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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 330 KB, 1080x1614, Screenshot_20240409_180350_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58342196 No.58342196[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he bought the top yet again
Nice 'community takeover', squidbaggies. Thanks for playing, enjoy your slow bleed to the bottom.

>> No.58342200

Looks like the gamestop chart.

>> No.58342225


>> No.58342226

Ser why ser birj khalifa chart ser

Actually buying moe

>> No.58342227

Looks like a bull flag to me

>> No.58342263

more like a complete fucking scam lol see those red candles? Thats 25% of the bag of the holders each taking turns to dump on your dumb nigger ass because they 'revived' this coin to scam you and they do it every week
Gian, i'm watching you faggot. Watch your back.

>> No.58342284

Delicious cope, keep it coming.

>> No.58342341 [DELETED] 
File: 933 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-04-09-18-14-20-979_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i suspect a janitor lost money on this coin which is why he keeps deleting all squid threads and lets threads for let's say APU stay up.

sad nigga.

>> No.58342378

squid bros not like this

>> No.58342385

>deluded squigger looking for boogeymen instead of admitting his shitcoin bags are worthless

>> No.58342394

that looks like a perfectly fine chart to me, but we'll see in the next days
they're still going very strong on twitter

>> No.58342413

Gian is literally the nicest person I've ever encountered in crypto and his wallet is doxxed already, what are you even talking about

>> No.58342428

not buying a revival shitcoin where a kike bought a large portion for some pennies.

>> No.58342553

people who don't buy now are the ones who later complain they did not get it at low MC and wish it to dip so they can grab some cheapies.

>> No.58342577

Go back to your containment TG, Gian. You will never be white.

>> No.58342651

Lol im going to ink myself black

>> No.58342659

People who buy now are the ones who end up holding bags for the rest of the bullrun while anyone who isn't retarded makes money lmao

>> No.58342800

please keep fudding, everytime you write some retarded nonsense we pump

>> No.58342823

I don't care about losing 500 bucks if I have a solid chance to make 10x out of it. Also, I am pretty sure you lost the early APU train when you were busy fudding.

>> No.58342830

the chart looks like shit why would u buy this lol? don't even have a community wallet or anything set up

>> No.58342835

>lower lows and lower highs
Oh no no no, squidsissies...

>> No.58342850
File: 25 KB, 680x594, de3qsfdr31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pack it up, inkies. Thanks for playing.

>> No.58342968

Now the delusional stinky inkies can keep the stinky linkies company.

>> No.58343061

can you give me the ca of this shitty coin ? also a price chart that would be so nice please

>> No.58343080

Price chart is right there, going straight to 0. You want an arrow tracing the path to the bottom so you can circlejerk over TA as well?

>> No.58343143

I do for Luneko but /biz/ ignores it every time it stirs from the grave to try spreading cute cats.

>> No.58343301
File: 83 KB, 1080x289, Screenshot_20240409-150811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never understand how people think a retracement of 50% is entirely normal in crypto and even more so after a 300% increase in price. Stick to index funds dude.
This pic was from Friday.
And do I even have to say anything about the market in general?

>> No.58343314

Mean to say abnormal. Like this is fucking crypto. Apu dropped like 90% before it hit $100m.

>> No.58343331
File: 1.57 MB, 640x640, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based catchad

>> No.58343340

>comparing your failed shitcoin to apu
Let me guess, you bought every bottom of APU and now you're sitting on 7 figures?

>> No.58343427 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_1796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry faggots, not worried. Keep fudding.

>> No.58343454

I don't need to, it fuds itself. You sure you want me to post an updated chart, squigger?

>> No.58343478

>No coin ever had volatility
And continued to succeed

>> No.58343513 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 421x421, GKvOOZsXAAAIoGl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squids and Blobs unite

also, BLOB goes to $1 TONIGHT

>> No.58343515
File: 64 KB, 1015x1024, e3ad3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice volume anon

>> No.58343534 [DELETED] 
File: 927 KB, 1338x1320, 1712468206229371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my squiddy stays liddy

>> No.58343614

See you retards in a week. Let me know where you are, maybe I can spare some change.

>> No.58343652


>> No.58343672

Poor squigger left with no retort. And no money AHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.58343687

Cabal backed VC shitcoin.

>> No.58343700

Mhmm. Whatever you say, baggie.

>> No.58343719

>spongebob meme
>revival team dumping on retards who buy the top
>kike has a fat bag

how can the baggies cope?

>> No.58343743

By coming into a thread made to laugh at them because they can't even keep their own general up AHAHAHAHA

>> No.58343761
File: 271 KB, 1024x1024, 1000030514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon I'm up 15x
sounds like you have a case of fudders remorse. keep lamenting the fact you missed out on a sub 100k mc instead of buying now and 100xing your bags when this hits 100m. it's so easy making money even a caveman can do it.

>> No.58343784

>you don't understand the sexy underwater cartoon man was going to be the next shib after sexy underwater cartoon man NFT release

>> No.58343800

Thing is, you can that anon is a baggie, no matter what he buys. He seems unable to process that line doesn't go up forever and pull backs are normal. He will only buy at the very top, and always sell the bottom, and never last long enough to actually make it no matter what coin he holds.
Many such cases.

>> No.58343883

>no matter what he buys
At least I didn't buy the shitcoin slowly going to 0

>> No.58343978

See, that's your problem. You only buy when things are pumping. You buy the top everytime. Te fact that a pull back seems to be so mind blowing to you makes it very obvious you're a baggie. Doesn't matter what you buy, you never make money because you only chase green dildos.

>> No.58343997

Fuck all you squid niggers. Can't believe people are falling for this shit again. HOKK round two

>> No.58343999

A pullback isn't mind-blowing to me - that's why I didn't buy the top on your shitcoin, because I knew it would come. See you at 0!

>> No.58344017

>Haha wow I can't believe people buy revived coins that grow and have opportunities to make them money
Yeah wow why would people do that? Hmmm, sad that this has never ever happened ever in the entire history of crypto.

>> No.58344029

Um, anon... I don't know how to tell you this, but don't look at other coins that had similar pull backs. You're going to shit when you see that not all of them plunge to zero.

>> No.58344066

>coins that grow and have opportunities to make them money
Yeah maybe you should look for one too instead of this shitcoin AHAHAHA

>> No.58344083

It's so obvious you buy the top of every coin. You'll get it right eventually friend, I believe in you.

>> No.58344113

Checking back in to laugh at squid baggies. Imagine holding after the first pump. Marketing manager is shit too why doesn't he already have some kind of plan?

>> No.58344135

It’s called a defending wedge mouth breather. Looks like you’re allergic to Squids seafood and profit.

>> No.58344145

More like it's called defending your shitty bags lmao

>> No.58344186

Kek underwater baggies

>> No.58344232

Oh yeah, you definitely bought the top. It's like you're unable to conceptualize that people bought at any other time before ath.

>> No.58344242

>you definitely bought
Not in a million years. The only memecoins I buy are harambe and doge

>> No.58344269
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>> No.58344270

>schizophrenic baggie projecting his bags onto others. How's that wallet distribution? Did anyone else buy apart from you?

>> No.58344334
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>> No.58344335

nice volume squiggers, keep it up.

>> No.58344337 [DELETED] 
File: 189 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_1676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when fags nonstop fudded apu. See you guys at 50m.

>> No.58344605

No, anon, don't you get it? They're just about to have their massive breakout, it's all very bullish. And Q is going to release the secret documents in two more weeks.

>> No.58344713

Volume down 600% lol it's over for your bags retards

>> No.58344727

these are the same people who fudded everyone out of apu so they didn't get in early. Surely you all won't make the same mistake again when you ARE early this time.

>> No.58344770

If you really paid attention like you think you do, youd see the real consolidation and the removal of old whales. But crypto is not for the weak, just the autistic

>> No.58344784

Can I join in the fud? Sounds fun

>> No.58344849

All I see is an enormous drop in volume squigger.
Wrap it up, molluscs.

>> No.58344867

Not yet anon, they're going to keep the charade going to 0. Squiggers tongue my anus lmao

>> No.58344940

Go nuts. Better yet, join the baggie circlejerk.

>> No.58345012

You will miss out on this opportunity, and you will not make it. You can literally throw in $100 now and see if go to $100k effortlessly. But you won't. You'll buy some fuckin pnd coin during a god candle and hold all the way to zero.

>> No.58345023

I'm bullish for Squid but no way it goes 1000x from here.

>> No.58345062

Your chart is looking clean, squigger.

>> No.58345086

>generic image that says swap
>this is proof anyone else bought
>pajeet iq

>> No.58345351


How is it going, fellas?
Could some of you describe the chart to me?

>> No.58345372

squiggers, i’m not feeling so handsome right now

>> No.58345410
File: 39 KB, 220x216, efe3asd31gre3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you expect exactly? to make it with a dogshit spongebob token? Anon, I don't really know what to tell you other than thanks for playing.

>> No.58345435
File: 82 KB, 470x627, catchingafallingknife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squidbros... it's over

>> No.58345455
File: 70 KB, 1159x540, kekbaggies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how blind can you be? You are being used as exit liquidity for the revival team.
This is the most obvious PnD revival I have ever seen.

>> No.58345489

Squidbros... it's over

>> No.58345579

the easiest cheapest buy in of your life?

>> No.58345598

None of the top wallets have sold. The drop manly happend cause old whales from befor the recvival sold and some paper hands. Getting rid of them now is the best that can happen.
Not worried at all, this is crypto.

>> No.58345602

Sorry, Rajesh, you won't make it even.

>> No.58345617

So my clothes are going to get destroyed every time I go to the laundromat? Because these machines in this hotel are pieces of shit and that is going to be extremely inconvenient to have to do two half-day laundry errands per week.

>> No.58345627

I don't plan to make it even, I plan to make it. That's why I took some of my other profits and threw them in to Squid. You will be in sidelinoor hell.

>> No.58345662
File: 12 KB, 650x650, ba9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he plans to make it on a spongebob coin backed by notorious PnD individuals

>> No.58345696
File: 131 KB, 1228x857, squiggerskek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought on March 31st, just after the revival was announced.
He won't be the first member of staff to do so; enjoy getting rugged faggots!

>> No.58345764

you realise your fud just makes me more bullish?

>> No.58345775

Squidbros... it's over

>> No.58345800 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 400x400, dc9dc097aeb8165add4a2dd7f78338c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets dumped to oblivion
>saar so boolish
You indians never cease to entertain me

>> No.58345815

Squidbros... it's over

>> No.58345820 [DELETED] 

Vot a joy in life it is to release and use it to the mobile phone.

>> No.58345868

tranime apu fudder has now leeched on to us.


>> No.58345883

That quality paper hand trade pattern right there. First he buys at the top of a pump ( so obv not a staff member but someone who bought after shills) and then he sells waaaay after ath from panic. Poor soul, some ppl never lern

>> No.58345910

>WELL IT JUST IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.58345926

You're gonna rope in approximately two more weeks

>> No.58346009
File: 17 KB, 270x360, CsKx_1xWAAAFfhb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

600k MC, and nobody is buying.
I would sell before you reach 0 anon

>> No.58346013

> extream active community, actually puting effort to increase the price and not just the staff.
> very good wallet distribution, no big wahles
> very low mcap (for now)
> contract renounced
> normie friendly meme
> has a predecessor (Sponge) with over 250m mcap as a reference

If u dont see the sighns i cant help you, but im here long enough to distingush shit form things with actual potential. And this is fire. But i guess some ppl can only see the current price/mcap. And this is why they will never be earl. I feel sorry for u

>> No.58346017

Squidbros... it's over

>> No.58346148
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>> No.58346156 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 1168x1280, 1712469982509721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my squiddy doin some thangs

>> No.58346202

>Not hard to spread tokens around several wallets
>market cap dropping with volume kek
>Project abandoned and being shilled for exit liquidity
>Normies won't touch this with a ten foot pole
>Trying to argue success because the token shares a similar naming convention as a previous coin

>> No.58346263
File: 19 KB, 300x300, 34e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch him dump your bags the moment you reach 1M.

>> No.58346270

Squidbros... it's over

>> No.58346441

>Not hard to spread tokens around several wallets
True, but didnt happen, check for yourself
>market cap dropping with volume kek
Normal that a coin is fragil when volume is low
>Project abandoned and being shilled for exit liquidity
100% a lie, new listing and community wallet happend right now
>Normies won't touch this with a ten foot pole
Thesis without a argument
>Trying to argue success because the token shares a similar naming convention as a previous coin
Yea, because its so uncommen in crypto space (not)

>> No.58346443 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 900x675, IMG_3727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redeem now sir please redeem now.

>> No.58347292

Sir no redeem only buy

>> No.58347491

Good entry now I guess?

>> No.58347575

Probably the best you'll get

>> No.58347675

They really need to add a picture on uniswap. Its easy to get confused which one it is

>> No.58347696
File: 14 KB, 249x249, 2irief32s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be able to buy at 0 soon enough

>> No.58347709

My thoughts exactly.

>> No.58348073

Nah, seems like our current holders are diamond handed

>> No.58348256

The people that are selling didn't even make much money. They had maybe 1k at most in.

>> No.58348278

Not fucking selling untill 1B MC

>> No.58348287

id say this too if i was trying to rug anons
since i know i'd say this
i know someone else would
therefore this is a scam
nice try, Gian

>> No.58348289
File: 8 KB, 217x233, sdsd21dea2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh diamond handed holders
It takes a few glances at the transactions of fresh top holders to see they are selling half of their bags every time they can make a minimum profit.
Also, even if they were diamond handed, there are 6 pre-revival whales with trillions ready to shit your bags back to the 5-digit market cap.
But keep coping, baggie.
Maybe one day you will learn.

>> No.58348331

Squidbros... it's over

>> No.58348432

>b-but look at all our cool memes!!
>Copy paste ai slop that all looks the same
>Cant even be assed to put a little effort in and make something original
Ooooooooooooo poor stinky inkieeeeees

>> No.58348438

Squidbros... it's over

>> No.58348819 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 875x1280, IMG_20240410_082548_734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The snowball effect accelerates as the community grows, and growth happens constantly in the background. The number of holders is increasing day by day and the number of Telegram members as well. At the moment, the only factor holding us back is those wallets over a year old who bought the original token before the rug and never sold their stacks. There are few of them, but some of them have had reasonably large bags that they have sold when they have realized that Squid has skyrocketed for some reason. It's quite understandable. However, they don't know that a community takeover has taken place and make a big mistake in selling this early. The community is already strong at this stage and there are always buyers for their sales. Handsome buyers who know where to go.

Why would this be the next 10-100x? The signs are clear. The internet loves community takeover projects, because there is no risk of rugging or other dev related trickery. Token distribution is great here, clearly better compared to many other memecoins of this cycle. No one owns more than 1.7%, so there are no really big whales. And the meme itself is only as strong as the community behind it. Squidward's community is growing exponentially at the moment and it's only a matter of time because we also have thousands of members on Telegram. This is indeed financed and driven by the same forces that brought the communities of Apu and Linu to the point where they are now. The feelings are very similar to when we only had a few hundred members in Apu Telegram. If you want to go big, then now is a great opportunity to get good sacks for a reasonable price and it's a 100x chance. This sub 1m market cap will start rocketing as soon as the OG holders who survived the crash have been replaced by members of the new community.

>> No.58348872

idk im not betting against gian

>> No.58348873

Squidbros... it's over

>> No.58348898

The replacement of old holders has basically happened already, there are only like 2 old whales left

>> No.58348912

Why the fuck would you revive a coin where old whales had the ability to do this in the first place. You dumbasses gave random wallets who didn't buy in free dumps.

>> No.58348941

because we arent a scared faggot like you
now that those wallets are gone, the only way is UP, bitch

>> No.58348944

Squidbros... it's over

>> No.58348969 [DELETED] 

Good morning squiggiiiiiiies, how's that chart doing?

>> No.58349366

Lol he bought at the bottom of revival, go shill somewhere else baggie. Also your coin hasn recovered after he sold so whats your point

>> No.58349388
File: 74 KB, 750x565, GJnwX3LWkAApn_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys need gamer coin in your life

>> No.58349501

Old whales have over 20T left which is like 3% of supply or 6% of available coins, its possibly even more.

>> No.58349528

Squidbros... it's over

>> No.58349728 [DELETED] 
File: 291 KB, 697x1280, IMG_20240410_043007_508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you know, you know

>> No.58349734

1 million acquired

>> No.58349745

Dump eet

>> No.58349943

Looks like the rebound is happening, time to get handsome again.

>> No.58349961

>Mr krabs, he bought
>he bought?
>aye aye aye, dump eet

>> No.58349970

Joined literally 10 cto and none of them recovered like this

>> No.58350288

LMAO their biggest wallet holder who own over 7T donated 700m squid to the marketing wallet.

Thats $3. I was actually bullish at one point but this a proof its ran by pajeets.

Please rope.

>> No.58350339 [DELETED] 

Oh no no no squiggers, not like this...

>> No.58350353

Is GNE going out of business or what? They fire a jeet and that's pretty bullish imo.

>> No.58350690

Nice recovery, squigger. Are you going to pull out the chart comparisons and say this looks just like apu before its rocket?

>> No.58350715
File: 23 KB, 497x454, GGT-cPCWsAEbSbI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of this fud makes me BOOLISH

I guess I'll slurp

BTW newfags NO ONE cares if you lose money here. They fud for a cheaper entry or because they married their bags.

>> No.58350745

Squid to zero soon lads. Glad I got out at the top

>> No.58350861 [DELETED] 

And voila! Squiggers will never be above 1 mil MC ever again!
>inb4 squigger cope

>> No.58350919

"This is retarded"
Thats what they said about APU

>> No.58351708
File: 16 KB, 1280x102, IMG_20240410_094743_717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In think you counted wrong.

>> No.58351983

Someone just donated 35k bucks to the community wallet
Based bizbros keep losing

>> No.58352096

Squid is on the upward trend now. I’m bullish af. If you do on-chain analysis, you’ll see many APU holders start to rotate to Squid since it’s harder for APU to move up with its MC now.

>> No.58352131 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 1024x1024, document - 2024-04-10T102147.840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already back over a million handsome bros LFG

>> No.58352156

What did you say? Haha. The biggest whale now has just 1.07% and only wallet having more is our marketing funds... This thing going to fly

>> No.58352199

Ppl who continue to fud this all day long, just dont know how to play memecoins game. Stay poor forever.

>> No.58352211

> Community wallet got 7T squiddies donated


>> No.58352228 [DELETED] 

>first green candle in days
>squiggers: omg we mooning
I lmao @ ur life

>> No.58352242 [DELETED] 

>first green candle in days
>squiggers: omg we mooning
I lmao @ ur life squissies, 100 million next week, right?

>> No.58352248 [DELETED] 
File: 574 KB, 1125x841, 86E13953-FFCF-47BE-997A-091AC99664D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

squiggers gmi

>> No.58352302

I'm a proud squigger and I'm not selling.
UGH I know... it's just that I'm not gonna sell it is all. HAHAHAHAHAGhaHA

>> No.58352309

Unironically 5m tonight

>> No.58352336 [DELETED] 
File: 462 KB, 1024x1024, moonsquid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ready for takeoff

>> No.58352353

I'm a proud squigger and I'm not selling.
UGH I know... it's just that I'm not gonna sell it is all. HAHAHAHAHAGhaHA

>> No.58352495 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 480x360, 0A43F4A3-396B-4484-96C9-A3CA19E400DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy checked, very based

Squids about to be kings

>> No.58352784

We are on the right track again. Whole altcoins tanking now, and we’re up!

>> No.58352811

Stay delusional, little squiggy

>> No.58352821

Is gian palladius

>> No.58352854

Nobody gives a fuck about your ecelebs, squigger. Stay broke

>> No.58353066
File: 521 KB, 1125x855, IMG_5354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> first green candle in days
8 of 9 days green. I think your looking at the wrong chart bro

>> No.58353123

>this is enough to convince the squidbaggies they're going to be rich.
This is too sad to even lmao @.

>> No.58353291

What a pathetic shit coin that's for playing baggies

>> No.58353360

Everyone knows the road to $100m is gonna be filled with lots of challenges. Haters gonna hate. Fudders gonna fud. Other coins’ holders gonna do what they need to do to protect their prices and bags. Meanwhile Squidward team continues to march forward.

>> No.58353388 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 506x374, F8H6Q75aoAA0UYv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58353405 [DELETED] 

Yeah, march downward to 0
>b-but muh candle

>> No.58354314 [DELETED] 

Squidbaggies gone awfully quiet lmao. What's wrong, all out of pump?

>> No.58354636 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 1280x875, 1000030597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting at 1.3m currently up from 800k earlier.
Feeling pretty comfy desu

>> No.58354741
File: 7 KB, 225x225, sq12dse2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy the 20k dump from the 3T old whale who keeps selling soon, inkies.

He transferred all his tokens there. think about it: do you think someone would be that benevolent? It's to reassure you lowly molluscs that he definitely won't dump it all after you provide enough exit liquidity.

>> No.58354811 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 1024x1024, 1000030536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess we'll see either way soon enough
>Screen capping this for the cope folder

>> No.58355781 [DELETED] 
File: 168 KB, 875x1280, IMG_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn’t matter, still handsome.

>> No.58356100
File: 1.21 MB, 1253x950, Screenshot 2024-04-10 201346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squidbros WTFWT

>fudders on suicide watch soon

>> No.58356104
File: 102 KB, 506x374, 24D51C77-D1AD-4E96-A554-2B21F7995F87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>17 posts by this ID

>> No.58356131

My squids stay handsome

>> No.58356457

Ahhhh squid bros I'm gunna INK!!!!

>> No.58356478
File: 279 KB, 535x562, 1530220705566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got sidelined by that stupid frog coin and I am tired of staying mad. Is it too late for this one too? What's the contract address?

>> No.58356621

here it is anon

>> No.58356654
File: 6 KB, 1084x37, Screenshot 2024-04-10 130056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This market is just not for me.

>> No.58356673

wish you good luck anon. Just don't ever again check Squid chart, otherwise your gonna rope

>> No.58356830

It's simple. We live in a clown world. Nothing makes sense. Do you realize how ridiculous 90% of our society is? How convoluted and confusing and made up it is? Nothing matters. Buy funny coin because number goes up and get handsome while doing it.
Simple as.

>> No.58357080

How much squid do you have anyways?
Check it

>> No.58357172

What the fuck I go to bed and wake up and this shit is up? I'm convinced crypto is throwing darts randomly this shit makes zero fucking sense. How.

>> No.58357207
File: 18 KB, 393x393, 6eaf15646b305dd5d7b2c804fcf2d277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoying being used as exit liquidity for old whales? the one who just sold still has 4T btw.

Keep in mind there are at least 20T ready to get dumped by active sellers.

See you at 500k market cap tomorrow, inkies!

>> No.58357293

People are about to get sidelined in a huge way. Something very big is coming.

>> No.58357328

I prefer the Übel posts. Bring those back they were funnier.

>> No.58357691
File: 225 KB, 1024x1024, jujujujuju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ermm...check again chud.

>> No.58357727

if ur not getting a sui bag of every dogshit coin u see here your ngmi.

>> No.58357798

Permission to make this the official laugh at Squid fudder poorfags thread?

>> No.58357800

One last stop til we fly. This might be your last chance at not having to think about money

>> No.58357806
File: 128 KB, 1138x1280, IMG_20240409_024509_538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you at the top, ill make sure ill ink on you from the above.

>> No.58357807

In a clown market the funniest outcome is always the most likely. And you gotta admit even you're a stinky fudder, SQUID minting millionaires is funny af.

>> No.58357815

You have carte blanche, make the fudders cope.

>> No.58357826
File: 59 KB, 1242x605, 20240401_125719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranny niggerfaggot jannys

>> No.58357866

Incredibly bullish thread for SQUID

>> No.58357896

I hope so bad. I didnt want to touch my main walletY but if this gets just one more dip ill buy for 5k more… just one dip

>> No.58357903
File: 29 KB, 1272x201, IMG_0199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold my APU bag for this shit.

>> No.58358127

ok I boughted a few hundred billion, lets see where it goes

>> No.58358183

Does this have potential or is just a PnD?

>> No.58358556
File: 184 KB, 420x438, 77777777777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's got wheels.
>t. early to dog bat and PEPE

>> No.58358788
File: 138 KB, 1600x840, ec7f2e30cff92317c824737a846e8fe058d289e7-1200x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inkies where did the volume go??
Better sell before the 4T takes a fat dump!

>> No.58360590

my good luck charm

>> No.58360630
File: 364 KB, 496x522, 1442515677500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit isn't even listed on CMC...I'm trying to cope with Squid from missing out Apu but how the fuck do you even have any semblance of trust on something when it isn't even listed on CMC for fuck sakes.

>> No.58360738

Looks like the beginning of APUs chart.
See you all at 200m

>> No.58360751

This thread aged poorly kek sidelinoors

>> No.58360770

If this retard is posting here it's bullish.

>> No.58361051

This so much. Same fag was fudding apu few days ago.

>> No.58361072

I think i have feelings for you.

>> No.58361077 [DELETED] 

Its Eid day here today. As being a student I don't have enough funds to celebrate this day. Not even good cloths or foods I have. Can someone donate me $1k? Will be really helpful, I could celebrate my days well.

If anyone may helps please send me an email to anon33001@gmail.com

>> No.58361213

What's contract address for this? I keep getting squid game on all the sites when I look for SQUID.

>> No.58361426
File: 143 KB, 875x1280, IMG_1053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check out the website. Links there.

>> No.58361506

Good lord look at that fucking chart. Incredibly handsome.

>> No.58361512
File: 364 KB, 1170x1236, IMG_1063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, reminder… Squidward received a $40k donation to the community wallet today. Insane support for a 2m MC coin. Unbelievably bullish

>> No.58361536

When is this getting added to Coingecko? I want to track it on there.

>> No.58361546

We are gonna fucking make it. I'm a 40mil M stacklet. I bought 50$ 1 week ago, wish I threw some more

>> No.58361560

Got a 1.4 trillion stack now.

>> No.58362061


CG application was sent four days ago. So should be today or tomorrow since CG says they process listing applications "within 3-5 business days"

>> No.58362073


>> No.58362186

Best part is those funds will grow with the MC. 40k today could be 400k tomorrow.

>> No.58362263

Those faggots need to make the contract address text that can be copy-pasted instead of an image.

>> No.58362267

Here's the CA

>> No.58363187

FUDsisters...it just keeps pumping

>> No.58363334

Designated laugh at fudsisters thread


>> No.58363952

why don't you guys make squidward generals?

>> No.58364289
File: 53 KB, 1135x581, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58364941
File: 128 KB, 1179x1292, IMG_1066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine fading handsome

>> No.58365158
File: 183 KB, 567x567, linnola_reijo_567x567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told my wife that I put our wedding savings into Squid.

It turned out that she has a cock.