women are. Driven by envy and jealousy. That's what motivates women in positions of power and why women should never have been allowed in positions of power. Women are only constructive when it comes to raising children. Men as a whole are failing the shit test that women are giving. We need to stand up against women and realize equality isn't fairness.

>> No.58357646

Western media shills it because they want to bring those practices over here. Reddit retards eat it up because communism = good and if you disagree you are a rightwing chud. These fucking cattle are beyond help.

>> No.58357690

It's a bad habit they picked up while they were in exile in Babylon. In Babylon, everyone was so slutty that they had to record family lineages through the maternal line since they couldn't be certain who the father was. Ashkenazi jews are probably <20% semetic since their bloodlines go so intermixed.

>> No.58357756

Simple as.

>> No.58358110

Anon, you don't want that guy's friends. I was reading his post and it sounds like an annoying nightmare.
Living with your loser friends who make shit for money and probably don't split the bills right. Other mutual friends crashing on the couch for free, girlfriends, literal whores, his "friends" see time at the bar as worthwhile time.

Protip, you all made friends in elementary school without alcohol.

>> No.58358154

You're trolling but;

Patriarchal control over women's autonomy is a nothing goal. It doesn't make sense, nothing comes from that in and of itself. I would love it if women weren't just society destroying pieces of shit, but as it is, you always will be when given the choice. And so we simply do not allow you to vote, but the rest of society is built around your luxurious comfort and retarded mating rituals and trying to capture the prettiest woman for yourself.
And you should be happy about it.

>> No.58358159

Hello, ChatGPT.
Tits or GTFO

>> No.58358161

Heckin' based, have some gold stranger.

>> No.58358270

and the idea that elderly should get rich owning nothing but a home, and then get pensions enough to live in those homes till they die

while every younger person moves an hour away so that commutes can be a pile of shit

Anyways whatever, the west gets what they fucking deserve

>> No.58358286

They spent years making fun of chinese "ghost cities" as if that isn't exactly what you are supposed to be doing rather than blog out existing cities until they are unmanageble messes

>> No.58358419

Because the CIA runs 4chan through gookmoot as a demoralization/propaganda machine targeted primarily at young people. Demoralization threads are permissable on any board.

If you want to white pill people hide the pill in a demoralization thread or face the slide.

>> No.58358459

I find it interesting that the one child policy backfired so spectacularly. Now the population is full of young men that can’t find wives and feel like they were robbed of a future.

>> No.58358499
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Because the bobo "I deserve cheap housing, I deserve to have a family" mentality unfortunately spread to the east. I guess China is also filled with greedy bobo losers that feel entitled to deflation and real estate crashes

>> No.58358614

>lifting for women
That was your first mistake. Are you trying to get rich for women too? Hopefully you learned and that’s not why

>> No.58358781

The truth is standard of life and affordability for the locals in these countries is extremely high. A lower middle class indian can hire a maid to make every meal for him. School kids get provided a maid in their dorms to make the meals for all the dorm every day. In Brazil, it takes just 5 years for a software engineer to buy a house outright fresh out of school, and food is so cheap that it's often joked about that even favelados living in the streets have a full belly at all times.

>> No.58358783

>lets run our fucking country into the ground so boomers can spend 1 month every year in Europe or in the Caribbean

But its ok good policy is replaced by immigration..

>> No.58360616
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>"I deserve cheap housing, I deserve to have a family" mentality unfortunately spread to the east.
No. It's currency debasement that spread to the east. First with Japan in the 90s. Later with China. There's also no way to fix it because everyone is retarded like you, and unaware of the issue.

>> No.58362199

Check out what happened to Sparta, women were the only people able to own wealth (trough inheritance)
They never lost a big war, got hit by a plague or collapsed because of a revolt
They just slowly died out because women simply didn't have children

>> No.58362365

>Digital entertainment is too fun now. Even 10 years ago it would've been hard to sustain yourself on a digital only diet, now it's easy and fun
maybe 15, by 2014 you basically had everything you have now in place

>> No.58362373

they're biggest issue is aging demographics and unemployment (its at 20% and they cook the numbers)

>> No.58362378

except you actually had a house, a family, were the head of your household, didnt have some random faggot micromanage you and you had more free time than modern day wageslaves

>> No.58362389
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they have 90 million more men than women, its unironically fucked

>> No.58362392
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>you must be ugly but then again. just lift weights and get game, you will still get a girl. I can immediately tell you didn't do this self development but are thinking somebody is owing you a woman. STOP BEING LAZY! START LIFTING! START EATING HEALTHY! GET A FUCKING HAIRCUT! BETTER YOURSELF and get girls (at least via online dating)
>good guy anon

>> No.58362397

at least the japs learned from it, they have one of the lowest inflation rates in the world

>> No.58363057
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the internet and social media has been a disaster for the human race

it's the one thing everyone around the world has access too and it's fucked us up in all the same ways

>> No.58364095

Who told you to be clinically retarded?

>> No.58364834
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many such cases

>> No.58364872

who the fuck calls themselves "wildly successful"... Does she have a nobel prize in physics or something

>> No.58365166

>no1 capitalist utopia on Earth

>> No.58365604
File: 34 KB, 448x252, IMG_8954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will build robotic women. All hail the sino-robowaifu partnership

>> No.58366726

She's deputy manager of digital marketing in a pet food company

>> No.58367041

>um sweetie you don't realize you HAVE to be a slave otherwise the whole system will crash

idk why they shouldn't just start lynching people then, mr roman senator

>> No.58367065

people were poopsocking 12 hours a day back when everquest was new